169 resultados para Antibodies


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Objective Spondyloarthritides (SpA) occur in 1% of the population and include ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and arthropathy of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), with characteristic spondylitis, arthritis, enthesitis, and IBD. Genetic studies implicate interleukin-23 (IL-23) receptor signaling in the development of SpA and IBD, and IL-23 overexpression in mice is sufficient for enthesitis, driven by entheseal-resident T cells. However, in genetically prone individuals, it is not clear where IL-23 is produced and how it drives the SpA syndrome, including IBD or subclinical gut inflammation of AS. Moreover, it is unclear why specific tissue involvement varies between patients with SpA. We undertook this study to determine the location of IL-23 production and its role in SpA pathogenesis in BALB/c ZAP-70W163C-mutant (SKG) mice injected intraperitoneally with β-1,3-glucan (curdlan). Methods Eight weeks after curdlan injection in wild-type or IL-17A-/- SKG or BALB/c mice, pathology was scored in tissue sections. Mice were treated with anti-IL-23 or anti-IL-22. Cytokine production and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress were determined in affected organs. Results In curdlan-treated SKG mice, arthritis, enthesitis, and ileitis were IL-23 dependent. Enthesitis was specifically dependent on IL-17A and IL-22. IL-23 was induced in the ileum, where it amplified ER stress, goblet cell dysfunction, and proinflammatory cytokine production. IL-17A was pathogenic, while IL-22 was protective against ileitis. IL-22+CD3- innate-like cells were increased in lamina propria mononuclear cells of ileitis-resistant BALB/c mice, which developed ileitis after curdlan injection and anti-IL-22. Conclusion In response to systemic β-1,3-glucan, intestinal IL-23 provokes local mucosal dysregulation and cytokines driving the SpA syndrome, including IL-17/IL-22-dependent enthesitis. Innate IL-22 production promotes ileal tolerance.


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Objective: To evaluate the presence of spinal inflammation with and without sacroiliac (SI) joint inflammation on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with active nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis (SpA), and to compare the disease characteristics of these subgroups. Methods: ABILITY-1 is a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of adalimumab versus placebo in patients with nonradiographic axial SpA classified using the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society axial SpA criteria. Baseline MRIs were centrally scored independently by 2 readers using the Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada (SPARCC) method for the SI joints and the SPARCC 6-discovertebral unit method for the spine. Positive evidence of inflammation on MRI was defined as a SPARCC score of >2 for either the SI joints or the spine. Results: Among patients with baseline SPARCC scores, 40% had an SI joint score of >2 and 52% had a spine score of >2. Forty-nine percent of patients with baseline SI joint scores of <2, and 58% of those with baseline SI joint scores of >2, had a spine score of >2. Comparison of baseline disease characteristics by baseline SI joint and spine scores showed that a greater proportion of patients in the subgroup with a baseline SPARCC score of >2 for both SI joints and spine were male, and patients with spine and SI joint scores of <2 were younger and had shorter symptom duration. SPARCC spine scores correlated with baseline symptom duration, and SI joint scores correlated negatively with the baseline Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index, but neither correlated with the baseline Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score, total back pain, the patient's global assessment of disease activity, the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index, morning stiffness, nocturnal pain, or C-reactive protein level. Conclusion: Assessment by experienced readers showed that spinal inflammation on MRI might be observed in half of patients with nonradiographic axial SpA without SI joint inflammation.


