31 resultados para Prostaglandin-Endoperoxide Synthases


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Arachidonic acid metabolism through cyclooxygenase (COX) pathways leads to the generation of biologically active eicosanoids. Eicosanoid expression levels vary during development and progression of gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies. COX-2 is the major COX-isoform responsible for G.I. cancer development/progression. COX-2 expression increases during progression from a normal to cancerous state. Evidence from observational studies has demonstrated that chronic NSAID use reduces the risk of cancer development, while both incidence and risk of death due to G.I. cancers were significantly reduced by daily aspirin intake. A number of randomized controlled trials (APC trial, Prevention of Sporadic Adenomatous Polyps trial, APPROVe trial) have also shown a significant protective effect in patients receiving selective COX-2 inhibitors. However, chronic use of selective COX-2 inhibitors at high doses was associated with increased cardiovascular risk, while NSAIDs have also been associated with increased risk. More recently, downstream effectors of COX-signaling have been investigated in cancer development/progression. PGE 2, which binds to both EP and PPAR receptors, is the major prostanoid implicated in the carcinogenesis of G.I. cancers. The role of TXA 2 in G.I. cancers has also been examined, although further studies are required to uncover its role in carcinogenesis. Other prostanoids investigated include PGD 2 and its metabolite 15d-PGJ2, PGF 1α and PGI 2. Targeting these prostanoids in G.I. cancers has the promise of avoiding cardiovascular toxicity associated with chronic selective COX-2 inhibition, while maintaining anti-tumor reactivity.A progressive sequence from normal to pre-malignant to a malignant state has been identified in G.I. cancers. In this review, we will discuss the role of the COX-derived prostanoids in G.I. cancer development and progression. Targeting these downstream prostanoids for chemoprevention and/or treatment of G.I. cancers will also be discussed. Finally, we will highlight the latest pre-clinical technologies as well as avenues for future investigation in this highly topical research field. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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Several chronic infections known to be associated with malignancy have established oncogenic properties. However the existence of chronic inflammatory conditions that do not have an established infective cause and are associated with the development of tumours strongly suggests that the inflammatory process itself provides the prerequisite environment for the development of malignancy. This environment includes upregulation of mediators of the inflammatory response such as cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-2 leading to the production of inflammatory cytokines and prostaglandins which themselves may suppress cell mediated immune responses and promote angiogenesis. These factors may also impact on cell growth and survival signalling pathways resulting in induction of cell proliferation and inhibition of apoptosis. Furthermore, chronic inflammation may lead to the production of reactive oxygen species and metabolites such as malondialdehyde within the affected cells that may in turn induce DNA damage and mutations and, as a result, be carcinogenic. Here it is proposed that the conditions provided by a chronic inflammatory environment are so essential for the progression of the neoplastic process that therapeutic intervention aimed at inhibiting inflammation, reducing angiogenesis and stimulating cell mediated immune responses may have a major role in reducing the incidence of common cancers. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.com.


