234 resultados para chromosomal substitution


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Capture of an electron by tetracyanoethylene oxide can initiate a number of decomposition pathways. One of these decompositions yields [(NC)3C]− as the ionic product. Ab initio calculations (at the B3LYP/6-31+G∗ level of theory) indicate that the formation of [(NC)3C]− is initiated by capture of an electron into the LUMO of tetracyanoethylene oxide to yield the anion radical [(NC)2C–O–C(CN)2]−· that undergoes internal nucleophilic substitution to form intermediate [(NC)3C–OCCN]−·. This intermediate dissociates to form [(NC)3C]− (m/z 90) as the ionic product. The radical (NC)3C· has an electron affinity of 4.0 eV (385 kJ mol−1). Ab initio calculations show that [(NC)3C]− is trigonal planar with the negative charge mainly on the nitrogens. A pictorial representation of this structure is the resonance structure formed from three degenerate contributing structures (NC)2–CCN−. The other product of the reaction is nominally (NCCO)·, but there is no definitive experimental evidence to indicate whether this radical survives intact, or decomposes to NC· and CO. The overall process [(NC)2C–O–C(CN)2]−· → [(NC)3C]− + (NCCO)· is calculated to be endothermic by 21 kJ mol−1 with an overall barrier of 268 kJ mol−1.


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In recent years, interest in tissue engineering and its solutions has increased considerably. In particular, scaffolds have become fundamental tools in bone graft substitution and are used in combination with a variety of bio-agents. However, a long-standing problem in the use of these conventional scaffolds lies in the impossibility of re-loading the scaffold with the bio-agents after implantation. This work introduces the magnetic scaffold as a conceptually new solution. The magnetic scaffold is able, via magnetic driving, to attract and take up in vivo growth factors, stem cells or other bio-agents bound to magnetic particles. The authors succeeded in developing a simple and inexpensive technique able to transform standard commercial scaffolds made of hydroxyapatite and collagen in magnetic scaffolds. This innovative process involves dip-coating of the scaffolds in aqueous ferrofluids containing iron oxide nanoparticles coated with various biopolymers. After dip-coating, the nanoparticles are integrated into the structure of the scaffolds, providing the latter with magnetization values as high as 15 emu g�1 at 10 kOe. These values are suitable for generating magnetic gradients, enabling magnetic guiding in the vicinity and inside the scaffold. The magnetic scaffolds do not suffer from any structural damage during the process, maintaining their specific porosity and shape. Moreover, they do not release magnetic particles under a constant flow of simulated body fluids over a period of 8 days. Finally, preliminary studies indicate the ability of the magnetic scaffolds to support adhesion and proliferation of human bone marrow stem cells in vitro. Hence, this new type of scaffold is a valuable candidate for tissue engineering applications, featuring a novel magnetic guiding option.


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Anthocyanin accumulation is coordinated in plants by a number of conserved transcription factors. In apple (Malus × domestica), an R2R3 MYB transcription factor has been shown to control fruit flesh and foliage anthocyanin pigmentation (MYB10) and fruit skin color (MYB1). However, the pattern of expression and allelic variation at these loci does not explain all anthocyanin-related apple phenotypes. One such example is an open-pollinated seedling of cv Sangrado that has green foliage and develops red flesh in the fruit cortex late in maturity. We used methods that combine plant breeding, molecular biology, and genomics to identify duplicated MYB transcription factors that could control this phenotype. We then demonstrated that the red-flesh cortex phenotype is associated with enhanced expression of MYB110a, a paralog of MYB10. Functional characterization of MYB110a showed that it was able to up-regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). The chromosomal location of MYB110a is consistent with a whole-genome duplication event that occurred during the evolution of apple within the Maloideae family. Both MYB10 and MYB110a have conserved function in some cultivars, but they differ in their expression pattern and response to fruit maturity.


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Expression vectors were constructed for Trichoderma reesei using the promoters, secretion signals and the modular structure of the efficiently expressed and secreted cellulase enzymes EGL2 (Cel5A) and CBH2 (Cel6A) as a prelude to establishing a platform where a gene of interest can be expressed under several promoters simultaneously. The designs featured (i) EGL2sigpro (egl2 promoter and secretion signal), (ii) EGL2cbmlin (egl2 promoter, secretion signal, EGL2 cellulose binding module and linker), (iii) CBH2sigpro (cbh2 promoter and secretion signal) and (iv) CBH2cbmlin (cbh2 promoter, secretion signal, CBH2 cellulose binding module and linker). Recombinant vectors were introduced individually into the high protein-secreting T. reesei RUT-C30 strain to generate single-promoter transformants expressing the Dictyoglomus thermophilum xynB gene that encodes a thermophilic xylanase enzyme (XynB). Ten transformants producing XynB representing each of the four different types of vectors were selected for further testing and the highest XynB production was achieved from a transformant containing 1–2 copies of the EGL2cbmlin vector. Best xylanase producers did not show any particular pattern in terms of the number of gene copies and their mode of integration into the chromosomal DNA. Transformants generated with the cbmlin-type vectors produced multiple forms of XynB which were decorated with various N- and O-glycans. One of the O-glycans was identified as hexuronic acid, whose presence had not been observed previously in the glycosylation patterns of T. reesei.


