49 resultados para regional development policy
em Universidade do Minho
Over the past four decades the EU cohesion policy’s focus, objectives and content have experienced significant changes as a result of successive reforms aiming at adapting it to a Union in constant evolution. In the early stages, cohesion policy had eminently redistributive goals and it assumed an explicit spatial dimension. In the late nineties, the possibility of an extension towards Eastern European countries and the limited willingness of net contributors to increase funding led to a turning point in cohesion policy. The increased importance of economic growth and job creation in the 2000’s, within the cohesion policy’s context, has led to a misrepresentation of its essence and motivations. Cohesion was losing importance towards competitiveness and regional equity towards national efficiency. Today, cohesion policy is for many EU countries the main mean for mobilising investment in a context of budgetary constraints and credit rationing. In light of the available evidence, it is likely that the overall design and priorities of the current cohesion policy have a limited impact in terms of convergence in many EU regions, especially in the less developed regions. This paper’s main objectives are to analyse the evolution of European cohesion policy throughout its history, to present a picture of cohesion policy in the 2014-2020 programming period and to discuss the main problems associated with its design, priorities and programming model.
Musculoskeletal diseases are one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Tendon injuries are responsible for substantial morbidity, pain and disability. Tissue engineering strategies aim at translating tendon structure into biomimetic materials. The main goal of the present study is to develop microengineered hydrogel fibers through the combination of microfabrication and chemical interactions between oppositely charged polyelectrolytes. For this, methacrylated hyaluronic acid (MeHA) and chondroitin sulfate (MeCS) were combined with chitosan (CHT). Hydrogel fibers were obtained by injecting polymer solutions (either MeHA or MeHA/MeCS and CHT) in separate microchannels that join at a y-junction, with the materials interacting upon contact at the interface. To evaluate cell behavior, human tendon derived cells (hTDCs) were isolated from tendon surplus samples during orthopedic surgeries and seeded on top of the fibers. hTDCs adhered to the surface of the fibers, remaining viable, and were found to be expressing CD44, the receptor for hyaluronic acid. The synthesis of hydrogel fibers crosslinkable through both physical and chemical mechanisms combined with microfabrication technology allows the development of biomimetic structures with parallel fibers being formed towards the replication of tendon tissue architecture.
This work was supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) within Project Scope (UID/CEC/00319/2013), by LIP (Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas) and by Project Search-ON2 (NORTE-07-0162- FEDER-000086), co-funded by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework, through the European Regional Development Fund.
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica
This paper intends to present and reflect upon some of the findings emerging from a research project entitled “Navigating with ‘Magalhães’: Study on the Impact of Digital Media on Schoolchildren” that was conducted at the Communication and Society Research Centre at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. The project focused on the politics of the governmental programme “One Laptop per Child” part of the Portuguese Technological Plan for Education, and the uses of the “Magalhães” computer, and other media, by children aged 8-10 years. This paper analyses the impact of this particular public policy on digital literacy of young children based mostly on the perspectives of parents and their modes of mediation. It also debates parents’ and children’s perspectives on parental rules on computer and Internet usage. It ends by concluding that the impact of this programme occurred mainly at the level of access rather than the social and educational uses and practices. It also highlights the importance of family in the way children access and use ICT.
In 2008, the XVII Portuguese Constitutional Government launched the ‘e.escolinha’ programme, within the Technological Plan for Education, which set out the distribution of a computer, called ‘Magalhães’, designed for chil-dren attending the 1st cycle of basic education. Suspended in 2011 by the XIX Government, this programme has allowed, however, almost 500 000 children to have access to a personal computer. It was expected that this political measure would “revolutionise” the national education system by bringing changes to the pedagogical practices of teachers and the learning processes of children and by achieving educational success, in general. Based on documental analysis and on a set of interviews with key decision-makers in conceiving, implementing and monitoring this governmental initiative, the fi rst part of this chapter presents and analyses the ‘e.escolinha’ initiative and the policies be-hind that governmental programme, seeking to disassemble those objectives and provide some insights into the relationship between discourses, rhetoric, and reality. After that, the chapter focuses on children’s uses and practices with the ‘Magalhães’ laptop, at school and at home. Based on the results of questionnaires fi lled in by approximately 1500 children from 32 First Cycle public schools of the municipality of Braga (north of Portugal) and also from questionnaires applied to their parents and teachers, this chapter intends to analyse the real impact of this initiative for children, family and school. It also seeks to discuss the contribution of this educational policy to children’s digital literacy and also to their own and their families’ social and digital inclusion. To understand if it represented an added value to teachers’ pedagogical practice is another of its aims. The fi ndings point out a major focus on technology and access rather than on uses and competences or even on social, educational and cultural change. In fact, a major conclusion is the existence of a strong gap between the policy and the practices, typical of a top-down policy design. This study is an integrant part of a research project titled “Navigating with ‘Magalhães’: Study on the Impact of Digital Media in Schoolchildren” conducted at the University of Minho, Portugal, financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008] and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund [COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009056].
