10 resultados para soil mechanical resistance to penetration
em Universidade do Minho
This paper presents and discusses the results of the serviciability and use condition tests carried on an innovative solution for partitions, designated AdjustMembrane developed within a research project. The proposed system is a modular non-loadbearing wall, tensioned between the pavements and ceiling slabs, which are used as anchoring elements. It allows several advantages, related with the weight reduction to achieve a good sustainable performance, such as the reduction of construction costs, energy, and materials, and it is easy to recycle and to reuse, allowing self-construction. Apart from a general presentation of the partition technology, this paper presents and discusses the results of experimental tests carried out. From the results obtained, it is possible to conclude that the solution fulfils the requirements for this typology of wall in terms of resistance to horizontal loads induced by soft and hard body impacts.
This article presents results of an experimental investigation on the resistance to chemical attack (with sulphuric, hydrochloric and nitric acid) of several materials: OPC concrete, high-performance concrete, epoxy resin, acrylic painting and a fly ash-based geopolymeric mortar). Three types of acids with three high concentrations (10, 20 and 30%) were used to simulate long-term degradation. A cost analysis was also performed. The results show that the epoxy resin has the best resistance to chemical attack independently of the acid type and the acid concentration. However, the cost analysis shows that the epoxy resin-based solution is the least cost-efficient solution being 70% above the cost efficiency of the fly ash-based geopolymeric mortar.
Recent research has proved the potential of alkaline activated fly-ash for soil stabilisation. However, such studies have not focused on the link between financial, mechanical and environmental aspects of this solution, but only on their absolute mechanical properties. The present paper characterises the mechanical behaviour of a large spectrum of activator-ash-soil combinations used to build jet mixing columns, analysing also the cost and CO2 (eq) emissions. The concern with these two vectors forced a decrease in the quantity of stabilising agent added to the soil, relatively to previous research, and the effects of such low quantities have not yet been published. However, the results clearly showed a significant improve in strength, still well above the average values expected when improving the stressstrain behaviour of a weak soil. Uniaxial compressive strength tests were used to assess the effects of the fly-ash percentage, the alkalieash ratio and the water content. The carbon calculator recently developed by the European Federation of Foundation Contractors and the Deep Foundations Institute was used to quantify the CO2 (eq) emissions associated with this technique. The financial cost was estimated based on the experience of a major Portuguese contractor. For comparison purposes, soil cement mixtures were also analysed, using similar conditions and tools used for the soil-ash analysis. Results showed that the cement and ash solutions are very similar in terms of overall performance, with some advantage of the former regarding financial cost, and a significant advantage of the latter regarding the CO2 (eq) emissions. This new grout, although it is in an embryonic stage, it has the potential for broader developments in the field.
In tissue engineering of cartilage, polymeric scaffolds are implanted in the damaged tissue and subjected to repeated compression loading cycles. The possibility of failure due to mechanical fatigue has not been properly addressed in these scaffolds. Nevertheless, the macroporous scaffold is susceptible to failure after repeated loading-unloading cycles. This is related to inherent discontinuities in the material due to the micropore structure of the macro-pore walls that act as stress concentration points. In this work, chondrogenic precursor cells have been seeded in Poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) scaffolds with fibrin and some were submitted to free swelling culture and others to cyclic loading in a bioreactor. After cell culture, all the samples were analyzed for fatigue behavior under repeated loading-unloading cycles. Moreover, some components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) were identified. No differences were observed between samples undergoing free swelling or bioreactor loading conditions, neither respect to matrix components nor to mechanical performance to fatigue. The ECM did not achieve the desired preponderance of collagen type II over collagen type I which is considered the main characteristic of hyaline cartilage ECM. However, prediction in PCL with ECM constructs was possible up to 600 cycles, an enhanced performance when compared to previous works. PCL after cell culture presents an improved fatigue resistance, despite the fact that the measured elastic modulus at the first cycle was similar to PCL with poly(vinyl alcohol) samples. This finding suggests that fatigue analysis in tissue engineering constructs can provide additional information missed with traditional mechanical measurements.
The cyclic load triaxial test is a laboratory test that allows studying the mechanical behaviour of unbound granular materials used in base/subbase layers of road pavements. The resilient modulus and permanent strains are required as inputs in structural pavement design. This paper presents some results obtained for recycled materials (crushed concrete aggregate and blended crushed waste aggregate), with a view to promoting their use in pavement structures. Results relating to a reference material (limestone) are also presented, for comparison. All the test results discussed in this paper were obtained in variable cyclic radial pressure (VCP) tests. The tests performed (VCP) aim to study the influence of water content on the resilient modulus of recycled materials, as well as on the resistance to permanent deformation. Using the experimental data as a basis, further modelling work was carried out to establish the stresses developing in base/capping layers in typical Belgian road pavements. These numerical results allow to propose some simplifications of the stress paths applied in the testing procedures and to establish a new test protocol that also considers compaction during construction works. The results of this research work provide an excellent set of findings for the mechanical characterization of unbound base materials through the cyclic triaxial test, and contribute to a better understanding and correct application of recycled materials under geotechnical engineering background
The reinforcement of soil is defined as an effective and reliable technique to improve strength and stability. For this propose, the use of natural fibers has been commonly. Over the past years, a series of studies have been performed in order to investigate the influence of randomly oriented fibers, especially for compressible clayey soils. However, less attention has been given to the reinforcing of sandy materials, as well as the use of oriented fibers meshes in order to improve mechanical behaviour. The main aim of this study is to identify the influence that different percentages of fibers, as well as the use of meshes of oriented fibers, has on soil mechanical behaviour. For this purpose, unconfined compression tests with local strain measurements were performed on a silty sand reinforced with Sisal fibers and a comparative study between randomly oriented and 0° and 90° fibers is presented.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências (Especialidade de Física)
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Structural/Civil Engineering
Here, we evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic role of liquid-based cytology (LBC) in different body lesions, including thyroid, lung, effusions and malignant breast lesions. LBC has gained consensus after being applied to both non-gynecologic and fine-needle aspiration cytology. Although some remain sceptical regarding the diagnostic efficacy of LBC, mainly when used alone, in recent years, good results have been obtained as long as it showed a high diagnostic accuracy. Here, we discuss the additional possibility of storing material for the application of ancillary techniques (immunocytochemistry–molecular analysis) with several diagnostic and prognostic advantages, which may pave the way for the challenging evaluation of both monitoring responses to treatment and resistance to targeted therapies in thyroid, lung, breast carcinoma or malignant effusions. Furthermore, it provides the use of several molecular spots as specific targets for personalized therapy.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil