366 resultados para Balanced Presentations


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The demand for high-speed data services for portable device has become a driving force for development of advanced broadband access technologies. Despite recent advances in broadband wireless technologies, there remain a number of critical issues to be resolved. One of the major concerns is the implementation of compact antennas that can operate in a wide frequency band. Spiral antenna has been used extensively for broadband applications due to its planar structure, wide bandwidth characteristics and circular polarisation. However, the practical implementation of spiral antennas is challenged by its high input characteristic impedance, relatively low gain and the need for balanced feeding structures. Further development of wideband balanced feeding structures for spiral antennas with matching impedance capabilities remain a need. This thesis proposes three wideband feeding systems for spiral antennas which are compatible with wideband array antenna geometries. First, a novel tapered geometry is proposed for a symmetric coplanar waveguide (CPW) to coplanar strip line (CPS) wideband balun. This balun can achieve the unbalanced to balanced transformation while matching the high input impedance of the antenna to a reference impedance of 50 . The discontinuity between CPW and CPS is accommodated by using a radial stub and bond wires. The bandwidth of the balun is improved by appropriately tapering the CPW line instead of using a stepped impedance transformer. Next, the tapered design is applied to an asymmetric CPW to propose a novel asymmetric CPW to CPS wideband balun. The use of asymmetric CPW does away with the discontinuities between CPW and CPS without having to use a radial stub or bond wires. Finally, a tapered microstrip line to parallel striplines balun is proposed. The balun consists of two sections. One section is the parallel striplines which are connected to the antenna, with the impedance of balanced line equal to the antenna input impedance. The other section consists of a microstrip line where the width of the ground plane is gradually reduced to eventually resemble a parallel stripline. The taper accomplishes the mode and impedance transformation. This balun has significantly improved bandwidth characteristics. Characteristics of proposed feeding structures are measured in a back-to-back configuration and compared to simulated results. The simulated and measured results show the tapered microstrip to parallel striplines balun to have more than three octaves of bandwidth. The tapered microstrip line to parallel striplines balun is integrated with a single Archimedean spiral antenna and with an array of spiral antennas. The performance of the integrated structures is simulated with the aid of electromagnetic simulation software, and results are compared to measurements. The back-to-back microstrip to parallel strip balun has a return loss of better than 10 dB over a wide bandwidth from 1.75 to 15 GHz. The performance of the microstrip to parallel strip balun was validated with the spiral antennas. The results show the balun to be an effective mean of feeding network with a low profile and wide bandwidth (2.5 to 15 GHz) for balanced spiral antennas.


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This paper reports on the development of a good practice guide that will offer the higher education sector a framework for safeguarding student learning engagement. The good practice guide and framework are underpinned by a set of principles initially identified as themes in the social justice literature which were refined following the consolidation of data collected from eight selected “good practice” Australasian universities and feedback gathered at various forums and presentations. The good practice guide will provide the sector with examples of institutional wide efforts which respond to national priorities for student retention and will also provide exemplars of institutional practices for each principle to facilitate the uptake of sector-wide good practice. Participants will be provided with the opportunity to discuss the social justice principles, the draft good practice guide and identify the practical applications of the guide within individual institutions.


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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to understand reflective journalling in a first year Public Health practice unit. Design/methodology/approach: This research uses pure phenomenography to interpret students descriptions of reflective journalling. Data was collected from thirty-two students enrolled in PUB215 Public Health Practice in the School of Public Health, Queensland University of Technology. Participants completed a brief open-ended questionnaire to evaluate the first assessment item in this unit, a Reflective Journal. Questionnaire responses were analysed through Dahlgren and Fallsberg’s (1991) seven phases of data analysis. Findings: The Reflective Journal required students to reflect on lecture content from five of seven guest speakers. Participants responses were categorised into four conceptions - 1) engagement in learning, 2) depth of knowledge, 3) understanding the process and 4) doing the task. Participants describe reflective journalling as a conduit to think critically about the content of the guest speakers presentations. Other participants think journalling is a vehicle to think deeply about their potential career pathways. Some define journalling as a pragmatic operation where practical issues are difficult to navigate. The Reflective Journal successfully a) engaged students learning, b) increased students depth of knowledge and c) deepened students understanding of the journalling process. Originality/value: This research gives an insight into how first year public health students understand reflective journalling, supports educators in reflective journalling assessments and confirms a Reflective Journal assessment can move student reflection towards higher order thinking about practice.


