178 resultados para applied physics


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Aluminum-doped p-type polycrystalline silicon thin films have been synthesized on glass substrates using an aluminum target in a reactive SiH 4+Ar+H2 gas mixture at a low substrate temperature of 300∈°C through inductively coupled plasma-assisted RF magnetron sputtering. In this process, it is possible to simultaneously co-deposit Si-Al in one layer for crystallization of amorphous silicon, in contrast to the conventional techniques where alternating metal and amorphous Si layers are deposited. The effect of aluminum target power on the structural and electrical properties of polycrystalline Si films is analyzed by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and Hall-effect analysis. It is shown that at an aluminum target power of 100 W, the polycrystalline Si film features a high crystalline fraction of 91%, a vertically aligned columnar structure, a sheet resistance of 20.2 kΩ/□ and a hole concentration of 6.3×1018 cm-3. The underlying mechanism for achieving the semiconductor-quality polycrystalline silicon thin films at a low substrate temperature of 300∈°C is proposed.


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The results of studies on the growth of high-aspect nanostructures in low-temperature non-equilibrium plasmas of reactive gas mixtures with or without hydrogen are presented. The results suggest that the hydrogen in the reactive plasma strongly affects the length of the nanostructures. This phenomenon is explained in terms of selective hydrogen passivation of the lateral and top surfaces of the surface-supported nanostructures. The theoretical model describes the effect of the atomic hydrogen passivation on the nanostructure shape and predicts the critical hydrogen coverage of the lateral surfaces necessary to achieve the nanostructure growth with the pre-determined shape. Our results demonstrate that the use of a strongly non-equilibrium plasma is very effective in significantly improving the shape control of quasi-one-dimensional single-crystalline nanostructures.


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Luminescent ZnO nanoparticles have been synthesized on silicon and quartz substrates under extremely non-equilibrium conditions of energetic ion condensation during the post-focus phase in a dense plasma focus (DPF) device. Ar+, O+, Zn+ and ZnO+ ions are generated as a result of interaction of hot and dense argon plasma focus with the surfaces of ZnO pellets placed at the anode. It is found that the sizes, structural and photoluminescence (PL) properties of the ZnO nanoparticles appear to be quite different on Si(1 0 0) and quartz substrates. The results of x-ray diffractometry and atomic force microscopy show that the ZnO nanoparticles are crystalline and range in size from 5-7 nm on Si(1 0 0) substrates to 10-38 nm on quartz substrates. Room-temperature PL studies reveal strong peaks related to excitonic bands and defects for the ZnO nanoparticles deposited on Si (1 0 0), whereas the excitonic bands are not excited in the quartz substrate case. Raman studies indicate the presence of E2 (high) mode for ZnO nanoparticles deposited on Si(1 0 0).


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An innovative approach to fabricate tailored Mo-oxide nanostructures and composite nanoarchitectures using atmospheric microplasmas sustained in a gap between a Mo wire and a Si substrate is reported. It is shown that at smaller gap distances spherical nanoparticles are produced whereas sheet-like structures emerge when the gap is increased. When the wire is consumed continuously, it is possible to synthesize complex nanoarchitectures made of nanoparticles decorated with nanosheets. These processes can be applied for other metal and metal oxide materials and suggest a way to improve control and predictability, common problems in high-yield nanofabrication.


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A theoretical model describing the plasma-assisted growth of carbon nanofibres (CNFs) that accounts for the nanostructure heating by ion and etching gas fluxes from the plasma is developed. Using the model, it is shown that fluxes from the plasma environment can substantially increase the temperature of the catalyst nanoparticle located on the top of the CNF with respect to the substrate temperature. The difference between the catalyst and the substrate temperatures depends on the substrate width, the length of the CNF, the neutral gas density and temperature as well as the densities of the ions and atoms of the etching gas. In addition to the heating of the nanostructure, the ions and etching gas atoms from the ionized gas environment also strongly affect the CNF growth rates. Due to ion bombardment, the CNF growth rates in plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition may be much higher than the rates in similar neutral gas-based thermal processes. The CNF growth model, which accounts for the nanostructure heating by the plasma-generated species, provides the growth rates that are in better agreement with the available experimental data on CNF growth than the models in which the heating effects are ignored.


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A theoretical model of a large-area planar plasma producer based on surface wave (SW) propagation in a plasma-metal structure with a dielectric sheath is presented. The SW which produces and sustains the microwave gas discharge in the planar structure propagates along an external magnetic field and possesses an eigenfrequency within the range between electron cyclotron and electron plasma frequencies. The spatial distributions of the produced plasma density, electromagnetic fields, energy flow density, phase velocity and reverse skin depth of the SW are obtained analytically and numerically.


