50 resultados para Decoupling


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Small element spacing in compact arrays results in strong mutual coupling between the array elements. A decoupling network consisting of reactive cross-coupling elements can alleviate problems associated with the coupling. Closed-form design equations for the decoupling networks of symmetrical arrays with two or three elements are presented.


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An alternative approach to port decoupling and matching of arrays with tightly coupled elements is proposed. The method is based on the inherent decoupling effect obtained by feeding the orthogonal eigenmodes of the array. For this purpose, a modal feed network is connected to the array. The decoupled external ports of the feed network may then be matched independently by using conventional matching circuits. Such a system may be used in digital beam forming applications with good signal-to-noise performance. The theory is applicable to arrays with an arbitrary number of elements, but implementation is only practical for smaller arrays. The principle is illustrated by means of two examples.


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In this paper, the authors propose a new structure for the decoupling of circulant symmetric arrays of more than four elements. In this case, network element values are again obtained through a process of repeated eigenmode decoupling, here by solving sets of nonlinear equations. However, the resulting circuit is much simpler and can be implemented on a single layer. The corresponding circuit topology for the 6-element array is displayed in figure diagrams. The procedure will be illustrated by considering different examples.


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Small element spacing in compact arrays results in strong mutual coupling between array elements. Performance degradation associated with the strong coupling can be avoided through the introduction of a decoupling network consisting of interconnected reactive elements. We present a systematic design procedure for decoupling networks of symmetrical arrays with more than three elements and characterized by circulant scattering parameter matrices. The elements of the decoupling network are obtained through repeated decoupling of the characteristic eigenmodes of the array, which allows the calculation of element values using closed-form expressions.


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Reduced element spacing in antenna arrays gives rise to strong mutual coupling between array elements and may cause significant performance degradation. These effects can be alleviated by introducing a decoupling network consisting of interconnected reactive elements. The existing design approach for the synthesis of a decoupling network for circulant symmetric arrays allows calculation of element values using closed-form expressions, but the resulting circuit configuration requires multilayer technology for implementation. In this paper, a new structure for the decoupling of circulant symmetric arrays of more than four elements is presented. Element values are no longer obtained in closed form, but the resulting circuit is much simpler and can be implemented on a single layer.


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Decoupling networks can alleviate the effects of mutual coupling in antenna arrays. Conventional decoupling networks can provide decoupled and matched ports at a single frequency. This paper describes dual-frequency decoupling which is achieved by using a network of series or parallel resonant circuits instead of single reactive elements.


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A tunable decoupling and matching network (DMN) for a closely spaced two-element antenna array is presented. The DMN achieves perfect matching for the eigenmodes of the array and thus simultaneously isolates and matches the system ports while keeping the circuit small. Arrays of closely spaced wire and microstrip monopole pairs are used to demonstrate the proposed DMN. It is found that monopoles with different lengths can be used for the design frequency by using this DMN, which increases the design flexibility. This property also enables frequency tuning using the DMN only without having to change the length of the antennas. The proposed DMN uses only one varactor to achieve a tuning range of 18.8% with both return loss and isolation better than 10-dB when the spacing between the antenna is 0.05λ. When the spacing increases to 0.1λ, the simulated tuning range is more than 60%.


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An array of monopole elements with reduced element spacing of λ/6 to λ/20 is considered for application in digital beam-forming and direction-finding. The small element spacing introduces strong mutual coupling between the array elements. This paper discusses that decoupling can be achieved analytically for arrays with three elements and describes Kuroda’s identities to realize the lumped elements of the derived decoupling network. Design procedures and equations are proposed. Experimental results are presented. The decoupled array has a bandwidth of 1% and a superdirective radiation pattern.


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A practical method for the design of dual-band decoupling and matching networks (DMN) for two closely spaced antennas using discrete components is presented. The DMN reduces the port-to-port coupling and enhances the diversity of the antennas. By applying the DMN, the radiation efficiency can also be improved when one port is fed and the other port is match terminated. The proposed DMN works at two frequencies simultaneously without the need for any switch. As a proof of concept, a dual-band DMN for a pair of monopoles spaced 0.05λ apart is designed. The measured return loss and port isolation exceed 10 dB from 1.71 GHz to 1.76 GHz and from 2.27 GHz to 2.32 GHz.