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Recent studies have demonstrated that angiogenesis and suppressed cell- mediated immunity (CMI) play a central role in the pathogenesis of malignant disease facilitating tumour growth, invasion and metastasis. In the majority of tumours, the malignant process is preceded by a pathological condition or exposure to an irritant which itself is associated with the induction of angiogenesis and/or suppressed CMI. These include: cigarette smoking, chronic bronchitis and lung cancer; chronic oesophagitis and oesophageal cancer; chronic viral infections such as human papilloma virus and ano-genital cancers, chronic hepatitis B and C and hepatocellular carcinoma, and Epstein- Barr virus (EBV) and lymphomas; chronic inflammatory conditions such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis and colorectal cancer; asbestos exposure and mesothelioma and excessive sunlight exposure/sunburn and malignant melanoma. Chronic exposure to growth factors (insulin-like growth factor-I in acromegaly), mutations in tumour suppressor genes (TP53 in Li Fraumeni syndrome) and long-term exposure to immunosuppressive agents (cyclosporin A) may also give rise to similar environments and are associated with the development of a range of solid tumours. The increased blood supply would facilitate the development and proliferation of an abnormal clone or clones of cells arising as the result of: (a) an inherited genetic abnormality; and/or (b) acquired somatic mutations, the latter due to local production and/or enhanced delivery of carcinogens and mutagenic growth factors. With progressive detrimental mutations and growth-induced tumour hypoxia, the transformed cell, to a lesser or greater extent, may amplify the angiogenic process and CMI suppression, thereby facilitating further tumour growth and metastasis. There is accumulating evidence that long-term treatment with cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors (aspirin and indomethacin), cytokines such as interferon-α, anti-oestrogens (tamoxifen and raloxifene) and captopril significantly reduces the incidence of solid tumours such as breast and colorectal cancer. These agents are anti-angiogenic and, in the case of aspirin, indomethacin and interferon-α have proven immunomodulatory effects. Collectively these observations indicate that angiogenesis and suppressed CMI play a central role in the development and progression of malignant disease. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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In the UK mortality from malignant mesothelioma (MM) is likely to more than double over the next 20 years and despite advances in surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment the overall prognosis for patients remains poor. A number of scoring systems based on assessment of clinicopathological features of patients with the disease have been developed but the search continues for further prognostic indicators. Angiogenesis, tumour necrosis (TN), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been linked with poor prognosis in some types of solid tumour and their relevance as prognostic factors in malignant mesothelioma is examined in this paper. © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The metabolism of arachidonic acid through lipoxygenase pathways leads to the generation of various biologically active eicosanoids. The expression of these enzymes vary throughout the progression of various cancers, and thereby they have been shown to regulate aspects of tumor development. Substantial evidence supports a functional role for lipoxygenase-catalyzed arachidonic and linoleic acid metabolism in cancer development. Pharmacologic and natural inhibitors of lipoxygenases have been shown to suppress carcinogenesis and tumor growth in a number of experimental models. Signaling of hydro[peroxy]fatty acids following arachidonic or linoleic acid metabolism potentially effect diverse biological phenomenon regulating processes such as cell growth, cell survival, angiogenesis, cell invasion, metastatic potential and immunomodulation. However, the effects of distinct LOX isoforms differ considerably with respect to their effects on both the individual mechanisms described and the tumor being examined. 5-LOX and platelet type 12-LOX are generally considered pro-carcinogenic, with the role of 15-LOX-1 remaining controversial, while 15-LOX-2 suppresses carcinogenesis. In this review, we focus on the molecular mechanisms regulated by LOX metabolism in some of the major cancers. We discuss the effects of LOXs on tumor cell proliferation, their roles in cell cycle control and cell death induction, effects on angiogenesis, migration and the immune response, as well as the signal transduction pathways involved in these processes. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-tumor effect of specific, or general, LOX inhibitors may lead to the design of biologically and pharmacologically targeted therapeutic strategies inhibiting LOX isoforms and/or their biologically active metabolites, that may ultimately prove useful in the treatment of cancer, either alone or in combination with conventional therapies. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Both cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are thought to play important roles in the pathogenesis of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A number of in vitro studies have postulated a link between EGFR activation and subsequent COX-2 upregulation. The relationship between these factors has not been established in patients with NSCLC. COX-2 and EGFR expression were studied in 172 NSCLC specimens using standard immunohistochemical techniques. Western blotting was used to determine COX-2 and EGFR levels in five NSCLC cell lines. The effect of treatment with EGF on COX-2 expression in A549 cells was assessed. Results: Both EGFR and COX-2 are overexpressed in NSCLC. The predominant pattern of COX-2 and EGFR staining was cytoplasmic. Membranous EGFR staining was seen in 23.3% of cases. There was no relationship between COX-2 and EGFR expression and survival or any clinicopathological features. No correlation was seen between EGFR expression and COX-2 expression in the immunohistochemical series or in the cell lines. Treatment with EGF did not upregulate COX-2 levels in A549 cells, either in serum free or serum-supplemented conditions. Conclusions: Although COX-2 and EGFR are over-expressed in NSCLC neither was of prognostic significance in this series of cases. There is no correlation between these two factors in either tumour samples or cell lines. Although these factors show no correlation in NSCLC, they remain potential, though independent targets for treatment. © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is part of a family of plasma membrane receptor tyrosine kinases that control many important cellular functions, from growth and proliferation to cell death. Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 is an enzyme which catalyses the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostagladins and thromboxane. It is induced by various inflammatory stimuli, including the pro-inflammatory cytokines, Interleukin (IL)-1β, Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF)-α and IL-2. Both EGFR and COX-2 are over-expressed in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and have been implicated in the early stages of tumourigenesis. This paper considers their roles in the development and progression of lung cancer, their potential interactions, and reviews the recent progress in cancer therapies that are directed toward these targets. An increasing body of evidence suggests that selective inhibitors of both EGFR and COX-2 are potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of NSCLC, in the adjuvant, metastatic and chemopreventative settings. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To identify genetic associations with severity of radiographic damage in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Method: We studied 1537 AS cases of European descent; all fulfilled the modified New York Criteria. Radiographic severity was assessed from digitised lateral radiographs of the cervical and lumbar spine using the modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score (mSASSS). A two-phase genotyping design was used. In phase 1, 498 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 688 cases; these were selected to capture >90% of the common haplotypic variation in the exons, exon-intron boundaries, and 5 kb flanking DNA in the 5' and 3' UTR of 74 genes involved in anabolic or catabolic bone pathways. In phase 2, 15 SNPs exhibiting p<0.05 were genotyped in a further cohort of 830 AS cases; results were analysed both separately and in combination with the discovery phase data. Association was tested by contingency tables after separating the samples into 'mild' and 'severe' groups, defined as the bottom and top 40% by mSASSS, adjusted for gender and disease duration. Results: Experiment-wise association was observed with the SNP rs8092336 (combined OR 0.32, p=1.2×10-5), which lies within RANK (receptor activator of NF?B), a gene involved in osteoclastogenesis, and in the interaction between T cells and dendritic cells. Association was also found with the SNP rs1236913 in PTGS1 (prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1, cyclooxygenase 1), giving an OR of 0.53 (p=2.6×10-3). There was no observed association between radiographic severity and HLA-B*27. Conclusions: These findings support roles for bone resorption and prostaglandins pathways in the osteoproliferative changes in AS.


