219 resultados para Oxygen-dependent radioresistance


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This retrospective review examines healing in different sites on a porcine burn model; 24 pairs of burns on 18 pigs from other animal trials were selected for analysis. Each pair of burns was located on the either the cranial or the caudal part of the thoracic ribs region, on the same side of the animal. The burns were 40-50 cm(2) in size and of uniform deep-dermal partial thickness. Caudal burns healed significantly better than cranial burns, demonstrated by earlier closure of wounds, less scar formation and better cosmesis. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed study reporting that burn healing is affected by location on a porcine burn model. We recommend that similar symmetrical burns should be used for future comparative assessments of burn healing.


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Oxygen has been the “holy grail” of contact lens wear for over 100 years, but it is just one piece of a complex jigsaw puzzle. Clearly, high oxygen transmissibility (Dk/t) silicone hydrogel lenses meet the oxygen needs of the cornea. The Dk/t of these lenses is over 75 Dk units, which is far above that of the “best” hydrogel lenses (30 Dk units). Clinical trials have failed to reveal any hypoxic problemswith silicone hydrogel lenses. Thus, conditions such as epithelial microcysts, limbal redness, hypoxic staining, stromal neovascularisation, oedema and endothelial polymegethism do not occur with these lenses. My view is that – looking at the “big picture” – we are far better off now that we have silicone hydrogel lenses.


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Composites with carbon nanotubes are becoming increasingly used in energy storage and electronic devices, due to incorporated excellent properties from carbon nanotubes and polymers. Although their properties make them more attractive than conventional smart materials, their electrical properties are found to be temperature-dependent which is important to consider for the design of devices. To study the effects of temperature in electrically conductive multi-wall carbon nanotube/epoxy composites, thin films were prepared and the effect of temperature on the resistivity, thermal properties and Raman spectral characteristics of the composite films was evaluated. Resistivity-temperature profiles showed three distinct regions in as-cured samples and only two regions in samples whose thermal histories had been erased. In the vicinity of the glass transition temperature, the as-cured composites exhibited pronounced resistivity and enthalpic relaxation peaks, which both disappeared after erasing the composites’ thermal histories by temperature cycling. Combined DSC, Raman spectroscopy, and resistivity-temperature analyses indicated that this phenomenon can be attributed to the physical aging of the epoxy matrix and that, in the region of the observed thermal history-dependent resistivity peaks, structural rearrangement of the conductive carbon nanotube network occurs through a volume expansion/relaxation process. These results have led to an overall greater understanding of the temperature-dependent behaviour of conductive carbon nanotube/epoxy composites, including the positive temperature coefficient effect.


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The effects of oxygen availability and induction culture biomass upon production of an industrially important monoamine oxidase (MAO) were investigated in fed-batch cultures of a recombinant E. coli. For each induction cell biomass 2 different oxygenation methods were used, aeration and oxygen enriched air. Induction at higher biomass levels increased the culture demand for oxygen, leading to fermentative metabolism and accumulation of high levels of acetate in the aerated cultures. Paradoxically, despite an almost eight fold increase in acetate accumulation to levels widely reported to be highly detrimental to protein production, when induction wet cell weight (WCW) rose from 100% to 137.5%, MAO specific activity in these aerated processes showed a 3 fold increase. By contrast, for oxygenated cultures induced at WCW's 100% and 137.5% specific activity levels were broadly similar, but fell rapidly after the maxima were reached. Induction at high biomass levels (WCW 175%) led to very low levels of specific MAO activity relative to induction at lower WCW's in both aerated and oxygenated cultures. Oxygen enrichment of these cultures was a useful strategy for boosting specific growth rates, but did not have positive effects upon specific enzyme activity. Based upon our findings, consideration of the amino acid composition of MAO and previous studies on related enzymes, we propose that this effect is due to oxidative damage to the MAO enzyme itself during these highly aerobic processes. Thus, the optimal process for MAO production is aerated, not oxygenated, and induced at moderate cell density, and clearly represents a compromise between oxygen supply effects on specific growth rate/induction cell density, acetate accumulation, and high specific MAO activity. This work shows that the negative effects of oxygen previously reported in free enzyme preparations, are not limited to these acellular environments but are also discernible in the sheltered environment of the cytosol of E. coli cells.


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Various studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of impact loading on cartilage damage and chondrocyte death. These have shown that the rate and magnitude of the applied strain significantly influence chondrocyte death, and that cell death occurred mostly in the superficial zone of cartilage suggesting the need to further understand the fundamental mechanisms underlying the chondrocytes death induced at certain levels of strain-rate. To date there is no comprehensive study providing insight on this phenomenon. The aim of this study is to examine the strain-rate dependent behavior of a single chondrocyte using a computational approach based on Finite Element Method (FEM). An FEM model was developed using various mechanical models, which were Standard Neo-Hookean Solid (SnHS), porohyperelastic (PHE) and poroviscohyperelastic (PVHE) to simulate Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) experiments of chondrocyte. The PVHE showed, it can capture both relaxation and loading rate dependent behaviors of chondrocytes, accurately compared to other models.