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Antigen selection of B cells within the germinal center reaction generally leads to the accumulation of replacement mutations in the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) of immunoglobulin genes. Studies of mutations in IgE-associated VDJ gene sequences have cast doubt on the role of antigen selection in the evolution of the human IgE response, and it may be that selection for high affinity antibodies is a feature of some but not all allergic diseases. The severity of IgE-mediated anaphylaxis is such that it could result from higher affinity IgE antibodies. We therefore investigated IGHV mutations in IgE-associated sequences derived from ten individuals with a history of anaphylactic reactions to bee or wasp venom or peanut allergens. IgG sequences, which more certainly experience antigen selection, served as a control dataset. A total of 6025 unique IgE and 5396 unique IgG sequences were generated using high throughput 454 pyrosequencing. The proportion of replacement mutations seen in the CDRs of the IgG dataset was significantly higher than that of the IgE dataset, and the IgE sequences showed little evidence of antigen selection. To exclude the possibility that 454 errors had compromised analysis, rigorous filtering of the datasets led to datasets of 90 core IgE sequences and 411 IgG sequences. These sequences were present as both forward and reverse reads, and so were most unlikely to include sequencing errors. The filtered datasets confirmed that antigen selection plays a greater role in the evolution of IgG sequences than of IgE sequences derived from the study participants.


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Introduction: The receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell surface receptor molecules. High concentrations of three of its putative proinflammatory ligands, S100A8/A9 complex (calprotectin), S100A8, and S100A12, are found in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) serum and synovial fluid. In contrast, soluble RAGE (sRAGE) may prevent proinflammatory effects by acting as a decoy. This study evaluated the serum levels of S100A9, S100A8, S100A12 and sRAGE in RA patients, to determine their relationship to inflammation and joint and vascular damage. Methods: Serum sRAGE, S100A9, S100A8 and S100A12 levels from 138 patients with established RA and 44 healthy controls were measured by ELISA and compared by unpaired t test. In RA patients, associations with disease activity and severity variables were analyzed by simple and multiple linear regressions. Results: Serum S100A9, S100A8 and S100A12 levels were correlated in RA patients. S100A9 levels were associated with body mass index (BMI), and with serum levels of S100A8 and S100A12. S100A8 levels were associated with serum levels of S100A9, presence of anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies (ACPA), and rheumatoid factor (RF). S100A12 levels were associated with presence of ACPA, history of diabetes, and serum S100A9 levels. sRAGE levels were negatively associated with serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), history of vasculitis, and the presence of the RAGE 82Ser polymorphism. Conclusions: sRAGE and S100 proteins were associated not just with RA inflammation and autoantibody production, but also with classical vascular risk factors for end-organ damage. Consistent with its role as a RAGE decoy molecule, sRAGE had the opposite effects to S100 proteins in that S100 proteins were associated with autoantibodies and vascular risk, whereas sRAGE was associated with protection against joint and vascular damage. These data suggest that RAGE activity influences co-development of joint and vascular disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients.


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Background and objective Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are at a high risk of developing significant complications from infection with the influenza virus. It is therefore vital to ensure that prophylaxis with the influenza vaccine is effective in COPD. The aim of this study was to assess the immunogenicity of the 2010 trivalent influenza vaccine in persons with COPD compared to healthy subjects without lung disease, and to examine clinical factors associated with the serological response to the vaccine. Methods In this observational study, 34 subjects (20 COPD, 14 healthy) received the 2010 influenza vaccine. Antibody titers at baseline and 28 days post-vaccination were measured using the hemagglutination inhibition assay (HAI) assay. Primary endpoints included seroconversion (≥4-fold increase in antibody titers from baseline) and the fold increase in antibody titer after vaccination. Results Persons with COPD mounted a significantly lower humoral immune response to the influenza vaccine compared to healthy participants. Seroconversion occurred in 90% of healthy participants, but only in 43% of COPD patients (P=0.036). Increasing age and previous influenza vaccination were associated with lower antibody responses. Antibody titers did not vary significantly with cigarette smoking, presence of other comorbid diseases, or COPD severity. Conclusion The humoral immune response to the 2010 influenza vaccine was lower in persons with COPD compared to non-COPD controls. The antibody response also declined with increasing age and in those with a history of prior vaccination.


