3 resultados para Dimensional analysis.
em Memorial University Research Repository
Ships and offshore structures, that encounter ice floes, tend to experience loads with varying pressure distributions within the contact patch. The effect of the surrounding ice adjacent to that which is involved in the contact zone has an influence on the effective strength. This effect has come to be called confinement. A methodology for quantifying ice sample confinement is developed, and the confinement is defined using two non-dimensional terms; a ratio of geometries and an angle. Together these terms are used to modify force predictions that account for increased fracturing and spalling at lower confinement levels. Data developed through laboratory experimentation is studied using dimensional analysis. The characteristics of dimensional analysis allow for easy comparison between many different load cases; provided the impact scenario is consistent. In all, a methodology is developed for analyzing ice impact testing considering confinement effects on force levels, with the potential for extrapolating these tests to full size collision events.
Thermal analysis of electronic devices is one of the most important steps for designing of modern devices. Precise thermal analysis is essential for designing an effective thermal management system of modern electronic devices such as batteries, LEDs, microelectronics, ICs, circuit boards, semiconductors and heat spreaders. For having a precise thermal analysis, the temperature profile and thermal spreading resistance of the device should be calculated by considering the geometry, property and boundary conditions. Thermal spreading resistance occurs when heat enters through a portion of a surface and flows by conduction. It is the primary source of thermal resistance when heat flows from a tiny heat source to a thin and wide heat spreader. In this thesis, analytical models for modeling the temperature behavior and thermal resistance in some common geometries of microelectronic devices such as heat channels and heat tubes are investigated. Different boundary conditions for the system are considered. Along the source plane, a combination of discretely specified heat flux, specified temperatures and adiabatic condition are studied. Along the walls of the system, adiabatic or convective cooling boundary conditions are assumed. Along the sink plane, convective cooling with constant or variable heat transfer coefficient are considered. Also, the effect of orthotropic properties is discussed. This thesis contains nine chapters. Chapter one is the introduction and shows the concepts of thermal spreading resistance besides the originality and importance of the work. Chapter two reviews the literatures on the thermal spreading resistance in the past fifty years with a focus on the recent advances. In chapters three and four, thermal resistance of a twodimensional flux channel with non-uniform convection coefficient in the heat sink plane is studied. The non-uniform convection is modeled by using two functions than can simulate a wide variety of different heat sink configurations. In chapter five, a non-symmetrical flux channel with different heat transfer coefficient along the right and left edges and sink plane is analytically modeled. Due to the edge cooling and non-symmetry, the eigenvalues of the system are defined using the heat transfer coefficient on both edges and for satisfying the orthogonality condition, a normalized function is calculated. In chapter six, thermal behavior of two-dimensional rectangular flux channel with arbitrary boundary conditions on the source plane is presented. The boundary condition along the source plane can be a combination of the first kind boundary condition (Dirichlet or prescribed temperature) and the second kind boundary condition (Neumann or prescribed heat flux). The proposed solution can be used for modeling the flux channels with numerous different source plane boundary conditions without any limitations in the number and position of heat sources. In chapter seven, temperature profile of a circular flux tube with discretely specified boundary conditions along the source plane is presented. Also, the effect of orthotropic properties are discussed. In chapter 8, a three-dimensional rectangular flux channel with a non-uniform heat convection along the heat sink plane is analytically modeled. In chapter nine, a summary of the achievements is presented and some systems are proposed for the future studies. It is worth mentioning that all the models and case studies in the thesis are compared with the Finite Element Method (FEM).
This Ph.D. thesis addresses current issues with ichnotaxonomic practice, and characterizes an exceptionally well preserved ichnological assemblage from the Carboniferous Stainmore Formation, Northumberland, United Kingdom. Samples were collected from closely localized float representative of various units throughout the succession, which was deposited in a storm-dominated marine shoreface. Three dominant ichnotaxa were selected for three-dimensional morphological analysis due to their complicated morphology and/or unclear taxonomic status: 1) Dactyloidites jordii isp. nov.; 2) Beaconites capronus, and; 3) Neoeione moniliformis comb. nov. Using serial grinding and photography, these ichnotaxa were ground and modelled in true colour. High-resolution models of three taxa produced in this study are the basis of the first complete three-dimensional consideration of the traces, and forms the basis for refined palaeobiological and ethological analysis of these taxa. Dactyloidites jordii isp. nov. is a stellate to palmate burrow composed of numerous long, narrow rays that exhibit three orders of branching arranged into tiered galleries radiating from a central shaft. It is considered to be the feeding structure produced by a vermiform organism. Beaconites capronus is a winding trace with distinctly chevron-shaped, meniscate backfill demonstrated herein to backfill the vertical shafts associated with its burrows in a comparable fashion to the horizontal portion of the burrow. This lack of a surface connection would result in the trace making organism being exposed to low-oxygen porewater. Coping with this porewater dysoxia could be approached by burrowing organisms in a number of ways: 1) revisiting the sediment-water interface; 2) creating periodic shafts; or 3) employing anaerobic metabolism. Neoeione moniliformis was originally introduced as Eione moniliformis, however, the genus Eione Tate, 1859 is a junior homonym of Eione Rafinesque, 1814. This led to the transfer of Eione moniliformis to Parataenidium. Through careful examination and three-dimensional characterization of topotypes, the transfer to Parataenidium moniliformis is demonstrated herein to be problematic, as Parataenidium refers to primarily horizontal burrows with two distinct layers and Eione moniliformis is composed of one distinct level. As such, the new ichnogenus Neoeione is created to accommodate Neoeione moniliformis.