249 resultados para cutaneous wound


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Mycobacterium abscessus is a rapidly growing mycobacteria responsible for progressive pulmonary disease, soft tissue and wound infections, and can contaminate clinical specimens. Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are generally considered environmental organisms though M. abscessus has not featured frequently in environmental studies, particularly those examining potable water. In a study of Brisbane potable water, M. abscessus was isolate from ten different locations. The incidence of disease due to M. abscessus has been increasing in Queensland. Aim: To compare genotypically the M. abscessus isolates obtained from water to those obtained from human clinical specimens. Methods: From a study of Brisbane potable water between 2007 and 2009, ten isolates confirmed as M. abscessus were recovered. In addition, one strain was isolated from a rainwater tank of a patient with disease due to M. avium, and another from the swimming pool of a patient with M. intracellulare disease. A random sample of 74 clinical isolates referred to the QLD Mycobacterial reference laboratory during the same time period was available for comparison using repPCR strain typing (Diversilab). Results: The drinking water isolates formed two distinct strain patterns (A and B) that shared >90% similarity. The tankwater isolate (pattern C) shared >85% similarity with the potable water isolates, but the pool isolate (D) was distinctly different. Fifty-three clinical isolates clustered tightly (>95% similarity) with the Group A potable water isolates, 4 patients with Group B. Thirteen patient isolates clustered with the Rainwater tank isolate. One patient matched the pool isolate. There were a further 3 patient isolates that were unrelated to the water isolates. No differences were found between strain types in terms of geographic origin, gender, age, or site/type of infection. Conclusion: The high degree of similarity between strains of M. abscessus from potable water and strains causing infection in humans from the same area, strengthens the possibility that drinking water may be a source of infection in these patients.


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Objective: To determine the prevalence, severity, location, etiology, treatment, and healing of medical device-related pressure ulcers in intensive care patients for up to 7 days. Design: Prospective repeated measures study. Setting and participants: Patients in 6 intensive care units of 2 major medical centers, one each in Australia and the United States, were screened 1 day per month for 6 months. Those with device-related ulcers were followed daily up to 7 days. Outcome measures: Device-related ulcer prevalence, pain, infection, treatment, healing. Results: 15/483 patients had device-related ulcers and 9/15 with 11 ulcers were followed beyond screening. Their mean age was 60.5 years, most were men, over-weight, and at increased pressure ulcer risk. Endotracheal and nasogastric tubes were the cause of most device-related ulcers. Repositioning was the most frequent treatment. 4/11 ulcers healed within the 7 day observation period. Conclusion: Device-related ulcer prevalence was 3.1%, similar to that reported in the limited literature available, indicating an ongoing problem. Systematic assessment and repositioning of devices are the mainstays of care. We recommend continued prevalence determination and that nurses remain vigilant to prevent device-related ulcers, especially in patients with nasogastric and endotracheal tubes.


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Cell invasion, characterised by moving fronts of cells, is an essential aspect of development, repair and disease. Typically, mathematical models of cell invasion are based on the Fisher–Kolmogorov equation. These traditional parabolic models can not be used to represent experimental measurements of individual cell velocities within the invading population since they imply that information propagates with infinite speed. To overcome this limitation we study combined cell motility and proliferation based on a velocity–jump process where information propagates with finite speed. The model treats the total population of cells as two interacting subpopulations: a subpopulation of left–moving cells, $L(x,t)$, and a subpopulation of right–moving cells, $R(x,t)$. This leads to a system of hyperbolic partial differential equations that includes a turning rate, $\Lambda \ge 0$, describing the rate at which individuals in the population change direction of movement. We present exact travelling wave solutions of the system of partial differential equations for the special case where $\Lambda = 0$ and in the limit that $\Lambda \to \infty$. For intermediate turning rates, $0 < \Lambda < \infty$, we analyse the travelling waves using the phase plane and we demonstrate a transition from smooth monotone travelling waves to smooth nonmonotone travelling waves as $\Lambda$ decreases through a critical value $\Lambda_{crit}$. We conclude by providing a qualitative comparison between the travelling wave solutions of our model and experimental observations of cell invasion. This comparison indicates that the small $\Lambda$ limit produces results that are consistent with experimental observations.


