220 resultados para Wear abrasive


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This work is motivated by the need to efficiently machine the edges of ophthalmic polymer lenses for mounting in spectacle or instrument frames. The polymer materials used are required to have suitable optical characteristics such high refractive index and Abbe number, combined with low density and high scratch and impact resistance. Edge surface finish is an important aesthetic consideration; its quality is governed by the material removal operation and the physical properties of the material being processed. The wear behaviour of polymer materials is not as straightforward as for other materials due to their molecular and structural complexity, not to mention their time-dependent properties. Four commercial ophthalmic polymers have been studied in this work using nanoindentation techniques which are evaluated as tools for probing surface mechanical properties in order to better understand the grinding response of polymer materials.


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After first observing a person, the task of person re-identification involves recognising an individual at different locations across a network of cameras at a later time. Traditionally, this task has been performed by first extracting appearance features of an individual and then matching these features to the previous observation. However, identifying an individual based solely on appearance can be ambiguous, particularly when people wear similar clothing (i.e. people dressed in uniforms in sporting and school settings). This task is made more difficult when the resolution of the input image is small as is typically the case in multi-camera networks. To circumvent these issues, we need to use other contextual cues. In this paper, we use "group" information as our contextual feature to aid in the re-identification of a person, which is heavily motivated by the fact that people generally move together as a collective group. To encode group context, we learn a linear mapping function to assign each person to a "role" or position within the group structure. We then combine the appearance and group context cues using a weighted summation. We demonstrate how this improves performance of person re-identification in a sports environment over appearance based-features.


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This thesis is aimed at further understanding the uppermost lipid-filled membranous layer (i.e. surface amorphous layer (SAL)) of articular cartilage and to develop a scientific framework for re-introducing lipids onto the surface of lipid-depleted articular cartilage (i.e. "resurfacing"). The outcome will potentially contribute to knowledge that will facilitate the repair of the articular surface of cartilage where degradation is limited to the loss of the lipids of the SAL only. The surface amorphous layer is of utmost importance to the effective load-spreading, lubrication, and semipermeability (which controls its fluid management, nutrient transport and waste removal) of articular cartilage in the mammalian joints. However, because this uppermost layer of cartilage is often in contact during physiological function, it is prone to wear and tear, and thus, is the site for damage initiation that can lead to the early stages of joint condition like osteoarthritis, and related conditions that cause pain and discomfort leading to low quality of life in patients. It is therefore imperative to conduct a study which offers insight into remedying this problem. It is hypothesized that restoration (resurfacing) of the surface amorphous layer can be achieved by re-introducing synthetic surface-active phospholipids (SAPL) into the joint space. This hypothesis was tested in this thesis by exposing cartilage samples whose surface lipids had been depleted to individual and mixtures of synthetic saturated and unsaturated phospholipids. The surfaces of normal, delipidized, and relipidized samples of cartilage were characterized for their structural integrity and functionality using atomic force microscope (AFM), confocal microscope (COFM), Raman spectroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with image processing in the MATLAB® environment and mechanical loading experiments. The results from AFM imaging, confocal microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy revealed a successful deposition of new surface layer on delipidized cartilage when incubated in synthetic phospholipids. The relipidization resulted in a significant improvement in the surface nanostructure of the artificially degraded cartilage, with the complete SAPL mixture providing better outcomes in comparison to those created with the single SAPL components (palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine, POPC and dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine, DPPC). MRI analysis revealed that the surface created with the complete mixture of synthetic lipids was capable of providing semipermeability to the surface layer of the treated cartilage samples relative to the normal intact surface. Furthermore, deformation energy analysis revealed that the treated samples were capable of delivering the elastic properties required for load bearing and recovery of the tissue relative to the normal intact samples, with this capability closer between the normal and the samples incubated in the complete lipid mixture. In conclusion, this thesis has established that it is possible to deposit/create a potentially viable layer on the surface of cartilage following degradation/lipid loss through incubation in synthetic lipid solutions. However, further studies will be required to advance the ideas developed in this thesis, for the development of synthetic lipid-based injections/drugs for treatment of osteoarthritis and other related joint conditions.


