163 resultados para Inversion symmetry


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Burkeite formation is important in saline evaporites and in pipe scales. Burkeite is an anhydrous sulphate-carbonate with an apparent variable anion ratio. Such a formula with two oxyanions lends itself to vibrational spectroscopy. Two symmetric sulphate stretching modes are observed, indicating at least at the molecular level the nonequivalence of the sulphate ions in the burkeite structure. The strong Raman band at 1065 cm−1 is assigned to the carbonate symmetric stretching vibration. The series of Raman bands at 622, 635, 645, and 704 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 sulphate bending modes. The observation of multiple bands supports the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the sulphate anion from T d to C 3v or even C 2v.


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Sidorenkite is a very rare low-temperature hydrothermal mineral, formed very late in the crystallization of hyperagpaitic pegmatites in a differentiated alkalic massif (Mt. Alluaiv, Kola Peninsula, Russia). Sidorenkite Na3Mn(PO4)(CO3) is a phosphate–carbonate of sodium and manganese. Such a formula with two oxyanions lends itself to vibrational spectroscopy. The sharp Raman band at 959 cm−1 and 1012 cm−1 are assigned to the PO43− stretching modes, whilst the Raman bands at 1044 cm−1 and 1074 cm−1 are attributed to the CO32− stretching modes. It is noted that no Raman bands at around 800 cm−1 for sidorenkite were observed. The infrared spectrum of sidorenkite shows a quite intense band at 868 cm−1 with other resolved component bands at 850 and 862 cm−1. These bands are ascribed to the CO32− out-of-plane bend (ν2) bending mode. The series of Raman bands at 622, 635, 645 and 704 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 phosphate bending modes. The observation of multiple bands supports the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the carbonate anion from D3h or even C2v.


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The mineral ushkovite has been analyzed using a combination of electron microscopy with EDX and vibrational spectroscopy. Chemical analysis shows the mineral contains P, Mg with very minor Fe. Thus, the formula of the studied ushkovite is Mg32+(PO4)2·8H2O. The Raman spectrum shows an intense band at 953 cm−1 assigned to the ν1 symmetric stretching mode. In the infrared spectra complexity exists with multiple antisymmetric stretching vibrations observed, due to the reduced tetrahedral symmetry. This loss of degeneracy is also reflected in the bending modes. Strong infrared bands around 827 cm−1 are attributed to water librational modes. The Raman spectra of the hydroxyl-stretching region are complex with overlapping broad bands. Hydroxyl stretching vibrations are identified at 2881, 2998, 3107, 3203, 3284 and 3457 cm−1. The wavenumber band at 3457 cm−1 is attributed to the presence of FeOH groups. This complexity is reflected in the water HOH bending modes where a strong infrared band centered around 1653 cm−1 is found. Such a band reflects the strong hydrogen bonding of the water molecules to the phosphate anions in adjacent layers. Spectra show three distinct OH bending bands from strongly hydrogen-bonded, weakly hydrogen bonded water and non-hydrogen bonded water. Vibrational spectroscopy enhances our knowledge of the molecular structure of ushkovite.


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The mineral aluminite has been studied using a number of techniques, including scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) and Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy identifies multiple sulphate symmetric stretching modes in line with the three sulphate crystallographically different sites. Raman spectroscopy also identifies a low intensity band at 1069 cm−1 which may be attributed to a carbonate symmetric stretching mode, indicating the presence of thaumasite. The observation of multiple bands in this ν4 spectral region offers evidence for the reduction in symmetry of the sulphate anion from Td to C2v or even lower symmetry. The Raman band at 3588 cm−1 is assigned to the OH unit stretching vibration and the broad feature at around 3439 cm−1 to water stretching bands. Water stretching vibrations are observed at 3157, 3294, 3378 and 3439 cm−1. Vibrational spectroscopy enables an assessment of the molecular structure of aluminite to be made.


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We have undertaken a study of the tellurite mineral sonorite using electron microscopy with EDX combined with vibrational spectroscopy. Chemical analysis shows a homogeneous composition, with predominance of Te, Fe, Ce and In with minor amounts of S. Raman spectroscopy has been used to study the mineral sonoraite an examples of group A(XO3), with hydroxyl and water units in the mineral structure. The free tellurite ion has C3v symmetry and four modes, 2A1 and 2E. An intense Raman band at 734 cm−1 is assigned to the ν1 (TeO3)2− symmetric stretching mode. A band at 636 cm−1 is assigned to the ν3 (TeO3)2− antisymmetric stretching mode. Bands at 350 and 373 cm−1 and the two bands at 425 and 438 cm−1 are assigned to the (TeO3)2−ν2 (A1) bending mode and (TeO3)2−ν4 (E) bending modes. The sharp band at 3283 cm−1 assigned to the OH stretching vibration of the OH units is superimposed upon a broader spectral profile with Raman bands at 3215, 3302, 3349 and 3415 cm−1 are attributed to water stretching bands. The techniques of Raman and infrared spectroscopy are excellent for the study of tellurite minerals.


