15 resultados para firing

em Nottingham eTheses


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In this paper we show how to construct the Evans function for traveling wave solutions of integral neural field equations when the firing rate function is a Heaviside. This allows a discussion of wave stability and bifurcation as a function of system parameters, including the speed and strength of synaptic coupling and the speed of axonal signals. The theory is illustrated with the construction and stability analysis of front solutions to a scalar neural field model and a limiting case is shown to recover recent results of L. Zhang [On stability of traveling wave solutions in synaptically coupled neuronal networks, Differential and Integral Equations, 16, (2003), pp.513-536.]. Traveling fronts and pulses are considered in more general models possessing either a linear or piecewise constant recovery variable. We establish the stability of coexisting traveling fronts beyond a front bifurcation and consider parameter regimes that support two stable traveling fronts of different speed. Such fronts may be connected and depending on their relative speed the resulting region of activity can widen or contract. The conditions for the contracting case to lead to a pulse solution are established. The stability of pulses is obtained for a variety of examples, in each case confirming a previously conjectured stability result. Finally we show how this theory may be used to describe the dynamic instability of a standing pulse that arises in a model with slow recovery. Numerical simulations show that such an instability can lead to the shedding of a pair of traveling pulses.


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Gating of sensory (e.g. auditory) information has been demonstrated as a reduction in the auditory-evoked potential responses recorded in the brain of both normal animals and human subjects. Auditory gating is perturbed in schizophrenic patients and pharmacologically by drugs such as amphetamine, phencyclidine or ketamine, which precipitate schizophrenic-like symptoms in normal subjects. The neurobiological basis underlying this sensory gating can be investigated using local field potential recordings from single electrodes. In this paper we use such technology to investigate the role of cannabinoids in sensory gating. Cannabinoids represent a fundamentally new class of retrograde messengers which are released postsynaptically and bind to presynaptic receptors. In this way they allow fine-tuning of neuronal response, and in particular can lead to so-called depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition (DSI). Our experimental results show that application of the exogenous cannabinoid WIN55, 212-2 can abolish sensory gating as measured by the amplitude of local field responses in rat hippocampal region CA3. Importantly we develop a simple firing rate population model of CA3 and show that gating is heavily dependent upon the presence of a slow inhibitory (GABAB) pathway. Moreover, a simple phenomenological model of cannabinoid dynamics underlying DSI is shown to abolish gating in a manner consistent with our experimental findings.


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Many of the equations describing the dynamics of neural systems are written in terms of firing rate functions, which themselves are often taken to be threshold functions of synaptic activity. Dating back to work by Hill in 1936 it has been recognized that more realistic models of neural tissue can be obtained with the introduction of state-dependent dynamic thresholds. In this paper we treat a specific phenomenological model of threshold accommodation that mimics many of the properties originally described by Hill. Importantly we explore the consequences of this dynamic threshold at the tissue level, by modifying a standard neural field model of Wilson-Cowan type. As in the case without threshold accommodation classical Mexican-Hat connectivity is shown to allow for the existence of spatially localized states (bumps) in both one and two dimensions. Importantly an analysis of bump stability in one dimension, using recent Evans function techniques, shows that bumps may undergo instabilities leading to the emergence of both breathers and traveling waves. Moreover, a similar analysis for traveling pulses leads to the conditions necessary to observe a stable traveling breather. In the regime where a bump solution does not exist direct numerical simulations show the possibility of self-replicating bumps via a form of bump splitting. Simulations in two space dimensions show analogous localized and traveling solutions to those seen in one dimension. Indeed dynamical behavior in this neural model appears reminiscent of that seen in other dissipative systems that support localized structures, and in particular those of coupled cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equations. Further numerical explorations illustrate that the traveling pulses in this model exhibit particle like properties, similar to those of dispersive solitons observed in some three component reaction-diffusion systems. A preliminary account of this work first appeared in S Coombes and M R Owen, Bumps, breathers, and waves in a neural network with spike frequency adaptation, Physical Review Letters 94 (2005), 148102(1-4).


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Many tissue level models of neural networks are written in the language of nonlinear integro-differential equations. Analytical solutions have only been obtained for the special case that the nonlinearity is a Heaviside function. Thus the pursuit of even approximate solutions to such models is of interest to the broad mathematical neuroscience community. Here we develop one such scheme, for stationary and travelling wave solutions, that can deal with a certain class of smoothed Heaviside functions. The distribution that smoothes the Heaviside is viewed as a fundamental object, and all expressions describing the scheme are constructed in terms of integrals over this distribution. The comparison of our scheme and results from direct numerical simulations is used to highlight the very good levels of approximation that can be achieved by iterating the process only a small number of times.


