218 resultados para Sam Weller


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The aim of this work was to investigate changes in particle number concentration (PNC) within naturally ventilated primary school classrooms arising from local sources either within or adjacent to the classrooms. We quantify the rate at which ultrafine particles were emitted either from printing, grilling, heating or cleaning activities and the rate at which the particles were removed by both deposition and air exchange processes. At each of 25 schools in Brisbane, Australia, two weeks of measurements of PNC and CO2 were taken both outdoors and in the two classrooms. Bayesian regression modelling was employed in order to estimate the relevant rates and analyse the relationship between air exchange rate (AER), particle infiltration and the deposition rates of particle generated from indoor activities in the classrooms. During schooling hours, grilling events at the school tuckshop as well as heating and printing in the classrooms led to indoor PNCs being elevated by a factor of more than four, with emission rates of (2.51 ± 0.25) x 1011 p min-1, (8.99 ± 6.70) x 1011 p min-1 and (5.17 ± 2.00) x 1011 p min-1, respectively. During non-school hours, cleaning events elevated indoor PNC by a factor of above five, with an average emission rate of (2.09 ± 6.30) x 1011 p min-1. Particles were removed by both air exchange and deposition; chiefly by ventilation when AER > 0.7 h-1 and by deposition when AER < 0.7 h-1.


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Current national reforms in Australian higher education have prioritised efforts to reduce educational disadvantage within a vernacular expression of neoliberal education policy. Student-equity policy in universities is enmeshed in a set of competitive student recruitment relations. This raises practice-based tensions as universities strive to meet specific institutional targets for low-socio-economic status (SES) and Indigenous student participation, whilst broadening participation more generally within the sector. This paper seeks empirically to trace the activation and appropriation of federal policy through two sites of higher education policy practices: a state government-sponsored equity practitioner body and two differently positioned universities, Dawson and McIllwraith, as they engage with low-SES schools. Working together Dorothy Smith’s insights into the textually mediated activation of local practices, Levinson and colleagues’ concept of the local appropriation of authorised policy, and Bourdieu’s notion of the contested field, we demonstrate that the generation of state level and institutionally specific policies for student-equity practices not only articulates to federal policy, but also appropriates the ruling relations of mandated policy. Further, the scope of these creative local appropriations is organised within a hierarchical academic field through which particular institutional imperatives, as well as the needs of low-SES students, are negotiated. The analysis demonstrates the vernacularisation of policy in the national rearticulation of global discourses, in appropriation at the level of the state body and in the practices of equity workers.


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Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is considered an important mechanism in tumor resistance to drug treatments; however, in vivo observation of this process has been limited. In this study we demonstrated an immediate and widespread EMT involving all surviving tumor cells following treatment of a mouse model of colorectal liver metastases with the vascular disruptive agent OXi4503. EMT was characterized by significant downregulation of E-cadherin, relocation and nuclear accumulation of b-catenin as well as significant upregulation of ZEB1 and vimentin. Concomitantly, significant temporal upregulation in hypoxia and the pro-angiogenic growth factors hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha, hepatocyte growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor and transforming growth factor-beta were seen within the surviving tumor. The process of EMT was transient and by 5 days after treatment tumor cell reversion to epithelial morphology was evident. This reversal, termed mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) is a process implicated in the development of new metastases but has not been observed in vivo histologically. Similar EMT changes were observed in response to other antitumor treatments including chemotherapy, thermal ablation, and antiangiogenic treatments in our mouse colorectal metastasis model and in a murine orthotopic breast cancer model after OXi4503 treatment. These results suggest that EMT may be an early mechanism adopted by tumors in response to injury and hypoxic stress, such that inhibition of EMT in combination with other therapies could play a significant role in future cancer therapy.


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The ongoing challenge for ED leaders is to remain abreast of system-wide changes that impact on the day-to-day management of their departments. Changes to the funding model creates another layer of complexity and this introductory paper serves as the beginning of a discussion about the way in which EDs are funded and how this can and will impact on business decisions, models of care and resource allocation within Australian EDs. Furthermore it is evident that any funding model today will mature and change with time, and moves are afoot to refine and contextualise ED funding over the medium term. This perspective seeks to provide a basis of understanding for our current and future funding arrangements in Australian EDs.