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Circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), a marker for vitamin D status, is associated with bone health and possibly cancers and other diseases; yet, the determinants of 25(OH)D status, particularly ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure, are poorly understood. Determinants of 25(OH)D were analyzed in a subcohort of 1,500 participants of the US Radiologic Technologists (USRT) Study that included whites (n 842), blacks (n 646), and people of other races/ethnicities (n 12). Participants were recruited monthly (20082009) across age, sex, race, and ambient UVR level groups. Questionnaires addressing UVR and other exposures were generally completed within 9 days of blood collection. The relation between potential determinants and 25(OH)D levels was examined through regression analysis in a random two-thirds sample and validated in the remaining one third. In the regression model for the full study population, age, race, body mass index, some seasons, hours outdoors being physically active, and vitamin D supplement use were associated with 25(OH)D levels. In whites, generally, the same factors were explanatory. In blacks, only age and vitamin D supplement use predicted 25(OH)D concentrations. In the full population, determinants accounted for 25 of circulating 25(OH)D variability, with similar correlations for subgroups. Despite detailed data on UVR and other factors near the time of blood collection, the ability to explain 25(OH)D was modest.


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Background: Surgical site infection (SSI) is associated with substantial costs for health services, reduced quality of life, and functional outcomes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of strategies claiming to reduce the risk of SSI in hip arthroplasty in Australia. Methods: Baseline use of antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) was compared with no antibiotic prophylaxis (no AP), antibiotic-impregnated cement (AP þ ABC), and laminar air operating rooms (AP þ LOR). A Markov model was used to simulate long-term health and cost outcomes of a hypothetical cohort of 30,000 total hip arthroplasty patients from a health services perspective. Model parameters were informed by the best available evidence. Uncertainty was explored in probabilistic sensitivity and scenario analyses. Results: Stopping the routine use of AP resulted in over Australian dollars (AUD) $1.5 million extra costs and a loss of 163 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). Using antibiotic cement in addition to AP (AP þ ABC)generated an extra 32 QALYs while saving over AUD $123,000. The use of laminar air operating rooms combined with routine AP (AP þ LOR) resulted in an AUD $4.59 million cost increase and 127 QALYs lost compared with the baseline comparator. Conclusion: Preventing deep SSI with antibiotic prophylaxis and antibiotic-impregnated cement has shown to improve health outcomes among hospitalized patients, save lives, and enhance resource allocation. Based on this evidence, the use of laminar air operating rooms is not recommended.


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Quantitative imaging methods to analyze cell migration assays are not standardized. Here we present a suite of two–dimensional barrier assays describing the collective spreading of an initially–confined population of 3T3 fibroblast cells. To quantify the motility rate we apply two different automatic image detection methods to locate the position of the leading edge of the spreading population after 24, 48 and 72 hours. These results are compared with a manual edge detection method where we systematically vary the detection threshold. Our results indicate that the observed spreading rates are very sensitive to the choice of image analysis tools and we show that a standard measure of cell migration can vary by as much as 25% for the same experimental images depending on the details of the image analysis tools. Our results imply that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to meaningfully compare previously published measures of cell migration since previous results have been obtained using different image analysis techniques and the details of these techniques are not always reported. Using a mathematical model, we provide a physical interpretation of our edge detection results. The physical interpretation is important since edge detection algorithms alone do not specify any physical measure, or physical definition, of the leading edge of the spreading population. Our modeling indicates that variations in the image threshold parameter correspond to a consistent variation in the local cell density. This means that varying the threshold parameter is equivalent to varying the location of the leading edge in the range of approximately 1–5% of the maximum cell density.


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A solar thermal membrane distillation pilot plant was operated for over 70 days in field conditions. The pilot plant incorporated a single spiral wound permeate gap membrane distillation style of module. All energy used to operate the unit was supplied by solar hot water collectors and photovoltaic panels. The process was able to produce a distillate stream of product water with a conductivity less than 10 µS/cm. Feed water concentration varied from 2,400 µS/cm to 106,000 µS/cm. The process is expected to find application in the production of drinking water for remote island and arid regions without the consumption of electrical energy.


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Biological systems involving proliferation, migration and death are observed across all scales. For example, they govern cellular processes such as wound-healing, as well as the population dynamics of groups of organisms. In this paper, we provide a simplified method for correcting mean-field approximations of volume-excluding birth-death-movement processes on a regular lattice. An initially uniform distribution of agents on the lattice may give rise to spatial heterogeneity, depending on the relative rates of proliferation, migration and death. Many frameworks chosen to model these systems neglect spatial correlations, which can lead to inaccurate predictions of their behaviour. For example, the logistic model is frequently chosen, which is the mean-field approximation in this case. This mean-field description can be corrected by including a system of ordinary differential equations for pair-wise correlations between lattice site occupancies at various lattice distances. In this work we discuss difficulties with this method and provide a simplication, in the form of a partial differential equation description for the evolution of pair-wise spatial correlations over time. We test our simplified model against the more complex corrected mean-field model, finding excellent agreement. We show how our model successfully predicts system behaviour in regions where the mean-field approximation shows large discrepancies. Additionally, we investigate regions of parameter space where migration is reduced relative to proliferation, which has not been examined in detail before, and our method is successful at correcting the deviations observed in the mean-field model in these parameter regimes.


