3 resultados para 2016 model

em Memorial University Research Repository


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To predict the maneuvering performance of a propelled SPAR vessel, a mathematical model was established as a path simulator. A system-based mathematical model was chosen as it offers advantages in cost and time over full Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. The model is intended to provide a means of optimizing the maneuvering performance of this new vessel type. In this study the hydrodynamic forces and control forces are investigated as individual components, combined in a vectorial setting, and transferred to a body-fixed basis. SPAR vessels are known to be very sensitive to large amplitude motions during maneuvers due to the relatively small hydrostatic restoring forces. Previous model tests of SPAR vessels have shown significant roll and pitch amplitudes, especially during course change maneuvers. Thus, a full 6 DOF equation of motion was employed in the current numerical model. The mathematical model employed in this study was a combination of the model introduced by the Maneuvering Modeling Group (MMG) and the Abkowitz (1964) model. The new model represents the forces applied to the ship hull, the propeller forces and the rudder forces independently, as proposed by the MMG, but uses a 6DOF equation of motion introduced by Abkowitz to describe the motion of a maneuvering ship. The mathematical model was used to simulate the trajectory and motions of the propelled SPAR vessel in 10˚/10˚, 20˚/20˚ and 30˚/30˚ standard zig-zag maneuvers, as well as turning circle tests at rudder angles of 20˚ and 30˚. The simulation results were used to determine the maneuverability parameters (e.g. advance, transfer and tactical diameter) of the vessel. The final model provides the means of predicting and assessing the performance of the vessel type and can be easily adapted to specific vessel configurations based on the generic SPAR-type vessel used in this study.


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In this thesis, the first-order radar cross section (RCS) of an iceberg is derived and simulated. This analysis takes place in the context of a monostatic high frequency surface wave radar with a vertical dipole source that is driven by a pulsed waveform. The starting point of this work is a general electric field equation derived previ- ously for an arbitrarily shaped iceberg region surrounded by an ocean surface. The condition of monostatic backscatter is applied to this general field equation and the resulting expression is inverse Fourier transformed. In the time domain the excitation current of the transmit antenna is specified to be a pulsed sinusoid signal. The result- ing electric field equation is simplified and its physical significance is assessed. The field equation is then further simplified by restricting the iceberg's size to fit within a single radar patch width. The power received by the radar is calculated using this electric field equation. Comparing the received power with the radar range equation gives a general expression for the iceberg RCS. The iceberg RCS equation is found to depend on several parameters including the geometry of the iceberg, the radar frequency, and the electrical parameters of both the iceberg and the ocean surface. The RCS is rewritten in a form suitable for simulations and simulations are carried out for rectangularly shaped icebergs. Simulation results are discussed and are found to be consistent with existing research.