203 resultados para FIXED-DOSE COMBINATION


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Background: The present study aimed to evaluate the antitumor effectiveness of systemic interleukin (IL)-12 gene therapy in murine sarcoma models, and to evaluate its interaction with the irradiation of tumors and metastases. To avoid toxic side-effects of IL-12 gene therapy, the objective was to achieve the controlled release of IL-12 after intramuscular gene electrotransfer. Methods: Gene electrotransfer of the plasmid pORF-mIL12 was performed into the tibialis cranialis in A/J and C57BL/6 mice. Systemic release of the IL-12 was monitored in the serum of mice after carrying out two sets of intramuscular IL-12 gene electrotransfer of two different doses of plasmid DNA. The antitumor effectiveness of IL-12 gene electrotransfer alone or in combination with local tumor or lung irradiation with X-rays, was evaluated on subcutaneous SA-1 and LPB tumors, as well as on lung metastases. Results: A synergistic antitumor effect of intramuscular gene electrotransfer combined with local tumor irradiation was observed as a result of the systemic distribution of IL-12. The gene electrotransfer resulted in up to 28% of complete responses of tumors. In combination with local tumor irradiation, the curability was increased by up to 100%. The same effect was observed for lung metastases, where a potentiating factor of 1.3-fold was determined. The amount of circulating IL-12 was controlled by the number of repeats of gene electrotransfer and by the amount of the injected plasmid. Conclusions: The present study demonstrates the feasibility of treatment by IL-12 gene electrotransfer combined with local tumor or lung metastases irradiation on sarcoma tumors for translation into the clinical setting. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Skeletal muscle is an attractive target tissue for delivery of therapeutic genes, since it is well vascularized, easily accessible, and has a high capacity for protein synthesis. For efficient transfection in skeletal muscle, several protocols have been described, including delivery of low voltage electric pulses and a combination of high and low voltage electric pulses. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different parameters of electrotransfection on short-term and long-term transfection efficiency in murine skeletal muscle, and to evaluate histological changes in the treated tissue. Different parameters of electric pulses, different time lags between plasmid DNA injection and application of electric pulses, and different doses of plasmid DNA were tested for electrotransfection of tibialis cranialis muscle of C57BI/6 mice using DNA plasmid encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP). Transfection efficiency was assessed on frozen tissue sections one week after electrotransfection using a fluorescence microscope and also noninvasively, followed by an in vivo imaging system using a fluorescence stereo microscope over a period of several months. Histological changes in muscle were evaluated immediately or several months after electrotransfection by determining infiltration of inflammatory mononuclear cells and presence of necrotic muscle fibers. The most efficient electrotransfection into skeletal muscle of C57BI/6 mice in our experiments was achieved when one high voltage (HV) and four low voltage (LV) electric pulses were applied 5 seconds after the injection of 30 μg of plasmid DNA. This protocol resulted in the highest short-term as well as long-term transfection. The fluorescence intensity of the transfected area declined after 2-3 weeks, but GFP fluorescence was still detectable 18 months after electrotransfection. Extensive inflammatory mononuclear cell infiltration was observed immediately after the electrotransfection procedure using the described parameters, but no necrosis or late tissue damage was observed. This study showed that electric pulse parameters, time lag between the injection of DNA and application of electric pulses, and dose of plasmid DNA affected the duration of transgene expression in murine skeletal muscle. Therefore, transgene expression in muscle can be controlled by appropriate selection of electrotransfection protocol.


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Toxicity is a major concern for anti-neoplastic drugs, with much of the existing pharmacopoeia being characterized by a very narrow therapeutic index. 'Network-targeted' combination therapy is a promising new concept in cancer therapy, whereby therapeutic index might be improved by targeting multiple nodes in a cell's signaling network, rather than a single node. Here, we examine the potential of this novel approach, illustrating how therapeutic benefit could be achieved with smaller doses of the necessary agents.