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Allergic diseases are the most common chronic disease of the western world, costing $7.8 billion per year in lost productivity and medical care in Australia alone.1 IgE is central to the immunopathogenesis of allergic diseases and important advances are now being made on multiple fronts of IgE research. In particular, two groups independently invested in the generation of IgE reporter mice to address the vexing question of the route of development of the elusive IgE+ B cell.2, 3 Two new anti-IgE mAb targeting membrane IgE and cell-bound IgE have the potential to deplete the cellular source of IgE.4, 5 These could be candidates for alternative anti-IgE treatment options with advantages over current anti-IgE therapy (OmalizumAb), which depletes free serum IgE. Researchers are still intrigued by the modes of interaction of IgE with allergen, and with both its receptors; the high affinity FcεR1 on mast cells and basophils, and the low affinity, C-type lectin, IgE receptor, CD23,6 on B cells and monocytes (Figure 1a and b). A new approach to the study of the complexity of these interactions was recently reported by Reginald et al.7 on page 167 of this issue.


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Patients with allergic diseases produce an excess of allergen-specific IgE, the specific effector molecule that triggers allergic reactions. The provocation for this excess IgE production is still uncertain. Current ideas include oligoclonal expansion of allergen-specific B cells emanating from germinal centres, activation by superantigen of a subset of B cells, or polyclonal B cells class switching to IgE due to an IL-4 predominance. Additionally, genetic elements contribute to a propensity for increased allergen-specific IgE production. The procedure of RT-PCR allows for amplification of infrequent IgE mRNA transcripts from B cells of atopic individuals, and so facilitates examination of expressed Ig cDNA sequences. Better knowledge of the molecular characteristics of IgE produced by patients with allergic diseases would elucidate the immunogenetic basis for elevated allergen-specific IgE levels. The 'immunogenetic footprint' of IgE transcripts may elucidate the origin and activation of IgE-producing B cells in allergic disease. Here we review studies of the immunogenetic features of IgE in allergic diseases, highlighting the major advances and the experimental limitations.


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Ross River (RR) virus is an alphavirus endemic to Australia and New Guinea and is the aetiological agent of epidemic polyarthritis or RR virus disease. Here we provide evidence that RR virus uses the collagen-binding α1β1 integrin as a cellular receptor. Infection could be inhibited by collagen IV and antibodies specific for the β1 and α1 integrin proteins, and fibroblasts from α1-integrin-/- mice were less efficiently infected than wild-type fibroblasts. Soluble α1β1 integrin bound immobilized RR virus, and peptides representing the α1β1 integrin binding-site on collagen IV inhibited virus binding to cells. We speculate that two highly conserved regions within the cell-receptor binding domain of E2 mimic collagen and provide access to cellular collagen-binding receptors.