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Divergence dating studies, which combine temporal data from the fossil record with branch length data from molecular phylogenetic trees, represent a rapidly expanding approach to understanding the history of life. National Evolutionary Synthesis Center hosted the first Fossil Calibrations Working Group (3–6 March, 2011, Durham, NC, USA), bringing together palaeontologists, molecular evolutionists and bioinformatics experts to present perspectives from disciplines that generate, model and use fossil calibration data. Presentations and discussions focused on channels for interdisciplinary collaboration, best practices for justifying, reporting and using fossil calibrations and roadblocks to synthesis of palaeontological and molecular data. Bioinformatics solutions were proposed, with the primary objective being a new database for vetted fossil calibrations with linkages to existing resources, targeted for a 2012 launch.


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Fusion techniques have received considerable attention for achieving performance improvement with biometrics. While a multi-sample fusion architecture reduces false rejects, it also increases false accepts. This impact on performance also depends on the nature of subsequent attempts, i.e., random or adaptive. Expressions for error rates are presented and experimentally evaluated in this work by considering the multi-sample fusion architecture for text-dependent speaker verification using HMM based digit dependent speaker models. Analysis incorporating correlation modeling demonstrates that the use of adaptive samples improves overall fusion performance compared to randomly repeated samples. For a text dependent speaker verification system using digit strings, sequential decision fusion of seven instances with three random samples is shown to reduce the overall error of the verification system by 26% which can be further reduced by 6% for adaptive samples. This analysis novel in its treatment of random and adaptive multiple presentations within a sequential fused decision architecture, is also applicable to other biometric modalities such as finger prints and handwriting samples.


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Introduction: In Singapore, motorcycle crashes account for 50% of traffic fatalities and 53% of injuries. While extensive research efforts have been devoted to improve the motorcycle safety, the relationship between the rider behavior and the crash risk is still not well understood. The objective of this study is to evaluate how behavioral factors influence crash risk and to identify the most vulnerable group of motorcyclists. Methods: To explore the rider behavior, a 61-item questionnaire examining sensation seeking (Zuckerman et al., 1978), impulsiveness (Eysenck et al., 1985), aggressiveness (Buss & Perry, 1992), and risk-taking behavior (Weber et al., 2002) was developed. A total of 240 respondents with at least one year riding experience form the sample that relate behavior to their crash history, traffic penalty awareness, and demographic characteristics. By clustering the crash risk using the medoid portioning algorithm, the log-linear model relating the rider behavior to crash risk was developed. Results and Discussions: Crash-involved motorcyclists scored higher in impulsive sensation seeking, aggression and risk-taking behavior. Aggressive and high risk-taking motorcyclists were respectively 1.30 and 2.21 times more likely to fall under the high crash involvement group while impulsive sensation seeking was not found to be significant. Based on the scores on risk-taking and aggression, the motorcyclists were clustered into four distinct personality combinations namely, extrovert (aggressive, impulsive risk-takers), leader (cautious, aggressive risk-takers), follower (agreeable, ignorant risk-takers), and introvert (self-consciousness, fainthearted risk-takers). “Extrovert” motorcyclists were most prone to crashes, being 3.34 times more likely to involve in crash and 8.29 times more vulnerable than the “introvert”. Mediating factors like demographic characteristics, riding experience, and traffic penalty awareness were found not to be significant in reducing crash risk. Conclusion: The findings of this study will be useful for road safety campaign planners to be more focused in the target group as well as those who employ motorcyclists for their delivery business.