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Eleven cystic fibrosis children (mean age, 9.6 years) were chosen at random to participate in a study to observe the effects of concurrently stimulating gastric/duodenal bicarbonate secretion and inhibiting gastric acid secretion, using a methylated prostaglandin E1 analogue in patients with pancreatic insufficiency and taking pancreatic enzymes. Percentage fat absorption in 3-day stool collections were calculated before and after commencing therapy with misoprostol, 400 μg/day in divided doses. We found a significant reduction in fat output (14.7 ± 11.7 versus 7.5 ± 3.5 g/day, p < 0.05) in the study group as a whole and a significant reduction in steatorrhoeic level as a percentage of fat intake in all of the patients with abnormal base-line collections (23.1% versus 9.2% p < 0.002). We conclude that misoprostol should be considered in cystic fibrosis patients with steatorrhoea as a means of improving nutrient absorption. © 1988 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.


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Eleven cystic fibrosis children (mean age, 9.6 years) were chosen at random to participate in a study to observe the effects of concurrently stimulating gastric/duodenal bicarbonate secretion and inhibiting gastric acid secretion, using a methylated prostaglandin E1 analogue in patients with pancreatic insufficiency and taking pancreatic enzymes. Percentage fat absorption in 3-day stool collections were calculated before and after commencing therapy with misoprostol, 400 μg/day in divided doses. We found a significant reduction in fat output (14.7 ± 11.7 versus 7.5 ± 3.5 g/day, p < 0.05) in the study group as a whole and a significant reduction in steatorrhoeic level as a percentage of fat intake in all of the patients with abnormal base-line collections (23.1% versus 9.2%, p < 0.002). We conclude that misoprostol should be considered in cystic fibrosis patients with steatorrhoea as a means of improving nutrient absorption.


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Background Nitric oxide is released by immune, epithelial and endothelial cells, and plays an important part in the pathophysiology of asthma. Objective To investigate the association of inducible nitric oxide synthases (iNOS) gene repeat polymorphisms with asthma. Methods 230 families with asthma (842 individuals) were recruited to identify and establish the genetic association of iNOS repeats with asthma and associated phenotypes. Serum nitric oxide levels in selected individuals were measured and correlated with specific genotypes. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the effect of age and sex. Results A total of four repeats—a (CCTTT)n promoter repeat, a novel intron 2 (GT)n repeat (BV680047), an intron 4 (GT)n repeat (AFM311ZB1) and an intron 5 (CA)n repeat (D17S1878)—were identified and genotyped. A significant transmission distortion to the probands with asthma was seen for allele 3 of the AFM311ZB1 gene (p = 0.006). This allele was also found to be significantly associated with percentage blood eosinophils (p<0.001) and asthma severity (p = 0.04). Moreover, it was functionally correlated with high serum nitric oxide levels (p = 0.006). Similarly, the promoter repeat was found to be associated with serum total immunoglobulin (Ig)E (p = 0.028). Individuals carrying allele 4 of this repeat have high serum IgE (p<0.001) and nitric oxide levels (p = 0.03). Conclusion This is the first study to identify the repeat polymorphisms in the iNOS gene that are associated with severity of asthma and eosinophils. The functional relevance of the associated alleles with serum nitric oxide levels was also shown. Therefore, these results could be valuable in elucidating the role of nitric oxide in asthma pathogenesis.