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are considered to be â â immunologically privileged.â â In a previous work when human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (hASCs) subcutaneously implanted in mice we did not identify an adverse host response1. Recently, it was shown that tissue regeneration could benefit from the polarization of M2 macrophages subpopulations 2. In this study we hypothesised that undifferentiated hASCs and derived osteoblasts and chondrocytes are able to switch murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (mBMMÃ s) into M2 phenotype, aiding tissue regeneration. Murine BMMÃ s were plated in direct contact with undifferentiated and osteo or chondro-differentiated hASCs for 4 h, 10 h, 24 h and 72 h. The cytokine profile was analysed by qRT-PCR and the surface markers were detected by flow cytometry. The direct interaction of both cell types was observed by time lapse microscopy. The results showed that mBMMÃ s polarized after contacting tissue culture polystyrene. This M2 phenotype was maintained along the experiment in direct contact with both undifferentiated and osteo or chondro-differentiated hASCs. This was confirmed by the expression of IL-1, IL-10, IL-4, TNF-a and IFN-g (genetic profile) and surface markers (CD206 + + , CD336 + + , MHC II + and CD86 + + ) detection. These data suggest the potential of hASCs in contemporary xenogenic tissue engineering and regenerative medicine strategies, as well as host immune system modulation in autoimmune diseases.
Cell Sheets of hASCs (hASCs-CS) have been previously proposed for wound healing applications(1, 2) and despite the concern for production time reduction, the possibility of having these hASCs-CS off-the-shelf is appealing. The goal of this work was to define a cryopreservation methodology allowing to preserve cells viability and the properties CS matrix. hASCs-CS obtained from three different donors were created in UP-cell thermoresponsive dishes(Nunc, Germany) as previously reported(1,2). Different cryopreservation conditions were considered: i)FBS plus DMSO(5% and10%); ii)0.4M of Trehalose plus DMSO (5% and 10%); iii)cryosolution PLL (Akron Biotech, USA); and iv)vitrification. The cryopreservation effect was first assessed for cellular viability by flow cytometry using 7-AAD, and after dissociating the hASCs-CS with collagenase and trypsin-EDTA 0.25%. The expression (RT-PCR) and deposition (western blot and immunocytochemistry) of collagen type I, laminin and fibronectin, and the organization (TEM) of the extracellular matrix was further assessed before and after hASCs-CS cryopreservation to determine a potential effect of the method over matrix composition and integrity. The obtained results confirmed that cell viability is affected by the cryopreservation methodology, as shown before for different CS(3). Interestingly, the matrix properties were not significantly altered and the typical cell sheetâ s easiness of manipulation for transplantation was not lost.
The development of organic materials displaying high two-photon absorption (TPA) has attracted much attention in recent years due to a variety of potential applications in photonics and optoelectronics, such as three-dimensional optical data storage, fluorescence imaging, two-photon microscopy, optical limiting, microfabrication, photodynamic therapy, upconverted lasing, etc. The most frequently employed structural motifs for TPA materials are donor–pi bridge–acceptor (D–pi–A) dipoles, donor–pi bridge–donor (D–pi–D) and acceptor–pi bridge-acceptor (A–pi–A) quadrupoles, octupoles, etc. In this work we present the synthesis and photophysical characterization of quadrupolar heterocyclic systems with potential applications in materials and biological sciences as TPA chromophores. Indole is a versatile building block for the synthesis of heterocyclic systems for several optoelectronic applications (chemosensors, nonlinear optical, OLEDs) due to its photophysical properties and donor electron ability and 4H-pyran-4-ylidene fragment is frequently used for the synthesis of red light-emitting materials. On the other hand, 2-(2,6-dimethyl-4H-pyran-4-ylidene)malononitrile (1) and 1,3-diethyl-dihydro-5-(2,6-dimethyl-4H-pyran-4-ylidene)-2-thiobarbituric (2) units are usually used as strong acceptor moieties for the preparation of π-conjugated systems of the push-pull type. These building blocks were prepared by Knoevenagel condensation of the corresponding ketone precursor with malononitrile or 1,3-diethyl-dihydro-2-thiobarbituric acid. The new quadrupolar 4H-pyran-4-ylidene fluorophores (3) derived from indole were prepared through condensation of 5-methyl-1H-indole-3-carbaldehyde with the acceptor precursors 1 and 2, in the presence of a catalytical amount of piperidine. The new compounds were characterized by the usual spectroscopic techniques (UV-vis., FT-IR and multinuclear NMR - 1H, 13C).