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The effect of two different DNA minor groove binding molecules, Hoechst 33258 and distamycin A, on the binding kinetics of NF-κB p50 to three different specific DNA sequences was studied at various salt concentrations. Distamycin A was shown to significantly increase the dissociation rate constant of p50 from the sequences PRDII (5′-GGGAAATTCC-3′) and Ig-κ B (5′-GGGACTTTCC-3′) but had a negligible effect on the dissociation from the palindromic target-κB binding site (5′-GGGAATTCCC-3′). By comparison, the effect of Hoechst 33258 on binding of p50 to each sequence was found to be minimal. The dissociation rates for the protein–DNA complexes increased at higher potassium chloride concentrations for the PRDII and Ig-κB binding motifs and this effect was magnified by distamycin A. In contrast, p50 bound to the palindromic target-κB site with a much higher intrinsic affinity and exhibited a significantly reduced salt dependence of binding over the ionic strength range studied, retaining a KD of less than 10 pM at 150 mM KCl. Our results demonstrate that the DNA binding kinetics of p50 and their salt dependence is strongly sequence-dependent and, in addition, that the binding of p50 to DNA can be influenced by the addition of minor groove-binding drugs in a sequence-dependent manner.


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Signals from the tumor microenvironment trigger cancer cells to adopt an invasive phenotype through epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Relatively little is known regarding key signal transduction pathways that serve as cytosolic bridges between cell surface receptors and nuclear transcription factors to induce EMT. A better understanding of these early EMT events may identify potential targets for the control of metastasis. One rapid intracellular signaling pathway that has not yet been explored during EMT induction is calcium. Here we show that stimuli used to induce EMT produce a transient increase in cytosolic calcium levels in human breast cancer cells. Attenuation of the calcium signal by intracellular calcium chelation significantly reduced epidermal growth factor (EGF)- and hypoxia-induced EMT. Intracellular calcium chelation also inhibited EGF-induced activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3), while preserving other signal transduction pathways such as Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) phosphorylation. To identify calcium-permeable channels that may regulate EMT induction in breast cancer cells, we performed a targeted siRNA-based screen. We found that transient receptor potential-melastatin-like 7 (TRPM7) channel expression regulated EGF-induced STAT3 phosphorylation and expression of the EMT marker vimentin. Although intracellular calcium chelation almost completely blocked the induction of many EMT markers, including vimentin, Twist and N-cadherin, the effect of TRPM7 silencing was specific for vimentin protein expression and STAT3 phosphorylation. These results indicate that TRPM7 is a partial regulator of EMT in breast cancer cells, and that other calcium-permeable ion channels are also involved in calcium-dependent EMT induction. In summary, this work establishes an important role for the intracellular calcium signal in the induction of EMT in human breast cancer cells. Manipulation of calcium-signaling pathways controlling EMT induction in cancer cells may therefore be an important therapeutic strategy for preventing metastases.


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Based on the characterization by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), we report that the mechanical property of single chondrocytes has dependency on the strain-rates. By comparing the mechanical deformation responses and the Young’s moduli of living and fixed chondrocytes at four different strain-rates, we explore the deformation mechanisms underlying this dependency property. We found that the strain-rate-dependent mechanical property of living cells is governed by both of the cellular cytoskeleton (CSK) and the intracellular fluid when the fixed chondrocytes is mainly governed by their intracellular fluid which is called the consolidation-dependent deformation behavior. Finally, we report that the porohyperelastic (PHE) constitutive material model which can capture the consolidation-dependent behavior of both living and fixed chondrocytes is a potential candidature to study living cell biomechanics.


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Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) levels predict a poor outcome in human breast cancer and are most commonly associated with proliferative effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF), with little emphasis placed on motogenic responses to EGF. We found that MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells elicited a potent chemotactic response despite their complete lack of a proliferative response to EGF. Antagonists of EGFR ligation, the EGFR kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase, and phospholipase C, but not the mitogen- activated protein kinases (extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1 and 2), blocked MDA-MB-231 chemotaxis. These findings suggest that EGF may influence human breast cancer progression via migratory pathways, the signaling for which appears to be dissociated, at least in part, from the proliferative pathways.