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Railway Bridges deteriorate over time due to different critical factors including, flood, wind, earthquake, collision, and environment factors, such as corrosion, wear, termite attack, etc. In current practice, the contributions of the critical factors, towards the deterioration of railway bridges, which show their criticalities, are not appropriately taken into account. In this paper, a new method for quantifying the criticality of these factors will be introduced. The available knowledge as well as risk analyses conducted in different Australian standards and developed for bridge-design will be adopted. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is utilized for prioritising the factors. The method is used for synthetic rating of railway bridges developed by the authors of this paper. Enhancing the reliability of predicting the vulnerability of railway bridges to the critical factors, will be the significant achievement of this research.


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Purpose: In animal models hemi-field deprivation results in localised, graded vitreous chamber elongation and presumably deprivation induced localised changes in retinal processing. The aim of this research was to determine if there are variations in ERG responses across the retina in normal chick eyes and to examine the effect of hemi-field and full-field deprivation on ERG responses across the retina and at earlier times than have previously been examined electrophysiologically. Methods: Chicks were either untreated, wore monocular full-diffusers or half-diffusers (depriving nasal retina) (n = 6-8 each group) from day 8. mfERG responses were measured using the VERIS mfERG system across the central 18.2º× 16.7º (H × V) field. The stimulus consisted of 61 unscaled hexagons with each hexagon modulated between black and white according to a pseudorandom binary m-sequence. The mfERG was measured on day 12 in untreated chicks, following 4 days of hemi-field diffuser wear, and 2, 48 and 96 h after application of full-field diffusers. Results: The ERG response of untreated chick eyes did not vary across the measured field; there was no effect of retinal location on the N1-P1 amplitude (p = 0.108) or on P1 implicit time (p > 0.05). This finding is consistent with retinal ganglion cell density of the chick varying by only a factor of two across the entire retina. Half-diffusers produced a ramped retina and a graded effect of negative lens correction (p < 0.0001); changes in retinal processing were localized. The untreated retina showed increasing complexity of the ERG waveform with development; form-deprivation prevented the increasing complexity of the response at the 2, 48 and 96 h measurement times and produced alterations in response timing. Conclusions: Form-deprivation and its concomitant loss of image contrast and high spatial frequency images prevented development of the ERG responses, consistent with a disruption of development of retinal feedback systems. The characterisation of ERG responses in normal and deprived chick eyes across the retina allows the assessment of concurrent visual and retinal manipulations in this model. (Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics © 2013 The College of Optometrists.)


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Two varieties of grapes, white grape and red grape grown in the Campania region of Italy were selected for the study of drying characteristics, moisture diffusion, quality changes (colour) and shrinkage behaviour. Comparisons were made with treated and untreated grapes under constant drying condition of 50o C in a conventional drying system. This temperature was selected to represent farm drying conditions. Grapes were purchased from a local market from the same supplier to maintain the same size of grapes and same properties. An abrasive physical treatment was used as pretreatment. The drying curves were constructed and drying kinetics was calculated using several commonly available models. It was found that treated samples shows better drying characteristics than untreated samples. The objective of this study is to obtain drying kinetics which can be used to optimize the drying operations in grape drying.


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Purpose – Traumatic events can cause post-traumatic stress disorder due to the severity of the often unexpected events. The purpose of this paper is to reveal how conversations around lived experiences of traumatic events, such as the Christchurch earthquake in February 2011, can work as a strategy for people to come to terms with their experiences collaboratively. By encouraging young children to recall and tell of their earthquake stories with their early childhood teachers they can begin to respond, renew, and recover (Brown, 2012), and prevent or minimise more stress being developed. Design/methodology/approach – The study involved collecting data of the participating children taking turns to wear a wireless microphone where their interactions with each other and with teachers were video recorded over one week in November 2011. A total of eight hours and 21 minutes of footage was collected; four minutes and 19 seconds of that footage are presented and analysed in this paper. The footage was watched repeatedly and transcribed using conversation analysis methods (Sacks, 1995). Findings – Through analysing the detailed turn-taking utterances between teachers and children, the orderliness of the co-production of remembering is revealed to demonstrate that each member orients to being in agreement about what actually happened. These episodes of story telling between the teachers and children demonstrate how the teachers encourage the children to tell about their experiences through actively engaging in conversations with them about the earthquake. Originality/value – The conversation analysis approach used in this research was found to be useful in investigating aspects of disasters that the participants themselves remember as important and real. This approach offers a unique insight into understanding how the earthquake event was experienced and reflected on by young children and their teachers, and so can inform future policy and provision in post-disaster situations.