Tese de Doutoramento Geografia (Área de Especialização: Geografia e Planeamento Regional)
Polymer blends based on poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF and poly(ethylene oxide), PEO, with varying compositions have been prepared by solvent casting, the polymer blend films being obtained from solutions in dimethyl formamide at 70ºC. Under these conditions PVDF crystallizes from solution while PEO remains in the molten state. Then, PEO crystallizes from the melt confined by PVDF crystalls during cooling to room temperature. PVDF crystallized from DMF solutions adopt predominantly the electroactive β-phase (85%). Nevertheless when PEO is introduced in the polymer blend the β-phase content decreases slightly to 70%. The piezoelectric coefficient (d33) in pristine PVDF is -5 pC/N and decreases with increasing PEO content in the PVDF/PEO blends. Blend morphology, observed by electron and atomic force microscopy, shows the confinement of PEO between the already formed PVDF crystals. On the other hand the sample contraction when PEO is extracted from the blend with water (which is not a solvent for PVDF) allows proving the co-continuity of both phases in the blend. PEO crystallization kinetics have been characterized by DSC both in isothermal and cooling scans experiments showing important differences in crystalline fraction and crystallization rate with sample composition.
Porous polymer membranes based on poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)/poly(ethylene oxide) copolymers, P(VDF-TrFE)/PEO, are prepared through the, from partial to total, elimination of PEO, leading to interconnected micropores in the polymer blends. Electrolyte uptake, thermal and mechanical properties depend on the amount of PEO present in the polymer blend. Further, the degree of crystallinity of PEO and the elastic modulus (E´) of the polymer blend decrease with increasing PEO removal. Electrical properties of the polymer blend membranes are influenced by the porosity and are dominated by diffusion. The temperature dependence of ionic conductivity follows the Arrhenius behavior. It is the highest for the membranes with a volume fraction of pores of 44% (i.e, 90% PEO removal), reaching a value of 0.54 mS.cm-1 at room temperature. Battery performance was determined by assembling Li/C-LiFePO4 swagelok cells. The polymer blends with 90% PEO removal exhibit rate (124 mAhg-1 at C/5 and 47 mAhg-1 at 2C) and cycling capabilities suitable for lithium ion battery applications.
Specific tissues, such as cartilage undergo mechanical solicitation under their normal performance in human body. In this sense, it seems necessary that proper tissue engineering strategies of these tissues should incorporate mechanical solicitations during cell culture, in order to properly evaluate the influence of the mechanical stimulus. This work reports on a user-friendly bioreactor suitable for applying controlled mechanical stimulation - amplitude and frequency - to three dimensional scaffolds. Its design and main components are described, as well as its operation characteristics. The modular design allows easy cleaning and operating under laminar hood. Different protocols for the sterilization of the hermetic enclosure are tested and ensure lack of observable contaminations, complying with the requirements to be used for cell culture. The cell viability study was performed with KUM5 cells.
CH, Chitosan; HPMC, (Hydroxypropyl)methyl cellulose; FT, Freeze-thaw; SC, Solvent casting; CH:HPMC (X:Y), pH Z, FT/SC, Chitosan and (hydroxypropyl)methyl cellulose hydrogel, at X and Y proportion (0-100), at Z pH (3.0-4.0) and prepared by freeze-thaw or solvent casting techniques; DSC, Differential scanning calorimetry; MDSC, Temperature modulated Differential scanning calorimetry; Tg, glass transition temperature; ΔH, enthalpy change; TGA, Thermogravimetric Analysis; TG, Thermogravimetry; DTG, Derivative or Differential thermogravimetry; σ, Tensile strength; ε, elongation at break; DMA, Dynamic mechanical analysis; X-Ray, X-radiation, FTIR-ATR, Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; SEM, Scanning electron microscopy.
CH, Chitosan; HPMC, (Hydroxypropyl)methyl cellulose; FT, Freeze-thaw; SC, Solvent casting; CH:HPMC (X:Y), pH Z, FT/SC, Chitosan and (hydroxypropyl)methyl cellulose hydrogel, at X and Y proportion (0-100), at Z pH (3.0-4.0) and prepared by freeze-thaw or solvent casting techniques; DSC, Differential scanning calorimetry; MDSC, Temperature modulated Differential scanning calorimetry; Tg, glass transition temperature; ΔH, enthalpy change; TGA, Thermogravimetric Analysis; TG, Thermogravimetry; DTG, Derivative or Differential thermogravimetry; σ, Tensile strength; ε, elongation at break; DMA, Dynamic mechanical analysis; X-Ray, X-radiation, FTIR-ATR, Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; SEM, Scanning electron microscopy.