49 resultados para MEV LI-6 IONS


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In this paper, the security of two recent RFID mutual authentication protocols are investigated. The first protocol is a scheme proposed by Huang et al. [7] and the second one by Huang, Lin and Li [6]. We show that these two protocols have several weaknesses. In Huang et al.’s scheme, an adversary can determine the 32-bit secret password with a probability of 2−2 , and in Huang-Lin-Li scheme, a passive adversary can recognize a target tag with a success probability of 1−2−4 and an active adversary can determine all 32 bits of Access password with success probability of 2−4 . The computational complexity of these attacks is negligible.


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Lithium (Li) has been widely used as a long-term mood stabilizer in the treatment of bipolar and depressive disorders. Li+ ions are thought to enhance the remyelination of peripheral nerves and also stimulate the proliferation of neural progenitor cells and retinoblastoma cells via activation of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway. Until now there have been no studies reporting the biological effects of released Li+ in bioactive scaffolds on cemetogenesis in periodontal tissue engineering applications. In this study, we incorporated parts of Li+ ions into the mesoporous bioactive glass (MBG) scaffolds and showed that this approach yielded scaffolds with a favourable composition, microstructure and mesopore properties for cell attachment, proliferation, and cementogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament-derived cells (hPDLCs). We went on to investigate the biological effects of Li+ ions themselves on cell proliferation and cementogenic differentiation. The results showed that 5% Li+ ions incorporated into MBG scaffolds enhanced the proliferation and cementogenic differentiation of hPDLCs on scaffolds, most likely via activation of Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway. Further study demonstrated that Li+ ions by themselves significantly enhanced the proliferation, differentiation and cementogenic gene expression of PDLCs. Our results indicate that incorporation of Li+ ions into bioactive scaffolds is a viable means of enhancing the Wnt canonical signalling pathway to stimulate cementogenic differentiation of PDLCs.


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The Raman spectrum of holmquistite, a Li-containing orthorhombic amphibole from Bessemer City, USA has been measured. The OH-stretching region is characterized by bands at 3661, 3646, 3634 and 3614 cm–1 assigned to 3 Mg–OH, 2 Mg + Fe2+–OH, Mg + 2Fe2+–OH and 3 Fe2+–OH, respectively. These Mg and Fe2+ cations are located at the M1 and M3 sites and have a Fe2+/(Fe2+ + Mg) ratio of 0.35. The 960–1110 cm–1 region represents the antisymmetric Si–O–Si and O–Si–O stretching vibrations. For holmquistite, strong bands are observed around 1022 and 1085 cm–1 with a shoulder at 1127 cm–1 and minor bands at 1045 and 1102 cm–1. In the region 650–800 cm–1 bands are observed at 679, 753 and 791 cm–1 with a minor band around 694 cm–1 attributed to the symmetrical Si–O–Si and Si–O vibrations. The region below 625 cm–1 is characterized by 14 vibrations related to the deformation modes of the silicate double chain and vibrations involving Mg, Fe, Al and Li in the various M sites. The 502 cm–1 band is a Li–O deformation mode while the 456, 551 and 565 cm–1 bands are Al–O deformation modes.


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The single crystal Raman spectra of minerals brandholzite and bottinoite, formula M[Sb(OH)6]2•6H2O, where M is Mg+2 and Ni+2 respectively, and the non-aligned Raman spectrum of mopungite, formula Na[Sb(OH)6], are presented for the first time. The mixed metal minerals comprise of alternating layers of [Sb(OH)6]-1 octahedra and mixed [M(H2O)6]+2 / [Sb(OH)6]-1 octahedra. Mopungite comprises hydrogen bonded layers of [Sb(OH)6]-1 octahedra linked within the layer by Na+ ions. The spectra of the three minerals were dominated by the Sb-O symmetric stretch of the [Sb(OH)6]-1 octahedron, which occurs at approximately 620 cm-1. The Raman spectrum of mopungite showed many similarities to spectra of the di-octahedral minerals informing the view that the Sb octahedra gave rise to most of the Raman bands observed, particularly below 1200 cm-1. Assignments have been proposed based on the spectral comparison between the minerals, prior literature and density field theory calculations of the vibrational spectra of the free [Sb(OH)6]-1 and [M(H2O)6]+2 octahedra by a model chemistry of B3LYP/6-31G(d) and lanl2dz for the Sb atom. The single crystal data spectra showed good mode separation, allowing the majority of the bands to be assigned a symmetry species of A or E.


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The objective of this research is to determine the molecular structure of the mineral leogangite. The formation of the types of arsenosulphate minerals offers a mechanism for arsenate removal from soils and mine dumps. Raman and infrared spectroscopy have been used to characterise the mineral. Observed bands are assigned to the stretching and bending vibrations of (SO4)2- and (AsO4)3- units, stretching and bending vibrations of hydrogen bonded (OH)- ions and Cu2+-(O,OH) units. The approximate range of O-H...O hydrogen bond lengths is inferred from the Raman spectra. Raman spectra of leogangite from different origins differ in that some spectra are more complex, where bands are sharp and the degenerate bands of (SO4)2- and (AsO4)3- are split and more intense. Lower wavenumbers of  H2O bending vibration in the spectrum may indicate the presence of weaker hydrogen bonds compared with those in a different leogangite samples. The formation of leogangite offers a mechanism for the removal of arsenic from the environment.


