338 resultados para active infrared


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This paper proposes a self-tuning feedforward active noise control (ANC) system with online secondary path modeling. The step-size parameters of the controller and modeling filters have crucial rule on the system performance. In literature, these parameters are adjusted by trial-and-error. In other words, they are manually initialized before system starting, which require performing extensive experiments to ensure the convergence of the system. Hence there is no guarantee that the system could perform well under different situations. In the proposed method, the appropriate values for the step-sizes are obtained automatically. Computer simulation results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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In practical cases for active noise control (ANC), the secondary path has usually a time varying behavior. For these cases, an online secondary path modeling method that uses a white noise as a training signal is required to ensure convergence of the system. The modeling accuracy and the convergence rate are increased when a white noise with a larger variance is used. However, the larger variance increases the residual noise, which decreases performance of the system and additionally causes instability problem to feedback structures. A sudden change in the secondary path leads to divergence of the online secondary path modeling filter. To overcome these problems, this paper proposes a new approach for online secondary path modeling in feedback ANC systems. The proposed algorithm uses the advantages of white noise with larger variance to model the secondary path, but the injection is stopped at the optimum point to increase performance of the algorithm and to prevent the instability effect of the white noise. In this approach, instead of continuous injection of the white noise, a sudden change in secondary path during the operation makes the algorithm to reactivate injection of the white noise to correct the secondary path estimation. In addition, the proposed method models the secondary path without the need of using off-line estimation of the secondary path. Considering the above features increases the convergence rate and modeling accuracy, which results in a high system performance. Computer simulation results shown in this paper indicate effectiveness of the proposed method.


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An analytical method for the detection of carbonaceous gases by a non-dispersive infrared sensor (NDIR) has been developed. The calibration plots of six carbonaceous gases including CO2, CH4, CO, C2H2, C2H4 and C2H6 were obtained and the reproducibility determined to verify the feasibility of this gas monitoring method. The results prove that squared correlation coefficients for the six gas measurements are greater than 0.999. The reproducibility is excellent, thus indicating that this analytical method is useful to determinate the concentrations of carbonaceous gases.


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The mineral tooeleite Fe6(AsO3)4SO4(OH)4�4H2O is secondary ferric arsenite sulphate mineral which has environmental significance for arsenic remediation because of its high stability in the regolith. The mineral has been studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy. The XRD result indicates tooeleite can form more crystalline solids in an acid environment than in an alkaline environment. Infrared spectroscopy identifies moderately intense band at 773 cm�1 assigned to AsO3� 3 symmetric stretching vibration. Raman spectroscopy identifies three bands at 803, 758 and 661 cm�1 assigned to the symmetric and antisymmetric stretching vibrations of AsO3� 3 and As-OH stretching vibration respectively. In addition, the infrared bands observed at 1116, 1040, 1090, 981 and 616 cm�1, are assigned to the m3, m1 and m4 modes of SO2� 4 . The same bands are observed at 1287, 1085, 983 and 604 cm�1 in the Raman spectrum. As3d band at binding energy of 44.05 eV in XPS confirms arsenic valence of tooeleite is +3. These characteristic bands in the IR and Raman spectra provide useful basis for identifying the mineral tooeleite.


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We have analyzed a frondelite mineral sample from the Cigana mine, located in the municipality of Conselheiro Pena, a well-known pegmatite in Brazil. In the Cigana pegmatite, secondary phosphates, namely eosphorite, fairfieldite, fluorapatite, frondelite, gormanite, hureaulite, lithiophilite, reddingite and vivianite are common minerals in miarolitic cavities and in massive blocks after triphylite. The chemical formula was determined as (Mn0.68, Fe0.32)(Fe3+)3,72(PO4)3.17(OH)4.99. The structure of the mineral was assessed using vibrational spectroscopy. Bands attributed to the stretching and bending modes of PO4 3- and HOPO3 3- units were identified. The observation of multiple bands supports the concept of symmetry reduction of the phosphate anion in the frondelite structure. Sharp Raman and infrared bands at 3581 cm−1 is assigned to the OH stretching vibration. Broad Raman bands at 3063, 3529 and 3365 cm−1 are attributed to water stretching vibrational modes.


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The mineral weloganite Na2Sr3Zr(CO3)6·3H2O has been studied by using vibrational spectroscopy and a comparison is made with the spectra of weloganite with other carbonate minerals. Weloganite is member of the mckelveyite group that includes donnayite-(Y) and mckelveyite-(Y). The Raman spectrum of weloganite is characterized by an intense band at 1082 cm−1 with shoulder bands at 1061 and 1073 cm−1, attributed to the View the MathML source symmetric stretching vibration. The observation of three symmetric stretching vibrations is very unusual. The position of View the MathML source symmetric stretching vibration varies with mineral composition. The Raman bands at 1350, 1371, 1385, 1417, 1526, 1546, and 1563 cm−1 are assigned to the ν3 (CO3)2− antisymmetric stretching mode. The observation of additional Raman bands for the ν3 modes for weloganite is significant in that it shows distortion of the carbonate anion in the mineral structure. The Raman band observed at 870 cm−1 is assigned to the (CO3)2− ν2 bending mode. Raman bands observed for weloganite at 679, 682, 696, 728, 736, 749, and 762 cm−1 are assigned to the (CO3)2− ν4 bending modes. A comparison of the vibrational spectra is made with that of the rare earth carbonates decrespignyite, bastnasite, hydroxybastnasite, parisite, and northupite.


