239 resultados para METAL HYDRIDE ELECTRODE


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This work was focused on studies of the metal hydride materials having a potential in building hydrogen storage systems with high gravimetric and volumetric efficiencies of H storage and formed / decomposed with high rates of hydrogen exchange. In situ diffraction studies of the metal-hydrogen systems were explored as a valuable tool in probing both the mechanism of the phase-structural transformations and their kinetics. Two complementary techniques, namely Neutron Powder Diffraction (NPD) and Synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SR XRD) were utilised. High pressure in situ NPD studies were performed at D2 pressures reaching 1000 bar at the D1B diffractometer accommodated at Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble. The data of the time resolved in situ SR XRD were collected at the Swiss Norwegian Beam Lines, ESRF, Grenoble in the pressure range up to 50 bar H2 at temperatures 20-400°C. The systems studied by NPD at high pressures included deuterated Al-modified Laves-type C15 ZrFe2-xAlx intermetallics with x = 0.02; 0.04 and 0.20 and the CeNi5-D2 system. D content, hysteresis of H uptake and release, unit cell expansion and stability of the hydrides systematically change with Al content. Deuteration exhibited a very fast kinetics; it resulted in increase of the unit cells volumes reaching 23.5 % for ZrFe1.98Al0.02D2.9(1) and associated with exclusive occupancy of the Zr2(Fe,Al)2 tetrahedra. For CeNi5 deuteration yielded a hexahydride CeNi5D6.2 (20°C, 776 bar D2) and was accompanied by a nearly isotropic volume expansion reaching 30.1% (∆a/a=10.0%; ∆c/c=7.5%). Deuterium atoms fill three different interstitial sites including Ce2Ni2, Ce2Ni3 and Ni4. Significant hysteresis was observed on the first absorption-desorption cycle. This hysteresis decreased on the absorption-desorption cycling. A different approach to the development of H storage systems is based on the hydrides of light elements, first of all the Mg-based ones. These systems were studied by SR XRD. Reactive ball milling in hydrogen (HRBM) allowed synthesis of the nanostructured Mg-based hydrides. The experimental parameters (PH2, T, energy of milling, ball / sample ratio and balls size), significantly influence rate of hydrogenation. The studies confirmed (a) a completeness of hydrogenation of Mg into MgH2; (b) indicated a partial transformation of the originally formed -MgH2 into a metastable -MgH2 (a ratio / was 3/1); (c) yielded the crystallite size for the main hydrogenation product, -MgH2, as close to 10 nm. Influence of the additives to Mg on the structure and hydrogen absorption/desorption properties and cycle behaviour of the composites was established and will be discussed in the paper.


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“Hybrid” hydrogen storage, where hydrogen is stored in both the solid material and as a high pressure gas in the void volume of the tank can improve overall system efficiency by up to 50% compared to either compressed hydrogen or solid materials alone. Thermodynamically, high equilibrium hydrogen pressures in metal–hydrogen systems correspond to low enthalpies of hydrogen absorption–desorption. This decreases the calorimetric effects of the hydride formation–decomposition processes which can assist in achieving high rates of heat exchange during hydrogen loading—removing the bottleneck in achieving low charging times and improving overall hydrogen storage efficiency of large hydrogen stores. Two systems with hydrogenation enthalpies close to −20 kJ/mol H2 were studied to investigate the hydrogenation mechanism and kinetics: CeNi5–D2 and ZrFe2−xAlx (x = 0.02; 0.04; 0.20)–D2. The structure of the intermetallics and their hydrides were studied by in situ neutron powder diffraction at pressures up to 1000 bar and complementary X-ray diffraction. The deuteration of the hexagonal CeNi5 intermetallic resulted in CeNi5D6.3 with a volume expansion of 30.1%. Deuterium absorption filled three different types of interstices, Ce2Ni2 and Ni4 tetrahedra, and Ce2Ni3 half-octahedra and was accompanied by a valence change for Ce. Significant hysteresis was observed between deuterium absorption and desorption which profoundly decreased on a second absorption cycle. For the Al-modified Laves-type C15 ZrFe2−xAlx intermetallics, deuteration showed very fast kinetics of H/D exchange and resulted in a volume increase of the FCC unit cells of 23.5% for ZrFe1.98Al0.02D2.9(1). Deuterium content, hysteresis of H/D uptake and release, unit cell expansion and stability of the hydrides systematically change with the amount of Al content. In the deuteride D atoms exclusively occupy the Zr2(Fe,Al)2 tetrahedra. Observed interatomic distances are Zr–D = 1.98–2.11; (Fe, Al)–D = 1.70–1.75A˚ . Hydrogenation slightly increases the magnetic moment of the Fe atoms in ZrFe1.98Al0.02 and ZrFe1.96Al0.04 from 1.9 �B at room temperature for the alloy to 2.2 �B for its deuteride.


