7 resultados para culture,worldbuilding,hofstede,agar,fictional universes,animated media
em Universidade do Minho
Dissertação de mestrado em Design e Marketing
Yarrowia lipolytica, a yeast strain with a huge biotechnological potential, capable to produce metabolites such as γ-decalactone, citric acid, intracellular lipids and enzymes, possesses the ability to change its morphology in response to environmental conditions. In the present study, a quantitative image analysis (QIA) procedure was developed for the identification and quantification of Y. lipolytica W29 and MTLY40-2P strains dimorphic growth, cultivated in batch cultures on hydrophilic (glucose and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and hydrophobic (olive oil and castor oil) media. The morphological characterization of yeast cells by QIA techniques revealed that hydrophobic carbon sources, namely castor oil, should be preferred for both strains growth in the yeast single cell morphotype. On the other hand, hydrophilic sugars, namely glucose and GlcNAc caused a dimorphic transition growth towards the hyphae morphotype. Experiments for γ-decalactone production with MTLY40-2P strain in two distinct morphotypes (yeast single cells and hyphae cells) were also performed. The obtained results showed the adequacy of the proposed morphology monitoring tool in relation to each morphotype on the aroma production ability. The present work allowed establishing that QIA techniques can be a valuable tool for the identification of the best culture conditions for industrial processes implementation.
[Excerto] Vive-se hoje na Europa e no mundo a efervescência contínua da mobilidade, da deslocação, da viagem, da ida e do regresso. Por meio de deslocações efetivas e corpóreas, ou por meio de deslocações virtuais, as sociedades atuais são, nas suas estruturas, intrinsecamente constituídas pela potência das mobilidades, pela possibilidade de sair, ir e voltar. Ao longo dos anos vimos crescer o número de investigações acerca dos motivos pelos quais as pessoas deixam um espaço geográfico. Assistimos, Também, ao aumento do número de pesquisas acerca das motivações que levam as pessoas a escolher certos lugares para viver, trabalhar ou passear. As abordagens sobre tais panóplias de motivos e condições são, ainda hoje, válidas. Todavia, a época atual surge marcada por fenómenos que são agora muito menos lineares do que eram há décadas atrás. As mobilidades não são apenas cada vez mais pluriformes. São também desencadeadas por motivos de uma configuração substancialmente distinta. A esse respeito, podemos falar da própria natureza da política e da forma como esta modela e dispõe os povos à mobilidade e à migração (apenas para ilustração, pensemos na perseguição política e/ ou religiosa). Mas, também podemos mencionar o modo como certos fenómenos sociais, tais como o trabalho, o lazer, a rede de transportes, as redes e os modos de interação familiar ocorrem em espaços cada vez mais móveis. O mesmo pode ser assinalado para o caso dos modos de emergência e manutenção das redes de tráfico humano, catástrofes naturais e/ou humanas, terrorismo ou guerras e conflitos armados. Tais fenómenos apresentam-se hoje com caraterísticas e dinâmicas inscritas na experiência da globalização financeira e informacional, para a qual pouca diferença faz o lugar – entendido em sentido estrito. Todos estão marcados pela variabilidade, flexibilidade, opacidade, incerteza e imprevisibilidade. Às vezes, são mesmo paradoxais (...).
Co-cultures of two or more cell types and biodegradable biomaterials of natural origin have been successfully combined to recreate tissue microenvironments. Segregated co-cultures are preferred over conventional mixed ones in order to better control the degree of homotypic and heterotypic interactions. Hydrogel-based systems in particular, have gained much attention to mimic tissue-specific microenvironments and they can be microengineered by innovative bottom-up approaches such as microfluidics. In this study, we developed bi-compartmentalized (Janus) hydrogel microcapsules of methacrylated hyaluronic acid (MeHA)/methacrylated-chitosan (MeCht) blended with marine-origin collagen by droplet-based microfluidics co-flow. Human adipose stem cells (hASCs) and microvascular endothelial cells (hMVECs) were co-encapsulated to create platforms of study relevant for vascularized bone tissue engineering. A specially designed Janus-droplet generator chip was used to fabricate the microcapsules (<250â μm units) and Janus-gradient co-cultures of hASCs: hMVECs were generated in various ratios (90:10; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75; 10:90), through an automated microfluidic flow controller (Elveflow microfluidics system). Such monodisperse 3D co-culture systems were optimized regarding cell number and culture media specific for concomitant maintenance of both phenotypes to establish effective cell-cell (homotypic and heterotypic) and cell-materials interactions. Cellular parameters such as viability, matrix deposition, mineralization and hMVECs re-organization in tube-like structures, were enhanced by blending MeHA/MeCht with marine-origin collagen and increasing hASCs: hMVECs co-culture gradient had significant impact on it. Such Janus hybrid hydrogel microcapsules can be used as a platform to investigate biomaterials interactions with distinct combined cell populations.
No decorrer das últimas décadas, com o avanço das tecnologias de comunicação audiovisual, temos assistido a uma discussão sobre a utilidade de outros meios de expressão que não os audiovisuais, e nos últimos anos com a pressão económica da cultura dos videojogos, assiste-se mesmo à ideia de que tudo pode e deve ser comunicado audiovisualmente e interactivamente. Nesse sentido, este texto pretende lançar algumas ideias sobre o uso de diferentes media na comunicação narrativa, nomeadamente levando em conta o tipo de conteúdo que se pretende transmitir.
(Excerto) Nowadays, the public discourses about gender equality are commonly accepted in Western society. In fact, we live in an era of “equality illusion” (Banyard, 2010) because the mainstream discourses incorporate gender in the agenda, conveying the message that feminist struggles are unnecessary today. At the same time, postfeminism (McRobbie, 2004) gains importance and demonstrates the intricacies of a neoliberal, highly individualist culture that subtly imprisons the freedoms that it is supposed to grant (Gill & Scharff, 2011).
Nowadays, the public discourses about gender equality are commonly accepted in Western society. In fact, we live in an era of “equality illusion” (Banyard, 2010) because the mainstream discourses incorporate gender in the agenda, conveying the message that feminist struggles are unnecessary today. At the same time, postfeminism (McRobbie, 2004) gains importance and demonstrates the intricacies of a neoliberal, highly individualist culture that subtly imprisons the freedoms that it is supposed to grant (Gill & Scharff, 2011). However, back in 1978, Gaye Tuchman used the expression “symbolic annihilation” to refer to how the media represented women. The author refers to a “symbolic annihilation” because sometimes it is so hidden and subtle that it becomes difficult to perceive – and to be fought. Much has improved since then; yet a lot remains the same. Over the past decades there have been marked changes in gender relations, in feminist activism, in the (media) communication industry and in society in general (Byerly, 2013; Carter, Steiner & McLaughlin, 2015; Gallagher, 2014; Gallego, 2013; Krijnen, Álvares & Van Bauwel, 2011; Krijnen & Van Bauwel, 2015; Lobo, Silveirinha, Subtil, & Torres, 2015; Ross, 2009; Silveirinha, 2001; Van Zoonen, 1994, 2010). Now, in a globalised and media saturated world, the gendered picture is, consequently, different. The contemporary grammar is marked by diverse and complex tensions (van Zoonen, 2010).