208 resultados para Subterranean clover stunt virus


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On 6 May 2001, a 67-year-old Australian born, Caucasian male presented to the Emergency Department of the Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre (A&RMC) with a 3 day history of fever, lethargy and confusion. This occurred one week after returning from a trip to the Northern Territory. His previous medical problems included ischaemic heart disease, a repaired abdominal aortic aneurysm, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and congestive cardiac failure. He smoked 20 cigarettes per day and had a history of heavy alcohol consumption. He had no history of diabetes. His medications were aspirin, frusemide, lisinopril, simvastatin, and a nitroglycerol patch. Fifty years ago, he had an adverse reaction to penicillin with angioedema and an urticarial rash. Four weeks before admission he went on a fishing trip in the Northern Territory. He travelled by road, through outback regions of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, the Northern Territory and South Australia, spending time in Daly River, Coolum, Darwin, Dunmarra, Avon Downs, Innaminka and Mataranka. He was away for 3 weeks and camped in tents or outside in a swag throughout the trip. He recalls numerous times where he was exposed to mosquitoes with large numbers of bites at Dunmarra. During the time away, he remained well as did his 5 travelling companions. There was...


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A varicella-zoster virus (VZV) vaccine is available overseas, and universal immunisation in childhood is recommended in the United States.1 Any decision to introduce the vaccine to Australia must be based on an assessment of potential benefits and harms. While there has been some assessment of VZV significance in populations in southern Australia,2 the impact on the NT population is not known. It is not a notifiable condition and information on morbidity and mortality is limited to a few data collections. These are hospital separation data, deaths registers, and in 1995 the inclusion of VZV congenital and neonatal complications in the Australian Paediatric Surveillance System. Hospital separation data were analysed to assess the importance of VZV as a cause of severe morbidity and mortality in the NT population.


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“Epidemics” of a benign disease causing polyarthralgia and rash were first described in Australia in 1927.63 Following the recovery of the causative agent and the advent of serologic tests able to diagnose Ross River virus infection, epidemic polyarthritis has been recognized as endemic in Australia and has occurred as epidemics in numerous Pacific nations. Approximately 4000 cases of epidemic polyarthritis are reported in Australia each year, with a peak of 7800 cases in 1996. Some confusion has been generated recently by use of the term Ross River fever to describe clinical Ross River virus infections because fever does not develop in more than half of those with clinical disease.59 Additional confusion has been generated by efforts to describe any polyarthritis caused by an Australian arbovirus as epidemic polyarthritis. The term epidemic polyarthritis should be used to describe only clinical disease caused by Ross River virus.


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Many examples of extreme virus resistance and posttranscriptional gene silencing of endogenous or reporter genes have been described in transgenic plants containing sense or antisense transgenes. In these cases of either cosuppression or antisense suppression, there appears to be induction of a surveillance system within the plant that specifically degrades both the transgene and target RNAs. We show that transforming plants with virus or reporter gene constructs that produce RNAs capable of duplex formation confer virus immunity or gene silencing on the plants. This was accomplished by using transcripts from one sense gene and one antisense gene colocated in the plant genome, a single transcript that has self-complementarity, or sense and antisense transcripts from genes brought together by crossing. A model is presented that is consistent with our data and those of other workers, describing the processes of induction and execution of posttranscriptional gene silencing.


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The nucleotide sequence of the genomic RNA of barley yellow dwarf virus, PAV serotype was determined except for the 5′-terminal base, and its genome organization deduced. The 5,677 nucleotide genome contains five large open reading frames (ORFs). The genes for the coat protein (1) and the putative viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase were identified. The latter shows a striking degree of similarity to that of carnation mottle virus (CarMV). By comparison with corona- and retrovirus RNAs, it is proposed that a translational frameshift is involved in expression of the polymerase. An ORF encoding an Mr 49,797 protein (50K ORF) may be translated by in-frame readthrough of the coat protein stop codon. The coat protein, an overlapping 17K ORF, and a 3′ 6.7K ORF are likely to be expressed via subgenomic mRNAs. © 1988 IRL Press Limited.


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The Yd2 gene for “resistance” to barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) has been widely used in barley (Hordeum vulgare). We have tested Australian isolates of BYDV of varying severity against barley genotypes with and without the Yd2 gene and report here a positive relationship between symptoms and virus levels determined by ELISA. Cultivar Shannon is the result of backcrossing the resistant line CI 3208 to cultivar Proctor, a susceptible line. It appears to be intermediate in reaction to BYDV between Proctor and CI 3208, although it carries the major gene, Yd2. Unlike the whole plant studies, no significant differences were observed with regard to the ability of protoplasts derived from these various genotypes to support BYDV replication. It is therefore demonstrated for the first time that the Yd2 gene is not among the small number of resistance genes which are effective against virus replication in isolated protoplasts.