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The inhibiting effect of COads on platinum-based anodes is a major problem in the development of ambient temperature, polyelectrolyte membrane-type fuel cells. One of the unusual features of the response for the oxidative removal of the species in question is that the response observed for this reaction in the positive sweep is highly dependent on the CO admission potential, for example, when the COads is formed in the Hads region it undergoes oxidation at unusually low potentials. Such behaviour is attributed here to hydrogen activation of the platinum surface, with the result that oxide mediators (and COads oxidation) occurs at an earlier stage of the positive sweep. It is also demonstrated, for both platinum and gold in acid solution, that dramatic premonolayer oxidation responses may be observed following suitable preactivation of the electrode surfaces. It is suggested that the defect state of a solid electrode surface is an important variable whose investigation may yield improved fuel cell anode performance.


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A battery electrode for a lithium ion battery comprising an elec. conductive substrate having an electrode layer applied thereto, characterized in that the electrode layer includes an org. material having high alky., or an org. material which can be dissolved in org. solvents, or an org. material having an imide group(s) and aminoacetal group(s), or an org. material that chelates with or bonds with a metal substrate or that chelates with or bonds with an active material in the electrode layer. The org. material may be guanidine carbonate. [on SciFinder(R)]


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The interaction between new two-dimensional carbon allotropes, i.e. graphyne (GP) and graphdiyne (GD), and light metal complex hydrides LiAlH4, LiBH4, and NaAlH4 was studied using density functional theory (DFT) incorporating long range van der Waals dispersion correction. The light metal complex hydrides show much stronger interaction with GP and GP than that with fullerene due to the well defined pore structure. Such strong interactions greatly affect the degree of charge donation from the alkali metal atom to AlH4 or BH4, consequently destabilizing the Al-H or B-H bonds. Compared to the isolated light metal complex hydride, the presence of GP or GD can lead to a significant reduction of the hydrogen removal energy. Most interestingly, the hydrogen removal energies for LiBHx on GP and with GD are found to be lowered at all the stages (x from 4 to 1) whereas the H-removal energy in the third stage is increased for LiBH4 on fullerene. In addition, the presence of uniformly distributed pores on GP and GD is expected to facilitate the dehydrogenation of light metal complex hydrides. The present results highlight new interesting materials to catalyze light metal complex hydrides for potential application as media for hydrogen storage. Since GD has been successfully synthesized in a recent experiment, we hope the present work will stimulate further experimental investigations in this direction.


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In situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) allows images from the upper face and sides of TCNQ crystals to be monitored during the course of the electrochemical solid–solid state conversion of 50 × 50 μm2 three-dimensional drop cast crystals of TCNQ to CuTCNQ or M[TCNQ]2(H2O)2 (M = Co, Ni). Ex situ images obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) also allow the bottom face of the TCNQ crystals, in contact with the indium tin oxide or gold electrode surface and aqueous metal electrolyte solution, to be examined. Results show that by carefully controlling the reaction conditions, nearly mono-dispersed, rod-like phase I CuTCNQ or M[TCNQ]2(H2O)2 can be achieved on all faces. However, CuTCNQ has two different phases, and the transformation of rod-like phase 1 to rhombic-like phase 2 achieved under conditions of cyclic voltammetry was monitored in situ by AFM. The similarity of in situ AFM results with ex situ SEM studies accomplished previously implies that the morphology of the samples remains unchanged when the solvent environment is removed. In the process of crystal transformation, the triple phase solid∣electrode∣electrolyte junction is confirmed to be the initial nucleation site. Raman spectra and AFM images suggest that 100% interconversion is not always achieved, even after extended electrolysis of large 50 × 50 μm2 TCNQ crystals.