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The aim of this paper is to determine the strain-rate-dependent mechanical behavior of living and fixed osteocytes and chondrocytes, in vitro. Firstly, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was used to obtain the force-indentation curves of these single cells at four different strain-rates. These results were then employed in inverse finite element analysis (FEA) using Modified Standard neo-Hookean Solid (MSnHS) idealization of these cells to determine their mechanical properties. In addition, a FEA model with a newly developed spring element was employed to accurately simulate AFM evaluation in this study. We report that both cytoskeleton (CSK) and intracellular fluid govern the strain-rate-dependent mechanical property of living cells whereas intracellular fluid plays a predominant role on fixed cells’ behavior. In addition, through the comparisons, it can be concluded that osteocytes are stiffer than chondrocytes at all strain-rates tested indicating that the cells could be the biomarker of their tissue origin. Finally, we report that MSnHS is able to capture the strain-rate-dependent mechanical behavior of osteocyte and chondrocyte for both living and fixed cells. Therefore, we concluded that the MSnHS is a good model for exploration of mechanical deformation responses of single osteocytes and chondrocytes. This study could open a new avenue for analysis of mechanical behavior of osteocytes and chondrocytes as well as other similar types of cells.


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Background Despite the remarkable activity of artemisinin and its derivatives, monotherapy with these agents has been associated with high rates of recrudescence. The temporary arrest of the growth of ring-stage parasites (dormancy) after exposure to artemisinin drugs provides a plausible explanation for this phenomenon. Methods Ring-stage parasites of several Plasmodium falciparum lines were exposed to different doses of dihydroartemisinin (DHA) alone or in combination with mefloquine. For each regime, the proportion of recovering parasites was determined daily for 20 days. Results Parasite development was abruptly arrested after a single exposure to DHA, with some parasites being dormant for up to 20 days. Approximately 50% of dormant parasites recovered to resume growth within the first 9 days. The overall proportion of parasites recovering was dose dependent, with recovery rates ranging from 0.044% to 1.313%. Repeated treatment with DHA or with DHA in combination with mefloquine led to a delay in recovery and an ∼10-fold reduction in total recovery. Strains with different genetic backgrounds appeared to vary in their capacity to recover. Conclusions These results imply that artemisinin-induced arrest of growth occurs readily in laboratory-treated parasites and may be a key factor in P. falciparum malaria treatment failure.


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A series of four novel n-type molecules has been synthesized. Unlike previous approaches, the end group of these molecules was fixed and the molecular core was varied. The resulting materials were thoroughly analyzed. Electronic properties were derived from photoemission spectroscopy, optical properties were derived with the help of optical spectroscopy, and the structure of thin films on Au(111) was derived by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). In addition, prototypical organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) (forming n-channels in OFETs) have been fabricated and tested. The correlation between the device performance of the respective OFETs (i.e., electron mobility) and their electronic as well as structural properties was investigated. It turned out that a combination of beneficial electronic and structural properties provides the best results. These findings are important for the design of new materials for future device applications.


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This study analyses and compares the cost efficiency of Japanese steam power generation companies using the fixed and random Bayesian frontier models. We show that it is essential to account for heterogeneity in modelling the performance of energy companies. Results from the model estimation also indicate that restricting CO2 emissions can lead to a decrease in total cost. The study finally discusses the efficiency variations between the energy companies under analysis, and elaborates on the managerial and policy implications of the results.


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Zein was investigated for use as an oral-drug delivery system by loading prednisolone into zein microparticles using coacervation. To investigate the adaptability of this method to other drugs, zein microparticles were loaded with hydrocortisone, which is structurally related to prednisolone; or mesalazine, which is structurally different having a smaller LogP and ionizable functional groups. Investigations into the in vitro digestibility, and the electrophoretic profile of zein, and zein microparticles were conducted to shed further insight on using this protein as a drug delivery system. Hydrocortisone loading into zein microparticles was comparable with that reported for prednisolone, but mesalazine loading was highly variable. Depending on the starting quantities of hydrocortisone and zein, the average amount of microparticles equivalent to 4 mg hydrocortisone, (a clinically used dose), ranged from 60-115 mg, which is realistic and practical for oral dosing. Comparatively, an average of 2.5 g of microparticles was required to deliver 250 mg of mesalazine (a clinically used dose), so alternate encapsulation methods that can produce higher and more precise mesalazine loading are required. In vitro protein digestibility revealed that zein microparticles were more resistant to digestion compared to the zein raw material, and that individual zein peptides are not preferentially coacervated into the microparticles. In combination, these results suggest that there is potential to formulate a delivery system based on zein microparticles made using specific subunits of zein that is more resistant to digestion as starting material, to deliver drugs to the lower gastrointestinal tract.


