353 resultados para wide angle scanning phased array


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A genome-wide search for markers associated with BSE incidence was performed by using Transmission-Disequilibrium Tests (TDTs). Significant segregation distortion, i.e., unequal transmission probabilities of alleles within a locus, was found for three marker loci on Chromosomes (Chrs) 5, 10, and 20. Although TDTs are robust to false associations owing to hidden population substructures, it cannot distinguish segregation distortion caused by a true association between a marker and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) from a population-wide distortion. An interaction test and a segregation distortion analysis in half-sib controls were used to disentangle these two alternative hypotheses. None of the markers showed any significant interaction between allele transmission rates and disease status, and only the marker on Chr 10 showed a significant segregation distortion in control individuals. Nevertheless, the control group may have been a mixture of resistant and susceptible but unchallenged individuals. When new genotypes were generated in the vicinity of these three markers, evidence for an association with BSE was confirmed for the locus on Chr 5.


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Shale is an increasingly important source of natural gas in the United States. The gas is held in fine pores that need to be accessed by horizontal drilling and hydrofracturing techniques. Understanding the nature of the pores may provide clues to making gas extraction more efficient. We have investigated two Mississippian Barnett Shale samples, combining small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and ultrasmall-angle neutron scattering (USANS) to determine the pore size distribution of the shale over the size range 10 nm to 10 μm. By adding deuterated methane (CD4) and, separately, deuterated water (D2O) to the shale, we have identified the fraction of pores that are accessible to these compounds over this size range. The total pore size distribution is essentially identical for the two samples. At pore sizes >250 nm, >85% of the pores in both samples are accessible to both CD4 and D2O. However, differences in accessibility to CD4 are observed in the smaller pore sizes (∼25 nm). In one sample, CD4 penetrated the smallest pores as effectively as it did the larger ones. In the other sample, less than 70% of the smallest pores (<25 nm) were accessible to CD4, but they were still largely penetrable by water, suggesting that small-scale heterogeneities in methane accessibility occur in the shale samples even though the total porosity does not differ. An additional study investigating the dependence of scattered intensity with pressure of CD4 allows for an accurate estimation of the pressure at which the scattered intensity is at a minimum. This study provides information about the composition of the material immediately surrounding the pores. Most of the accessible (open) pores in the 25 nm size range can be associated with either mineral matter or high reflectance organic material. However, a complementary scanning electron microscopy investigation shows that most of the pores in these shale samples are contained in the organic components. The neutron scattering results indicate that the pores are not equally proportioned in the different constituents within the shale. There is some indication from the SANS results that the composition of the pore-containing material varies with pore size; the pore size distribution associated with mineral matter is different from that associated with organic phases.


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Filamentary single crystals, blades, sheets, euhedral crystals and powders may form by vapor phase condensation depending on the supersauration conditions in the vapor with respect to the condensing species [1]. Filamentary crystal growth requires the operation of an axial screw dislocation [2]. A Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) mechanism may also produce filamentary single crystals, ribbons and blades. The latter two morphologies are typically twinned. Crystals grown by this mechanism do not require the presence of an axial screw dislocation. Impurities may either promote or inhibit crystal growth [3]. The VLS mechanism allows crystals to grow at small supersaturation of the vapor. Thin enstatite blades, ribbons and sheets have been observed in chondritic porous Interplanetary Dust Partics (IDP's) [4, 5]. The requisite screw dislocation for vapor phase condensation [1] has been observed in these enstatite blades [4]. Bradley et al. [4] suggest that these crystals are primary vapor phase condensates which could have formed either in the solar nebula or in presolar environments. These observations [4,5] are significant in that they may provide a demonstrable link to theoretical predictions: viz. that in the primordial solar nebula filamentary condensates could cluster into 'lint balls' and form the predecessors to comets [6].


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Restoring a large-scale power system has always been a complicated and important issue. A lot of research work has been done on different aspects of the whole power system restoration procedure. However, more time will be required to complete the power system restoration process in an actual situation if accurate and real-time system data cannot be obtained. With the development of the wide area monitoring system (WAMS), power system operators are capable of accessing to more accurate data in the restoration stage after a major outage. The ultimate goal of the system restoration is to restore as much load as possible while in the shortest period of time after a blackout, and the restorable load can be estimated by employing WAMS. Moreover, discrete restorable loads are employed considering the limited number of circuit-breaker operations and the practical topology of distribution systems. In this work, a restorable load estimation method is proposed employing WAMS data after the network frame has been reenergized, and WAMS is also employed to monitor the system parameters in case the newly recovered system becomes unstable again. The proposed method has been validated with the New England 39-Bus system and an actual power system in Guangzhou, China.