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10.1 Histamine and cytokines 10.1.1 Actions of histamine 10.1.2 Drugs that modify the actions of histamine 10.1.3 Cytokines 10.2 Eicosanoids 10.2.1 Cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipooxygenase system 10.2.2 Actions of eicosanoids 10.2.3 Drugs that modify the actions of eicosanoids Inhibit phospholipase A2 Non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitors Selective COX-2 inhibitors Agonists at prostaglandin receptors Leukotriene receptor antagonists 10.3. 5-Hydroxtryptamine (serotonin), nitric oxide, and endothelin 10.3.1 5-HT and migraine 10.3.2 5-HT and the gastrointestinal tract 10.3.3 Nitric oxide and angina 10.3.4 Nitric oxide and erectile dysfunction 10.3.5 Endothelin and pulmonary hypertension


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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of exercise intensity and exercise-induced muscle damage on changes in anti-inflammatory cytokines and other inflammatory mediators. Nine well-trained male runners completed three different exercise trials on separate occasions: (1) level treadmill running at 60% VO2max (moderate-intensity trial) for 60 min; (2) level treadmill running at 85% VO2max (high-intensity trial) for 60 min; (3) downhill treadmill running (-10% gradient) at 60% VO2max (downhill running trial) for 45 min. Blood was sampled before, immediately after and 1 h after exercise. Plasma was analyzed for interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12p40, IL-13, monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), prostaglandin E(2), leukotriene B(4) and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70). The plasma concentrations of IL-1ra, IL-12p40, MCP-1 and HSP70 increased significantly (P<0.05) after all three trials. Plasma prostaglandin E(2) concentration increased significantly after the downhill running and high-intensity trials, while plasma IL-10 concentration increased significantly only after the high-intensity trial. IL-4 and leukotriene B(4) did not increase significantly after exercise. Plasma IL-1ra and IL-10 concentrations were significantly higher (P<0.05) after the high-intensity trial than after both the moderate-intensity and downhill running trials. Therefore, following exercise up to 1 h duration, exercise intensity appears to have a greater effect on anti-inflammatory cytokine production than exercise-induced muscle damage


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The aims of this study were to examine the plasma concentrations of inflammatory mediators including cytokines induced by a single bout of eccentric exercise and again 4 weeks later by a second bout of eccentric exercise of the same muscle group. Ten untrained male subjects performed two bouts of the eccentric exercise involving the elbow flexors (6 sets of 5 repetitions) separated by four weeks. Changes in muscle soreness, swelling, and function following exercise were compared between the bouts. Blood was sampled before, immediately after, 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, 24 h (1 d), 48 h (2 d), 72 h (3 d), 96 h (4 d) following exercise bout to measure plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity, plasma concentrations of myoglobin (Mb), interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12p40, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), myeloperoxidase (MPO), prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), heat shock protein (HSP) 60 and 70. After the first bout, muscle soreness increased significantly, and there was also significant increase in upper arm circumference; muscle function decreased and plasma CK activity and Mb concentration increased significantly. These changes were significantly smaller after the second bout compared to the first bout, indicating muscle adaptation to the repeated bouts of the eccentric exercise. Despite the evidence of greater muscle damage after the first bout, the changes in cytokines and other inflammatory mediators were quite minor, and considerably smaller than that following endurance exercise. These results suggest that eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage is not associated with the significant release of cytokines into the systemic circulation. After the first bout, plasma G-CSF concentration showed a small but significant increase, whereas TNF-alpha and IL-8 showed significant decreases compared to the pre-exercise values. After the second bout, there was a significant increase in IL-10, and a significant decrease in IL-8. In conclusion, although there was evidence of severe muscle damage after the eccentric exercise, this muscle damage was not accompanied by any large changes in plasma cytokine concentrations. The minor changes in systemic cytokine concentration found in this study might reflect more rapid clearance from the circulation, or a lack of any significant metabolic or oxidative demands during this particular mode of exercise. In relation to the adaptation to the muscle damage, the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 might work as one of the underlying mechanisms of action.