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Background Nursing perspectives play an important role in addressing the health priorities of today’s society. The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) acknowledges the significant contribution that nursing research has made since the first nurse researcher, Florence Nightingale, documented the factors that affected the morbidity and mortality of soldiers wounded in the Crimean war in the 1800s. The nursing profession continues to celebrate the significant contribution nursing research made to improving nursing practice and health outcomes. These significant contributions over recent years include, but are not limited to: 1. Health services research that has demonstrated the importance of nursing services and how such services are designed/organised to ensure safety and quality of care (Duffield, et al., 2011; Fernandez, et al., 2012; Middleton, et al., 2011); 2. Clinical research that has demonstrated the value of specific nursing interventions to improved health outcomes, including enhanced survival, reduced morbidity, and improved quality of life and consumer engagement (Cancer Australia and Cancer Voices Australia, 2011; Kitson, et al., 2013; Middleton, et al., 2012; Rickard, et al., 2012; Zeitz, et al., 2011); 3. Basic science research that has advanced discoveries in terms of understanding the biological mechanisms underpinning nursing interventions (Illi, et al., 2012; Kim, et al., 2012; Miaskowski, et al., 2010; Simonova, et al., 2012); 4. Epidemiological research that has advanced understanding about how individuals and populations respond to health problems (Carrington, et al., 2012); 5. Qualitative research that has advanced understanding about experiences of and responses to health and illness and the processes of care that are important to optimal outcomes (Schulman-Green, et al., 2012; Scott, et al., 2011).


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A study among Australian college students gauged their reactions to a television commercial produced for the U.S. Commerce Department to bolster sagging tourism numbers among international visitors. In addition to using traditional measures applied to tourism advertisements, the student also concluded items to measure attitudes toward the U.S. government and its people Pre- and post-viewing results indicated that while the Hollywood-movie-themed commercial was not well received by the Australian students as a tourism message, it did result in more favorable attitudes toward the U.S. government, though not the U.S. people. The findings lend partial support for the potential of tourism advertising efforts to exert a "bleed-over effect" in terms of their contributions to overall attitudes toward a country, regardless of whether viewers plan to visit the country whose travel advertisements they see.


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A study among Australian college students gauged their reactions to a television commercial produced for the US Commerce Department to bolster sagging tourism numbers among international visitors. In additional to using traditional measures applied to tourism advertisements, the study also included items to measure attitudes toward the US government and its people. Pre- and post-viewing results indicated that although the Hollywood-movie-themes commercial was not well received by the Australian students as a tourism message, it did result in more favourable attitudes toward the US government, although not the US people. The findings lend partial support for the potential of tourism advertising efforts to exert a 'bleed-over effect' in terms of their contribution to overall attitudes toward a country, regardless of whether viewers plan to visit the country whose travel advertisements of which they see.


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Aims and Objectives To examine relationships between socio-demographic factors and job satisfaction and to identify if these factors predict job satisfaction levels in an Australian registered nurses. Background Reports indicate that in Australia there are 30,000 qualified nurses no longer working in the healthcare and that current nursing shortages vary as a result of certain socio-demographic variables including type of nurse, geographic, location, sector, service and organisation. Furthermore it has been revealed that there is not only a real shortage but also a pseudo-shortage (i.e. either there are not enough nurses are available, or not enough are willing to work under existing workplace conditions). International studies have found significant relationships exist between some socio-demographic factors and job satisfaction in registered nurses however there is limited information available on relationships between socio-demographic factors and job satisfaction in nurses in the Australian context. Design A cross sectional survey was undertaken of Australian registered nurses. Methods Two thousand Australian registered nurses who were members of an industrial and professional organisation were sent the questionnaire in 2008. They were stratified and randomised according to gender. Six hundred and thirty-nine registered nurses responded. Descriptive analyses, correlation analyses, one- way ANOVA tests, simple linear regression and multivariable analyses were conducted to examine further if any relationships existed between the variables. Results The majority of respondents showed positive job satisfaction scores. An ANOVA found significant positive relationships existed between job satisfaction, specialty area, health sector and Australian states. Multivariable analyses found relationships existed between specialty area, health sector, and job satisfaction. Conclusions The variables specialty area and health sector were found to be significantly associated with job satisfaction. The different specialty areas and health sectors in relation to job satisfaction should be investigated further. Clinical Relevance The study results have provided new knowledge for policy makers, organisational and nursing leaders of the socio-demographic variables that may affect job satisfaction in registered nurses in the Australian context.


