393 resultados para Functional feeding groups


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In fast bowling, cricketers are expected to produce a range of delivery lines and lengths while maximising ball speed. From a coaching perspective, technique consistency has been typically associated with superior performance in these areas. However, although bowlers are required to bowl consistently, at the elite level they must also be able to vary line, length and speed to adapt to opposition batters’ strengths and weaknesses. The relationship between technique and performance variability (and consistency) has not been investigated in previous fast bowling research. Consequently, the aim of this study was to quantify both technique (bowling action and coordination) and performance variability in elite fast bowlers from Australian Junior and National Pace Squads. Technique variability was analysed to investigate whether it could be classified as functional or dysfunctional in relation to speed and accuracy.


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Recently, a polymorphism was identified in exon 25 of the factor V gene that is possibly a functional candidate for the HR2 haplotype. This haplotype is characterized by a single base substitution named R2 (A4070G) in the B domain of the protein. A mutation (A6755G; 2194Asp→Gly) located near the C terminus has been hypothesized to influence protein folding and glycosylation, and might be responsible for the shift in factor V isoform (FV1 / FV2) ratio. This study investigated the prevalence of these two factor V HR2 haplotype polymorphisms in a cohort of normal blood donors, patients with osteoarthritis and women with complications during pregnancy, and in families of factor V Leiden individuals. A high allele frequency for the two polymorphisms was found in the blood donor group (6.2% R2, 5.6% A6755G). No significant difference in allele frequency was observed in the clinical groups (obstetric complications and osteoarthritis, 4.1-4.9% for the two polymorphisms) when compared with that of healthy blood donors. We confirm that the factor V A6755G polymorphism shows strong linkage to the R2 allele, although it is not exclusively inherited with the exon 13 A4070G variant and can occur independently. © 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Venous leg ulceration is a serious condition affecting 1 – 3% of the population. Decline in the function of the calf muscle pump is correlated with venous ulceration. Many previous studies have reported an improvement in the function of the calf muscle pump, endurance of the calf muscle and increased range of ankle motion after structured exercise programs. However, there is a paucity of published research that assesses if these improvements result in an improvement in the healing rates of venous ulcers. The primary purpose of this pilot study was to establish the feasibility of a homebased progressive resistance exercise program and examine if there was any clinical significance or trend toward healing. The secondary aims were to examine the benefit of a home-based progressive resistance exercise program on calf muscle pump function and physical parameters. The methodology used was a randomised controlled trial where eleven participants were randomised into an intervention (n = 6) or control group (n = 5). Participants who were randomised to receive a 12-week home-based progressive resistance exercise program were instructed through weekly face-to-face consultations during their wound clinic appointment by the author. Control group participants received standard wound care and compression therapy. Changes in ulcer parameters were measured fortnightly at the clinic (number healed at 12 weeks, percentage change in area and pressure ulcer score healing score). An air plethysmography test was performed at baseline and following the 12 weeks of training to determine changes in calf muscle pump function. Functional measures included maximum number of heel raises (endurance), maximal isometric plantar flexion (strength) and range of ankle motion (ROAM); these tests were conducted at baseline, week 6 and week 12. The sample for the study was drawn from the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Participants with venous leg ulceration who met the inclusion criteria were recruited. The participants were screened via duplex scanning and ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) to ensure they did not have any arterial complications. Participants were excluded if there was evidence of cellulitis. Demographic data were obtained from each participant and details regarding medical history, quality of life and geriatric depression scores were collected at baseline. Both the intervention and control group were required to complete a weekly exercise diary to monitor activity levels between groups. To test for the effect of the intervention over time, a repeated measures analysis of variance was conducted on the major outcome variables. Group (intervention versus control) was the between subject factor and time (baseline, week 6, week 12) was the within subject or repeated measures factor. Due to the small sample size, further tests were conducted to check the assumptions of the statistical test to be used. The results showed that Mauchly.s Test, the Sphericity assumptions of repeated measures for ANOVA were met. Further tests of homogeneity of variance assumptions also confirmed that this assumption was met. Data analysis was conducted using the software package SPSS for Windows Release 17.0. The pilot study proved feasible with all of the intervention (n=6) participants continuing with the resistance program for the 12 week duration and no deleterious effects noted. Clinical significance was observed in the intervention group with a 32% greater change in ulcer size (p= 0.26) than the control group, and a 10% (p = 0.74) greater difference between the numbers healed compared to the control group. Statistical significance was observed for the ejection fraction (p = 0.05), residual volume fraction (p = 0.04) and ROAM (p = 0.01), which all improved significantly in the intervention group over time. These results are encouraging, nevertheless, further investigations seem warranted to examine the effect exercise has on the healing rates of venous leg ulcers, with a multistudy site, larger sample size and longer follow up period.


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Organisations are increasingly investing in complex technological innovations, such as enterprise information systems, with the aim of improving the operation of the business, and in this way gaining competitive advantage. However, the implementation of technological innovations tends to have an excessive focus on either technology innovation effectiveness, or the resulting operational effectiveness. Focusing on either one of them is detrimental to long-term performance. Cross-functional teams have been used by many organisations as a way of involving expertise from different functional areas in the implementation of technologies. The role of boundary spanning actors is discussed as they bring a common language to the cross-functional teams. Multiple regression analysis has been used to identify the structural relationships and provide an explanation for the influence of cross-functional teams, technology innovation effectiveness and operational effectiveness in the continuous improvement of operational performance. The findings indicate that cross functional teams have an indirect influence on continuous improvement of operational performance through the alignment between technology innovation effectiveness and operational effectiveness.


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Previous research on entrepreneurial teams has failed to settle the controversy over whether team heterogeneity helps or hinders new venture performance. Reconciling this inconsistency, this paper suggests a new conceptual approach to disentangle differential effects of team heterogeneity by modeling two separate heterogeneity dimensions, namely knowledge scope and knowledge disparity. Analyzing unique data on functional experiences of the members of 337 start-up teams, we find support for our contention of team heterogeneity as a two-dimensional concept. Results suggest that knowledge disparity negatively relates to both start-ups’ entrepreneurial and innovative performance. In contrast, we find knowledge scope to positively affect entrepreneurial performance, while it shows an inverse U-shaped relationship to innovative start-up performance.


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Raman spectroscopy has been used to study vanadates in the solid state. The molecular structure of the vanadate minerals vésigniéite [BaCu3(VO4)2(OH)2] and volborthite [Cu3V2O7(OH)2·2H2O] have been studied by Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The spectra are related to the structure of the two minerals. The Raman spectrum of vésigniéite is characterized by two intense bands at 821 and 856 cm−1 assigned to ν1 (VO4)3− symmetric stretching modes. A series of infrared bands at 755, 787 and 899 cm−1 are assigned to the ν3 (VO4)3− antisymmetric stretching vibrational mode. Raman bands at 307 and 332 cm−1 and at 466 and 511 cm−1 are assigned to the ν2 and ν4 (VO4)3− bending modes. The Raman spectrum of volborthite is characterized by the strong band at 888 cm−1, assigned to the ν1 (VO3) symmetric stretching vibrations. Raman bands at 858 and 749 cm−1 are assigned to the ν3 (VO3) antisymmetric stretching vibrations; those at 814 cm−1 to the ν3 (VOV) antisymmetric vibrations; that at 508 cm−1 to the ν1 (VOV) symmetric stretching vibration and those at 442 and 476 cm−1 and 347 and 308 cm−1 to the ν4 (VO3) and ν2 (VO3) bending vibrations, respectively. The spectra of vésigniéite and volborthite are similar, especially in the region of skeletal vibrations, even though their crystal structures differ.