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Context Patients with venous leg ulcers experience multiple symptoms, including pain, depression, and discomfort from lower leg inflammation and wound exudate. Some of these symptoms impair wound healing and decrease quality of life (QOL). The presence of co-occurring symptoms may have a negative effect on these outcomes. The identification of symptom clusters could potentially lead to improvements in symptom management and QOL. Objectives To identify the prevalence and severity of common symptoms and the occurrence of symptom clusters in patients with venous leg ulcers. Methods For this secondary analysis, data on sociodemographic characteristics, medical history, venous history, ulcer and lower limb clinical characteristics, symptoms, treatments, healing, and QOL were analyzed from a sample of 318 patients with venous leg ulcers who were recruited from hospital outpatient and community nursing clinics for leg ulcers. Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify symptom clusters. Results Almost two-thirds (64%) of the patients experienced four or more concurrent symptoms. The most frequent symptoms were sleep disturbance (80%), pain (74%), and lower limb swelling (67%). Sixty percent of patients reported three or more symptoms at a moderate-to-severe level of intensity (e.g., 78% reported disturbed sleep frequently or always; the mean pain severity score was 49 of 100, SD 26.5). Exploratory factor analysis identified two symptom clusters: pain, depression, sleep disturbance, and fatigue; and swelling, inflammation, exudate, and fatigue. Conclusion Two symptom clusters were identified in this sample of patients with venous leg ulcers. Further research is needed to verify these symptom clusters and to evaluate their effect on patient outcomes.


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Cell migration is a behaviour critical to many key biological effects, including wound healing, cancerous cell invasion and morphogenesis, the development of an organism from an embryo. However, given that each of these situations is distinctly different and cells are extremely complicated biological objects, interest lies in more basic experiments which seek to remove conflating factors and present a less complex environment within which cell migration can be experimentally examined. These include in vitro studies like the scratch assay or circle migration assay, and ex vivo studies like the colonisation of the hindgut by neural crest cells. The reduced complexity of these experiments also makes them much more enticing as problems to mathematically model, like done here. The primary goal of the mathematical models used in this thesis is to shed light on which cellular behaviours work to generate the travelling waves of invasion observed in these experiments, and to explore how variations in these behaviours can potentially predict differences in this invasive pattern which are experimentally observed when cell types or chemical environment are changed. Relevant literature has already identified the difficulty of distinguishing between these behaviours when using traditional mathematical biology techniques operating on a macroscopic scale, and so here a sophisticated individual-cell-level model, an extension of the Cellular Potts Model (CPM), is been constructed and used to model a scratch assay experiment. This model includes a novel mechanism for dealing with cell proliferations that allowed for the differing properties of quiescent and proliferative cells to be implemented into their behaviour. This model is considered both for its predictive power and used to make comparisons with the travelling waves which result in more traditional macroscopic simulations. These comparisons demonstrate a surprising amount of agreement between the two modelling frameworks, and suggest further novel modifications to the CPM that would allow it to better model cell migration. Considerations of the model’s behaviour are used to argue that the dominant effect governing cell migration (random motility or signal-driven taxis) likely depends on the sort of invasion demonstrated by cells, as easily seen by microscopic photography. Additionally, a scratch assay simulated on a non-homogeneous domain consisting of a ’fast’ and ’slow’ region is also used to further differentiate between these different potential cell motility behaviours. A heterogeneous domain is a novel situation which has not been considered mathematically in this context, nor has it been constructed experimentally to the best of the candidate’s knowledge. Thus this problem serves as a thought experiment used to test the conclusions arising from the simulations on homogeneous domains, and to suggest what might be observed should this non-homogeneous assay situation be experimentally realised. Non-intuitive cell invasion patterns are predicted for diffusely-invading cells which respond to a cell-consumed signal or nutrient, contrasted with rather expected behaviour in the case of random-motility-driven invasion. The potential experimental observation of these behaviours is demonstrated by the individual-cell-level model used in this thesis, which does agree with the PDE model in predicting these unexpected invasion patterns. In the interest of examining such a case of a non-homogeneous domain experimentally, some brief suggestion is made as to how this could be achieved.


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In this study, a hierarchical nano/microfibrous chitosan/collagen scaffold that approximates structural and functional attributes of native extracellular matrix (ECM), has been developed for applicability in skin tissue engineering. Scaffolds were produced by electrospinning of chitosan followed by imbibing of collagen solution, freeze-drying and subsequent cross-linking of two polymers. Scanning electron microscopy showed formation of layered scaffolds with nano/microfibrous architechture. Physico-chemical properties of scaffolds including tensile strength, swelling behavior and biodegradability were found satisfactory for intended application. 3T3 fibroblasts and HaCaT keratinocytes showed good in vitro cellular response on scaffolds thereby indicating the matrices′ cytocompatible nature. Scaffolds tested in an ex vivo human skin equivalent (HSE) wound model, as a preliminary alternative to animal testing, showed keratinocyte migration and wound re-epithelization — a pre-requisite for healing and regeneration. Taken together, the herein proposed chitosan/collagen scaffold, shows good potential for skin tissue engineering.


