195 resultados para Shell Element


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Rolling Element Bearings (REBs) are vital components in rotating machineries for providing rotating motion. In slow speed rotating machines, bearings are normally subjected to heavy static loads and a catastrophic failure can cause enormous disruption to production and human safety. Due to its low operating speed the impact energy generated by the rotating elements on the defective components is not sufficient to produce a detectable vibration response. This is further aggravated by the inability of general measuring instruments to detect and process the weak signals at the initiation of the defect accurately. Furthermore, the weak signals are often corrupted by background noise. This is a serious problem faced by maintenance engineers today and the inability to detect an incipient failure of the machine can significantly increases the risk of functional failure and costly downtime. This paper presents the application of noise removal techniques for enhancing the detection capability for slow speed REB condition monitoring. Blind deconvolution (BD) and adaptive line enhancer (ALE) are compared to evaluate their performance in enhancing the source signal with consequential removal of background noise. In the experimental study, incipient defects were seeded on a number of roller bearings and the signals were acquired using acoustic emission (AE) sensor. Kurtosis and modified peak ratio (mPR) were used to determine the detectability of signal corrupted by noise.


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Finite element frame analysis programs targeted for design office application necessitate algorithms which can deliver reliable numerical convergence in a practical timeframe with comparable degrees of accuracy, and a highly desirable attribute is the use of a single element per member to reduce computational storage, as well as data preparation and the interpretation of the results. To this end, a higher-order finite element method including geometric non-linearity is addressed in the paper for the analysis of elastic frames for which a single element is used to model each member. The geometric non-linearity in the structure is handled using an updated Lagrangian formulation, which takes the effects of the large translations and rotations that occur at the joints into consideration by accumulating their nodal coordinates. Rigid body movements are eliminated from the local member load-displacement relationship for which the total secant stiffness is formulated for evaluating the large member deformations of an element. The influences of the axial force on the member stiffness and the changes in the member chord length are taken into account using a modified bowing function which is formulated in the total secant stiffness relationship, for which the coupling of the axial strain and flexural bowing is included.


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In the finite element modelling of steel frames, external loads usually act along the members rather than at the nodes only. Conventionally, when a member is subjected to these transverse loads, they are converted to nodal forces which act at the ends of the elements into which the member is discretised by either lumping or consistent nodal load approaches. For a contemporary geometrically non-linear analysis in which the axial force in the member is large, accurate solutions are achieved by discretising the member into many elements, which can produce unfavourable consequences on the efficacy of the method for analysing large steel frames. Herein, a numerical technique to include the transverse loading in the non-linear stiffness formulation for a single element is proposed, and which is able to predict the structural responses of steel frames involving the effects of first-order member loads as well as the second-order coupling effect between the transverse load and the axial force in the member. This allows for a minimal discretisation of a frame for second-order analysis. For those conventional analyses which do include transverse member loading, prescribed stiffness matrices must be used for the plethora of specific loading patterns encountered. This paper shows, however, that the principle of superposition can be applied to the equilibrium condition, so that the form of the stiffness matrix remains unchanged with only the magnitude of the loading being needed to be changed in the stiffness formulation. This novelty allows for a very useful generalised stiffness formulation for a single higher-order element with arbitrary transverse loading patterns to be formulated. The results are verified using analytical stability function studies, as well as with numerical results reported by independent researchers on several simple structural frames.


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A DNA sequence between two legumin genes in Pisum is a member of the copia-like class of retrotransposons and represents one member of a polymorphic and heterogeneous dispersed repeated sequence family in Pisum. This sequence can be exploited in genetic studies either by RFLP analysis where several markers can be scored together, or the segregation of individual elements can be followed after PCR amplification of specific members.