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Barleys with and without the Yd2 resistance factor, wheat alien addition stocks with other barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) resistance factors and true wheats were challenged with three Australian isolates of BYDV-RPV. Yd2 resistance was effective against two of the BYDV-RPV isolates and inoculated barleys which carry Yd2 did not develop BYD symptoms and shoot growth was not affected. However, barleys with Yd2 were susceptible to the third BYDV-RPV isolate. All barley lines inoculated with the third virus isolate developed typical BYD symptoms (yellowing), shoot growth was reduced compared to uninfected controls and virus titres determined by ELISA were high and similar in barleys with and without Yd2. In contrast, resistances from Thinopyrum intermedium and Agropyron pulcherrimum in wheat backgrounds were effective against all three BYDV-RPV isolates. Shoot growth of inoculated plants with either of these resistance factors did not differ from uninfected controls and virus titres determined by ELISA were very low.


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Carrot mottle umbravirus (CMoV) has always been found co-infecting plants with carrot red leaf luteovirus (CRLV) and in carrot (Daucus carota) these co-infections are associated with carrot motley dwarf disease (CMD). CMD occurs wherever carrots are grown. Hence, CMoV was believed to have a corresponding global distribution. However, little or no hybridisation was detected between cDNA generated from the sequenced Australian isolate of CMoV (CMoV-A) and RNA from the much studied Scottish isolate of CMoV (CMoV-S). A weak hybridisation signal was obtained using cDNA to a conserved part of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene of CMoV-A, but when cDNAs to other parts of the CMoV-A genome were used as probes there was no detectable hybridisation with CMoV-S RNA. This lack of hybridisation suggests that the two virus isolates have relatively divergent genomes and that they should be regarded as distinct virus species. Both viruses are transmitted by Cavariella aegopodii, but only with the help of CRLV, and they yield almost identical double-stranded RNA profiles. For these reasons, we propose that the CMoV isolate from Australia be renamed carrot mottle mimic umbravirus (CMoMV). cDNA to CMoMV RNA hybridised with RNA from an isolate from New Zealand, whereas cDNA to CMoV-S RNA hybridised with RNA from isolates from England and Morocco but not to RNA from the isolate from New Zealand. Although preliminary, these data suggest that CMoV and CMoMV may have different global distributions.


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Rubus yellow net virus (RYNV) was cloned and sequenced from a red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) plant exhibiting symptoms of mosaic and mottling in the leaves. Its genomic sequence indicates that it is a distinct member of the genus Badnavirus, with 7932. bp and seven ORFs, the first three corresponding in size and location to the ORFs found in the type member Commelina yellow mottle virus. Bioinformatic analysis of the genomic sequence detected several features including nucleic acid binding motifs, multiple zinc finger-like sequences and domains associated with cellular signaling. Subsequent sequencing of the small RNAs (sRNAs) from RYNV-infected R. idaeus leaf tissue was used to determine any RYNV sequences targeted by RNA silencing and identified abundant virus-derived small RNAs (vsRNAs). The majority of the vsRNAs were 22-nt in length. We observed a highly uneven genome-wide distribution of vsRNAs with strong clustering to small defined regions distributed over both strands of the RYNV genome. Together, our data show that sequences of the aphid-transmitted pararetrovirus RYNV are targeted in red raspberry by the interfering RNA pathway, a predominant antiviral defense mechanism in plants. © 2013.


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Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) is a positive-strand RNA virus that generates subgenomic RNAs (sgRNA) for expression of 3' proximal genes. Small RNA (sRNA) sequencing and mapping of the PLRV-derived sRNAs revealed coverage of the entire viral genome with the exception of four distinctive gaps. Remarkably, these gaps mapped to areas of PLRV genome with extensive secondary structures, such as the internal ribosome entry site and 5' transcriptional start site of sgRNA1 and sgRNA2. The last gap mapped to ~500. nt from the 3' terminus of PLRV genome and suggested the possible presence of an additional sgRNA for PLRV. Quantitative real-time PCR and northern blot analysis confirmed the expression of sgRNA3 and subsequent analyses placed its 5' transcriptional start site at position 5347 of PLRV genome. A regulatory role is proposed for the PLRV sgRNA3 as it encodes for an RNA-binding protein with specificity to the 5' of PLRV genomic RNA. © 2013.