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Human skin fibroblasts were cultured long-term in the presence of ascorbic acid to allow formation of a three-dimensional collagen matrix, and the effects of this on activation of secreted matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) were examined. Accumulation of collagen over time correlated with increased levels of both mature MMP-2 and cell-associated membrane type 1-MMP (MT1-MMP), and subsequently increased mRNA levels for MT1-MMP, providing temporal resolution of the "nontranscriptional" and "transcriptional" effects of collagen on MT-1MMP functionality. MMP-2 activation by these cultures was blocked by inhibitors of prolyl-4-hydroxylase, or when fibroblasts derived from the collagen α1(I) gene-deficient Mov-13 mouse were used. MMP-2 activation by the Mov-13 fibroblasts was rescued by transfection of a full-length α1(I) collagen cDNA, and to our surprise, also by transfection with an α1(I) collagen cDNA carrying a mutation at the C-proteinase cleavage, which almost abrogated fibrillogenesis. Although studies with ascorbate-cultured MT1-MMP-/- fibroblasts showed that MT1-MMP played a significant role in the collagen-induced MMP-2 activation, a residual MT1-MMP-independent activation of MMP-2 was seen which resembled the level of MMP-2 activation persisting when wild-type fibroblasts were cultured in the presence of both ascorbic acid and MMP inhibitors. We were also unable to block this residual activation with inhibitors specific for serinyl, aspartyl, or cysteinyl enzymes.


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A multimodal trip planner that produces optimal journeys involving both public transport and private vehicle legs has to solve a number of shortest path problems, both on the road network and the public transport network. The algorithms that are used to solve these shortest path problems have been researched since the late 1950s. However, in order to provide accurate journey plans that can be trusted by the user, the variability of travel times caused by traffic congestion must be taken into consideration. This requires the use of more sophisticated time-dependent shortest path algorithms, which have only been researched in depth over the last two decades, from the mid-1990s. This paper will review and compare nine algorithms that have been proposed in the literature, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm on the basis of five important criteria that must be considered when choosing one or more of them to implement in a multimodal trip planner.


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BACKGROUND Androgen-dependent prostate cancer (PrCa) xenograft models are required to study PrCa biology in the clinically relevant in vivo environment. METHODS Human PrCa tissue from a femoral bone metastasis biopsy (BM18) was grown and passaged subcutaneously through male severe combined immune-deficient (SCID) mice. Human mitochondria (hMt), prostate specific antigen (PSA), androgen receptor (AR), cytokeratin-18 (CK-18), pan-cytokeratin, and high molecular weight-cytokeratin (HMW-CK) were assessed using immunohistochemistry (IHC). Surgical castration was performed to examine androgen dependence. Serum was collected pre- and post-castration for monitoring of PSA levels. RESULTS: BM18 stained positively for hMt, PSA, AR, CK-18, pan keratin, and negatively for HMW-CK, consistent with the staining observed in the original patient material. Androgen-deprivation induced tumor regression in 10/10 castrated male SCID mice. Serum PSA levels positively correlated with BM18 tumor size. CONCLUSIONS BM18 expresses PSA and AR, and rapidly regresses in response to androgen withdrawal. This provides a new clinically significant PrCa model for the study of androgen-dependent growth.


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We have isolated a series of sublines of the hormone-dependent MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line after selection both in vivo and in vitro for growth in the presence of subphysiological concentrations of estrogens. These sublines represent a model system for study of the processes leading to hormonal autonomy. The cells form growing tumors in ovariectomized athymic nude mice in the absence of estrogen supplementation but retain some responsivity to estrogen as determined by stimulation of the rate of tumor growth in vivo and by induction of progesterone receptor. An ovarian-independent but hormone-responsive phenotype may occur early in the natural progression to hormone-independent and unresponsive growth in breast cancer. We observed no change in the affinity or decrease in the level of expression of estrogen receptors and progesterone receptors among the sublines and the parental cells. Epidermal growth factor receptors are not overexpressed in ovarian-independent cells. Thus, altered hormone receptor expression may be a late event in the acquisition of a hormone-independent and unresponsive phenotype. Sublines isolated by in vivo but not in vitro selection are more invasive than the parental cells both in vivo and across an artificial basement membrane in vitro. Thus, as yet unknown tumor-host interactions may be important in the development of an invasive phenotype. Furthermore, acquisition of the ovarian-independent and invasive phenotypes can occur independently.


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Cancer is one of the most life-threatening diseases with many forms still regarded as incurable. The conventional cancer treatments have unwanted side effects such as the death of normal cells. A therapy that can accurately target and effectively kill tumor cells could address the inadequacies of the available therapies. Atmospheric gas plasmas (AGP) that are able to specifically kill cancerous cells offer a promising alternative approach compared to conventional therapies. AGP have been shown to exploit tumor-specific genetic defects and a recent trial in mice has confirmed its antitumor effects. The mechanism by which the AGP act on tumor cells but not normal cells is not fully understood. A review of the current literature suggests that reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by AGP induce death of cancer cells by impairing the function of intracellular regulatory factors. The majority of cancer cells are defective in tumor suppressors that interfere normal cell growth pathways. It appears that pro-oncogene or tumor suppressor-dependent regulation of antioxidant/or ROS signaling pathways may be involved in AGP-induced cancer cell death. The toxic effects of ROS are mitigated by normal cells by adjustment of their metabolic pathways. On the other hand, tumor cells are mostly defective in several regulatory signaling pathways which lead to the loss of metabolic balance within the cells and consequently, the regulation of cell growth. This review article evaluates the impact of AGP on the activation of cellular signaling and its importance for exploring mechanisms for safe and efficient anticancer therapies.