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The behavior of the platinum group elements (PGE) and Re in felsic magmas is poorly understood due to scarcity of data. We report the concentrations of Ni, Cu, Re, and PGE in the compositionally diverse Boggy Plain zoned pluton (BPZP), which shows a variation of rock type from gabbro through granodiorite and granite to aplite with a SiO2 range from 52 to 74 wt %. In addition, major silicate and oxide minerals were analyzed for Ni, Cu, and Re, and a systematic sulfide study was carried out to investigate the role of silicate, oxide, and sulfide minerals on chalcophile element geochemistry of the BPZP. Mass balance calculation shows that the whole rock Cu budget hosted by silicate and oxide minerals is <13 wt % and that Cu is dominantly located in sulfide phases, whereas most of the whole rock Ni budget (>70 wt %) is held in major silicate and oxide minerals. Rhenium is dominantly hosted by magnetite and ilmenite. Ovoid-shaped sulfide blebs occur at the boundary between pyroxene phenocrysts and neighboring interstitial phases or within interstitial minerals in the gabbro and the granodiorite. The blebs are composed of pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and S-bearing Fe-oxide, which contain total trace metals (Co, Ni, Cu, Ag, Pb) up to ~16 wt %. The mineral assemblage, occurrence, shape, and composition of the sulfide blebs are a typical of magmatic sulfide. PGE concentrations in the BPZP vary by more than two orders of magnitude from gabbro (2.7–7.8 ppb Pd, 0.025–0.116 ppb Ir) to aplite (0.05 ppb Pd, 0.001 ppb Ir). Nickel, Cu, Re, and PGE concentrations are positively correlated with MgO in all the rock types although there is a clear discontinuity between the granodiorite and the granite in the trends for Ni, Rh, and Ir when plotted against MgO. Cu/Pd values gradually increase from 6,100 to 52,600 as the MgO content decreases. The sulfide petrology and chalcophile element geochemistry of the BPZP show that sulfide saturation occurred in the late gabbroic stage of magma differentiation. Segregation and distribution of these sulfide blebs controlled Cu and PGE variations within the BPZP rocks although the magma of each rock type may have experienced a different magma evolution history in terms of crustal assimilation and crystal fractionation. The sulfide melt locked in the cumulate rocks must have sequestered a significant portion of the chalcophile elements, which restricted the availability of these metals to magmatic-hydrothermal ore fluids. Therefore, we suggest that the roof rocks that overlay the BPZP were not prospective for magmatic-hydrothermal Cu, Au, or Cu–Au deposits.


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Background Transcription factors (TFs) co-ordinately regulate target genes that are dispersed throughout the genome. This co-ordinate regulation is achieved, in part, through the interaction of transcription factors with conserved cis-regulatory motifs that are in close proximity to the target genes. While much is known about the families of transcription factors that regulate gene expression in plants, there are few well characterised cis-regulatory motifs. In Arabidopsis, over-expression of the MYB transcription factor PAP1 (PRODUCTION OF ANTHOCYANIN PIGMENT 1) leads to transgenic plants with elevated anthocyanin levels due to the co-ordinated up-regulation of genes in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway. In addition to the anthocyanin biosynthetic genes, there are a number of un-associated genes that also change in expression level. This may be a direct or indirect consequence of the over-expression of PAP1. Results Oligo array analysis of PAP1 over-expression Arabidopsis plants identified genes co-ordinately up-regulated in response to the elevated expression of this transcription factor. Transient assays on the promoter regions of 33 of these up-regulated genes identified eight promoter fragments that were transactivated by PAP1. Bioinformatic analysis on these promoters revealed a common cis-regulatory motif that we showed is required for PAP1 dependent transactivation. Conclusion Co-ordinated gene regulation by individual transcription factors is a complex collection of both direct and indirect effects. Transient transactivation assays provide a rapid method to identify direct target genes from indirect target genes. Bioinformatic analysis of the promoters of these direct target genes is able to locate motifs that are common to this sub-set of promoters, which is impossible to identify with the larger set of direct and indirect target genes. While this type of analysis does not prove a direct interaction between protein and DNA, it does provide a tool to characterise cis-regulatory sequences that are necessary for transcription activation in a complex list of co-ordinately regulated genes.