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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes important to wound healing. In non-healing wounds, it has been suggested that MMP levels become dysfunctional, hence it is of great interest to develop sensors to detect MMP biomarkers. This study presents the development of a label-free optical MMP biosensor based on a functionalised porous silicon (pSi) thin film. The biosensor is fabricated by immobilising a peptidomimetic MMP inhibitor in the porous layer using hydrosilylation followed by amide coupling. The binding of MMP to the immobilised inhibitor translates into a change of effective optical thickness (EOT) over the time. We investigate the effect of surface functionalisation on the stability of pSi surface and evaluate the sensing performance. We successfully demonstrate MMP detection in buffer solution and human wound fluid at physiologically relevant concentrations. This biosensor may find application as a point-of-care device that is prognostic of the healing trajectory of chronic wounds.


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Skin tumors can arise as a result of cumulative genetic abnormalities, including chromosomal ­aberrations that can be described as either morphological (structural rearrangements) or molecular (copy number variations). Cytogenetic techniques have been used to examine both large and small chromosomal aberrations, and include karyotyping, comparative genomic hybridization, and fluorescence in situ hybridization. This chapter describes the recurrent aberrations associated with skin tumors, such as benign melanocytic nevi, melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, actinic (solar) keratosis, Bowen’s disease, keratoacanthoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, and cutaneous lymphomas, as detected by cytogenetic methodologies. A significant number of genomic aberrations are shared across different subtypes of skin tumors, including structural and numerical alterations of chromosome 1, −3p, +3q, +6, +7, +8q, −9p, +9q, −10, −17p, +17q and +20. Aberrations specific to certain skin cancers have also been detected, and include: loss of 18q in squamous cell carcinoma, but not its precursor, actinic keratosis; loss of 9q22 in sporadic basal cell carcinoma; and translocation involving 17q22 and 22q13 in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. These regions contain a number of potential candidate genes that are involved in aspects of cell signaling, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Cytogenetic methodologies continue to evolve with the advent of array-based comparative genomic hybridization, copy number variation microarrays, and next-generation sequencing. It is envisioned that cytogenetic analysis will continue to be employed for identification and further exploration of novel chromosomal regions and associated genes that drive skin tumorigenesis.


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Cytogenetic analysis of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers has revealed recurrent aberrations, the frequency of which is reflective of malignant potential. Highly aberrant karyotypes are seen in melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, solar keratosis and Merkel cell carcinoma with more stable karyotypes seen in basal cell carcinoma, keratoacanthoma, Bowen’s disease, dermatofibrosarcomarotuberans and cutaneous lymphomas. Some aberrations were common amongst a number of skin cancer types including rearrangements and numerical abnormalities of chromosome 1, −3p, +3q, partial or entire trisomy 6, trisomy 7, +8q, −9p, +9q, partial or entire loss of chromosome 10, −17p, + 17q and partial or entire gain of chromosome 20. Combination of cytogenetic analysis with other molecular genetic techniques has enabled the identification of not only aberrant chromosomal regions, but also the genes that contribute to a malignant phenotype. This review provides a comprehensive summary of the pertinent cytogenetic aberrations associated with a variety of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify chromosomal copy numbers of frequent genetic aberrations within squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) and solar keratoses (SKs), and provide further evidence to support or challenge current dogma concerning the relationship between these lesions. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of genetic aberrations in DNA from SK and SCC biopsy specimens by comparative genomic hybridization. SETTING: University-based research laboratory in Queensland, Australia. PATIENTS: Twenty-two biopsy specimens from patients with diagnosed SKs (n = 7), cutaneous SCCs (n = 10), or adjoining lesions (n = 5). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Identification of frequent genetic aberrations both specific to SK and SCC and shared by these lesions to investigate their clonal relationship. RESULTS: Shared genomic imbalances were identified in SK and SCC. Frequent gains were located at chromosome arms 3q, 17q, 4p, 14q, Xq, 5p, 9q, 8q, 17p, and 20q, whereas shared regional losses were observed at 9p, 3p, 13q, 17p, 11p, 8q, and 18p. Significant loss of 18q was observed only in SCC lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that numerous chromosomal aberrations are shared by the 2 lesions, suggesting a clonal relationship between SK and SCC. Additionally, the genomic loss of 18q may be a significant event in SK progression to SCC. Finally, the type and frequency of aberrations suggests a common mode of tumorigenesis in SCC-derived tumors.