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The removal of fluoride using red mud has been improved by acidifying red mud with hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acid. This investigation shows that the removal of fluoride using red mud is significantly improved if red mud is initially acidified. The acidification of red mud causes sodalite and cancrinite phases to dissociate, confirmed by the release of sodium and aluminium into solution as well as the disappearance of sodalite bands and peaks in infrared and X-ray diffraction data. The dissolution of these mineral phases increases the amount of available iron and aluminium oxide/hydroxide sites that are accessible for the adsorption of fluoride. The removal of fluoride is dependent on the charge of iron and aluminium oxide/hydroxides on the surface of red mud. Acidifying red mud with hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acid resulted in surface sites of the form ≡ SOH2+ and ≡ SOH. Optimum removal is obtained when the majority of surface sites are in the form ≡ SOH2+ as the substitution of a fluoride ion doesn’t cause a significant increase in pH. This investigation shows the importance of having a low and consistent pH for the removal of fluoride from aqueous solutions using red mud.


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Dehydration of neutral and protonated glycerol was investigated using quantum mechanical calculations (CBS-QB3). Calculations on neutral glycerol show that there is a high barrier for simple 1,2-dehydration, E-a = 70.9 kcal mol(-1), which is lowered to 65.2 kcal mol(-1) for pericyclic 1,3-dehydration. In contrast, the barriers for dehydration of protonated glycerol are much lower. Dehydration mechanisms involving hydride transfer, pinacol rearrangement, or substitution reactions have barriers between 20 and 25 kcal mol(-1). Loss of water from glycerol via substitution results in either oxirane or oxetane intermediates, which can interconvert over a low barrier. Subsequent decomposition of these intermediates proceeds via either a second dehydration step or loss of formaldehyde. The computed mechanisms for decomposition of protonated glycerol are supported by the gas-phase fragmentation of protonated glycerol observed using a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer.


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Ozone-induced dissociation (OzID) exploits the gas-phase reaction between mass-selected lipid ions and ozone vapor to determine the position(s) of unsaturation In this contribution, we describe the modification of a tandem linear ion-trap mass spectrometer specifically for OzID analyses wherein ozone vapor is supplied to the collision cell This instrumental configuration provides spatial separation between mass-selection, the ozonolysis reaction, and mass-analysis steps in the OzID process and thus delivers significant enhancements in speed and sensitivity (ca 30-fold) These improvements allow spectra revealing the double-bond position(s) within unsaturated lipids to be acquired within 1 s significantly enhancing the utility of OzID in high-throughput lipidomic protocols The stable ozone concentration afforded by this modified instrument also allows direct comparison of relative reactivity of isomeric lipids and reveals reactivity trends related to (1) double-bond position, (2) substitution position on the glycerol backbone, and (3) stereochemistry For cis- and trans-isomers, differences were also observed in the branching ratio of product ions arising from the gas-phase ozonolysis reaction, suggesting that relative ion abundances could be exploited as markers for double-bond geometry Additional activation energy applied to mass-selected lipid ions during injection into the collision cell (with ozone present) was found to yield spectra containing both OzID and classical-CID fragment ions This combination CID-OzID acquisition on an ostensibly simple monounsaturated phosphatidylcholine within a cow brain lipid extract provided evidence for up to four structurally distinct phospholipids differing in both double-bond position and sn-substitution U Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2010, 21, 1989-1999) (C) 2010 American Society for Mass Spectrometry


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Restriction fragment length polymorphisms have been used to determine the chromosomal location of the genes encoding the glycine decarboxylase complex (GDC) and serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) of pea leaf mitochondria. The genes encoding the H subunit of GDC and the genes encoding SHMT both show linkage to the classical group I marker i. In addition, the genes for the P protein of GDC show linkage to the classic group I marker a. The genes for the L and T proteins of GDC are linked to one another and are probably situated on the satellite of chromosome 7. The mRNAs encoding the five polypeptides that make up GDC and SHMT are strongly induced when dark-grown etiolated pea seedlings are placed in the light. Similarly, when mature plants are placed in the dark for 48 h, the levels of both GDC protein and SHMT mRNAs decline dramatically and then are induced strongly when these plants are returned to the light. During both treatments a similar pattern of mRNA induction is observed, with the mRNA encoding the P protein of GDC being the most rapidly induced and the mRNA for the H protein the slowest. Whereas during the greening of etiolated seedlings the polypeptides of GDC and SHMT show patterns of accumulation similar to those of the corresponding mRNAs, very little change in the level of the polypeptides is seen when mature plants are placed in the dark and then re-exposed to the light.