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A quasi-Poisson generalized linear model combined with a distributed lag non-linear model was used to quantify the main effect of temperature on emergency department visits (EDVs) for childhood diarrhea in Brisbane from 2001 to 2010. Residual of the model was checked to examine whether there was an added effect due to heat waves. The change over time in temperature-diarrhea relation was also assessed. Both low and high temperatures had significant impact on childhood diarrhea. Heat waves had an added effect on childhood diarrhea, and this effect increased with intensity and duration of heat waves. There was a decreasing trend in the main effect of heat on childhood diarrhea in Brisbane across the study period. Brisbane children appeared to have gradually adapted to mild heat, but they are still very sensitive to persistent extreme heat. Development of future heat alert systems should take the change in temperature-diarrhea relation over time into account.


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This research presents findings of a research project where the first author worked with a small to medium sized enterprise (SME) manufacturing company in order to integrate design at a strategic level within the company. This study aims to identify the changes experienced in the participating company while shifting the perspective of design from a product focus towards a strategic focus. Staff interviews at two points in time and a reflective journal were used as data sources within an action research methodology. A shift in the perspective of design was noted in three cultural changes within the firm over time: a focus on long term as well as short term outcomes, on indirect as well as direct value and on intangible as well as tangible benefits. These three components are proposed as ‘cultural stepping stones’ that describe how a company transitions from an exclusively product- focused utilisation of design, to a process-level application of design. Implications of this research are provided as considerations for businesses that are attempting to facilitate a similar transformation in the future.


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This paper presents findings of an embedded action research project within a small to medium sized enterprise (SME). Through the implementation of design-led innovation processes, this research aims to identify the changes experienced in the participating company during a shift in the perspective of design from a product focus towards a strategic focus. Staff interviews and a reflective journal were used as methods to collect data from a range of design interventions that were facilitated throughout the engagement. A shift in perspective of design was evident through three cultural changes within the firm. First, the perceived outcome focus of design became increasingly long-term. Second, the value of design outcomes became less directed towards current projects, and more directed towards future possibilities. Finally, the perceived tangibility of design outcomes shifted from tangible to intangible. For example, design activities which produced customer insights, rather than product features, became seen as beneficial to the firm. These three components are proposed as cultural stepping stones which describe how a company transitions from an exclusively product-focused perspective and utilisation of design towards design as a company based process. Implications of this research provide considerations for designers who are attempting to facilitate a similar transformation within a business in the future.