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Endocrinopathic laminitis is frequently associated with hyperinsulinaemia but the role of glucose in the pathogenesis of the disease has not been fully investigated. This study aimed to determine the endogenous insulin response to a quantity of glucose equivalent to that administered during a laminitis-inducing, euglycaemic, hyperinsulinaemic clamp, over 48. h in insulin-sensitive Standardbred racehorses. In addition, the study investigated whether glucose infusion, in the absence of exogenous insulin administration, would result in the development of clinical and histopathological evidence of laminitis. Glucose (50% dextrose) was infused intravenously at a rate of 0.68 mL/kg/h for 48. h in treated horses (n = 4) and control horses (n = 3) received a balanced electrolyte solution (0.68 mL/kg/h). Lamellar histology was examined at the conclusion of the experiment. Horses in the treatment group were insulin sensitive (M value 0.039 ± 0.0012. mmol/kg/min and M-to-I ratio (100×) 0.014 ± 0.002) as determined by an approximated hyperglycaemic clamp. Treated horses developed glycosuria, hyperglycaemia (10.7 ± 0.78. mmol/L) and hyperinsulinaemia (208 ± 26.1. μIU/mL), whereas control horses did not. None of the horses became lame as a consequence of the experiment but all of the treated horses developed histopathological evidence of laminitis in at least one foot. Combined with earlier studies, the results showed that laminitis may be induced by either insulin alone or a combination of insulin and glucose, but that it is unlikely to be due to a glucose overload mechanism. Based on the histopathological data, the potential threshold for insulin toxicity (i.e. laminitis) in horses may be at or below a serum concentration of ∼200. μIU/mL.


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Background Many previous studies have found seasonal patterns in birth outcomes, but with little agreement about which season poses the highest risk. Some of the heterogeneity between studies may be explained by a previously unknown bias. The bias occurs in retrospective cohorts which include all births occurring within a fixed start and end date, which means shorter pregnancies are missed at the start of the study, and longer pregnancies are missed at the end. Our objective was to show the potential size of this bias and how to avoid it. Methods To demonstrate the bias we simulated a retrospective birth cohort with no seasonal pattern in gestation and used a range of cohort end dates. As a real example, we used a cohort of 114,063 singleton births in Brisbane between 1 July 2005 and 30 June 2009 and examined the bias when estimating changes in gestation length associated with season (using month of conception) and a seasonal exposure (temperature). We used survival analyses with temperature as a time-dependent variable. Results We found strong artificial seasonal patterns in gestation length by month of conception, which depended on the end date of the study. The bias was avoided when the day and month of the start date was just before the day and month of the end date (regardless of year), so that the longer gestations at the start of the study were balanced by the shorter gestations at the end. After removing the fixed cohort bias there was a noticeable change in the effect of temperature on gestation length. The adjusted hazard ratios were flatter at the extremes of temperature but steeper between 15 and 25°C. Conclusions Studies using retrospective birth cohorts should account for the fixed cohort bias by removing selected births to get unbiased estimates of seasonal health effects.


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Aim: to describe what health problems patients attending emergency department with and whether this changed over time. Methods: Electronic data was retrieved from EDIS (Emergency Department Information System) and HBCIS (Hospital Based Clinical Information System) in two hospitals in Queensland in the period 2001-2009. The ICD-10 code of patient's diagnosis was then extrapolated and then group into ICD-10 chapters, such that the health problem can be presented. Results: Among the specific health problems, Chapter XIX 'Injury and poisoning' ranked number one consistently (ranging from 22.1% to 31.2% of the total presentations) in both the urban and remote hospitals in Queensland. The top ten specific presenting health problems in both the urban and remote hospital include Chapter XI 'Digestive system', Chapter XIV 'Genitourinary system', Chapter IX 'Circulatory system', and Chapter XIII 'Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue'. Chapter X 'Respiratory system' made the top ten presenting Chapters in both hospitals, but ranked much higher (number four consistently for the eight years, ranging from 6.8% to 8.3%) in the remote hospital. Chapter XV 'Pregnancy childbirth and puerperium' made to the top ten in the urban hospital only while Chapter XII 'Skin and subcutaneous tissue', Chapter I 'Infectious and parasitic diseases' made the top ten in the remote hospital only. Conclusion: The number one health problem presenting to both the urban and remote hospitals in Queensland is Chapter XIX 'Injury and poisoning', and it did not change in the period 211 - 2009.


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A prominent research focus, especially in the context of EU public funding, has been the systematic use of the Internet for new ways of value creation in the services sector. This idea of service networks in the Internet, frequently dubbed the Internet of Services or Web service ecosystems, wants to make services tradable in digital media. In order to enable communication and trade between providers and consumers of services, the Internet of Services requires a standard that creates a "commercial envelope" around a service. This is where the Unified Service Description Language (USDL) comes into play as a normative and balanced unification of service information. The unified description established by USDL is machine-processable, considers technical and business aspects of a service as well as functional and non-functional attributes.