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This study examined the effects of strategic orientation and environmental scanning on a firm’s propensity to innovate (organisational innovativeness). Previous research has mostly proposed descriptive and theoretical relationships between strategic orientation, environmental scanning and organisational innovation adoption (Beal, 2000; Jennings & Lumpkin, 1992; Raymond, Julien, & Ramangalahy, 2001). However, strategic orientation and environmental scanning, as distinct constructs, have not been empirically examined directly before in relation to organisational innovativeness. Furthermore the directionality of the relationship between strategic orientation and environmental scanning on organisational innovation adoption is still unclear (Hagen, Haile, & Maghrabi, 2003). For example, does scanning the environment result in certain types of organisational strategies, and these strategies in turn influence levels of organisational innovativeness? Or do certain types of strategic orientations pre-determine the levels of environmental scanning, and then this environmental scanning influences an organisation’s propensity to innovate? Therefore, this study using a more nuanced measure of strategic orientation; the Venkatraman’s (1989) STROBE framework of analysis, defensiveness, futurity, proactiveness, aggressiveness and riskiness, examined the directional effects of strategy and environmental scanning on organisational innovativeness Specifically, two competing models of directionality between strategic orientation and environmental scanning in relation to organisational innovativeness were proposed. Model 1 (Behavioural View) proposed that certain strategic orientation dimensions affect levels of environmental scanning, which in turn influences organisational innovativeness. In contrast, Model 2 (Open Systems view) proposed that environmental scanning affects the emphasis on certain strategic orientation dimensions, which in turn influences organisational innovativeness. Data was collected from 117 industrial firms and path analyses were used to test the two competing models. The results supported both models, suggesting a bi-directional relationship, as both models had adequate fit indices and significant paths with the data. However, overall Model 2 – the Open Systems Model had the stronger fit indices and stronger indirect effect compared to Model 1 – the Behavioural Model, suggesting that overall environmental scanning does not exert a strong direct effect on innovativeness but has more of a stronger indirect effect through the analysis and proactiveness strategic orientation dimensions. In sum, the thesis results suggest that firms’ that emphasise environmental scanning – that is continually seeking information from the environment about customers, markets, industry and new technology - are more likely to emphasise strategic orientations such as proactiveness – being innovative - and also analysis – being analytical and comprehensive in decision making - and both these strategic orientations in turn greatly influence these firms’ propensity to innovate. Discussion is given to these findings and implications are drawn for organisations and future research.


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Wolbachia pipientis is an endosymbiotic bacterium present in diverse insect species. Although it is well studied for its dramatic effects on host reproductive biology, little is known about its effects on other aspects of host biology, despite its presence in a wide array of host tissues. This study examined the effects of three Wolbachia strains on two different Drosophila species, using a laboratory performance assay for insect locomotion in response to olfactory cues. The results demonstrate that Wolbachia infection can have significant effects on host responsiveness that vary with respect to the Wolbachia strain-host species combination. The wRi strain, native to Drosophila simulans, increases the basal activity level of the host insect as well as its responsiveness to food cues. In contrast, the wMel strain and the virulent wMelPop strain, native to Drosophila melanogaster, cause slight decreases in responsiveness to food cues but do not alter basal activity levels in the host. Surprisingly, the virulent wMelPop strain has very little impact on host responsiveness in D. simulans. This novel strain-host relationship was artificially created previously by transinfection. These findings have implications for understanding the evolution and spread of Wolbachia infections in wild populations and for Wolbachia-based vector-borne disease control strategies currently being developed.


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Morphology changes induced in polycrystalline silver catalysts as a result of heating in either oxygen, water or oxygen-methanol atmospheres have been investigated by environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), FT-Raman spectroscopy and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). The silver catalyst of interest consisted of two distinct particle types, one of which contained a significant concentration of sub-surface hydroxy species (in addition to surface adsorbed atomic oxygen). Heating the sample to 663 K resulted in the production of 'pin-holes' in the silver structure as a consequence of near-surface explosions caused by sub-surface hydroxy recombination. Furthermore, 'pin-holes' were predominantly found in the vicinity of surface defects, such as platelets and edge structures. Reaction between methanol and oxygen also resulted in the formation of 'pin-holes' in the silver surface, which were inherently associated with the catalytic process. A reaction mechanism is suggested that involves the interaction of methanol with sub-surface oxygen species to form sub-surface hydroxy groups. The sub-surface hydroxy species subsequently erupt through the silver surface to again produce 'pin-holes'.


