158 resultados para 671102 Rail equipment


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To effectively address the high rate of failure of Insulated Rail Joints (IRJs) in the heavy haul lines, a research plan was designed and implemented with particular attention to understand their mechanical behaviour and deterioration process. In this paper, part of this ongoing research is described. During the past decades many studies have tried to improve the service life of IRJs by introducing a new structural design or material for IRJ components. This paper looks into this problem from a different perspective highlighting the significance of localised condition of track to the loads and responses of the IRJs. Results from a series of field measurements conducted in a rail track within the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) network are discussed. The interactive effects of IRJ responses and localised track condition are further investigated using the results obtained from numerical simulations. The field measurements and the simulation results provide valuable insight on the influence of track condition to the behaviour of IRJs.


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The number of pedestrian victims at Australian and foreign level crossings has remained stable over the past decade and it continues to be a significant problem. To examine the factors contributing to pedestrians’ unsafe crossing behaviours, direct observations were conducted at three black spot urban level crossings in Brisbane for a total of 45 h during morning and afternoon peak. In total, 129 pedestrians transgressed the active controls. More transgressions were observed at the crossings located in more populated suburbs in close proximity to large shopping centres and school zones, whereas the smallest number of transgressions were observed at the least populated locations. In addition to characteristics associated with the larger socio-economic area, the patterns of transgression could be associated with the properties of the existing safety equipment and the design of each level crossing (i.e. location of the platforms, number of rail tracks). Indeed, the largest number of crossed unoccupied but “at risk” rail tracks (where a train could have passed), was observed at the crossing with the least transgressions. Contrary to previous findings, younger adults were the most frequent transgressors. School children and elderly were most likely to transgress in groups. Potential directions for future research and more effective measures are discussed.


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The extreme diversity of conditions acting on railways necessitates a variety of experimental approaches to study the critical wear mechanisms that present themselves at the contact interface. This work investigates the effects of contact pressure and geometry in rolling-contact wear tests by using discs with different radii of curvature to simulate the varying contact conditions that may be typically found in the field. It is commonly adapted to line contact interface as it has constant contact pressure. But practical scenario of the rail wheel interface, the contact area increase and contact pressure change as tracks worn off. The tests were conducted without any significant amount of traction, but micro slip was still observed due to contact deformation. Moreover, variation of contact pressure was observed due to contact patch elongation and diameter reduction. Rolling contact fatigue, adhesive and sliding wear were observed on the curved contact interface. The development of different wear regimes and material removal phenomena were analysed using microscopic images in order to broaden the understanding of the wear mechanisms occurring in the rail-wheel contact.


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There are currently 23,500 level crossings in Australia, broadly divided active level crossings with flashing lights; and passive level crossings controlled by stop and give way signs. The current strategy is to annually upgrade passive level crossings with active controls within a given budget, but the 5,900 public passive crossings are too numerous to be upgraded all. The rail industry is considering alternative options to treat more crossings. One of them is to use lower cost equipment with reduced safety integrity level, but with a design that would fail to a safe state: in case of the impossibility for the system to know whether a train is approaching, the crossing changes to a passive crossing. This is implemented by having a STOP sign coming in front of the flashing lights. While such design is considered safe in terms of engineering design, questions remain on human factors. In order to evaluate whether such approach is safe, we conducted a driving simulator study where participants were familiarized with the new active crossing, before changing the signage to a passive crossing. Our results show that drivers treated the new crossing as an active crossing after the novelty effect had passed. While most participants did not experience difficulties with the crossing being turned back to a passive crossing, a number of participants experienced difficulties stopping in time at the first encounter of such passive crossing. Worse, a number of drivers never realized the signage had changed, highlighting the link between the decision to brake and stop at an active crossing to the lights flashing. Such results show the potential human factor issues of changing an active crossing to a passive crossing in case of failure of the detection of the train.


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There are currently 23,500 level crossings in Australia, broadly divided into one of two categories: active level crossings which are fully automatic and have boom barriers, alarm bells, flashing lights, and pedestrian gates; and passive level crossings, which are not automatic and aim to control road and pedestrianised walkways solely with stop and give way signs. Active level crossings are considered to be the gold standard for transport ergonomics when grade separation (i.e. constructing an over- or underpass) is not viable. In Australia, the current strategy is to annually upgrade passive level crossings with active controls but active crossings are also associated with traffic congestion, largely as a result of extended closure times. The percentage of time level crossings are closed to road vehicles during peak periods increases with the rise in the frequency of train services. The popular perception appears to be that once a level crossing is upgraded, one is free to wipe their hands and consider the job done. However, there may also be environments where active protection is not enough, but where the setting may not justify the capital costs of grade separation. Indeed, the associated congestion and traffic delay could compromise safety by contributing to the risk taking behaviour by motorists and pedestrians. In these environments it is important to understand what human factor issues are present and ask the question of whether a one size fits all solution is indeed the most ergonomically sound solution for today’s transport needs.