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Purpose There have been only a limited number of studies examining the accommodative response that occurs when the two eyes are provided with disparate accommodative stimuli, and the results from these studies to date have been equivocal. In this study, we therefore aimed to examine the capacity of the visual system to aniso-accommodate by objectively measuring the interocular difference in the accommodation response between fellow dominant and non-dominant eyes under controlled monocular and binocular viewing conditions during short-term exposure to aniso-accommodative stimuli. Methods The accommodative response of each eye of sixteen young isometropic adults (mean age 22 ± 2 years) with normal binocular vision was measured using an open-field autorefractor during a range of testing conditions; monocularly (accommodative demands ranging from 1.32 to 4.55 D) and binocularly while altering the accommodation demand for each eye (aniso-accommodative stimuli ranging from 0.24 to 2.05 D). Results Under monocular viewing conditions, the dominant and non-dominant eyes displayed a highly symmetric accommodative response; mean interocular difference in spherical equivalent 0.01 ± 0.06 D (relative) and 0.22 ± 0.06 D (absolute) (p>0.05). During binocular viewing, the dominant eye displayed a greater accommodative response (0.11 ± 0.34 D relative and 0.24 ± 0.26 D absolute) irrespective of whether the demand of the dominant or non-dominant eye was altered (p = 0.01). Astigmatic power vectors J0 and J45 did not vary between eyes or with increasing accommodation demands under monocular or binocular viewing conditions (p>0.05). Conclusion The dominant and non-dominant eyes of young isometropic individuals display a similar consensual lag of accommodation under both monocular and binocular viewing conditions, with the dominant eye showing a small but significantly greater (by 0.12 to 0.25 D) accommodative response. Evidence of short-term aniso-accommodation in response to asymmetric accommodation demands was not observed.


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To date, a number of two-dimensional (2D) topological insulators (TIs) have been realized in Group 14 elemental honeycomb lattices, but all are inversionsymmetric. Here, based on first-principles calculations, we predict a new family of 2D inversion-asymmetric TIs with sizeable bulk gaps from 105 meV to 284 meV, in X2–GeSn (X = H, F, Cl, Br, I) monolayers, making them in principle suitable for room-temperature applications. The nontrivial topological characteristics of inverted band orders are identified in pristine X2–GeSn with X = (F, Cl, Br, I), whereas H2–GeSn undergoes a nontrivial band inversion at 8% lattice expansion. Topologically protected edge states are identified in X2–GeSn with X = (F, Cl, Br, I), as well as in strained H2–GeSn. More importantly, the edges of these systems, which exhibit single-Dirac-cone characteristics located exactly in the middle of their bulk band gaps, are ideal for dissipationless transport. Thus, Group 14 elemental honeycomb lattices provide a fascinating playground for the manipulation of quantum states.


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The two-dimensional polymeric structures of the caesium complexes with the phenoxyacetic acid analogues (4-fluorophenoxy)acetic acid, (3-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)acetic acid and the herbicidally active (2,4-dichlorophen­oxy)acetic acid (2,4-D), namely poly[[5-(4-fluorophenoxy)acetato][4-(4-fluorophenoxy)acetato]dicaesium], [Cs2(C8H6FO3)2]n, (I), poly[aqua[5-(3-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)acetato]caesium], [Cs(C9H8ClO3)(H2O)]n, (II), and poly[[7-(2,4-di­chlorophenoxy)acetato][(2,4-dichlorphenoxy)acetic acid]caesium], [Cs(C8H5Cl2O3)(C8H6Cl2O3)]n, (III), are described. In (I), the Cs+ cations of the two individual irregular coordination polyhedra in the asymmetric unit (one CsO7 and the other CsO8) are linked by bridging carboxylate O-atom donors from the two ligand molecules, both of which are involved in bidentate chelate Ocarboxy,Ophenoxy interactions, while only one has a bidentate carboxylate O,O'-chelate inter­action. Polymeric extension is achieved through a number of carboxylate O-atom bridges, with a minimum CsCs separation of 4.3231 (9) Å, giving layers which lie parallel to (001). In hydrated complex (II), the irregular nine-coordination about the Cs+ cation comprises a single monodentate water molecule, a bidentate Ocarboxy,Ophenoxy chelate interaction and six bridging carboxylate O-atom bonding interactions, giving a CsCs separation of 4.2473 (3) Å. The water mol­ecule forms intralayer hydrogen bonds within the two-dimensional layers, which lie parallel to (100). In complex (III), the irregular centrosymmetric CsO6Cl2 coordination environment comprises two O-atom donors and two ring-substituted Cl-atom donors from two hydrogen bis[(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetate] ligand species in a bidentate chelate mode, and four O-atom donors from bridging carboxyl groups. The duplex ligand species lie across crystallographic inversion centres, linked through a short O-HO hydrogen bond involving the single acid H atom. Structure extension gives layers which lie parallel to (001). The present set of structures of Cs salts of phenoxyacetic acids show previously demonstrated trends among the alkali metal salts of simple benzoic acids with no stereochemically favourable interactive substituent groups for formation of two-dimensional coordination polymers.