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Background: Perennial Ryegrass is a major cause of rhinitis in spring and early summer. Bahia grass, Paspalum notatum, flowers late into summer and could account for allergic rhinitis at this time. We determined the frequency of serum immunoglobulin (Ig)E reactivity with Bahia grass in Ryegrass pollen allergic patients and investigated IgE cross-reactivity between Bahia and Ryegrass. Methods: Serum from 33 Ryegrass pollen allergic patients and 12 nonatopic donors were tested for IgE reactivity with Bahia and Ryegrass pollen extracts (PE) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), western blotting and inhibition ELISA. Allergen-specific antibodies from a pool of sera from allergic donors were affinity purified and tested for IgE cross-reactivity. Results: Seventy-eight per cent of the sera had IgE reactivity with Bahia grass, but more weakly than with Ryegrass. Antibodies eluted from the major Ryegrass pollen allergens, Lol p 1 and Lol p 5, showed IgE reactivity with allergens of Ryegrass and Canary but not Bahia or Bermuda grasses. Timothy, Canary and Ryegrass inhibited IgE reactivity with Ryegrass and Bahia grass, whereas Bahia, Johnson and Bermuda grass did not inhibit IgE reactivity with Ryegrass. Conclusions: The majority of Ryegrass allergic patients also showed serum IgE reactivity with Bahia grass PE. However, Bahia grass and Ryegrass had only limited IgE cross-reactivity indicating that Bahia grass should be considered in diagnosis and treatment of patients with hay fever late in' the grass pollen season.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular basis of human IgE-allergen interaction by screening a phage-displayed peptide library with an allergen-specific human IgE-mimicking monoclonal antibody (mAb). A mAb that reacted with major grass pollen allergens was successfully identified and shown to inhibit human IgE-allergen interaction. Biopanning of a phage-displayed random peptide library with this mAb yielded a 12 amino acid long mimotope. A synthetic peptide based on this 12-mer mimotope inhibited mAb and human IgE binding to grass pollen extracts. Our results indicate that such synthetic peptide mimotopes of allergens have potential as novel therapeutic agents. © 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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Purified proteins are mandatory for molecular, immunological and cellular studies. However, purification of proteins from complex mixtures requires specialised chromatography methods (i.e., gel filtration, ion exchange, etc.) using fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems. Such systems are expensive and certain proteins require two or more different steps for sufficient purity and generally result in low recovery. The aim of this study was to develop a rapid, inexpensive and efficient gel-electrophoresis-based protein purification method using basic and readily available laboratory equipment. We have used crude rye grass pollen extract to purify the major allergens Lol p 1 and Lol p 5 as the model protein candidates. Total proteins were resolved on large primary gel and Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB)-stained Lol p 1/5 allergens were excised and purified on a secondary "mini"-gel. Purified proteins were extracted from unstained separating gels and subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblot analyses. Silver-stained SDS-PAGE gels resolved pure proteins (i.e., 875 μg of Lol p 1 recovered from a 8 mg crude starting material) while immunoblot analysis confirmed immunological reactivity of the purified proteins. Such a purification method is rapid, inexpensive, and efficient in generating proteins of sufficient purity for use in monoclonal antibody (mAb) production, protein sequencing and general molecular, immunological, and cellular studies.


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Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and autoimmune cholangitis (AIC) are serologic expressions of an autoimmune liver disease affecting biliary ductular cells. Previously we screened a phage-displayed random peptide library with polyclonal IgG from 2 Australian patients with PBC and derived peptides that identified a single conformational (discontinuous) epitope in the inner lipoyl domain of the E2 subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC-E2), the characteristic autoantigen in PBC. Here we have used phage display to investigate the reactivity of PBC sera from 2 ethnically and geographically distinct populations, Japanese and Australian, and the 2 serologic expressions, PBC and AIC. Random 7-mer and 12-mer peptide libraries were biopanned with IgG from 3 Japanese patients with PBC and 3 with AIC who did not have anti-PDC-E2. The phage clones (phagotopes) obtained were tested by capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for reactivity with affinity-purified anti-PDC-E2, and compared with those obtained from Australian patients with PBC. Peptide sequences of the derived phagotopes and sequences derived by biopanning with irrelevant antisera were aligned to develop a guide tree based on physicochemical similarity. Both Australian and Japanese PBC-derived phagotopes were distributed in branches of the guide tree that contained the peptide sequences MH and FV previously identified as part of an immunodominant conformational epitope of PDC-E2, indicating that epitope selection was not influenced by the racial origin of the PBC sera. Biopanning with either PBC or AIC-derived IgG yielded phagotopes that reacted with anti-PDC-E2 by capture ELISA, further establishing that there is a similar autoimmune targeting in PBC and AIC.