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The effect of extended cycling on lithium metal electrodes has been investigated in an ionic liquid electrolyte. Cycling studies were conducted on lithium metal electrodes in a symmetrical Li|electrolyte|Li coin cell configuration for 5000 charge–discharge cycles at a current density of 0.1 mA cm− 2. The voltage–time plots show evidence of some unstable behavior which is attributed to surface reorganization. No evidence for lithium dendrite induced short circuiting was observed. SEM imaging showed morphology changes had occurred but no evidence of needle-like dendrite based growth was found after 5000 charge–discharge cycles. This study suggests that ionic liquid electrolytes can enable next generation battery technologies such as rechargeable lithium-air, in which a safe, reversible lithium electrode is a crucial component.


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TCNQ·− radical anions (TCNQ = 7,7,8,8,-tetracyanoquinodimethane) form a wide range of semiconducting coordination polymers when coordinated to transition metals. Some such as CuTCNQ and AgTCNQ exhibit molecular switching and memory storage properties; others have intriguing magnetic properties and for example may behave as molecular magnets at low temperature. In this review, the electro- and photo-chemical synthesis and characterization of this important class of material is reviewed. In particular, the electrochemistry and the redox properties of TCNQ derivatives of coordination polymers based on Cu, Ag, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn and Cd transition metals are surveyed, with an emphasis on the mechanistic aspects of their electrochemical formation via nucleation–growth processes. Given that TCNQ is an extremely good electron acceptor, readily forming TCNQ•− and TCNQ2-, electrochemical reduction of TCNQ in the presence of a transition metal ion provides an ideal method for synthesis of metal-TCNQ materials by electrocrystallization from organic solvents and ionic liquids or solid-solid transformation using TCNQ modified electrodes from aqueous media containing transition metal electrolytes. The significance of the reversible formal potential (E0f) in these studies is discussed. The coupling of electrocrystallisation on electrode surfaces and microscopic characterization of the electrodeposited materials reveals a wide range of morphologies and phases which strongly influence their properties and applications. Since TCNQ also can be photo-reduced in the presence of suitable electron donors, analogous photochemical approaches to the synthesis of TCNQ-transition metal derivatives are available. The advantages of electrochemical and photochemical methods of synthesis relative to chemical synthesis are outlined.


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The electrodeposition of copper onto copper, gold, palladium and glassy carbon (GC) electrodes via a hydrogen bubble templating method is reported. It is found that the composition of the underlying electrode material significantly influences the morphology of the copper electrodeposit. Highly ordered porous structures are achieved with Cu and Au electrodes, however on Pd this order is disrupted and a rough randomly oriented surface is formed whereas on GC a bubble templating effect is not observed. Chronopotentiograms recorded during the electrodeposition process allows bubble formation and detachment from the surface to be monitored where distinctly different potential versus time profiles are observed at the different electrodes. The porous Cu surfaces are characterised with scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and cyclic voltammetric measurements recorded under alkaline conditions. The latter demonstrates that there are active sites present on electrodeposited copper whose coverage and reactivity depend on the underlying electrode material. The most active Cu surface is achieved at a Pd substrate for both the hydrogen evolution reaction and the catalytic reduction of ferricyanide ions with thiosulphate ions. This demonstrates that the highly ordered porous structure on the micron scale which typifies the morphology that can be achieved with the hydrogen bubbling template method is not required in producing the most effective material.


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High efficiency organic photovoltaic cells discussed in literature are normally restricted to devices fabricated on glass substrates. This is a consequence of the extreme brittleness and inflexibility of the commonly used transparent conductive oxide electrode, indium tin oxide (ITO). This shortcoming of ITO along with other concerns such as increasing scarcity of indium, migration of indium to organic layer, etc. makes it imperative to move away from ITO. Here we demonstrate a highly flexible Ag electrode that possesses low sheet resistances even in ultra-thin layers. It retains its conductivity under severe bending stresses where ITO fails completely. A P3HT:PCBM blend organic solar cell fabricated on this highly flexible electrode gives an efficiency of 2.3%.