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Post inhibitory rebound is a nonlinear phenomenon present in a variety of nerve cells. Following a period of hyper-polarization this effect allows a neuron to fire a spike or packet of spikes before returning to rest. It is an important mechanism underlying central pattern generation for heartbeat, swimming and other motor patterns in many neuronal systems. In this paper we consider how networks of neurons, which do not intrinsically oscillate, may make use of inhibitory synaptic connections to generate large scale coherent rhythms in the form of cluster states. We distinguish between two cases i) where the rebound mechanism is due to anode break excitation and ii) where rebound is due to a slow T-type calcium current. In the former case we use a geometric analysis of a McKean type model to obtain expressions for the number of clusters in terms of the speed and strength of synaptic coupling. Results are found to be in good qualitative agreement with numerical simulations of the more detailed Hodgkin-Huxley model. In the second case we consider a particular firing rate model of a neuron with a slow calcium current that admits to an exact analysis. Once again existence regions for cluster states are explicitly calculated. Both mechanisms are shown to prefer globally synchronous states for slow synapses as long as the strength of coupling is sufficiently large. With a decrease in the duration of synaptic inhibition both systems are found to break into clusters. A major difference between the two mechanisms for cluster generation is that anode break excitation can support clusters with several groups, whilst slow T-type calcium currents predominantly give rise to clusters of just two (anti-synchronous) populations.


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In this Letter we introduce a continuum model of neural tissue that include the effects of so-called spike frequency adaptation (SFA). The basic model is an integral equation for synaptic activity that depends upon the non-local network connectivity, synaptic response, and firing rate of a single neuron. A phenomenological model of SFA is examined whereby the firing rate is taken to be a simple state-dependent threshold function. As in the case without SFA classical Mexican-Hat connectivity is shown to allow for the existence of spatially localized states (bumps). Importantly an analysis of bump stability using recent Evans function techniques shows that bumps may undergo instabilities leading to the emergence of both breathers and traveling waves. Moreover, a similar analysis for traveling pulses leads to the conditions necessary to observe a stable traveling breather. Direct numerical simulations both confirm our theoretical predictions and illustrate the rich dynamic behavior of this model, including the appearance of self-replicating bumps.


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Neural field models of firing rate activity have had a major impact in helping to develop an understanding of the dynamics seen in brain slice preparations. These models typically take the form of integro-differential equations. Their non-local nature has led to the development of a set of analytical and numerical tools for the study of waves, bumps and patterns, based around natural extensions of those used for local differential equation models. In this paper we present a review of such techniques and show how recent advances have opened the way for future studies of neural fields in both one and two dimensions that can incorporate realistic forms of axo-dendritic interactions and the slow intrinsic currents that underlie bursting behaviour in single neurons.


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In this paper we consider a neural field model comprised of two distinct populations of neurons, excitatory and inhibitory, for which both the velocities of action potential propagation and the time courses of synaptic processing are different. Using recently-developed techniques we construct the Evans function characterising the stability of both stationary and travelling wave solutions, under the assumption that the firing rate function is the Heaviside step. We find that these differences in timing for the two populations can cause instabilities of these solutions, leading to, for example, stationary breathers. We also analyse $quot;anti-pulses,$quot; a novel type of pattern for which all but a small interval of the domain (in moving coordinates) is active. These results extend previous work on neural fields with space dependent delays, and demonstrate the importance of considering the effects of the different time-courses of excitatory and inhibitory neural activity.


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We study spatially localized states of a spiking neuronal network populated by a pulse coupled phase oscillator known as the lighthouse model. We show that in the limit of slow synaptic interactions in the continuum limit the dynamics reduce to those of the standard Amari model. For non-slow synaptic connections we are able to go beyond the standard firing rate analysis of localized solutions allowing us to explicitly construct a family of co-existing one-bump solutions, and then track bump width and firing pattern as a function of system parameters. We also present an analysis of the model on a discrete lattice. We show that multiple width bump states can co-exist and uncover a mechanism for bump wandering linked to the speed of synaptic processing. Moreover, beyond a wandering transition point we show that the bump undergoes an effective random walk with a diffusion coefficient that scales exponentially with the rate of synaptic processing and linearly with the lattice spacing.


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Neural field models of firing rate activity typically take the form of integral equations with space-dependent axonal delays. Under natural assumptions on the synaptic connectivity we show how one can derive an equivalent partial differential equation (PDE) model that properly treats the axonal delay terms of the integral formulation. Our analysis avoids the so-called long-wavelength approximation that has previously been used to formulate PDE models for neural activity in two spatial dimensions. Direct numerical simulations of this PDE model show instabilities of the homogeneous steady state that are in full agreement with a Turing instability analysis of the original integral model. We discuss the benefits of such a local model and its usefulness in modeling electrocortical activity. In particular we are able to treat "patchy'" connections, whereby a homogeneous and isotropic system is modulated in a spatially periodic fashion. In this case the emergence of a "lattice-directed" traveling wave predicted by a linear instability analysis is confirmed by the numerical simulation of an appropriate set of coupled PDEs. Article published and (c) American Physical Society 2007


