325 resultados para esami informatica jsbin web playground


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Web service technology is increasingly being used to build various e-Applications, in domains such as e-Business and e-Science. Characteristic benefits of web service technology are its inter-operability, decoupling and just-in-time integration. Using web service technology, an e-Application can be implemented by web service composition — by composing existing individual web services in accordance with the business process of the application. This means the application is provided to customers in the form of a value-added composite web service. An important and challenging issue of web service composition, is how to meet Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements. This includes customer focused elements such as response time, price, throughput and reliability as well as how to best provide QoS results for the composites. This in turn best fulfils customers’ expectations and achieves their satisfaction. Fulfilling these QoS requirements or addressing the QoS-aware web service composition problem is the focus of this project. From a computational point of view, QoS-aware web service composition can be transformed into diverse optimisation problems. These problems are characterised as complex, large-scale, highly constrained and multi-objective problems. We therefore use genetic algorithms (GAs) to address QoS-based service composition problems. More precisely, this study addresses three important subproblems of QoS-aware web service composition; QoS-based web service selection for a composite web service accommodating constraints on inter-service dependence and conflict, QoS-based resource allocation and scheduling for multiple composite services on hybrid clouds, and performance-driven composite service partitioning for decentralised execution. Based on operations research theory, we model the three problems as a constrained optimisation problem, a resource allocation and scheduling problem, and a graph partitioning problem, respectively. Then, we present novel GAs to address these problems. We also conduct experiments to evaluate the performance of the new GAs. Finally, verification experiments are performed to show the correctness of the GAs. The major outcomes from the first problem are three novel GAs: a penaltybased GA, a min-conflict hill-climbing repairing GA, and a hybrid GA. These GAs adopt different constraint handling strategies to handle constraints on interservice dependence and conflict. This is an important factor that has been largely ignored by existing algorithms that might lead to the generation of infeasible composite services. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our GAs for handling the QoS-based web service selection problem with constraints on inter-service dependence and conflict, as well as their better scalability than the existing integer programming-based method for large scale web service selection problems. The major outcomes from the second problem has resulted in two GAs; a random-key GA and a cooperative coevolutionary GA (CCGA). Experiments demonstrate the good scalability of the two algorithms. In particular, the CCGA scales well as the number of composite services involved in a problem increases, while no other algorithms demonstrate this ability. The findings from the third problem result in a novel GA for composite service partitioning for decentralised execution. Compared with existing heuristic algorithms, the new GA is more suitable for a large-scale composite web service program partitioning problems. In addition, the GA outperforms existing heuristic algorithms, generating a better deployment topology for a composite web service for decentralised execution. These effective and scalable GAs can be integrated into QoS-based management tools to facilitate the delivery of feasible, reliable and high quality composite web services.


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With the growth of the Web, E-commerce activities are also becoming popular. Product recommendation is an effective way of marketing a product to potential customers. Based on a user’s previous searches, most recommendation methods employ two dimensional models to find relevant items. Such items are then recommended to a user. Further too many irrelevant recommendations worsen the information overload problem for a user. This happens because such models based on vectors and matrices are unable to find the latent relationships that exist between users and searches. Identifying user behaviour is a complex process, and usually involves comparing searches made by him. In most of the cases traditional vector and matrix based methods are used to find prominent features as searched by a user. In this research we employ tensors to find relevant features as searched by users. Such relevant features are then used for making recommendations. Evaluation on real datasets show the effectiveness of such recommendations over vector and matrix based methods.


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The growing importance and need of data processing for information extraction is vital for Web databases. Due to the sheer size and volume of databases, retrieval of relevant information as needed by users has become a cumbersome process. Information seekers are faced by information overloading - too many result sets are returned for their queries. Moreover, too few or no results are returned if a specific query is asked. This paper proposes a ranking algorithm that gives higher preference to a user’s current search and also utilizes profile information in order to obtain the relevant results for a user’s query.