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The diverse needs of children have been drawing global attention from both academic and practitioner communities. Based on semi-structured interviews with 23 kin caregivers and five school personnel in the Shijiapu Town of Jilin Province, China, this paper presents a needs model for rural school-age children left behind by their migrant parents. This Chinese model is compared to the needs identification mechanism developed by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and youth. The paper outlines the common needs of children in different contexts, and also highlights the needs that are not explicit in the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth framework, such as empowerment and agency or perhaps given insufficient weight, such as education. In discussing relationships among different needs, aspects that are missing in the framework it is argued that culture should be more explicitly recognised when defining need.


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Mandatory reporting is a key aspect of Australia’s approach to protecting children and is incorporated into all jurisdictions’ legislation, albeit in a variety of forms. In this article we examine all major newspaper’s coverage of mandatory reporting during an 18-month period in 2008-2009, when high-profile tragedies and inquiries occurred and significant policy and reform agendas were being debated. Mass media utilise a variety of lenses to inform and shape public responses and attitudes to reported events. We use frame analysis to identify the ways in which stories were composed and presented, and how language portrayed this contested area of policy. The results indicate that within an overall portrayal of system failure and the need for reform, the coverage placed major responsibility on child protection agencies for the over-reporting, under-reporting, and overburdened system identified, along with the failure of mandatory reporting to reduce risk. The implications for ongoing reform are explored along with the need for robust research to inform debate about the merits of mandatory reporting.


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Review(s) of: Let's talk kinship: Innovating Australian social work education, theory, research and practice through Aboriginal knowledge, by Christine Fejo-King, published by Christine Fejo-King Consulting, ISBN: 978-0-9922814-0-3.


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This paper outlines a process for fleet safety training based on research and management development programmes undertaken at the University of Huddersfield in the UK (www.hud.ac.uk/sas/trans/transnews.htm) and CARRS-Q in Australia (www.carrsq.qut.edu.au/staff/Murray.jsp) over the past 10 years.


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Background: There are indications that pre-hospital emergency care and management of patients can help reduce the demand for hospital emergency departments (EDs). Ambulance services play a significant role at this stage of care. In 2003, the Queensland Government introduced a Community Ambulance Cover (CAC) levy in return for a free ambulance service at the point of access to all Queenslanders. This may have led to the impression in consumers of an entitlement to free ambulance services under any circumstances regardless of the urgency of the matter which may have in turn contributed to the crowding of EDs in Queensland. Objectives: This paper aims to answer the following questions: - How many patients arrive at hospital EDs by ambulance in Queensland, compared to other modes of arrival? - How has this changed over time, particularly after the CAC introduction in 2003? What percentage of ambulance arrivals are urgent ED patients? - Has the perceived free ambulance services created extra demand for EDs in Queensland, compared with other Australian jurisdictions that charge patients for ambulance services? Methods: We will secondary analyse the data from sources such as Queensland Ambulance Services, Department of Health and Australian Bureau of Statistics to answer the research questions. Findings and Conclusions Queensland has the highest utilization rate of ambulance services (about 18% in 2007-08) and the highest annual growth rate in demand for these services (7.7% on average since 2000-01), well above the population growth. On the other hand, the proportion of ED patients arriving by ambulance in Queensland has increased by about 4% annually. However, when compared with other states and territories with charge at the point of access, it seems that the growth in demand for EDs cannot be explained solely or mainly by CAC or ambulance utilisation in Queensland.


