3 resultados para Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning

em Memorial University Research Repository


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How experience alters neuronal ensemble dynamics and how locus coeruleus-mediated norepinephrine release facilitates memory formation in the brain are the topics of this thesis. Here we employed a visualization technique, cellular compartment analysis of temporal activity by fluorescence in situ hybridization (catFISH), to assess activation patterns of neuronal ensembles in the olfactory bulb (OB) and anterior piriform cortex (aPC) to repeated odor inputs. Two associative learning models were used, early odor preference learning in rat pups and adult rat go-no-go odor discrimination learning. With catFISH of an immediate early gene, Arc, we showed that odor representation in the OB and aPC was sparse (~5-10%) and widely distributed. Odor associative learning enhanced the stability of the rewarded odor representation in the OB and aPC. The stable component, indexed by the overlap between the two ensembles activated by the rewarded odor at two time points, increased from ~25% to ~50% (p = 0.004-1.43E⁻4; Chapter 3 and 4). Adult odor discrimination learning promoted pattern separation between rewarded and unrewarded odor representations in the aPC. The overlap between rewarded and unrewarded odor representations reduced from ~25% to ~14% (p = 2.28E⁻⁵). However, learning an odor mixture as a rewarded odor increased the overlap of the component odor representations in the aPC from ~23% to ~44% (p = 0.010; Chapter 4). Blocking both α- and β-adrenoreceptors in the aPC prevented highly similar odor discrimination learning in adult rats, and reduced OB mitral and granule ensemble stability to the rewarded odor. Similar treatment in the OB only slowed odor discrimination learning. However, OB adrenoceptor blockade disrupted pattern separation and ensemble stability in the aPC when the rats demonstrated deficiency in discrimination (Chapter 5). In another project, the role of α₂-adrenoreceptors in the OB during early odor preference learning was studied. OB α2-adrenoceptor activation was necessary for odor learning in rat pups. α₂-adrenoceptor activation was additive with β-adrenoceptor mediated signalling to promote learning (Chapter 2). Together, these experiments suggest that odor representations are highly adaptive at the early stages of odor processing. The OB and aPC work in concert to support odor learning and top-down adrenergic input exerts a powerful modulation on both learning and odor representation.


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Background: Patients with lung and esophageal cancer often have surgery as a means of treatment. In Newfoundland and Labrador, patients with lung and esophageal issues are cared for on Six East, the General/Thoracic Surgery unit at St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital. These patients frequently require chest tubes, which are managed and assessed by Registered Nurses (RNs) on the unit. For nurses new to thoracic surgery, fulfilling their new role and caring for chest tube systems can be daunting. Purpose: The purpose of this practicum project was to develop a learning resource manual for nurses who are new to thoracic surgery. Via self-directed learning, the manual can increase the knowledge and self-efficacy of nurses who are caring for thoracic surgery clients and assessing chest tube systems. Methods: An informal needs assessment, integrated literature review, and several consultations via in-person interviews were conducted. Results: Based on the findings from these methodologies, Knowles’ Adult Learning Theory, and Benner’s Novice to Expert Model, a learning resource manual was created. The manual was divided into chapters covering various aspects of patient and chest tube system care and assessment. Conclusion: For the purpose of this practicum project, no evaluation was conducted. However, a plan for future evaluation of the learning resource manual has been developed to determine if the manual assisted with increasing the knowledge and self-efficacy of nurses new to thoracic surgery. “Test Your Knowledge” questions were included at the end of each chapter in the manual as well as case study scenarios to allow for participant self-evaluation.


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Background: A shift toward a rehabilitative model of care has prompted the Newfoundland and Labrador Youth Centre to institute a policy restricting seclusion and restraint as a means of behavioural management. This policy has been received with skepticism by youth counsellors who use these methods to contain disruptive behaviours. Insufficient training in mental health has precipitated feelings of inadequacy as they feel ill-equipped to do their jobs. Purpose: The purpose of my practicum is to develop a mental health learning module for youth counsellors to reduce seclusion and restraint in youth corrections. Methods: A literature search illustrated what is known on the topic of seclusion and restraint in youth corrections. Consultation with stakeholders revealed staff attitudes regarding the policy and its operational impact. An environmental scan revealed the availability of other resources intended to address disruptive behaviours. Conclusion: The learning module is focused on mental illnesses to increase youth counsellors’ competency in managing disruptive behaviours while minimizing the use of seclusion and restraint.