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This project is led by scientists in conservation decision appraisal and brings together a group of experts working across the Lake Eyre Basin (LEB). The LEB covers a sixth of Australia, with an array of globally significant natural values that are threatened by invasive plants, among other things. Managers at various levels are investing in attempts to control, contain and eradicate these invasive plant species, under severe time and resources limitations. To date there has been no basin-wide assessment of which weed management strategies and locations provide the best investments for maximising outcomes for biodiversity per unit cost. Further, there has been no assessment of the extent of ecosystem intactness that may be lost without effective invasive plant species management strategies. Given that there are insufficient resources to manage all invasive plant species everywhere, this information has the potential to improve current investment decisions. Here, we provide a prioritisation of invasive plant management strategies in the LEB. Prioritisation was based on cost-effectiveness for biodiversity benefits. We identify the key invasive plant species to target to protect ecosystem intactness across the bioregions of the LEB, the level of investment required and the likely reduction in invasive species dominance gained per dollar spent on each strategy. Our focus is on strategies that are technically and socially feasible and reduce the likelihood that high impact invasive plant species will dominate native ecosystems, and therefore change their form and function. The outputs of this work are designed to help guide decision-making and further planning and investment in weed management for the Basin. Experts in weed management, policy-making, community engagement, biodiversity and natural values of the Basin, attended a workshop and agreed upon 12 strategies to manage invasive plants. The strategies focused primarily on 10 weeds which were considered to have a high potential for broad, significant impacts on natural ecosystems in the next 50 years and for which feasible management strategies could be defined. Each strategy consisted of one or more supporting actions, many of which were spatially linked to IBRA (Interim Biogeographical Regionalisation of Australia) bioregions. The first strategy was an over-arching recommendation for improved mapping, information sharing, education and extension efforts in order to facilitate the more specific weed management strategies. The 10 more specific weed management strategies targeted the control and/or eradication of the following high-impact exotic plants: mesquite, parkinsonia, rubber vine, bellyache bush, cacti, mother of millions, chinee apple, athel pine and prickly acacia, as well as a separate strategy for eradicating all invasive plants from one key threatened ecological community, the GAB (Great Artesian Basin dependant) mound springs. Experts estimated the expected biodiversity benefit of each strategy as the reduction in area that an invasive plant species is likely to dominate in over a 50-year period, where dominance was defined as more than 30% coverage at a site. Costs were estimated in present day terms over 50 years largely during follow up discussions post workshop. Cost-effectiveness was then calculated for each strategy in each bioregion by dividing the average expected benefit by the average annual costs. Overall, the total cost of managing 12 invasive plant strategies over the next 50 years was estimated at $1.7 billion. It was estimated that implementation of these strategies would result in a reduction of invasive plant dominance by 17 million ha (a potential 32% reduction), roughly 14% of the LEB. If only targeting Weeds of National Significance (WONS), the total cost was estimated to be $113 million over the next 50 years. Over the next 50 years, $2.3 million was estimated to eradicate all invasive plant species from the Great Artesian Basin Mound Springs threatened ecological community. Prevention and awareness programs were another key strategy targeted across the Basin and estimated at $17.5 million in total over 50 years. The cost of controlling, eradicating and containing buffel grass were the most expensive, over $1.5 billion over 50 years; this strategy was estimated to result in a reduction in buffel grass dominance of a million ha in areas where this species is identified as an environmental problem. Buffel grass has been deliberately planted across the Basin for pasture production and is by far the most widely distributed exotic species. Its management is contentious, having economic value to many graziers while posing serious threats to biodiversity and sites of high cultural and conservation interest. The strategy for containing and locally eradicating buffel grass was a challenge to cost based on expert knowledge, possibly because of the dual nature of this species as a valued pastoral grass and environmental weed. Based on our conversations with experts, it appears that control and eradication programs for this species, in conservation areas, are growing rapidly and that information on the most cost-effective strategies for this species will continue to develop over time. The top five most cost-effective strategies for the entire LEB were for the management of: 1) parkinsonia, 2) chinee apple, 3) mesquite, 4) rubber vine and 5) bellyache bush. Chinee apple and mother of millions are not WONS and have comparatively small populations within the semi-arid bioregions of Queensland. Experts felt that there was an opportunity to eradicate these species before they had the chance to develop into high-impact species within the LEB. Prickly acacia was estimated to have one of the highest benefits, but the costs of this strategy were high, therefore it was ranked 7th overall. The buffel grass strategy was ranked the lowest (10th) in terms of cost effectiveness. The top five most cost-effective strategies within and across the bioregions were the management of: 1) parkinsonia in the Channel Country, 2) parkinsonia in the Desert Uplands, 3) mesquite in the Mitchell Grass Downs, 4) parkinsonia in the Mitchell Grass Downs, and 5) mother of millions in the Desert Uplands. Although actions for several invasive plant species like parkinsonia and prickly acacia were concentrated in the Queensland part of the LEB, the actions involved investing in containment zones to prevent the spread of these species into other states. In the NT and SA bioregions of the LEB, the management of athel pine, parkinsonia and cacti were the main strategies. While outside the scientific research goals of study, this work highlighted a number of important incidental findings that led us to make the following recommendations for future research and implementation of weed management in the Basin: • Ongoing stakeholder engagement, extension and participation is required to ensure this prioritisation effort has a positive impact in affecting on-ground decision making and planning. • Short term funding for weed management was identified as a major reason for failure of current efforts, hence future funding needs to be secure and ongoing. • Improved mapping and information sharing is essential to implement effective weed management. • Due to uncertainties in the outcomes and impacts of management options, strategies should be implemented as part of an adaptive management program. The information provided in this report can be used to guide investment for controlling high-impact invasive plant species for the benefits of biodiversity conservation. We do not present a final prioritisation of invasive plant strategies for the LEB, and we have not addressed the cultural, socio-economic or spatial components necessary for an implementation plan. Cost-effectiveness depends on the objectives used; in our case we used the intactness of ecosystems as a surrogate for expected biodiversity benefits, measured by the extent that each invasive plant species is likely to dominate in a bioregion. When other relevant factors for implementation are considered the priorities may change and some actions may not be appropriate in some locations. We present the costs, ecological benefits and cost-effectiveness of preventing, containing, reducing and eradicating the dominance of high impact invasive plants through realistic management actions over the next 50 years. In doing so, we are able to estimate the size of the weed management problem in the LEB and provide expert-based estimates of the likely outcomes and benefits of implementing weed management strategies. The priorities resulting from this work provide a prospectus for guiding further investment in management and in improving information availability.