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Management of acute heart failure is an important consideration in critical care. Mechanical support of the failing heart is crucial for improving health outcomes. The most common Australasian application of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP) is in the setting of cardiogenic shock. High end users of IABP (>37/annum) demonstrate significantly lower mortality for cardiogenic shock managed with IABP (p <0.001) in contrast to hospitals which employ limited IABP (<4/annum). This underscores the importance of proficiency in managing patient receiving IABP support. Nurses play a crucial role in carding for patients with acute heart failure. This paper summarises care considerations for management of the IABP.


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A research study was conducted in a key area of project management: stakeholder and relationship management through communication - ‘the soft skills’. It was conducted with Diploma of Project Management graduates from one Australian Registered Training Organisation (RTO), the Australian College of Project Management (ACPM). The study was designed to initially identify the qualifications and project management experience of the participants. Further, it identified the respondents’ understanding of and attitude to commonly held principles and literature within the project management field as it relates to the soft skills of projects. This is specifically connected to their project experience and knowledge, approach to project communications, and the stakeholder’s needs. Some of the literature showed that through the management and application of the project soft skills by project managers may actually be a recipe for project success. Hence, an important underpinning of this study was that the project manager can enhance project success (or reduce the impact of failure) by identifying and prioritising stakeholders, developing and implementing strategies for engaging and communicating with them. The use of a positivist approach to this research study allowed for the evaluation and understanding of respondents to the emergent theories of successful projects being delivered through the management of stakeholders, communications, and relationships. Consequently, a quantitative approach to this study was undertaken. The participants were drawn from graduates who completed (graduated) from the ACPM with the Diploma of Project Management between January 2004 and December 2007 only. A list of graduates was collated from this period indicating that a total of 656 graduates have completed and graduated with the qualification. The data collection for this study was done in one phase only. The questionnaire was emailed individually by the researcher directly to the selected potential respondents. Subsequently, a total of 44 responses were received, providing an overall response rate of 43%. Two key factors emerged from the survey questionnaire. Firstly, the need for the soft skills to be incorporated in project management curriculum and education programs, and secondly, that successful projects are delivered through the management and application of the project soft skills. It is expected that the findings of this study be provided across various forums (such as vocational education and training, and project management conferences) and via project management bodies such as the Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM) to inform learning and provide greater insight into the soft skills of project management. It is the contention of the researcher that this quantitative study of Diploma of Project Management graduates’ views and attitudes highlights the importance of project soft skills and its importance in the delivery of successful projects as well as being part of the competencies of a successful project manager. This study also revealed the value of project experience and knowledge as it pertains to the management and application of the project soft skills.