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Purpose The aim was to determine the extent of daily disposable contact lens prescribing worldwide and to characterise the associated demographics and fitting patterns. Methods Up to 1,000 survey forms were sent to contact lens fitters in up to 40 countries between January and March every year for five consecutive years (2007 to 2011). Practitioners were asked to record data relating to the first 10 contact lens fits or refits performed after receiving the survey form. Survey data collected since 1996 were also analysed for seven nations to assess daily disposable lens fitting trends since that time. Results Data were collected in relation to 97,289 soft lens fits, of which 23,445 (24.1 per cent) were with daily disposable lenses and 73,170 (75.9 per cent) were with reusable lenses. Daily disposable lens prescribing ranged from 0.6 per cent of all soft lenses in Nepal to 66.2 per cent in Qatar. Compared with reusable lens fittings, daily disposable lens fittings can be characterised as follows: older age (30.0 ± 12.5 versus 29.3 ± 12.3 years for reusable lenses); males are over-represented; a greater proportion of new fits versus refits; 85.9 per cent hydrogel; lower proportion of toric and presbyopia designs and a higher proportion of part-time wear. There has been a continuous increase in daily disposable lens prescribing between 1996 and 2011. The proportion of daily disposable lens fits (as a function of all soft lens fits) is positively related to the gross domestic product at purchasing power parity per capita (r2 = 0.55, F = 46.8, p < 0.0001). Conclusions The greater convenience and other benefits of daily disposable lenses have resulted in this modality capturing significant market share. The contact lens field appears to be heading toward a true single-use-only, disposable lens market.


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Moderator Opening The early focus of contact lens wear and ocular health was on oxygen delivery. However, as we learn more about how the eye works, and investigate how the contact lens interacts with the cornea, the role of the tear film has risen in prominence. A healthy tear film is critical for normal ocular homeostasis, and abnormalities of the tear film are the primary cause of dry eye. In order to improve patient eye health and comfort during lens wear, we need to further elucidate the relationship among contact lenses, contact lens solutions, the tear film, and the corneal epithelium, and find ways to maintain homeostasis of the ocular surface. In this section, we review the latest data and opinions on this complex relationship between contact lenses and lens care solutions


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Purpose To determine the extent of rigid contact lens fitting worldwide and to characterize the associated demographics and fitting patterns. Methods Survey forms were sent to contact lens fitters in up to 40 countries between January and March every year for five consecutive years (2007 to 2011). Practitioners were asked to record data relating to the first 10 contact lens fits or refits performed after receiving the survey form. Survey data collected between 1996 and 2011 were also analyzed to assess rigid lens fitting trends in seven nations during this period. Results Data were obtained for 12,230 rigid and 100,670 soft lens fits between 2007 and 2011. Overall, rigid lenses represented 10.8% of all contact lens fits, ranging from 0.2% in Lithuania to 37% in Malaysia. Compared with soft lens fits, rigid lens fits can be characterized as follows: older age (rigid, 37.3 ± 15.0 years; soft, 29.8 ± 12.4 years); fewer spherical and toric fits; more bifocal/multifocal fits; less frequent replacement (rigid, 7%; soft, 85%); and less part-time wear (rigid, 4%; soft, 10%). High-Dk (contact lens oxygen permeability) (36%) and mid-Dk (42%) materials are predominantly used for rigid lens fitting. Orthokeratology represents 11.5% of rigid contact lens fits. There has been a steady decline in rigid lens fitting between 1996 and 2011. Conclusions Rigid contact lens prescribing is in decline but still represents approximately 10% of all contact lenses fitted worldwide. It is likely that rigid lenses will remain as a viable, albeit increasingly specialized, form of vision correction.


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The report of this subcommittee concerns the impact of contact lenses (CLs) on the ocular surface, with a particular emphasis on CL discomfort (CLD). We define the ocular surface, its regional anatomy, and the physiological responses of each region to CL wear.