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Despite the widespread use of ambient ultraviolet radiation (UVR) as a proxy measure of personal exposure to UVR, the relationship between the two is not well-defined. This paper examines the effects of season and latitude on the relationship between ambient UVR and personal UVR exposure. We used data from the AusD Study, a multi-centre cross-sectional study among Australian adults (18-75 years), where personal UVR exposure was objectively measured using polysulphone dosimeters. Data were analysed for 991 participants from 4 Australian cities of different latitude: Townsville (19.3 °S), Brisbane (27.5 °S), Canberra (35.3 °S) and Hobart (42.8 °S). Daily personal UVR exposure varied from 0.01 to 21 Standard Erythemal Doses (median=1.1, IQR: 0.5–2.1), on average accounting for 5% of the total available ambient dose. There was an overall positive correlation between ambient UVR and personal UVR exposure (r=0.23, p<0.001). However, the correlations varied according to season and study location: from strong correlations in winter (r=0.50) and at high latitudes (Hobart, r=0.50; Canberra, r=0.39), to null or even slightly negative correlations, in summer (r=0.01) and at low latitudes (Townsville, r=-0.06; Brisbane, r=-0.16). Multiple regression models showed significant effect modification by season and location. Personal exposure fraction of total available ambient dose was highest in winter (7%) and amongst Hobart participants (7%) and lowest in summer (1%) and in Townsville (4%). These results suggest season and latitude modify the relationship between ambient UVR and personal UVR exposure. Ambient UVR may not be a good indicator for personal exposure dose under some circumstances.


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Background As financial constraints can be a barrier to accessing HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART), we argue for the removal of copayment requirements from HIV medications in South Australia. Methods Using a simple mathematical model informed by available behavioural and biological data and reflecting the HIV epidemiology in South Australia, we calculated the expected number of new HIV transmissions caused by persons who are not currently on ART compared with transmissions for people on ART. The extra financial investment required to cover the copayments to prevent an HIV infection was compared with the treatment costs saved due to averting HIV infections. Results It was estimated that one HIV infection is prevented per year for every 31.4 persons (median, 24.0–42.7 interquartile range (IQR)) who receive treatment. By considering the incremental change in costs and outcomes of a change in program from the current status quo, it would cost the health sector $17 860 per infection averted (median, $13 651–24 287 IQR) if ART is provided as a three-dose, three-drug combination without requirements for user-pay copayments. Conclusions The costs of removing copayment fees for ART are less than the costs of treating extra HIV infections that would result under current conditions. Removing the copayment requirement for HIV medication would be cost-effective from a governmental perspective.


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Conceptual modelling continues to be an important means for graphically capturing the requirements of an information system. Observations of modelling practice suggest that modellers often use multiple conceptual models in combination, because they articulate different aspects of real-world domains. Yet, the available empirical as well as theoretical research in this area has largely studied the use of single models, or single modelling grammars. We develop a Theory of Combined Ontological Coverage by extending an existing theory of ontological expressiveness of conceptual modelling grammars. Our new theory posits that multiple conceptual models are used to increase the maximum coverage of the real-world domain being modelled, whilst trying to minimize the ontological overlap between the models. We illustrate how the theory can be applied to analyse sets of conceptual models. We develop three propositions of the theory about evaluations of model combinations in terms of users’ selection, understandability and usefulness of conceptual models.


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A recent review by Panagoulias and Doupis, published in Patient Preference and Adherence, concerned the saxagliptin/metformin fixed combination (SAXA/MET FDC), and was titled "Clinical utility in the treatment of type 2 diabetes with the saxagliptin/metformin fixed combination."1 This review concluded that "The SAXA/MET FDC is a patient-friendly, dosage-flexible, and hypoglycemia-safe regimen with very few adverse events and a neutral or even favorable effect on body weight. It achieves significant glycosylated hemoglobin A1c reduction helping the patient to achieve his/her individual glycemic goals."1


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Professor Nathan Efron'spersonal journey of retinopexy, cryopexy, vitrectomy and IOL surgery. An unexpected “ink in the sky” moment led to urgent surgery on a symptomatic left eye, with the asymptomatic right eye to follow…