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Transcriptional gene silencing (TCS) is often associated with an increased level of cytosine methylation in the affected promoters. The effect of methylation of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter sequence on its binding to factors present in the nuclei was analyzed by electrophoretic mobility shift assays using extracts of petunia flowers. Specific DNA-protein interactions were detected in the region of the CaMV 35S promoter that contains the as-1 element and the region between -345 and -208. The binding of protein factor(s) to the as-1 element was influenced by cytosine methylation, whereas the binding to the region between -345 and -208 was unaffected. The results suggest that cytosine methylation of the as-1 element potentially affects the activity of the CaMV 35S promoter. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart.


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The concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Ba, Sr, Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr, Co, Se, U and Ti were determined in the osteoderms and/or flesh of estuarine crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) captured in three adjacent catchments within the Alligator Rivers Region (ARR) of northern Australia. Results from multivariate analysis of variance showed that when all metals were considered simultaneously, catchment effects were significant (P≤0.05). Despite considerable within-catchment variability, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) showed that differences in elemental signatures in the osteoderms and/or flesh of C. porosus amongst the catchments were sufficient to classify individuals accurately to their catchment of occurrence. Using cross-validation, the accuracy of classifying a crocodile to its catchment of occurrence was 76% for osteoderms and 60% for flesh. These data suggest that osteoderms provide better predictive accuracy than flesh for discriminating crocodiles amongst catchments. There was no advantage in combining the osteoderm and flesh results to increase the accuracy of classification (i.e. 67%). Based on the discriminant function coefficients for the osteoderm data, Ca, Co, Mg and U were the most important elements for discriminating amongst the three catchments. For flesh data, Ca, K, Mg, Na, Ni and Pb were the most important metals for discriminating amongst the catchments. Reasons for differences in the elemental signatures of crocodiles between catchments are generally not interpretable, due to limited data on surface water and sediment chemistry of the catchments or chemical composition of dietary items of C. porosus. From a wildlife management perspective, the provenance or source catchment(s) of 'problem' crocodiles captured at settlements or recreational areas along the ARR coastline may be established using catchment-specific elemental signatures. If the incidence of problem crocodiles can be reduced in settled or recreational areas by effective management at their source, then public safety concerns about these predators may be moderated, as well as the cost of their capture and removal. Copyright © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.


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This paper presents an investigation on the cause of severe vibration problem of a coach with four-cylinder engine running at an idle state using vibration and impact hammer modal experiments to obtain the main vibration frequency components and the natural characteristics of the coach. The vibration results indicate that the main vibration component comes from the vibration transmitted from the engine to the chassis frame, which is closely related with the engine idle speed. Based on structural simulation analysis of the coach’s chassis frame and comparison with modal testing, the coach severe vibration problem was due to coupling resonance between the engine idle frequency and the fourth natural frequency of the chassis frame. The solution to eliminate the vibration problem is provided by changing the local structure stiffness of the chassis frame. The contribution of this paper lies in providing a solution to solve similar problems.


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A combined experimental and numerical program was conducted to study the in-plane shear behaviour of hollow concrete masonry panels containing reinforced grout cores. This paper is focused on the numerical program. A two dimensional macromodelling strategy was used to simulate the behaviour of the confined masonry (CM) shear panels. Both the unreinforced masonry and the confining element were modelled using macromasonry properties and the steel reinforcement was modelled as an embedded truss element located within the grout using perfectly bonded constraint. The FE model reproduced key behaviours observed in the experiments, including the shear strength, the deformation and the crack patterns of the unconfined and confined masonry panels. The predictions of the validated model were used to evaluate the existing in-plane shear expressions available in the national masonry standards and research publications.


