30 resultados para WELDED-JOINTS
em Universidade do Minho
Joints play a major role in the structural behaviour of old timber frames [1]. Current standards mainly focus on modern dowel-type joints and usually provide little guidance (with the exception of German and Swiss NAs) to designers regarding traditional joints. With few exceptions, see e.g. [2], [3], [4], most of the research undertaken today is mainly focused on the reinforcement of dowel-type connections. When considering old carpentry joints, it is neither realistic nor useful to try to describe the behaviour of each and every type of joint. The discussion here is not an extra attempt to classify or compare joint configurations [5], [6], [7]. Despite the existence of some classification rules which define different types of carpentry joints, their applicability becomes difficult. This is due to the differences in the way joints are fashioned depending, on the geographical location and their age. In view of this, it is mandatory to check the relevance of the calculations as a first step. This first step, to, is mandatory. A limited number of carpentry joints, along with some calculation rules and possible strengthening techniques are presented here.
The effectiveness of prefabricated hybrid composite plates (HCPs) as a seismic retrofitting solution for damaged interior RC beam-column joints is experimentally studied. HCP is composed of a thin plate made of strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) reinforced with CFRP sheets/laminates. Two full-scale severely damaged interior beam-column joints are retrofitted using two different configurations of HCPs. The effectiveness of these retrofitting solutions mainly in terms of hysteretic response, dissipated energy, degradation of secant stiffness, displacement ductility and failure modes are compared to their virgin states. According to these criteria, both solutions resulted in superior responses regarding the ones registered in their virgin states.
Timber connections represent the crucial part of a timber structure and a great variability exists in terms of types of connections and mechanisms. Taking as case study the widespread traditional timber frame structures, in particular the Portuguese Pombalino buildings, one of the most common timber connection is the half-lap joint. Connections play a major role in the overall behaviour of a structure, particularly when assessing their seismic response, since damage is concentrated at the connections. For this reason, an experimental campaign was designed and distinct types of tests were carried out on traditional half-lap joints to assess their in-plane response. In particular, pull-out and in-plane cyclic tests were carried out on real scale unreinforced connections. Subsequently, the connections were retrofitted, using strengthening techniques such as self-tapping screws, steel plates and GFRP sheets. The tests chosen were meant to capture the hysteretic behaviour and dissipative capacity of the connections and characterise their response and, therefore, their influence on the seismic response of timber frame walls, particularly concerning their uplifting and rotation capacity, that could lead to rocking in the walls. In this paper, the results of the experimental campaign are presented in terms of hysteretic curves, dissipated energy and equivalent viscous damping ratio. Moreover, recommendations are provided on the most appropriate retrofitting solutions.
An exterior body panel solution containing a polydicyclopentadiene skin attached to an interior metallic reinforcement through adhesive bonding is being studied to be applied in the MobiCar bonnet. With this solution is expected to achieve lightness, adequate structural integrity and cost-efficiency. However, there is uncertainty regarding to the bonnet adhesiveness since different metallic materials and adhesive types are being considered for its development. Thus, in this paper, several samples are tested through shear loading with the aim of understanding the loading magnitude expected by using polydicyclopentadiene, steel DC04+ZE and aluminum alloy AW5754-H111 as substrates adhesively bonded by an epoxy or a methacrylate. Methacrylate adhesive have shown greater shear strength in all types of adhesive joints. PDCPD joints presented the highest displacements. Surface degradation was considered adequate over abrading once none strength difference was seen between the different surface treatments. Steel treated by cataphoresis has shown the highest joint interface strength.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Materials Engineering
"Series title: Springerbriefs in applied sciences and technology, ISSN 2191-530X"
In the investigation and diagnosis of damages to historical masonry structures, the state of stress of the masonry is an important characteristic that must be determined with as much accuracy as possible. Flat-jack testing is a traditional method used to determine the state of stress in historical masonry structures. However, when irregular masonry is tested the method can cause damage to the masonry units and the accuracy of the method is reduced. An enhanced technique, called tube-jack testing, is being developed at the University of Minho to reduce the damage caused during testing and improve the accuracy when used on irregular masonry. This method uses multiple cylindrical jacks inserted in a line of holes drilled in the mortar joints of the masonry, avoiding damage to the masonry units. Concurrently with the development of tube-jack testing, the effect of stress state on sonic testing is being studied. Sonic testing is often used to determine locations of voids and damage in masonry. The focus of these studies was to determine if the state of stress is influencing the sonic test results. In this paper the results of tube-jack testing and sonic testing on masonry walls, built for the purpose of this study in the laboratory, loaded in compression is presented. The tube-jack testing is used to estimate the state of stress in the masonry and the sonic test results are evaluated based on the effect of the applied load on the wall. Future testing and study are suggested for continued development of these test methods.
The force distribution inside a dovetail joint is complex. Wood is simultaneously loaded in different directions in the several connected surfaces. The analytical solutions available for the analysis of the behavior of those carpentry joints rely on the mechanical properties of wood. In particular, the stiffness properties of wood under compression are crucial for the forces equilibrium. Simulations showed that the stiffness values considered in each of the springs normally assumed in the analytical models, have great influence in the bearing capacity and stiffness of the dovetail joints, with important consequence on the stress distribution over the overall structure. In a wide experimental campaign, the properties under compression of the most common wood species of existing timber structures have been determined. Then, a solved example of a dovetail joint is presented assuming different wood species and the corresponding strength and stiffness properties values obtained in the tests.
Dovetail joints are one of the most cornrnonly used joints during Gothic and Baroque periods. Despite being coristructed in the sarne way during the ages, there is no analyticai solution available to help its analysis and design so required in reconstruction works of existing timber structures. An analytical solution based on the principie of virtual works under different types of loading is presented in this paper as weli as differences in bearing capacity of the joint for chosen types of loading, when different wood species are used. The accuracy of the presented solution is confirrned by data obtained from experimental tests of scaied modeis of a dovetail joint.
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Humana
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica
The influence of the hip joint formulation on the kinematic response of the model of human gait is investigated throughout this work. To accomplish this goal, the fundamental issues of the modeling process of a planar hip joint under the framework of multibody systems are revisited. In particular, the formulations for the ideal, dry, and lubricated revolute joints are described and utilized for the interaction of femur head inside acetabulum or the hip bone. In this process, the main kinematic and dynamic aspects of hip joints are analyzed. In a simple manner, the forces that are generated during human gait, for both dry and lubricated hip joint models, are computed in terms of the system’s state variables and subsequently introduced into the dynamics equations of motion of the multibody system as external generalized forces. Moreover, a human multibody model is considered, which incorporates the different approaches for the hip articulation, namely ideal joint, dry, and lubricated models. Finally, several computational simulations based on different approaches are performed, and the main results presented and compared to identify differences among the methodologies and procedures adopted in this work. The input conditions to the models correspond to the experimental data capture from an adult male during normal gait. In general, the obtained results in terms of positions do not differ significantly when the different hip joint models are considered. In sharp contrast, the velocity and acceleration plotted vary significantly. The effect of the hip joint modeling approach is clearly measurable and visible in terms of peaks and oscillations of the velocities and accelerations. In general, with the dry hip model, intra-joint force peaks can be observed, which can be associated with the multiple impacts between the femur head and the cup. In turn, when the lubricant is present, the system’s response tends to be smoother due to the damping effects of the synovial fluid.