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The objective of this research is to determine the molecular structure of the mineral hidalgoite PbAl3(AsO4)(SO4)(OH)6 using vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral is found in old mine sites. Observed bands are assigned to the stretching and bending vibrations of (SO4)2- and (AsO4)3- units, stretching and bending vibrations of hydrogen bonded (OH)- ions and Al3+-(O,OH) units. The approximate range of O-H...O hydrogen bond lengths is inferred from the Raman and infrared spectra. Values of 2.6989 Å, 2.7682 Å, 2.8659 Å were obtained. The formation of hidalgoite may offer a mechanism for the removal of arsenic from the environment.


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The quadrupole coupling constants (qcc) for39K and23Na ions in glycerol have been calculated from linewidths measured as a function of temperature (which in turn results in changes in solution viscosity). The qcc of39K in glycerol is found to be 1.7 MHz, and that of23Na is 1.6 MHz. The relaxation behavior of39K and23Na ions in glycerol shows magnetic field and temperature dependence consistent with the equations for transverse relaxation more commonly used to describe the reorientation of nuclei in a molecular framework with intramolecular field gradients. It is shown, however, that τc is not simply proportional to the ratio of viscosity/temperature (ηT). The 39K qcc in glycerol and the value of 1.3 MHz estimated for this nucleus in aqueous solution are much greater than values of 0.075 to 0.12 MHz calculated from T2 measurements of39K in freshly excised rat tissues. This indicates that, in biological samples, processes such as exchange of potassium between intracellular compartments or diffusion of ions through locally ordered regions play a significant role in determining the effective quadrupole coupling constant and correlation time governing39K relaxation. T1 and T2 measurements of rat muscle at two magnetic fields also indicate that a more complex correlation function may be required to describe the relaxation of39K in tissue. Similar results and conclusions are found for23Na.


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Plumbogummite PbAl3(PO4)2(OH,H2O)6 is a mineral of environmental significance and is a member of the alunite-jarosite supergroup. The molecular structure of the mineral has been investigated by Raman spectroscopy. The spectra of different plumbogummite specimens differ although there are many common features. The Raman spectra prove the spectral profile consisting of overlapping bands and shoulders. Raman bands and shoulders observed at 971, 980, 1002 and 1023 cm−1 (China sample) and 913, 981, 996 and 1026 cm−1 (Czech sample) are assigned to the ν1 symmetric stretching modes of the (PO4)3−, at 1002 and 1023 cm−1 (China) and 996 and 1026 cm−1 to the ν1 symmetric stretching vibrations of the (O3POH)2− units, and those at 1057, 1106 and 1182 (China) and at 1102, 1104 and 1179 cm−1 (Czech) to the ν3 (PO4)3− and ν3 (PO3) antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Raman bands and shoulders at 634, 613 and 579 cm−1 (China) and 611 and 596 cm−1 (Czech) are attributed to the ν4 (δ) (PO4)3− bending vibrations and those at 507, 494 and 464 cm−1 (China) and 505 and 464 cm−1 (Czech) to the ν2 (δ) (PO4)3− bending vibrations. The Raman spectrum of the OH stretching region is complex. Raman bands and shoulders are identified at 2824, 3121, 3249, 3372, 3479 and 3602 cm−1 for plumbogummite from China, and at 3077, 3227, 3362, 3480, 3518 and 3601 cm−1 for the Czech Republic sample. These bands are assigned to the ν OH stretching modes of water molecules and hydrogen ions. Approximate O–H⋯O hydrogen bond lengths inferred from the Raman spectra vary in the range >3.2–2.62 Å (China) and >3.2–2.67 Å (Czech). The minority presence of some carbonate ions in the plumbogummite (China sample) is connected with distinctive intensity increasing of the Raman band at 1106 cm−1, in which may participate the ν1 (CO3)2− symmetric stretching vibration overlapped with phosphate stretching vibrations.


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Raman spectrum of callaghanite, Cu2Mg2(CO3)(OH)6⋅2H2O, was studied and compared with published Raman spectra of azurite, malachite and hydromagnesite. Stretching and bending vibrations of carbonate and hydroxyl units and water molecules were tentatively assigned. Approximate O–H…O hydrogen bond lengths were inferred from the spectra. Because of the high content of hydroxyl ions in the crystal structure in comparison with low content of carbonate units, callaghanite should be better classified as a carbonatohydroxide than a hydroxycarbonate.