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Executive summary Objective: The aims of this study were to identify the impact of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Influenza on Australian Emergency Departments (EDs) and their staff, and to inform planning, preparedness, and response management arrangements for future pandemics, as well as managing infectious patients presenting to EDs in everyday practice. Methods This study involved three elements: 1. The first element of the study was an examination of published material including published statistics. Standard literature research methods were used to identify relevant published articles. In addition, data about ED demand was obtained from Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) publications, with several state health departments providing more detailed data. 2. The second element of the study was a survey of Directors of Emergency Medicine identified with the assistance of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM). This survey retrieved data about demand for ED services and elicited qualitative comments on the impact of the pandemic on ED management. 3. The third element of the study was a survey of ED staff. A questionnaire was emailed to members of three professional colleges—the ACEM; the Australian College of Emergency Nursing (ACEN); and the College of Emergency Nursing Australasia (CENA). The overall response rate for the survey was 18.4%, with 618 usable responses from 3355 distributed questionnaires. Topics covered by the survey included ED conditions during the (H1N1) 2009 influenza pandemic; information received about Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Influenza; pandemic plans; the impact of the pandemic on ED staff with respect to stress; illness prevention measures; support received from others in work role; staff and others’ illness during the pandemic; other factors causing ED staff to miss work during the pandemic; and vaccination against Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Influenza. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analysed. Results: The results obtained from Directors of Emergency Medicine quantifying the impact of the pandemic were too limited for interpretation. Data sourced from health departments and published sources demonstrated an increase in influenza-like illness (ILI) presentations of between one and a half and three times the normal level of presentations of ILIs. Directors of Emergency Medicine reported a reasonable level of preparation for the pandemic, with most reporting the use of pandemic plans that translated into relatively effective operational infection control responses. Directors reported a highly significant impact on EDs and their staff from the pandemic. Growth in demand and related ED congestion were highly significant factors causing distress within the departments. Most (64%) respondents established a ‘flu clinic’ either as part of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Influenza Outbreak in Australia: Impact on Emergency Departments. the ED operations or external to it. They did not note a significantly higher rate of sick leave than usual. Responses relating to the impact on staff were proportional to the size of the colleges. Most respondents felt strongly that Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Influenza had a significant impact on demand in their ED, with most patients having low levels of clinical urgency. Most respondents felt that the pandemic had a negative impact on the care of other patients, and 94% revealed some increase in stress due to lack of space for patients, increased demand, and filling staff deficits. Levels of concern about themselves or their family members contracting the illness were less significant than expected. Nurses displayed significantly higher levels of stress overall, particularly in relation to skill-mix requirements, lack of supplies and equipment, and patient and patients’ family aggression. More than one-third of respondents became ill with an ILI. Whilst respondents themselves reported taking low levels of sick leave, respondents cited difficulties with replacing absent staff. Ranked from highest to lowest, respondents gained useful support from ED colleagues, ED administration, their hospital occupational health department, hospital administration, professional colleges, state health department, and their unions. Respondents were generally positive about the information they received overall; however, the volume of information was considered excessive and sometimes inconsistent. The media was criticised as scaremongering and sensationalist and as being the cause of many unnecessary presentations to EDs. Of concern to the investigators was that a large proportion (43%) of respondents did not know whether a pandemic plan existed for their department or hospital. A small number of staff reported being redeployed from their usual workplace for personal risk factors or operational reasons. As at the time of survey (29 October –18 December 2009), 26% of ED staff reported being vaccinated against Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Influenza. Of those not vaccinated, half indicated they would ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ not get vaccinated, with the main reasons being the vaccine was ‘rushed into production’, ‘not properly tested’, ‘came out too late’, or not needed due to prior infection or exposure, or due to the mildness of the disease. Conclusion: Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Influenza had a significant impact on Australian Emergency Departments. The pandemic exposed problems in existing plans, particularly a lack of guidelines, general information overload, and confusion due to the lack of a single authoritative information source. Of concern was the high proportion of respondents who did not know if their hospital or department had a pandemic plan. Nationally, the pandemic communication strategy needs a detailed review, with more engagement with media networks to encourage responsible and consistent reporting. Also of concern was the low level of immunisation, and the low level of intention to accept vaccination. This is a problem seen in many previous studies relating to seasonal influenza and health care workers. The design of EDs needs to be addressed to better manage infectious patients. Significant workforce issues were confronted in this pandemic, including maintaining appropriate staffing levels; staff exposure to illness; access to, and appropriate use of, personal protective equipment (PPE); and the difficulties associated with working in PPE for prolonged periods. An administrative issue of note was the reporting requirement, which created considerable additional stress for staff within EDs. Peer and local support strategies helped ensure staff felt their needs were provided for, creating resilience, dependability, and stability in the ED workforce. Policies regarding the establishment of flu clinics need to be reviewed. The ability to create surge capacity within EDs by considering staffing, equipment, physical space, and stores is of primary importance for future pandemics.