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Palladium is sputtered on multi-walled carbon nanotube forests to form carbon-metal core-shell nanowire arrays. These hybrid nanostructures exhibited resistive responses when exposed to hydrogen with an excellent baseline recovery at room temperature. The magnitude of the response is shown to be tuneable by an applied voltage. Unlike the charge-transfer mechanism commonly attributed to Pd nanoparticle-decorated carbon nanotubes, this demonstrates that the hydrogen response mechanism of the multi-walled carbon nanotube-Pd core-shell nanostructure is due to the increase in electron scattering induced by physisorption of hydrogen. These hybrid core-shell nanostructures are promising for gas detection in hydrogen storage applications.


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The possibility of initial stage control of the elemental composition and core/shell structure of binary SiC quantum dots by optimizing temporal variation of Si and C incoming fluxes and surface temperatures is shown via hybrid numerical simulations. Higher temperatures and influxes encourage the formation of a stoichiometric outer shell over a small carbon-enriched core, whereas lower temperatures result in a larger carbon-enriched core, Si-enriched undershell, and then a stoichiometric SiC outer shell. This approach is generic and is applicable to a broad range of semiconductor materials and nanofabrication techniques. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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A paradigm shift has taken place in which bone implant materials has gone from being relatively inert to having immunomodulatory properties, indicating the importance of immune response when these materials interact with the host tissues. It has therefore become important to endow the implant materials with immunomodulatory properties favouring osteogenesis and osseointegration. Strontium, zinc and silicon are bioactive elements that have important roles in bone metabolism and that also elicit significant immune responses. In this study, Sr-, Zn- and Si-containing bioactive Sr2ZnSi2O7 (SZS) ceramic coatings on Ti–6Al–4V were successfully prepared by a plasma-spray coating method. The SZS coatings exhibited slow release of the bioactive ions with significantly higher bonding strength than hydroxyapatite (HA) coatings. SZS-coated Ti–6Al–4V elicited significant effects on the immune cells, inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and fibrosis-enhancing factors, while upregulating the expression of osteogenic factors of macrophages; moreover, it could also inhibit the osteoclastic activities. The RANKL/RANK pathway, which enhances osteoclastogenesis, was inhibited by the SZS coatings, whereas the osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs) was significantly enhanced by the SZS coatings/macrophages conditioned medium, probably via the activation of BMP2 pathway. SZS coatings are, therefore, a promising material for orthopaedic applications, and the strategy of manipulating the immune response by a combination of bioactive elements with controlled release has the potential to endow biomaterials with beneficial immunomodulatory properties.


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This paper addresses of the advanced computational technique of steel structures for both simulation capacities simultaneously; specifically, they are the higher-order element formulation with element load effect (geometric nonlinearities) as well as the refined plastic hinge method (material nonlinearities). This advanced computational technique can capture the real behaviour of a whole second-order inelastic structure, which in turn ensures the structural safety and adequacy of the structure. Therefore, the emphasis of this paper is to advocate that the advanced computational technique can replace the traditional empirical design approach. In the meantime, the practitioner should be educated how to make use of the advanced computational technique on the second-order inelastic design of a structure, as this approach is the future structural engineering design. It means the future engineer should understand the computational technique clearly; realize the behaviour of a structure with respect to the numerical analysis thoroughly; justify the numerical result correctly; especially the fool-proof ultimate finite element is yet to come, of which is competent in modelling behaviour, user-friendly in numerical modelling and versatile for all structural forms and various materials. Hence the high-quality engineer is required, who can confidently manipulate the advanced computational technique for the design of a complex structure but not vice versa.


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Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a spinal deformity, which may require surgical correction by attaching rods to the patient’s spine using screws inserted into the vertebrae. Complication rates for deformity correction surgery are unacceptably high. Determining an achievable correction without overloading the adjacent spinal tissues or implants requires an understanding of the mechanical interaction between these components. We have developed novel patient specific modelling software to create individualized finite element models (FEM) representing the thoracolumbar spine and ribcage of scoliosis patients. We are using these models to better understand the biomechanics of spinal deformity correction.