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The techniques of environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and Raman microscopy have been used to respectively elucidate the morphological changes and nature of the adsorbed species on silver(I) oxide powder, during methanol oxidation conditions. Heating Ag2O in either water vapour or oxygen resulted firstly in the decomposition of silver(I) oxide to polycrystalline silver at 578 K followed by sintering of the particles at higher temperature. Raman spectroscopy revealed the presence of subsurface oxygen and hydroxyl species in addition to surface hydroxyl groups after interaction with water vapour. Similar species were identified following exposure to oxygen in an ambient atmosphere. This behaviour indicated that the polycrystalline silver formed from Ag2O decomposition was substantially more reactive than silver produced by electrochemical methods. The interaction of water at elevated temperatures subsequent to heating silver(I) oxide in oxygen resulted in a significantly enhanced concentration of subsurface hydroxyl species. The reaction of methanol with Ag2O at high temperatures was interesting in that an inhibition in silver grain growth was noted. Substantial structural modification of the silver(I) oxide material was induced by catalytic etching in a methanol/air mixture. In particular, "pin-hole" formation was observed to occur at temperatures in excess of 773 K, and it was also recorded that these "pin- holes" coalesced to form large-scale defects under typical industrial reaction conditions. Raman spectroscopy revealed that the working surface consisted mainly of subsurface oxygen and surface Ag=O species. The relative lack of sub-surface hydroxyl species suggested that it was the desorption of such moieties which was the cause of the "pin-hole" formation.


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Polycrystalline silver is used to catalytically oxidise methanol to formaldehyde. This paper reports the results of extensive investigations involving the use of environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) to monitor structural changes in silver during simulated industrial reaction conditions. The interaction of oxygen, nitrogen, and water, either singly or in combination, with a silver catalyst at temperatures up to 973 K resulted in the appearance of a reconstructed silver surface. More spectacular was the effect an oxygen/methanol mixture had on the silver morphology. At a temperature of ca. 713 K pinholes were created in the vicinity of defects as a consequence of subsurface explosions. These holes gradually increased in size and large platelet features were created. Elevation of the catalyst temperature to 843 K facilitated the wholescale oxygen induced restructuring of the entire silver surface. Methanol reacted with subsurface oxygen to produce subsurface hydroxyl species which ultimately formed water in the subsurface layers of silver. The resultant hydrostatic pressure forced the silver surface to adopt a "hill and valley" conformation in order to minimise the surface free energy. Upon approaching typical industrial operating conditions widespread explosions occurred on the catalyst and it was also apparent that the silver surface was extremely mobile under the applied conditions. The interaction of methanol alone with silver resulted in the initial formation of pinholes primarily in the vicinity of defects, due to reaction with oxygen species incorporated in the catalyst during electrochemical synthesis. However, dramatic reduction in the hole concentration with time occurred as all the available oxygen became consumed. A remarkable correlation between formaldehyde production and hole concentration was found.


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Celebration (and the celebritisation) of the Australian-ness of children’s authors who enjoy critical or commercial international success, and especially of those who win international prizes speaks to a desire to partake in both national and international cultural spheres. Prizing is often presumed to both guarantee and emerge from a creator's reputation at home and abroad. Australian artist and writer Shaun Tan has received a wide array of cultural and literary prizes, ranging from Australian book awards, to an Academy Award, to the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Prize. This paper considers logics of evaluation and interpretation as they can be traced in the intratextual, intertextual, and extratextual codes of Shaun Tan’s picture book, The Lost Thing (2000), the animated film adaptation of The Lost Thing (2010). It further considers the ways in which the desire for a global audience may necessitate an erasure of the national culture which is traded on in a global market.


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Migraine is a common neurological disease with a complex genetic aetiology. The disease affects ~12% of the Caucasian population and females are three times more likely than males to be diagnosed. In an effort to identify loci involved in migraine susceptibility, we performed a pedigree-based genome-wide association study of the isolated population of Norfolk Island, which has a high prevalence of migraine. This unique population originates from a small number of British and Polynesian founders who are descendents of the Bounty mutiny and forms a very large multigenerational pedigree (Bellis et al.; Human Genetics, 124(5):543-5542, 2008). These population genetic features may facilitate disease gene mapping strategies (Peltonen et al.; Nat Rev Genet, 1(3):182-90, 2000. In this study, we identified a high heritability of migraine in the Norfolk Island population (h (2) = 0.53, P = 0.016). We performed a pedigree-based GWAS and utilised a statistical and pathological prioritisation approach to implicate a number of variants in migraine. An SNP located in the zinc finger protein 555 (ZNF555) gene (rs4807347) showed evidence of statistical association in our Norfolk Island pedigree (P = 9.6 × 10(-6)) as well as replication in a large independent and unrelated cohort with >500 migraineurs. In addition, we utilised a biological prioritisation to implicate four SNPs, in within the ADARB2 gene, two SNPs within the GRM7 gene and a single SNP in close proximity to a HTR7 gene. Association of SNPs within these neurotransmitter-related genes suggests a disrupted serotoninergic system that is perhaps specific to the Norfolk Island pedigree, but that might provide clues to understanding migraine more generally.