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Search log data is multi dimensional data consisting of number of searches of multiple users with many searched parameters. This data can be used to identify a user’s interest in an item or object being searched. Identifying highest interests of a Web user from his search log data is a complex process. Based on a user’s previous searches, most recommendation methods employ two-dimensional models to find relevant items. Such items are then recommended to a user. Two-dimensional data models, when used to mine knowledge from such multi dimensional data may not be able to give good mappings of user and his searches. The major problem with such models is that they are unable to find the latent relationships that exist between different searched dimensions. In this research work, we utilize tensors to model the various searches made by a user. Such high dimensional data model is then used to extract the relationship between various dimensions, and find the prominent searched components. To achieve this, we have used popular tensor decomposition methods like PARAFAC, Tucker and HOSVD. All experiments and evaluation is done on real datasets, which clearly show the effectiveness of tensor models in finding prominent searched components in comparison to other widely used two-dimensional data models. Such top rated searched components are then given as recommendation to users.


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We propose to use the Tensor Space Modeling (TSM) to represent and analyze the user’s web log data that consists of multiple interests and spans across multiple dimensions. Further we propose to use the decomposition factors of the Tensors for clustering the users based on similarity of search behaviour. Preliminary results show that the proposed method outperforms the traditional Vector Space Model (VSM) based clustering.


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Web 2.0 technology and concepts are being used increasingly by organisations to enhance knowledge, efficiency, engagement and reputation. Understanding the concepts of Web 2.0, its characteristics, and how the technology and concepts can be adopted, is essential to successfully reap the potential benefits. In fact, there is a debate about using the Web 2.0 idiom to refer to the concept behind it; however, this term is widely used in literature as well as in industry. In this paper, the definition of Web 2.0 technology, its characteristics and the attributes, will be presented. In addition, the adoption of such technology is further explored through the presentation of two separate case examples of Web 2.0 being used: to enhance an enterprise; and to enhance university teaching. The similarities between these implementations are identified and discussed, including how the findings point to generic principles of adoption.


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The high-pressure, cross-cultural, cross-factional and frequently cross-national nature of contemporary negotiation means that there are a number of clements potentially hampering efforts to achieve successful negotiation outcomes from face-to-face interactions. These hindrances include: resource scarcity (for example, finances, technology and facilities), time scarcity, geographical separation, lack of a COnl1110n language and an inability to Inaintain a consistent ongoing dialogue.


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The Web has become a worldwide repository of information which individuals, companies, and organizations utilize to solve or address various information problems. Many of these Web users utilize automated agents to gather this information for them. Some assume that this approach represents a more sophisticated method of searching. However, there is little research investigating how Web agents search for online information. In this research, we first provide a classification for information agent using stages of information gathering, gathering approaches, and agent architecture. We then examine an implementation of one of the resulting classifications in detail, investigating how agents search for information on Web search engines, including the session, query, term, duration and frequency of interactions. For this temporal study, we analyzed three data sets of queries and page views from agents interacting with the Excite and AltaVista search engines from 1997 to 2002, examining approximately 900,000 queries submitted by over 3,000 agents. Findings include: (1) agent sessions are extremely interactive, with sometimes hundreds of interactions per second (2) agent queries are comparable to human searchers, with little use of query operators, (3) Web agents are searching for a relatively limited variety of information, wherein only 18% of the terms used are unique, and (4) the duration of agent-Web search engine interaction typically spans several hours. We discuss the implications for Web information agents and search engines.


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Purpose: Web search engines are frequently used by people to locate information on the Internet. However, not all queries have an informational goal. Instead of information, some people may be looking for specific web sites or may wish to conduct transactions with web services. This paper aims to focus on automatically classifying the different user intents behind web queries. Design/methodology/approach: For the research reported in this paper, 130,000 web search engine queries are categorized as informational, navigational, or transactional using a k-means clustering approach based on a variety of query traits. Findings: The research findings show that more than 75 percent of web queries (clustered into eight classifications) are informational in nature, with about 12 percent each for navigational and transactional. Results also show that web queries fall into eight clusters, six primarily informational, and one each of primarily transactional and navigational. Research limitations/implications: This study provides an important contribution to web search literature because it provides information about the goals of searchers and a method for automatically classifying the intents of the user queries. Automatic classification of user intent can lead to improved web search engines by tailoring results to specific user needs. Practical implications: The paper discusses how web search engines can use automatically classified user queries to provide more targeted and relevant results in web searching by implementing a real time classification method as presented in this research. Originality/value: This research investigates a new application of a method for automatically classifying the intent of user queries. There has been limited research to date on automatically classifying the user intent of web queries, even though the pay-off for web search engines can be quite beneficial. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.