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In the built environment sector, a range of innovations are delivering environmental improvements with mixed success worldwide. The authors of this paper argue that a more “disruptive” form of innovation is needed to bring about significant and systemic change within the sector. Critical to this transition is the development of new behaviours and values. In particular, built environment professionals need to become active change agents in cultivating these new behaviours and values through the development of collaborative visions, scenarios, practices, and ideas. This paper identifies and discusses the critical role that design (in its broadest sense) can play in this process. Drawing on a comprehensive review of literature, the authors highlight a number of transformational opportunities for cross professional learning and sharing between design and built environment disciplines in achieving environmental innovation (eco-innovation). The paper also considers several design-based concepts that have a potential application in the built environment sector including: design thinking, social innovation (human-centered), and disruptive innovation (transformational) approaches. The research findings will assist in building the capabilities of designers and innovators to create sustainable solutions to global problems, and in supporting the social diffusion of systems-changing ideas in the built environment sector.


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Locomotion and autonomy in humanoid robots is of utmost importance in integrating them into social and community service type roles. However, the limited range and speed of these robots severely limits their ability to be deployed in situations where fast response is necessary. While the ability for a humanoid to drive a vehicle would aide in increasing their overall mobility, the ability to mount and dismount a vehicle designed for human occupants is a non-trivial problem. To address this issue, this paper presents an innovative approach to enabling a humanoid robot to mount and dismount a vehicle by proposing a simple mounting bracket involving no moving parts. In conjunction with a purpose built robotic vehicle, the mounting bracket successfully allowed a humanoid Nao robot to mount, dismount and drive the vehicle.


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This paper describes the fabrication of thin films of porphyrin and metallophthalocyanine derivatives on different substrates for the optochemical detection of HCl gas and electrochemical determination of L-cysteine (CySH). Solid state gas sensor for HCl gas was fabricated by coating meso-substituted porphyrin derivatives on glass slide and examined optochemical sensing of HCl gas. The concentration of gaseous HCl was monitored from the changes in the absorbance of Soret band. Among the different porphyrin derivatives, meso- tetramesitylporphyrin (MTMP) coated film showed excellent sensitivity towards HCl and achieved a detection limit of 0.03ppm HCl. Further, we have studied the self-assembly of 1,8,15,22-tetraaminometallophthalocyanine (4α-MTAPc; M = Co and Ni) from DMF on GC electrode. The CVs for the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of 4α-CoIITAPc and 4α-NiIITAPc show two pairs of well-defined redox couple corresponding to metal and ring. Using the 4α-CoIITAPc SAM modified electrode, sensitive and selective detection of L-cysteine was demonstrated. Further, the SAM modified electrode also successfully separates the oxidation potentials of AA and CySH with a peak separation of 320mV.