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Replacement of endogenous genes by homologous recombination is rare in plants; the majority of genetic modifications are the result of transforming DNA molecules undergoing random genomic insertion by way of non-homologous recombination. Factors that affect chromatin remodeling and DNA repair are thought to have the potential to enhance the frequency of homologous recombination in plants. Conventional tools to study the frequencies of genetic recombination often rely on stable transformation-based approaches, with these systems being rarely capable of high-throughput or combinatorial analysis. We developed a series of vectors that use chemiluminescent (LUC and REN) reporter genes to assay the relative frequency of homologous and non-homologous recombination in plants. These transient assay vectors were used to screen 14 candidategenes for their effects on recombination frequencies in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Over-expression of Arabidopsis genes with sequence similarity to SNM1 from yeast and XRCC3 from humans enhanced the frequency of non-homologous recombination when assayed using two different donor vectors. Transient N. benthamiana leaf systems were also used in an alternative assay for preliminary measurements of homologous recombination frequencies, which were found to be enhanced by over-expression of RAD52, MIM and RAD51 from yeast, as well as CHR24 from Arabidopsis. The findings for the assays described here are in line with previous studies that analyzed recombination frequencies using stable transformation. The assays we report have revealed functions in non-homologous recombination for the Arabidopsis SNM1 and XRCC3 genes, so the suppression of these genes' expression offers a potential means to enhance the gene targeting frequency in plants. Furthermore, our findings also indicate that plant gene targeting frequencies could be enhanced by over-expression of RAD52, MIM, CHR24, and RAD51 genes.


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The ion PhCO2--CHPh, upon collision activation, undergoes competitive losses of CO and CO2 of which the former process produces the base peak of the spectrum. Product ion and substituent effect (Hammett) studies indicate that PhCO2--CHPh cyclises to a deprotonated hydroxydiphenyloxirane which ring opens to PhCOCH(O-)Ph. This anion then undergoes an anionic 1,2-Wittig type rearrangement {through [PhCO- (PhCHO)]} to form Ph2CHO- and CO. The mechanism of the 1,2-rearrangement has been probed by an ab initio study [at MP4(SDTQ)/6-31++G(d,p) level] of the model system HCOCH2O- →; MeO- + CO The analogous system RCO2--CHPh (R = alkyl) similarly loses CO, and the migratory aptitudes of the alkyl R groups in this reaction are Bu′ > Me > Et ∼Pri). This trend correlates with the order of anion basicities (i.e. the order of ΔG○acid values of RH), supporting the operation of an anion migration process. The loss of CO2 from PhCO2--CHPh yields Ph2CH- as the anionic product: several mechanistic scenarios are possible, one of which involves an initial ipso nucleophilic substitution.


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The E-CO(2) elimination reactions of alkyl hydroperoxides proceed via abstraction of an (x-hydrogen by a base: X- + (RRHCOOH)-R-1-H-2 -> HX + (RRC)-R-1-C-2=O + HO-. Efficiencies and product distributions for the reactions of the hydroxide anion with methyl, ethyl, and tert-butyl hydroperoxides are studied in the gas phase. On the basis of experiments using three isotopic analogues, HO- + CH3OOH, HO- + CD3OOH, and H18O- + CH3OOH. the overall intrinsic reaction efficiency is determined to be 80% or greater. The E(CO)2 decomposition is facile for these methylperoxide reactions, and predominates over competing proton transfer at the hydroperoxide moiety. The CH3CH2OOH reaction displays a similar E(CO)2 reactivity, whereas proton transfer and the formation of HOO- are the exclusive pathways observed for (CH3)(3)COOH, which has no (x-hydrogen. All results are consistent with the E-CO(2) mechanism, transition state structure, and reaction energy diagrams calculated using the hybrid density functional B3LYP approach. Isotope labeling for HO- + CH3OOH also reveals some interaction between H2O and HO- within the E(CO)2 product complex [H2O center dot center dot center dot CH2=O center dot center dot center dot HO-]. There is little evidence, however. for the formation of the most exothermic products H2O + CH2(OH)O-, which would arise from nuclephilic condensation of CH2=O and HO-. The results suggest that the product dynamics are not totally statistical but are rather direct after the E-CO(2) transition state. The larger HO- + CH3CH2OOH system displays more statistical behavior during complex dissociation.