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The major diabetes autoantigen, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65), contains a region of sequence similarity, including six identical residues PEVKEK, to the P2C protein of coxsackie B virus, suggesting that cross-reactivity between coxsackie B virus and GAD65 can initiate autoimmune diabetes. We used the human islet cell mAbs MICA3 and MICA4 to identify the Ab epitopes of GAD65 by screening phage-displayed random peptide libraries. The identified peptide sequences could be mapped to a homology model of the pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) binding domain of GAD65. For MICA3, a surface loop containing the sequence PEVKEK and two adjacent exposed helixes were identified in the PLP binding domain as well as a region of the C terminus of GAD65 that has previously been identified as critical for MICA3 binding. To confirm that the loop containing tile PEVKEK sequence contributes to the MICA3 epitope, this loop was deleted by mutagenesis. This reduced binding of MICA3 by 70%. Peptide sequences selected using MICA4 were rich in basic or hydroxyl-containing amino acids, and the surface of the GAD65 PLP-binding domain surrounding Lys358, which is known to be critical for MICA4 binding, was likewise rich in these amino acids. Also, the two phage most reactive width MICA4 encoded the motif VALxG, and the reverse of this sequence, LAV, was located in this same region. Thus, we have defined the MICA3 and MICA4 epitopes on GAD65 using the combination of phage display, molecular modeling, and mutagenesis and have provided compelling evidence for the involvement of the PEVKEK loop in the MICA3 epitope.


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The chemokine receptor CCR5 contains seven transmembrane-spanning domains. It binds chemokines and acts as co-receptor for macrophage (m)-tropic (or R5) strains of HIV-1. Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to CCR5, 3A9 and 5C7, were used for biopanning a nonapeptide cysteine (C)-constrained phage-displayed random peptide library to ascertain contact residues and define tertiary structures of possible epitopes on CCR5. Reactivity of antibodies with phagotopes was established by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). mAb 3A9 identified a phagotope C-HASIYDFGS-C (3A9/1), and 5C7 most frequently identified C-PHWLRDLRV-C (5C7/1). Corresponding peptides were synthesized. Phagotopes and synthetic peptides reacted in ELISA with corresponding antibodies and synthetic peptides inhibited antibody binding to the phagotopes. Reactivity by immunofluorescence of 3A9 with CCR5 was strongly inhibited by the corresponding peptide. Both mAb 3A9 and 5C7 reacted similarly with phagotopes and the corresponding peptide selected by the alternative mAb. The sequences of peptide inserts of phagotopes could be aligned as mimotopes of the sequence of CCR5. For phage 3A9/1, the motif SIYD aligned to residues at the N terminus and FG to residues on the first extracellular loop; for 5C7/1, residues at the N terminus, first extracellular loop, and possibly the third extracellular loop could be aligned and so would contribute to the mimotope. The synthetic peptides corresponding to the isolated phagotopes showed a CD4-dependent reactivity with gp120 of a primary, m-tropic HIV-1 isolate. Thus reactivity of antibodies raised to CCR5 against phage-displayed peptides defined mimotopes that reflect binding sites for these antibodies and reveal a part of the gp120 binding sites on CCR5.


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Phage display is an advanced technology that can be used to characterize the interactions of antibody with antigen at the molecular level. It provides valuable data when applied to the investigation of IgE interaction with allergens. The aim of this rostrum article is to provide an explanation of the potential of phage display for increasing the understanding of allergen- IgE interaction, the discovery of diagnostic reagents, and the development of novel therapeutics for the treatment of allergic disease. The significance of initial studies that have applied phage display technology in allergy research will be highlighted. Phage display has been used to clone human IgE to timothy grass pollen allergen Phl p 5, to characterize the epitopes for murine and human antibodies to a birch pollen allergen Bet v 1, and to elucidate the epitopes of a murine mAb to the house dust mite allergen Der p 1. The technology has identified peptides that functionally mimic sites of human IgE constant domains and that were used to raise antiserum for blocking binding of IgE to the FcεRI on basophils and subsequent release of histamine. Phage display has also been used to characterize novel peanut and fungal allergens. The method has been used to increase our understanding of the molecular basis of allergen-IgE interactions and to develop clinically relevant reagents with the pharmacologic potential to block the effector phase of allergic reactions. Many advances from these early studies are likely as phage display technology evolves and allergists gain expertise in its research applications.