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It is commonly believed that in order to synthesize high-quality hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (a-Si1-xCx : H) films at competitive deposition rates it is necessary to operate plasma discharges at high power regimes and with heavy hydrogen dilution. Here we report on the fabrication of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide films with different carbon contents x (ranging from 0.09 to 0.71) at high deposition rates using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) chemical vapour deposition with no hydrogen dilution and at relatively low power densities (∼0.025 W cm -3) as compared with existing reports. The film growth rate R d peaks at x = 0.09 and x = 0.71, and equals 18 nm min-1 and 17 nm min-1, respectively, which is higher than other existing reports on the fabrication of a-Si1-xCx : H films. The extra carbon atoms for carbon-rich a-Si1-xCx : H samples are incorporated via diamond-like sp3 C-C bonding as deduced by Fourier transform infrared absorption and Raman spectroscopy analyses. The specimens feature a large optical band gap, with the maximum of 3.74 eV obtained at x = 0.71. All the a-Si1-xCx : H samples exhibit low-temperature (77 K) photoluminescence (PL), whereas only the carbon-rich a-Si1-xCx : H samples (x ≥ 0.55) exhibit room-temperature (300 K) PL. Such behaviour is explained by the static disorder model. High film quality in our work can be attributed to the high efficiency of the custom-designed ICP reactor to create reactive radical species required for the film growth. This technique can be used for a broader range of material systems where precise compositional control is required. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Catalytic probes are used for plasma diagnostics in order to quantify the density of neutral atoms. The probe response primarily depends on the probe material and its surface morphology. Here we report on the design, operation and modelling of the response of niobium pentoxide sensors with a flat and nanowire (NW) surfaces. These sensors were used to detect neutral oxygen atoms in the afterglow region of an inductively coupled rf discharge in oxygen. A very different response of the flat-surface and NW probes to the varying densities of oxygen atoms was explained by modelling heat conduction and taking into account the associated temperature gradients. It was found that the nanostructure probe can measure in a broader range than the flat oxide probe due to an increase in the surface to volume ratio, and the presence of nanostructures which act as a thermal barrier against sensor overheating. These results can be used for the development of the new generation of catalytic probes for gas/discharge diagnostics in a range of industrial and environmental applications.


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A complex multi-scale model and numerical simulations are used to demonstrate, by simulating the development of patterns of nanotips, nanowalls, nanoislands and nanovoids of a characteristic size of 5-100 nm, a greater degree of determinism in the formation of various nanostructures by using the low-density, low-temperature plasma-based processes. It is shown that in the plasma, in contrast to the neutral gas-based processes, one can synthesize nanostructures of various dimensionalities and shapes with a larger surface density, desired geometrical parameters and narrower size distribution functions. This effect is mainly attributed to strong ion focusing by irregular electric fields in the nanopatterns, which effectively redistributes the influxes of plasma-generated building units and thus provides a selective control of their delivery to the growing nanostructures.


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The conditions for carbon nanotube synthesis in the bulk of arc discharges and on plasma-exposed solid surfaces are compared to reveal the main distinguishing features of the growth kinetics and explain the striking difference between the growth of the nanotubes in both cases. It is shown that this difference is due to very different exposure of the discharge-synthesized and surface-bound nanotubes to ion fluxes, with the ratio of the ion fluxes collected per nanotube in the two cases reaching up to six orders of magnitude. Depending on the plasma parameters and the sizes of the nanotubes and metal catalyst particles, four distinct growth modes of the nanotubes in the plasma bulk have been identified. These results shed light on why single-walled carbon nanotube growth is more favourable in the bulk of arc plasmas rather than on plasma-exposed surfaces.


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The formation of Ge quantum dot arrays by deposition from a low-temperature plasma environment is investigated by kinetic Monte Carlo numerical simulation. It is demonstrated that balancing of the Ge influx from the plasma against surface diffusion provides an effective control of the surface processes and can result in the formation of very small densely packed quantum dots. In the supply-controlled mode, a continuous layer is formed which is then followed by the usual Stranski-Krastanow fragmentation with a nanocluster size of 10 nm. In the diffusion-controlled mode, with the oversupply relative to the surface diffusion rate, nanoclusters with a characteristic size of 3 nm are formed. Higher temperatures change the mode to supply controlled and thus encourage formation of the continuous layer that then fragments into an array of large size. The use of a high rate of deposition, easily accessible using plasma techniques, changes the mode to diffusion controlled and thus encourages formation of a dense array of small nanoislands.


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Plasma-assisted reactive rf magnetron sputtering deposition is used to fabricate vanadium oxide films on glass, silica and silicon substrates. The process conditions are optimized to synthesize phase-pure vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) featuring a nanocrystalline structure with the predominant (0 0 1) crystallographic orientation, surface morphology with rod-like nanosized grains and very uniform (the non-uniformity does not exceed 4%) coating thickness over large surface areas. The V2O5 films also show excellent and temperature-independent optical transmittance in a broad temperature range (20-95 °C). The results are relevant to the development of smart functional coatings with temperature-tunable properties. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Plasma-aided nanofabrication is a rapidly expanding area of research spanning disciplines ranging from physics and chemistry of plasmas and gas discharges to solid state physics, materials science, surface science, nanoscience and nanotechnology and related engineering subjects. The current status of the research field is discussed and examples of superior performance and competitive advantage of plasma processes and techniques are given. These examples are selected to represent a range of applications of two major types of plasmas suitable for nanoscale synthesis and processing, namely thermally non-equilibrium and thermal plasmas. Major concepts and terminology used in the field are introduced. The paper also pinpoints the major challenges facing plasma-aided nanofabrication and identifies some emerging topics for future research. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The effect of near-sheath dusts on the rf power loss in a surface-wave-sustained gas discharge is studied. The planar plasma is bounded by a dielectric and consists of an inhomogeneous near-wall transition layer (sheath), a dusty plasma layer and an outer dust-free plasma. The discharge is maintained by high-frequency axially symmetrical surface waves. The surface-wave power loss from the most relevant dissipative mechanisms in typical discharge plasmas is analysed.


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The results of theoretical investigations of two-channel waveguide modulator based on Surface Wave (SW) propagation are presented. The structure studied consists of two n-type semiconductor waveguide channels separated from each other by a dielectric gap and coated by a metal. The SW propagates at the semiconductor-metal interface across an external magnetic field which is parallel to the interface. An external dc voltage is applied to the metal surface of one channel to provide a small phase shift between two propagating modes. In a coupled mode approximation, two possible regimes of operation of the structure, namely as a directional coupler and as an electro-optical modulator, are considered. Our results suggest new applications in millimeter and submillimeter wave solid-state electronics and integrated optics.