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The gas phase reactions of the bridgehead 3-carboxylato-1-adamantyl radical anion were observed with a series of neutral reagents using a modified electrospray ionisation linear ion trap mass spectrometer. This distonic radical anion was observed to undergo processes suggestive of radical reactivity including radical-radical combination reactions, substitution reactions and addition to carbon-carbon double bonds. The rate constants for reactions of the 3-carboxylato-1-adamantyl radical anion with the following reagents were measured ( in units 10(-12) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1)): O-18(2) ( 85 +/- 4), NO ( 38.4 +/- 0.4), I-2 ( 50 +/- 50), Br-2 ( 8 +/- 2), CH3SSCH3 ( 12 +/- 2), styrene ( 1.20 +/- 0.03), CHCl3 ( H abstraction 0.41 +/- 0.06, Cl abstraction 0.65 +/- 0.1), CDCl3 ( D abstraction 0.035 +/- 0.01, Cl abstraction 0.723 +/- 0.005), allyl bromide (Br abstraction 0.53 +/- 0.04, allylation 0.25 +/- 0.01). Collision rates were calculated and reaction efficiencies are also reported. This study represents the first quantitative measurement of the gas phase reactivity of a bridgehead radical and suggests that distonic radical anions are good models for the study of their elusive uncharged analogues.


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The gas phase degradation reactions of the chemical warfare agent (CWA) simulant, dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), with the hydroperoxide anion (HOO(-)) were investigated using a modified quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. The HOO(-) anion reacts readily with neutral DMMP forming two significant product ions at m/z 109 and m/z 123. The major reaction pathways correspond to (i) the nucleophilic substitution at carbon to form \[CH(3)P(O)(OCH(3))O](-) (m/z 109) in a highly exothermic process and (ii) exothermic proton transfer. The branching ratios of the two reaction pathways, 89% and 11% respectively, indicate that the former reaction is significantly faster than the latter. This is in contrast to the trend for the methoxide anion with DMMP, where proton transfer dominates. The difference in the observed reactivities of the HOO(-) and CH(3)O(-) anions can be considered as evidence for an a-effect in the gas phase and is supported by electronic structure calculations at the B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ//B3LYP/6-31+G(d) level of theory that indicate the S(N)2(carbon) process has an activation energy 7.8 kJ mol(-1) lower for HOO(-) as compared to CH(3)O(-). A similar alpha-effect was calculated for nucleophilic addition-elimination at phosphorus, but this process an important step in the perhydrolysis degradation of CWAs in solution - was not observed to occur with DMMP in the gas phase. A theoretical investigation revealed that all processes are energetically accessible with negative activation energies. However, comparison of the relative Arrhenius pre-exponential factors indicate that substitution at phosphorus is not kinetically competitive with respect to the S(N)2(carbon) and deprotonation processes.


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Recently, the tissue origin of MDA-MB-435 cell line has been the subject of considerable debate. In this study, we set out to determine whether MDA-MB-435-DTP cells shown to express melanoma-specific genes were identical to various other MDA-MB-435 cell stocks worldwide. CGH-microarray, genetic polymorphism genotyping, microsatellite fingerprint analysis and/or chromosomal number confirmed that the MDA-MB-435 cells maintained at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center (MDA-MB-435-LCC) are almost identical to the MDA-MB-435-DTP cells, and showed a very similar profile to those obtained from the same original source (MD Anderson Cancer Center) but maintained independently (MDA-MB-435-PMCC). Gene expression profile analy-sis confirmed common expression of genes among different MDA-MB-435-LCC cell stocks, and identified some unique gene products in MDA-MB-435-PMCC cells. RT-PCR analysis confirmed the expression of the melanoma marker tyrosinase across multiple MDA-MB-435 cell stocks. Collectively, our results show that the MDA-MB-435 cells used widely have identical origins to those that exhibit a melanoma-like gene expression signature, but exhibit a small degree of genotypic and phenotypic drift.


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Current stocks of the LCC15-MB cell line, which we originally isolated from a human breast-bone metastasis, were found to be genetically matched to the MDA-MB-435 cell line from the Lombardi Cancer Center (MDA-MB-435-LCC) using comparative genomic hybridisation, DNA microsatellite analysis and chromosomal number. LCC15-MB stocks used for our previously published studies as well as the earliest available LCC15-MB cells also showed identity to MDA-MB-435-LCC cells. The original karyotype reported for LCC15-MB cells was considerably different to that of MDA-MB-435 cells, indicating that the original LCC15-MB cells were lost to contamination by MDA-MB-435-LCC cells. Chromosome number is the simplest test to distinguish original LCC 15-MB cells (n ∼ 75) from MDA-MB-435 (n ∼ 52). Collectively, our results prove that LCC15-MB cells currently available are MDA-MB-435 cells and we suggest their re-designation as MDA-MB-435-LCC15 cells. We also review the known misclassification of breast and prostate cancer cell lines to date and have initiated a register maintained at http://www.svi.edu.au/cell_lines_registry.doc.