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To The ratcheting behavior of high-strength rail steel (Australian Standard AS1085.1) is studied in this work for the purpose of predicting wear and damage to the rail surface. Historically, researchers have used circular test coupons obtained from the rail head to conduct cyclic load tests, but according to hardness profile data, considerable variation exists across the rail head section. For example, the induction-hardened rail (AS1085.1) shows high hardness (400-430 HV100) up to four-millimeters into the rail head’s surface, but then drops considerably beyond that. Given that cyclic test coupons five millimeters in diameter at the gauge area are usually taken from the rail sample, there is a high probability that the original surface properties of the rail do not apply across the entire test coupon and, therefore, data representing only average material properties are obtained. In the literature, disks (47 mm in diameter) for a twin-disk rolling contact test machine have been obtained directly from the rail sample and used to validate rolling contact fatigue wear models. The question arises: How accurate are such predictions? In this research paper, the effect of rail sampling position on the ratcheting behavior of AS1085.1 rail steel was investigated using rectangular shaped specimens. Uniaxial stress-controlled tests were conducted with samples obtained at four different depths to observe the ratcheting behaviour of each. Micro-hardness measurements of the test coupons were carried out to obtain a constitutive relationship to predict the effect of depth on the ratcheting behaviour of the rail material. This work ultimately assists the selection of valid material parameters for constitutive models in the study of rail surface ratcheting.


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This work investigates the effects of contact pressure and geometry in rolling-contact wear tests by using discs with different radii of curvature to simulate the varying contact conditions that may be typically found in the field. The tests were conducted without any significant amount of traction, but micro slip was still observed due to contact deformation. Moreover, variation of contact pressure was observed due to contact patch elongation and diameter reduction. Rolling contact fatigue, adhesive and sliding wear were observed on the curved contact interface. The development of different wear regimes and material removal phenomena were analyzed using microscopic images in order to broaden the understanding of the wear mechanisms occurring in the rail-wheel contact.


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This paper aims to trace surface evolution in the wheel-rail interface using data obtained from a twin-disc testing machine and the surface replication technique. Changes in the surface profile of the rail testing disc are explicitly analysed according to the wear mechanism, which helps elaborate a better understanding of the attrition of asperities during the wearing-in process of surface modification. The surface profile amplitude was seen to decrease during the initial running-in phase of the experiment cycle, and after reaching a saturation value, the profile amplitude then increased. Ultimately the results show that grinding will roughen the rail surface and the wheel-rail contact conditions will then remove this surface damage to some saturation value of the profile height. The variation in the rail surface profile beyond this point is then only dependant on the contact conditions which exist between the wheel and rail during normal operation.


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Particle analysis methodology is presented, together with the morphology of the wear debris formed during rolling contact fatigue. Wear particles are characterised by their surface topography and in terms of wear mechanism. Rail-wheel materials are subjected to severe plastic deformation as the contact loading progresses, which contributes to a mechanism of major damage in head-hardened rail steel. Most of the current methodologies involve sectioning of the rail-wheel discs to trace material damage phenomena such as crack propagation and plastic strain accumulation. This paper proposes methodology to analyse the development of the plastically deformed layer by sectioning wear particles using the focussed ion beam (FIB) milling method. Moreover, it highlights the processes of oxidation and rail surface delamination during unlubricated rolling contact fatigue.


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Rail joints are provided with a gap to account for thermal movement and to maintain electrical insulation for the control of signals and/or broken rail detection circuits. The gap in the rail joint is regarded as a source of significant problems for the rail industry since it leads to a very short rail service life compared with other track components due to the various, and difficult to predict, failure modes – thus increasing the risk for train operations. Many attempts to improve the life of rail joints have led to a large number of patents around the world; notable attempts include strengthening through larger-sized joint bars, an increased number of bolts and the use of high yield materials. Unfortunately, no design to date has shown the ability to prolong the life of the rail joints to values close to those for continuously welded rail (CWR). This paper reports the results of a fundamental study that has revealed that the wheel contact at the free edge of the railhead is a major problem since it generates a singularity in the contact pressure and railhead stresses. A design was therefore developed using an optimisation framework that prevents wheel contact at the railhead edge. Finite element modelling of the design has shown that the contact pressure and railhead stress singularities are eliminated, thus increasing the potential to work as effectively as a CWR that does not have a geometric gap. An experimental validation of the finite element results is presented through an innovative non-contact measurement of strains. Some practical issues related to grinding rails to the optimal design are also discussed.