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In this paper we consider instabilities of localised solutions in planar neural field firing rate models of Wilson-Cowan or Amari type. Importantly we show that angular perturbations can destabilise spatially localised solutions. For a scalar model with Heaviside firing rate function we calculate symmetric one-bump and ring solutions explicitly and use an Evans function approach to predict the point of instability and the shapes of the dominant growing modes. Our predictions are shown to be in excellent agreement with direct numerical simulations. Moreover, beyond the instability our simulations demonstrate the emergence of multi-bump and labyrinthine patterns. With the addition of spike-frequency adaptation, numerical simulations of the resulting vector model show that it is possible for structures without rotational symmetry, and in particular multi-bumps, to undergo an instability to a rotating wave. We use a general argument, valid for smooth firing rate functions, to establish the conditions necessary to generate such a rotational instability. Numerical continuation of the rotating wave is used to quantify the emergent angular velocity as a bifurcation parameter is varied. Wave stability is found via the numerical evaluation of an associated eigenvalue problem.


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Gating of sensory information can be assessed using an auditory conditioning-test paradigm which measures the reduction in the auditory evoked response to a test stimulus following an initial conditioning stimulus. Recording brainwaves from specific areas of the brain using multiple electrodes is helpful in the study of the neurobiology of sensory gating. In this paper, we use such technology to investigate the role of cannabinoids in sensory gating in the CA3 region of the rat hippocampus. Our experimental results show that application of the exogenous cannabinoid agonist WIN55,212-2 can abolish sensory gating. We have developed a phenomenological model of cannabinoid dynamics incorporated within a spiking neural network model of CA3 with synaptically interacting pyramidal and basket cells. Direct numerical simulations of this model suggest that the basic mechanism for this effect can be traced to the suppression of inhibition of slow GABAB synapses. Furthermore, by working with a simpler mathematical firing rate model we are able to show the robustness of this mechanism for the abolition of sensory gating.


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The presence of gap junction coupling among neurons of the central nervous systems has been appreciated for some time now. In recent years there has been an upsurge of interest from the mathematical community in understanding the contribution of these direct electrical connections between cells to large-scale brain rhythms. Here we analyze a class of exactly soluble single neuron models, capable of producing realistic action potential shapes, that can be used as the basis for understanding dynamics at the network level. This work focuses on planar piece-wise linear models that can mimic the firing response of several different cell types. Under constant current injection the periodic response and phase response curve (PRC) is calculated in closed form. A simple formula for the stability of a periodic orbit is found using Floquet theory. From the calculated PRC and the periodic orbit a phase interaction function is constructed that allows the investigation of phase-locked network states using the theory of weakly coupled oscillators. For large networks with global gap junction connectivity we develop a theory of strong coupling instabilities of the homogeneous, synchronous and splay state. For a piece-wise linear caricature of the Morris-Lecar model, with oscillations arising from a homoclinic bifurcation, we show that large amplitude oscillations in the mean membrane potential are organized around such unstable orbits.


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Gap junction coupling is ubiquitous in the brain, particularly between the dendritic trees of inhibitory interneurons. Such direct non-synaptic interaction allows for direct electrical communication between cells. Unlike spike-time driven synaptic neural network models, which are event based, any model with gap junctions must necessarily involve a single neuron model that can represent the shape of an action potential. Indeed, not only do neurons communicating via gaps feel super-threshold spikes, but they also experience, and respond to, sub-threshold voltage signals. In this chapter we show that the so-called absolute integrate-and-fire model is ideally suited to such studies. At the single neuron level voltage traces for the model may be obtained in closed form, and are shown to mimic those of fast-spiking inhibitory neurons. Interestingly in the presence of a slow spike adaptation current the model is shown to support periodic bursting oscillations. For both tonic and bursting modes the phase response curve can be calculated in closed form. At the network level we focus on global gap junction coupling and show how to analyze the asynchronous firing state in large networks. Importantly, we are able to determine the emergence of non-trivial network rhythms due to strong coupling instabilities. To illustrate the use of our theoretical techniques (particularly the phase-density formalism used to determine stability) we focus on a spike adaptation induced transition from asynchronous tonic activity to synchronous bursting in a gap-junction coupled network.


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In this paper we study the effect of two distinct discrete delays on the dynamics of a Wilson-Cowan neural network. This activity based model describes the dynamics of synaptically interacting excitatory and inhibitory neuronal populations. We discuss the interpretation of the delays in the language of neurobiology and show how they can contribute to the generation of network rhythms. First we focus on the use of linear stability theory to show how to destabilise a fixed point, leading to the onset of oscillatory behaviour. Next we show for the choice of a Heaviside nonlinearity for the firing rate that such emergent oscillations can be either synchronous or anti-synchronous depending on whether inhibition or excitation dominates the network architecture. To probe the behaviour of smooth (sigmoidal) nonlinear firing rates we use a mixture of numerical bifurcation analysis and direct simulations, and uncover parameter windows that support chaotic behaviour. Finally we comment on the role of delays in the generation of bursting oscillations, and discuss natural extensions of the work in this paper.