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Efficient transformation of barley cv. Schooner was achieved using Agrobacterium delivery, hygromycin or bialaphos selection and embryogenic callus. Using this system, transgenic plants were generated that contained either the green fluorescent protein gene, or transgenes derived from barley yellow dwarf (BYDV) and cereal yellow dwarf (CYDV) viruses. Many of these plants contained 1-3 transgene copies that were inherited in a simple Mendelian manner. Some plants containing BYDV and/or CYDV derived transgenes showed reduced virus symptoms and rates of viral replication when challenged with the appropriate virus. The ability to transform Schooner is a significant advance for the Australian barley industry, as this elite malting variety is, and has for the last 15 years been, the most widely grown barley variety in eastern Australia.


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Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) is the most serious and widespread virus of cereals worldwide. Natural resistance genes against this luteovirus give inadequate control, and previous attempts to introduce synthetic resistance into cereals have produced variable results. In an attempt to generate barley with protection against BYDV-PAV, plants were transformed with a transgene designed to produce hairpin (hp)RNA containing BYDV-PAV sequences. From 25 independent barley lines transformed with the BYDV-PAV hpRNA construct, nine lines showed extreme resistance to the virus and the majority of these contained a single transgene. In the progeny of two independent transgenic lines, inheritance of a single transgene consistently correlated with protection against BYDV-PAV. This protection was rated as immunity because the virus could not be detected in the challenged plants by ELISA nor recovered by aphid feeding experiments. In the field, BYDV-PAV is sometimes associated with the related luteovirus Cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV (CYDV-RPV). When the transgenic plants were challenged with BYDV-PAV and CYDV-RPV together, the plants were susceptible to CYDV-RPV but immune to BYDV-PAV. This shows that the immunity is virus-specific and not broken down by the presence of CYDV. It suggests that CYDV-RPV does not encode a silencing-suppressor gene or that its product does not protect BYDV-PAV against the plant's RNAi-like defence mechanism. Either way, our results indicate that the BYDV-PAV immunity will be robust in the field and is potentially useful in minimizing losses in cereal production worldwide.


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On occasion, virus-derived transgenes in plants can be poorly expressed and yet provide excellent virus resistance, and transgene constructs designed to supplement the expression of endogenous genes can have the effect of co-suppressing themselves and the endogenous genes. These two phenomena appear to result from the same post-transcriptional silencing mechanism, which operates by targeted-RNA degradation. Recent research into RNA-mediated virus resistance and co-suppression has provided insights into the interactions between plant viruses and their hosts, and spawned several models to explain the phenomenon.


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Barley yellow dwarf luteovirus-GPV (BYDV-GPV) is a common problem in Chinese wheat crops but is unrecorded elsewhere. A defining characteristic of GPV is its capacity to be transmitted efficiently by both Schizaphis graminum and Rhopaloshiphum padi. This dual aphid species transmission contrasts with those of BYDV-RPV and BYDV-SGV, globally distributed viruses, which are efficiently transmitted only by Rhopaloshiphum padi and Schizaphis graminum respectively. The viral RNA sequences encoding the coat protein (22K) gene, the movement protein (17K) gene, the region surrounding the conserved GDD motif of the polymerase gene and the intergenic sequences between these genes were determined for GPV and an Australian isolate of BYDV-RPV (RPVa). In all three genes, the sequences of GPV and RPVa were more similar to those of an American isolate of BYDV-RPV (RPVu) than to any other luteovirus for which there is data available. RPVa and RPVu were very similar, especially their coat proteins which had 97% identity at the amino acid level. The coat protein of GPV had 76% and 78% amino acid identity with RPVa and RPVu respectively. The data suggest that RPVu and RPVa are correctly named as strains of the same serotype and that GPV is sufficiently different from either RPV strain to be considered a distinct BYDV type. The coat protein and movement protein genes of GPV are very dissimilar to SGV. The polymerase sequences of RPVu, RPVa and GPV show close affinities with those of the sobemo-like luteoviruses and little similarity with those of the carmo-like luteoviruses. The sequences of the coat proteins, movement proteins and the polymerase segments of BYDV serotypes, other than RPV and GPV, form a cluster that is separate from their counterpart sequences from dicot-infecting luteoviruses. The RPV and GPV isolates consistently fall within a dicot-infecting cluster. This suggests that RPV and GPV evolved from within this group of viruses. Since these other viruses all infect dicots it seems likely that their common ancestor infected a dicot and that RPV and GPV evolved from a virus that switched hosts from a dicot to a monocot.