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The mineral creedite is a fluorinated hydroxy hydrated sulphate of aluminium and calcium of formula Ca3Al2SO4(F,OH)·2H2O. The mineral has been studied by a combination of electron probe analysis to determine the molecular formula of the mineral and the structure assessed by vibrational spectroscopy. The spectroscopy of creedite may be compared with that of the alums. The Raman spectrum of creedite is characterised by an intense sharp band at 986 cm−1 assigned to the View the MathML source ν1 (Ag) symmetric stretching mode. Multiple bands of creedite in the antisymmetric stretching region support the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the sulphate anion. Multiple bands are also observed in the bending region with the three bands at 601, 629 and 663 cm−1 assigned to the View the MathML source ν4 (Ag) bending modes. The observation of multiple bands at 440, 457 and 483 cm−1 attributed to the View the MathML source ν2 (Bg) bending modes supports the concept that the symmetry of the sulphate is reduced by coordination to the water bonded to the Al3+ in the creedite structure. The splitting of the ν2, ν3 and ν4 modes is attributed to the reduction of symmetry of the SO4 and it is proposed that the sulphate coordinates to water in the hydrated aluminium in bidentate chelation.


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The phosphate mineral leucophosphite K(Fe2)3þ(PO4)2(OH) · 2H2O has been characterized by SEM-EDS, Raman, and infrared spectro- scopic measurements. The mineral is predominantly a K and Fe phosphate with some minor substitution of Al in the Fe3þ site. Raman bands at 994 and 1058 cm-1 are assigned to the symmetric stretching modes of PO3- and HPO2- units. The Raman bands at 1104, 1135, and 1177 cm-1 are assigned to the PO3- and HPO2- antisymmetric stretching modes. Raman and infrared spectra in the 2600–3800 cm-1 region show a complex set of overlapping bands, which may be resolved into the component bands. The Raman bands observed at 3325, 3355, and 3456 cm-1 are attributed to water stretching vibrations, and in the infrared spectrum, bands at 3237, 3317, and 3453 cm-1 are assigned to water stretching bands.


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The conventional mechanical properties of articular cartilage, such as compressive stiffness, have been demonstrated to be limited in their capacity to distinguish intact (visually normal) from degraded cartilage samples. In this paper, we explore the correlation between a new mechanical parameter, namely the reswelling of articular cartilage following unloading from a given compressive load, and the near infrared (NIR) spectrum. The capacity to distinguish mechanically intact from proteoglycan-depleted tissue relative to the "reswelling" characteristic was first established, and the result was subsequently correlated with the NIR spectral data of the respective tissue samples. To achieve this, normal intact and enzymatically degraded samples were subjected to both NIR probing and mechanical compression based on a load-unload-reswelling protocol. The parameter δ(r), characteristic of the osmotic "reswelling" of the matrix after unloading to a constant small load in the order of the osmotic pressure of cartilage, was obtained for the different sample types. Multivariate statistics was employed to determine the degree of correlation between δ(r) and the NIR absorption spectrum of relevant specimens using Partial Least Squared (PLS) regression. The results show a strong relationship (R(2)=95.89%, p<0.0001) between the spectral data and δ(r). This correlation of δ(r) with NIR spectral data suggests the potential for determining the reswelling characteristics non-destructively. It was also observed that δ(r) values bear a significant relationship with the cartilage matrix integrity, indicated by its proteoglycan content, and can therefore differentiate between normal and artificially degraded proteoglycan-depleted cartilage samples. It is therefore argued that the reswelling of cartilage, which is both biochemical (osmotic) and mechanical (hydrostatic pressure) in origin, could be a strong candidate for characterizing the tissue, especially in regions surrounding focal cartilage defects in joints.


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Abstract An assessment of the molecular structure of carletonite a rare phyllosilicate mineral with general chemical formula given as KNa4Ca4Si8O18(CO3)4(OH,F)·H2O has been undertaken using vibrational spectroscopy. Carletonite has a complex layered structure. Within one period of c, it contains a silicate layer of composition NaKSi8O18·H2O, a carbonate layer of composition NaCO3·0.5H2O and two carbonate layers of composition NaCa2CO3(F,OH)0.5. Raman bands are observed at 1066, 1075 and 1086 cm−1. Whether these bands are due to the CO32- ν1 symmetric stretching mode or to an SiO stretching vibration is open to question. Multiple bands are observed in the 300–800 cm−1 spectral region, making the attribution of these bands difficult. Multiple water stretching and bending modes are observed showing that there is much variation in hydrogen bonding between water and the silicate and carbonate surfaces.