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Mixed integer programming and parallel-machine job shop scheduling are used to solve the sugarcane rail transport scheduling problem. Constructive heuristics and metaheuristics were developed to produce a more efficient scheduling system and so reduce operating costs. The solutions were tested on small and large size problems. High-quality solutions and improved CPU time are the result of developing new hybrid techniques which consist of different ways of integrating simulated annealing and Tabu search techniques.


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The safety and performance of bridges could be monitored and evaluated by Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems. These systems try to identify and locate the damages in a structure and estimate their severities. Current SHM systems are applied to a single bridge, and they have not been used to monitor the structural condition of a network of bridges. This paper propose a new method which will be used in Synthetic Rating Procedures (SRP) developed by the authors of this paper and utilizes SHM systems for monitoring and evaluating the condition of a network of bridges. Synthetic rating procedures are used to assess the condition of a network of bridges and identify their ratings. As an additional part of the SRP, the method proposed in this paper can continuously monitor the behaviour of a network of bridges and therefore it can assist to prevent the sudden collapses of bridges or the disruptions to their serviceability. The method could be an important part of a bridge management system (BMS) for managers and engineers who work on condition assessment of a network of bridges.


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Australia is the world’s third largest exporter of raw sugar after Brazil and Thailand, with around $2.0 billion in export earnings. Transport systems play a vital role in the raw sugar production process by transporting the sugarcane crop between farms and mills. In 2013, 87 per cent of sugarcane was transported to mills by cane railway. The total cost of sugarcane transport operations is very high. Over 35% of the total cost of sugarcane production in Australia is incurred in cane transport. A cane railway network mainly involves single track sections and multiple track sections used as passing loops or sidings. The cane railway system performs two main tasks: delivering empty bins from the mill to the sidings for filling by harvesters; and collecting the full bins of cane from the sidings and transporting them to the mill. A typical locomotive run involves an empty train (locomotive and empty bins) departing from the mill, traversing some track sections and delivering bins at specified sidings. The locomotive then, returns to the mill, traversing the same track sections in reverse order, collecting full bins along the way. In practice, a single track section can be occupied by only one train at a time, while more than one train can use a passing loop (parallel sections) at a time. The sugarcane transport system is a complex system that includes a large number of variables and elements. These elements work together to achieve the main system objectives of satisfying both mill and harvester requirements and improving the efficiency of the system in terms of low overall costs. These costs include delay, congestion, operating and maintenance costs. An effective cane rail scheduler will assist the traffic officers at the mill to keep a continuous supply of empty bins to harvesters and full bins to the mill with a minimum cost. This paper addresses the cane rail scheduling problem under rail siding capacity constraints where limited and unlimited siding capacities were investigated with different numbers of trains and different train speeds. The total operating time as a function of the number of trains, train shifts and a limited number of cane bins have been calculated for the different siding capacity constraints. A mathematical programming approach has been used to develop a new scheduler for the cane rail transport system under limited and unlimited constraints. The new scheduler aims to reduce the total costs associated with the cane rail transport system that are a function of the number of bins and total operating costs. The proposed metaheuristic techniques have been used to find near optimal solutions of the cane rail scheduling problem and provide different possible solutions to avoid being stuck in local optima. A numerical investigation and sensitivity analysis study is presented to demonstrate that high quality solutions for large scale cane rail scheduling problems are obtainable in a reasonable time. Keywords: Cane railway, mathematical programming, capacity, metaheuristics


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Fatigue of the steel in rails continues to be of major concern to heavy haul track owners despite careful selection and maintenance of rails. The persistence of fatigue is due in part to the erroneous assumption that the maximum loads on, and stresses in, the rails are predictable. Recent analysis of extensive wheel impact detector data from a number of heavy haul tracks has shown that the most damaging forces are in fact randomly distributed with time and location and can be much greater than generally expected. Large- scale Monte-Carlo simulations have been used to identify rail stresses caused by actual, measured distributions of wheel-rail forces on heavy haul tracks. The simulations show that fatigue failure of the rail foot can occur in situations which would be overlooked by traditional analyses. The most serious of these situations are those where track is accessed by multiple operators and in situations where there is a mix of heavy haul, general freight and/or passenger traffic. The least serious are those where the track is carrying single-operator-owned heavy haul unit trains. The paper shows how using the nominal maximum axle load of passing traffic, which is the key issue in traditional analyses, is insufficient and must be augmented with consideration of important operational factors. Ignoring such factors can be costly.


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The international traveller needs to plan ahead to ensure medicines are available and used as directed for optimal therapeutic outcome. The planning needs to take account of legal and customs requirements for travelling with medicines for personal use. The standard advice by travel health providers is that travellers should check with the country of destination for requirements when travelling into the country with medicines for personal use. This is akin to introducing a barrier to care for this category of travellers. Innovative method of care for this group of traveller is needed.