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The anhydrous salts morpholinium (tetrahydro-2-H-1,4-oxazine) phenxyacetate, C4H10NO+ C8H7O3- (I), (4-fluorophenoxy)acetate, C4H10NO+ C8H6FO3- (II) and isomeric morpholinium (3,5-dichlorophenoxy)acetate (3,5-D) (III) and morpholinium (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetate (2,4-D), C4H10NO+ C8H5Cl2O3- (IV), have been determined and their hydrogen-bonded structures are described. In the crystals of (I), (III) and (IV), one of the the aminium H atoms is involved in a three-centre asymmetric cation-anion N-H...O,O' R2/1(4) hydrogen-bonding interaction with the two carboxyl O-atom acceptors of the anion. With the structure of (II), the primary N---H...O interaction is linear. In the structures of (I), (II) and (III), the second N-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bond generates one-dimensional chain structures extending in all cases along [100]. With (IV), the ion pairs are linked though inversion-related N-H...O hydrogen bonds [graph set R2/4(8)], giving a cyclic heterotetrameric structure.


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Although a wide range of periodic surface nets can be grown on low index silicon surfaces, only a few of these have quasi-one dimensional symmetry. If high index silicon surfaces, such as (553) and (557), are used instead, the surface unit cell contains steps. It is possible to fabricate a number of quasi-one dimensional nanoline systems on the terraces and some of these have nested energy bands near the Fermi level. These nano-scale systems may support exotic many-electron states produced by enhanced electron correlations and a reduction in electron screening in one spatial dimension. In this paper, our groups' experimental and theoretical studies of nanolines phases, grown on both low index and vicinal silicon surfaces are reviewed. These studies give us insight into the electronic properties of artificial nanoline structures.


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A quantum-spin-Hall (QSH) state was achieved experimentally, albeit at a low critical temperature because of the narrow band gap of the bulk material. Twodimensional topological insulators are critically important for realizing novel topological applications. Using density functional theory (DFT), we demonstrated that hydrogenated GaBi bilayers (HGaBi) form a stable topological insulator with a large nontrivial band gap of 0.320 eV, based on the state-of-the-art hybrid functional method, which is implementable for achieving QSH states at room temperature. The nontrivial topological property of the HGaBi lattice can also be confirmed from the appearance of gapless edge states in the nanoribbon structure. Our results provide a versatile platform for hosting nontrivial topological states usable for important nanoelectronic device applications.


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Quantifying the stiffness properties of soft tissues is essential for the diagnosis of many cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. In these pathologies it is widely agreed that the arterial wall stiffness is an indicator of vulnerability. The present paper focuses on the carotid artery and proposes a new inversion methodology for deriving the stiffness properties of the wall from cine-MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) data. We address this problem by setting-up a cost function defined as the distance between the modeled pixel signals and the measured ones. Minimizing this cost function yields the unknown stiffness properties of both the arterial wall and the surrounding tissues. The sensitivity of the identified properties to various sources of uncertainty is studied. Validation of the method is performed on a rubber phantom. The elastic modulus identified using the developed methodology lies within a mean error of 9.6%. It is then applied to two young healthy subjects as a proof of practical feasibility, with identified values of 625 kPa and 587 kPa for one of the carotid of each subject.


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The authors report an in vivo human examination of carotid atheroma by using the inversion-recovery ON resonance (IRON) sequence, which is able to produce positive contrast after the infusion of an ultrasmall super paramagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) contrast medium. This technique provides a method of potentially identifying inflammatory burden within carotid atheroma. This may be particularly useful in patients who currently do not meet criteria for intervention (ie, moderate symptomatic stenosis or <70% asymptomatic stenosis) to further risk-stratify this important patient cohort. A 63-year-old man was imaged at 1.5 T before and 36 hours after USPIO infusion by using the IRON sequence. Regions of interest showing profound signal loss at T2*-weighted imaging corresponded well with regions of positive contrast at IRON imaging after the administration of USPIO. These regions also showed a profound decrease in T2* measurements after USPIO infusion, whereas surrounding tissue did not. It has been shown that such strong signal loss on T2*-weighted images after USPIO infusion is indicative of USPIO uptake.