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Several approaches have been introduced in literature for active noise control (ANC) systems. Since FxLMS algorithm appears to be the best choice as a controller filter, researchers tend to improve performance of ANC systems by enhancing and modifying this algorithm. This paper proposes a new version of FxLMS algorithm. In many ANC applications an online secondary path modelling method using a white noise as a training signal is required to ensure convergence of the system. This paper also proposes a new approach for online secondary path modelling in feedfoward ANC systems. The proposed algorithm stops injection of the white noise at the optimum point and reactivate the injection during the operation, if needed, to maintain performance of the system. Benefiting new version of FxLMS algorithm and not continually injection of white noise makes the system more desirable and improves the noise attenuation performance. Comparative simulation results indicate effectiveness of the proposed approach.


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An online secondary path modelling method using a white noise as a training signal is required in many applications of active noise control (ANC) to ensure convergence of the system. Not continually injection of white noise during system operation makes the system more desirable. The purposes of the proposed method are two folds: controlling white noise by preventing continually injection, and benefiting white noise with a larger variance. The modelling accuracy and the convergence rate increase when a white noise with larger variance is used, however larger the variance increases the residual noise, which decreases performance of the system. This paper proposes a new approach for online secondary path modelling in feedfoward ANC systems. The proposed algorithm uses the advantages of the white noise with larger variance to model the secondary path, but the injection is stopped at the optimum point to increase performance of the system. Comparative simulation results shown in this paper indicate effectiveness of the proposed approach in controlling active noise.


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In many applications of active noise control (ANC), an online secondary path modelling method using a white noise as a training signal is required to ensure convergence of the system. The modelling accuracy and the convergence rate increase when a white noise with larger variance is used, however larger the variance increases the residual noise, which decreases performance of the system. The proposed algorithm uses the advantages of the white noise with larger variance to model the secondary path, but the injection is stopped at the optimum point to increase performance of the system. In this approach, instead of continuous injection of the white noise, a sudden change in secondary path during the operation makes the algorithm to reactivate injection of the white noise to adjust the secondary path estimation. Comparative simulation results shown in this paper indicate effectiveness of the proposed method.


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Growing community concerns about the ecological, social, cultural and economic impact of housing and urban projects poses new challenges for those who have to deliver them. It is important that these concerns are addressed as part of the community engagement processes on projects. Community engagement is traditionally perceived as the purview of planners and disconnected from the building construction process. This is despite most project approval processes mandating on-going community engagement over the project’s entire lifetime. There is evidence that point to a culture of ambiguity and ambivalence among building professionals about their roles, responsibilities and expectations of community engagement during the construction phase of projects. This has contributed to a culture of distrust between communities and the construction industry. There is a clear need to build capacity among building professionals to empower them as active participants in community engagement processes which can promote better project outcomes and minimise delays and conflicts. This paper describes a process that utilises the Theory of Planned Behaviour as a framework to equip building professionals with the skills they need to engage effectively with local communities during the construction phase of projects.


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Exposure to cold air, whole body cryotherapy (WBC), is a novel treatment employed by athletes. In WBC individuals dressed in minimal clothing are exposed to a temperature below -100°C for 2-4 min. The use of WBC has been advocated as a treatment for various knee injuries. PURPOSE: To compare the effects of two modalities of cryotherapy, -110°C WBC and 8°C cold water immersion (CWI) on knee skin temperature (Tsk). METHODS: With ethical approval and written informed consent 10 healthy active male participants (26.5±4.9 yr, 183.5±6.0 cm, 90.7±19.9 kg, 26.8±5.0 kg/m2, 23.0±9.3% body fat (measured by DXA), 7.6 ± 2.0 mm patellar skin fold; mean±SD) were exposed to 4 min of CWI and WBC. The treatment order was randomised in a controlled crossover design, with a minimum of 7 days between treatments. During WBC participants stood in a chamber (-60±3°C) for 20 s before entering the main chamber (-110°C±3°C) where they remained for 3 min and 40 s. For CWI participants were seated in a tank filled with cold water (8±0.3°C) and immersed to the level of the sternum for 4 min. Right knee Tsk was assessed via non-contact, infrared thermal imaging. A quadrilateral region of interest was created using inert markers placed 5 cm above and below the most superior and inferior aspect of the patella. Tsk within this quadrilateral was recorded pre, immediately post and every 10 min thereafter for 60 min. Tsk changes were examined using a two-way (treatment x time) repeated measures analyses of variance. In addition, a paired sample t-test was used to compare baseline Tsk before both treatments. RESULTS: Knee Tsk was similar before treatment (WBC: 29.9±0.7°C, CWI: 29.6±0.9°C, p>0.05). There was a significant main effect for treatment (p<0.05) and time (p<0.001). Compared to baseline, Tsk was significantly reduced (p<0.05) immediately post and at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 min after both cooling modalities. Knee Tsk was lower (p<0.05) immediately after WBC (19.0±0.9°C) compared to CWI (20.5±0.6°C). However, from 10 to 60 min post, knee Tsk was lower (p<0.05) following the CWI treatment. CONCLUSION: WBC elicited a greater decrease in knee Tsk compared to CWI immediately after treatment. However, both modalities display different recovery patterns and Tsk after CWI was significantly lower than WBC at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 min after treatment.