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This CDROM includes PDFs of presentations on the following topics: "TXDOT Revenue and Expenditure Trends;" "Examine Highway Fund Diversions, & Benchmark Texas Vehicle Registration Fees;" "Evaluation of the JACK Model;" "Future highway construction cost trends;" "Fuel Efficiency Trends and Revenue Impact"


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Recent studies suggest that meta-evaluation can be valuable in developing new approaches to evaluation, building evaluation capacities, and enhancing organizational learning. These new extensions of the concept of meta-evaluation are significant, given the growing emphasis on improving the quality and effectiveness of evaluation practices in the South Asian region. Following a review of the literature, this paper presents a case study of the use of concurrent meta-evaluation in the four-year project Assessing Communication for Social Change which developed and trialled a participatory impact assessment methodology in collaboration with a development communication Non-government organization (NGO) in Nepal. Key objectives of the meta-evaluation included to: continuously develop, adapt and improve the impact assessment methodology, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems and process and other project activities; identify impacts of the project; and build capacities in critical reflection and review. Our analysis indicates that this meta-evaluation was essential to understanding various constraints related to the organizational context that affected the success of the project and the development of improved M&E systems and capacities within the NGO. We identified several limitations of our meta-evaluation methods, which were balanced by the strengths of other methods. Our case study suggests that as well as assessing the quality, credibility and value of evaluation practices, meta-evaluations need to focus on important contextual issues that can have significant impacts on the outcomes of participatory evaluation projects. They include hierarchical organizational cultures, communication barriers, power/knowledge relations, and the time and resources available. Meta-evaluations also need to consider wider issues such as the sustainability of evaluation systems and approaches.


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The presence of large number of single-phase distributed energy resources (DERs) can cause severe power quality problems in distribution networks. The DERs can be installed in random locations. This may cause the generation in a particular phase exceeds the load demand in that phase. Therefore the excess power in that phase will be fed back to the transmission network. To avoid this problem, the paper proposes the use of distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) that needs to be connected at the first bus following a substation. When operated properly, the DSTATCOM can facilitate a set of balanced current flow from the substation, even when excess power is generated by DERs. The proposals are validated through extensive digital computer simulation studies using PSCAD and MATLAB.


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Current unbalance is a significant power quality problem in distribution networks. This problem increases further with the increased penetration of single-phase photovoltaic cells. In this paper, a new approach is developed for current unbalance reduction in medium voltage distribution networks. The method is based on utilization of three single-phase voltage source converters connected in delta configuration between the phases. Each converter is controlled to function as a varying capacitor. The combination of the load and the compensator will result in a balanced load with unity power factor. The efficacy of the proposed current unbalance reduction concept is verified through dynamic simulations in PSCAD/EMTDC.


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Background Emergency department (ED) crowding caused by access block is an increasing public health issue and has been associated with impaired healthcare delivery, negative patient outcomes and increased staff workload. Aim To investigate the impact of opening a new ED on patient and healthcare service outcomes. Methods A 24-month time series analysis was employed using deterministically linked data from the ambulance service and three ED and hospital admission databases in Queensland, Australia. Results Total volume of ED presentations increased 18%, while local population growth increased by 3%. Healthcare service and patient outcomes at the two pre-existing hospitals did not improve. These outcomes included ambulance offload time: (Hospital A PRE: 10 min, POST: 10 min, P < 0.001; Hospital B PRE: 10 min, POST: 15 min, P < 0.001); ED length of stay: (Hospital A PRE: 242 min, POST: 246 min, P < 0.001; Hospital B PRE: 182 min, POST: 210 min, P < 0.001); and access block: (Hospital A PRE: 41%, POST: 46%, P < 0.001; Hospital B PRE: 23%, POST: 40%, P < 0.001). Time series modelling indicated that the effect was worst at the hospital furthest away from the new ED. Conclusions An additional ED within the region saw an increase in the total volume of presentations at a rate far greater than local population growth, suggesting it either provided an unmet need or a shifting of activity from one sector to another. Future studies should examine patient decision making regarding reasons for presenting to a new or pre-existing ED. There is an inherent need to take a ‘whole of health service area’ approach to solve crowding issues.