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Glassy carbon (GC) electrode modified with a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of 1,8,15,22-tetraaminophthalocyanatocobalt(II) (4α-CoIITAPc) was used for the selective and highly sensitive determination of nitric oxide (NO). The SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc was formed on GC electrode by spontaneous adsorption from DMF containing 1 mM 4α-CoIITAPc. The SAM showed two pairs of well-defined redox peaks corresponding to CoIII/CoII and CoIIIPc−1/CoIIIPc−2 in 0.2 M phosphate buffer (PB) solution (pH 2.5). The SAM modified electrode showed excellent electrocatalytic activity towards the oxidation of nitric oxide (NO) by enhancing its oxidation current with 310 mV less positive potential shift when compared to bare GC electrode. In amperometric measurements, the current response for NO oxidation was linearly increased in the concentration range of 3×10−9 to 30×10−9 M with a detection limit of 1.4×10−10 M (S/N=3). The proposed method showed a better recovery for NO in human blood serum samples.


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Spontaneous adsorption of 1,8,15,22-tetraaminophthalocyanatocobalt(II) (4α-CoIITAPc) on glassy carbon (GC) electrode leads to the formation of a stable self-assembled monolayer (SAM). Since the SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc is redox active, its adsorption on GC electrode was followed by cyclic voltammetry. SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc on GC electrode shows two pairs of well-defined redox peaks corresponding to CoIII/CoII and CoIIIPc−1/CoIIIPc−2. The surface coverage (Γ) value, calculated by integrating the charge under CoII oxidation, was used to study the adsorption thermodynamics and kinetics of 4α-CoIITAPc on GC surface. Cyclic voltammetric studies show that the adsorption of 4α-CoIITAPc on GC electrode has reached the saturation coverage (Γs) within 3 h. The Γs value for the SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc on GC electrode was found to be 2.37 × 10−10 mol cm−2. Gibbs free energy (ΔGads) and adsorption rate constant (kad) for the adsorption of 4α-CoIITAPc on GC surface were found to be −16.76 kJ mol−1 and 7.1 M−1 s−1, respectively. The possible mechanism for the self-assembly of 4α-CoIITAPc on GC surface is through the addition of nucleophilic amines to the olefinic bond on the GC surface in addition to a meager contribution from π stacking. The contribution of π stacking was confirmed from the adsorption of unsubstituted phthalocyanatocobalt(II) (CoPc) on GC electrode. Raman spectra for the SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc on carbon surface shows strong stretching and breathing bands of Pc macrocycle, pyrrole ring and isoindole ring. Raman and CV studies suggest that 4α-CoIITAPc is adopting nearly a flat orientation or little bit tilted orientation.


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Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of 1,8,15,22-tetraaminophthalocyanatocobalt(II) (4α-CoIITAPc) was prepared on indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode by spontaneous adsorption from dimethylformamide (DMF) solution containing 4α-CoIITAPc. The SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc formed on ITO electrode was characterized by cyclic voltammetry, Raman and UV–visible spectroscopic techniques. The cyclic voltammogram (CV) of 4α-CoIITAPc SAM shows two pairs of well-defined redox peaks corresponding to CoIII/CoII and CoIIIPc−1/CoIIIPc−2. The surface coverage (Γ) was calculated by integrating the charge under the anodic wave corresponding to CoII oxidation and it was found to be 2.25 × 10−10 mol cm−2. Raman spectrum obtained for the SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc on ITO surface shows strong stretching and breathing bands of Pc macrocycle, pyrrole ring and isoindole ring. Further, the –NH2 bending mode of vibration was absent for the SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc on ITO surface which indirectly confirmed that all the amino groups of 4α-CoIITAPc are involved in bonding with ITO surface. UV–visible spectrum for the SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc on ITO surface shows an intense B-band, Q-band and n–π∗ transition with slight broadening when compared to that of 4α-CoIITAPc in DMF.