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Ions play an important role in affecting climate and particle formation in the atmosphere. Small ions rapidly attach to particles in the air and, therefore, studies have shown that they are suppressed in polluted environments. Urban environments, in particular, are dominated by motor vehicle emissions and, since motor vehicles are a source of both particles and small ions, the relationship between these two parameters is not well known. In order to gain a better understanding of this relationship, an intensive campaign was undertaken where particles and small ions of both signs were monitored over two week periods at each of three sites A, B and C that were affected to varying degrees by vehicle emissions. Site A was close to a major road and reported the highest particle number and lowest small ion concentrations. Precursors from motor vehicle emissions gave rise to clear particle formation events on five days and, on each day this was accompanied by a suppression of small ions. Observations at Site B, which was located within the urban airshed, though not adjacent to motor traffic, showed particle enhancement but no formation events. Site C was a clean site, away from urban sources. This site reported the lowest particle number and highest small ion concentration. The positive small ion concentration was 10% to 40% higher than the corresponding negative value at all sites. These results confirm previous findings that there is a clear inverse relationship between small ions and particles in urban environments dominated by motor vehicle emissions.


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Raman spectrum of the mineral derriksite Cu4UO2(SeO3)2(OH)6⋅H2O was studied and complemented by the infrared spectrum of this mineral. Both spectra were interpreted and partly compared with the spectra of demesmaekerite, marthozite, larisaite, haynesite and piretite. Observed Raman and infrared bands were attributed to the (UO2)2+, (SeO3)2−, (OH)− and H2O vibrations. The presence of symmetrically distinct hydrogen bonded molecule of water of crystallization and hydrogen bonded symmetrically distinct hydroxyl ions was inferred from the spectra in the derriksite unit cell. Approximate U–O bond lengths in uranyl and O–H⋯O hydrogen bond lengths were calculated from the Raman and infrared spectra of derriksite.


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Motor vehicles emit large quantities of ions in the form of both charged particles and molecular cluster ions. While, the health effects of inhalation of charged particles is largely unexplored, the concentrations near busy roads and the distance to which these particles and ions are carried have important implications for the exposure of the large percentage of the population that lives close to such roadways. We measured ion concentrations using a neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer (NAIS) near seven busy roads carrying on the average approximately 7000 vehicles hr-1 including about 15% heavy duty diesel vehicles. In this study, charged particle concentrations were measured as a function of downwind distance from the road for the first time. We show that, at a moderate wind speed of 2.0 m s-1, mean charged particle concentrations at the kerb were of the order of 2x104 cm-3 and, more importantly, decreased as d 0.6 where d is the distance from the road. While cluster ions were rapidly depleted by attachment to particles and were not carried to more than about 20 m from the road, elevated concentrations of charged particle were detected up to at least 400 m from the road. Most of the charge on the downwind side was carried on the larger particles, with no excess charge on particles smaller than about 10 nm. At 30 nm, particles carried more than double the charge they would normally carry in equilibrium. There are very few measurements of ions near road traffic and this is the first study of the spatial dispersion of charged particles from a road.


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OBJECTIVE To assess the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) in college students and to explore the association of CSA with youth mental health problem. METHODS A retrospective survey was conducted among 2508 students (females 1360, males 1148) in Nov. 2003 to Mar. 2004. The students were from 6 colleges/universities in Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Shaanxi and Anhui provinces of China. RESULTS Of the 2508 students, 24.8% of females and 17.6% of males reported one or more types of nonphysical contact CSA (females 20.0% vs. males 14.6%) or/and physical contact CSA (females 14.1% vs. males 7.8%) before the age of 16 years. Risk of any CSA was not associated with the existence of siblings (one-child vs. two-or more child families), rural/non-rural residence during childhood, or parental education. Compared with their peers who had no CSA, the students with CSA showed significantly higher mean scores of psychological symptoms of somatization, obsessiveness, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation and psychoticism. CONCLUSION The problem of CSA was not uncommon and there was a significant correlation between CSA experience and students mental health problems. More attention should be paid on CSA prevention and provision of health services for the victims.


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UV-vis photodissociation action spectroscopy is becoming increasingly prevalent because of advances in, and commercial availability of, ion trapping technologies and tunable laser sources. This study outlines in detail an instrumental arrangement, combining a commercial ion-trap mass spectrometer and tunable nanosecond pulsed laser source, for performing fully automated photodissociation action spectroscopy on gas-phase ions. The components of the instrumentation are outlined, including the optical and electronic interfacing, in addition to the control software for automating the experiment and performing online analysis of the spectra. To demonstrate the utility of this ensemble, the photodissociation action spectra of 4-chloroanilinium, 4-bromoanilinium, and 4-iodoanilinium cations are presented and discussed. Multiple photoproducts are detected in each case and the photoproduct yields are followed as a function of laser wavelength. It is shown that the wavelength-dependent partitioning of the halide loss, H loss, and NH3 loss channels can be broadly rationalized in terms of the relative carbon-halide bond dissociation energies and processes of energy redistribution. The photodissociation action spectrum of (phenyl)Ag-2 (+) is compared with a literature spectrum as a further benchmark.