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Constant development of new wireless standards increases the demand for more radiating elements in compact end-user platforms. A decrease in antenna separation gives rise to increased antenna coupling, resulting in a reduction of the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) between transmitter and receiver. This paper proposes a decoupling network which provides dual band port isolation for a pair of distinct antennas. A prototype has been fabricated to verify the theory.


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Utilization of multiport-antennas represents an appropriate way for the mitigation of multi-path fading in wireless communication systems. However, to obtain low correlation between the signals from different antenna ports and to prevent gain reduction by cross-talk, large antenna elements spacing is expected. Polarization diversity allows signal separation even with small antenna spacing. Although it is effective, polarization diversity alone does not suffice once the number of antennas exceeds the number of orthogonal polarizations. This paper presents an approach which combines a novel array concept with the use of dual polarization. The theory is verified by a compact dual polarized patch antenna array, which consists of four elements and a decoupling network.


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The flexible design of decoupling and matching networks for coupled antennas is introduced. The network includes three parts: circuits for impedance transformation, an element for odd-mode decoupling and conventional matching networks. It is found that all three parts are determined by one parameter of the ABCD matrix of the impedance transformation circuit. Thus a large variety of circuits with different element values can be used for decoupling which relaxes the practical design constraints.


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The focus of Cents and Sustainability is to respond to the call by Dr Gro Brundtland in the seminal book Our Common Future to achieve, 'a new era of economic growth - growth that is forceful and at the same time socially and environmentally sustainable'. With the 20th anniversary of Our Common Future in 2007, it is clearly time to re-examine this important work in a modern global context. Using the framework of ‘Decoupling Economic Growth from Environmental Pressures’, Cents and Sustainability investigates a range of new evidence and research in order to develop a deeper understanding of how, and under what conditions, this 'forceful sustainable growth' is possible. With an introduction by Dr Jim MacNeill (former Secretary General to the Brundtland Commission, and former Director, OECD Environment Directorate 1978 -1984), the book will carry forewords from Dr Gro Brundtland (former Chair of the World Commission on Environment and Development), Dr Rajendra Pachauri (Chief, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and joint recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the IPCC), and Dr Kenneth Ruffing (former Deputy Director and Chief Economist of the OECD Environment Directorate 2000 - 2005). Beginning with a detailed explanation of decoupling theory, along with investigation into a range of issues and barriers to its achievement, the book then focuses on informing national strategies for decoupling. Then putting this into action the book focuses on five key areas of decoupling, namely greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity, freshwater extraction, waste production, and air pollution, and in each case showing compelling evidence for significant cost effective reductions in environmental pressures. The book concludes with a detailed case study of the groundbreaking application of public interest litigation to combat air pollution in Delhi, India.


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This report was produced by the Decoupling Working Group of the International Resource Panel. It explores technological possibilities and opportunities for both developing and developed countries to accelerate decoupling and reap the environmental and economic benefits of increased resource productivity. It also examines several policy options that have proved to be successful in helping different countries to improve resource productivity in various sectors of their economy, avoiding negative impacts on the environment. It does not seem possible for a global economy based on the current unsustainable patterns of resource use to continue into the future. The economic consequences of these patterns are already apparent in three areas: increases in resource prices, increased price volatility and disruption of environmental systems. The environment impacts of resource use are also leading to potentially irreversible changes to the world’s ecosystems, often with direct effects on people and the economy – for example through damage to health, water shortages, loss of fish stocks or increased storm damage. But there are alternatives to these scary patterns. Many decoupling technologies and techniques that deliver resource productivity increases as high as 5 to 10-fold are already available, allowing countries to pursue their development strategies while significantly reducing their resource footprint and negative impacts on the environment. This report shows that much of the policy design “know-how” needed to achieve decoupling is present in terms of legislation, incentive systems, and institutional reform. Many countries have tried these out with tangible results, encouraging others to study and where appropriate replicate and scale up such practices and successes.