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Migraine is a common neurovascular disorder with a complex envirogenomic aetiology. In an effort to identify migraine susceptibility genes, we conducted a study of the isolated population of Norfolk Island, Australia. A large portion of the permanent inhabitants of Norfolk Island are descended from 18th Century English sailors involved in the infamous mutiny on the Bounty and their Polynesian consorts. In total, 600 subjects were recruited including a large pedigree of 377 individuals with lineage to the founders. All individuals were phenotyped for migraine using International Classification of Headache Disorders-II criterion. All subjects were genotyped for a genome-wide panel of microsatellite markers. Genotype and phenotype data for the pedigree were analysed using heritability and linkage methods implemented in the programme SOLAR. Follow-up association analysis was performed using the CLUMP programme. A total of 154 migraine cases (25%) were identified indicating the Norfolk Island population is high-risk for migraine. Heritability estimation of the 377-member pedigree indicated a significant genetic component for migraine (h2 = 0.53, P = 0.016). Linkage analysis showed peaks on chromosome 13q33.1 (P = 0.003) and chromosome 9q22.32 (P = 0.008). Association analysis of the key microsatellites in the remaining 223 unrelated Norfolk Island individuals showed evidence of association, which strengthen support for the linkage findings (P ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, a genome-wide linkage analysis and follow-up association analysis of migraine in the genetic isolate of Norfolk Island provided evidence for migraine susceptibility loci on chromosomes 9q22.22 and 13q33.1.


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Migraine is a common, heterogeneous and heritable neurological disorder. Its pathophysiology is incompletely understood, and its genetic influences at the population level are unknown. In a population-based genome-wide analysis including 5,122 migraineurs and 18,108 non-migraineurs, rs2651899 (1p36.32, PRDM16), rs10166942 (2q37.1, TRPM8) and rs11172113 (12q13.3, LRP1) were among the top seven associations (P < 5 × 10(-6)) with migraine. These SNPs were significant in a meta-analysis among three replication cohorts and met genome-wide significance in a meta-analysis combining the discovery and replication cohorts (rs2651899, odds ratio (OR) = 1.11, P = 3.8 × 10(-9); rs10166942, OR = 0.85, P = 5.5 × 10(-12); and rs11172113, OR = 0.90, P = 4.3 × 10(-9)). The associations at rs2651899 and rs10166942 were specific for migraine compared with non-migraine headache. None of the three SNP associations was preferential for migraine with aura or without aura, nor were any associations specific for migraine features. TRPM8 has been the focus of neuropathic pain models, whereas LRP1 modulates neuronal glutamate signaling, plausibly linking both genes to migraine pathophysiology.


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Objective: To perform a 1-stage meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of multiple sclerosis (MS) susceptibility and to explore functional consequences of new susceptibility loci. Methods: We synthesized 7 MS GWAS. Each data set was imputed using HapMap phase II, and a per single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) meta-analysis was performed across the 7 data sets. We explored RNA expression data using a quantitative trait analysis in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 228 subjects with demyelinating disease. Results: We meta-analyzed 2,529,394 unique SNPs in 5,545 cases and 12,153 controls. We identified 3 novel susceptibility alleles: rs170934T at 3p24.1 (odds ratio [OR], 1.17; p ¼ 1.6 � 10�8) near EOMES, rs2150702G in the second intron of MLANA on chromosome 9p24.1 (OR, 1.16; p ¼ 3.3 � 10�8), and rs6718520A in an intergenic region on chromosome 2p21, with THADA as the nearest flanking gene (OR, 1.17; p ¼ 3.4 � 10�8). The 3 new loci do not have a strong cis effect on RNA expression in PBMCs. Ten other susceptibility loci had a suggestive p < 1 � 10�6, some of these loci have evidence of association in other inflammatory diseases (ie, IL12B, TAGAP, PLEK, and ZMIZ1). Interpretation: We have performed a meta-analysis of GWAS in MS that more than doubles the size of previous gene discovery efforts and highlights 3 novel MS susceptibility loci. These and additional loci with suggestive evidence of association are excellent candidates for further investigations to refine and validate their role in the genetic architecture of MS.