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It was widely anticipated that after the introduction of silicone hydrogel lenses, the risk of microbial keratitis would be lower than with hydrogel lenses because of the reduction in hypoxic effects on the corneal epithelium. Large-scale epidemiological studies have confirmed that the absolute and relative risk of microbial keratitis is unchanged with overnight use of silicone hydrogel materials. The key findings include the following: (1) The risk of infection with 30 nights of silicone hydrogel use is equivalent to 6 nights of hydrogel extended wear; (2) Occasional overnight lens use is associated with a greater risk than daily lens use; (3) The rate of vision loss due to corneal infection with silicone hydrogel contact lenses is similar to that seen in hydrogel lenses; (4) The spectrum of causative organisms is similar to that seen in hydrogel lenses, and the material type does not impact the corneal location of presumed microbial keratitis; and (5) Modifiable risk factors for infection include overnight lens use, the degree of exposure, failing to wash hands before lens handling, and storage case hygiene practice. The lack of change in the absolute risk of disease would suggest that exposure to large number of pathogenic organisms can overcome any advantages obtained from eliminating the hypoxic effects of contact lenses. Epidemiological studies remain important in the assessment of new materials and modalities. Consideration of an early adopter effect with studies involving new materials and modalities and further investigation of the impact of second-generation silicone hydrogel materials is warranted.


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In vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) is an emerging technology that provides minimally invasive, high resolution, steady-state assessment of the ocular surface at the cellular level. Several challenges still remain but, at present, IVCM may be considered a promising technique for clinical diagnosis and management. This mini-review summarizes some key findings in IVCM of the ocular surface, focusing on recent and promising attempts to move “from bench to bedside”. IVCM allows prompt diagnosis, disease course follow-up, and management of potentially blinding atypical forms of infectious processes, such as acanthamoeba and fungal keratitis. This technology has improved our knowledge of corneal alterations and some of the processes that affect the visual outcome after lamellar keratoplasty and excimer keratorefractive surgery. In dry eye disease, IVCM has provided new information on the whole-ocular surface morphofunctional unit. It has also improved understanding of pathophysiologic mechanisms and helped in the assessment of prognosis and treatment. IVCM is particularly useful in the study of corneal nerves, enabling description of the morphology, density, and disease- or surgically induced alterations of nerves, particularly the subbasal nerve plexus. In glaucoma, IVCM constitutes an important aid to evaluate filtering blebs, to better understand the conjunctival wound healing process, and to assess corneal changes induced by topical antiglaucoma medications and their preservatives. IVCM has significantly enhanced our understanding of the ocular response to contact lens wear. It has provided new perspectives at a cellular level on a wide range of contact lens complications, revealing findings that were not previously possible to image in the living human eye. The final section of this mini-review provides a focus on advances in confocal microscopy imaging. These include 2D wide-field mapping, 3D reconstruction of the cornea and automated image analysis.


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The contact lens industry has evolved and now provides many choices, including continuous wear, overnight orthokeratology, frequent-replacement lenses, daily-disposable lenses, and many alternatives in systems of care and maintenance. Epidemiologic studies to date have shown that how a lens is worn, particularly if worn overnight, can increase the risk of microbial keratitis. However, the risk of silicone hydrogel contact lenses worn on a continuous-wear basis has been evaluated only recently. This article summarizes the recent research data on extended-wear silicone hydrogel lenses and discusses the challenges of early evaluations of silicone hydrogel lens safety. Finally, the relevance of this information is discussed to practitioners and contact lens wearers making choices about the risks and benefits of different products and how they are used.


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Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technicians are required to wear protective clothing to protect themselves from the threat of overpressure, fragmentation, impact and heat. The engineering requirements to minimise these threats results in an extremely heavy and cumbersome clothing ensemble that increases the internal heat generation of the wearer, while the clothing’s thermal properties reduce heat dissipation. This study aimed to evaluate the heat strain encountered wearing EOD protective clothing in simulated environmental extremes across a range of differing work intensities. Eight healthy males [age 25±6 years (mean ± sd), height 180±7 cm, body mass 79±9 kg, V˙O2max 57±6 ml.kg−1.min−1] undertook nine trials while wearing an EOD9 suit (weighing 33.4 kg). The trials involved walking on a treadmill at 2.5, 4 and 5.5 km⋅h−1 at each of the following environmental conditions, 21, 30 and 37°C wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) in a randomised controlled crossover design. The trials were ceased if the participants’ core temperature reached 39°C, if heart rate exceeded 90% of maximum, if walking time reached 60 minutes or due to fatigue/nausea. Tolerance times ranged from 10–60 minutes and were significantly reduced in the higher walking speeds and environmental conditions. In a total of 15 trials (21%) participants completed 60 minutes of walking; however, this was predominantly at the slower walking speeds in the 21°C WBGT environment. Of the remaining 57 trials, 50 were ceased, due to attainment of 90% maximal heart rate. These near maximal heart rates resulted in moderate-high levels of physiological strain in all trials, despite core temperature only reaching 39°C in one of the 72 trials.