3 resultados para Veterinary Practice Management
em Universidade do Minho
A single supply chain management (SCM) practice will have a certain impact on organizational performance(OP). However, since it is placed in a system that many other practices are conducted simultaneously, the practice itself will interact with other ones and have a greater impact on OP. This mechanism is named the "resonant" influence. The technique of Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the above mechanism with data collected from Vietnamese garment enterprises. The tcst results showed that the model without mutual interaction among SCM practices could explain 42.8%, 26.3% and 34% variance of operational performance, customer satisfaction and financial performance. While the one containing this interaction is capable to explain 69.5%, 33.1% and 57.3%, respectively.
Project Management involves onetime endeavors that demand for getting it right the first time. On the other hand, project scheduling, being one of the most modeled project management process stages, still faces a wide gap from theory to practice. Demanding computational models and their consequent call for simplification, divert the implementation of such models in project management tools from the actual day to day project management process. Special focus is being made to the robustness of the generated project schedules facing the omnipresence of uncertainty. An "easy" way out is to add, more or less cleverly calculated, time buffers that always result in project duration increase and correspondingly, in cost. A better approach to deal with uncertainty seems to be to explore slack that might be present in a given project schedule, a fortiori when a non-optimal schedule is used. The combination of such approach to recent advances in modeling resource allocation and scheduling techniques to cope with the increasing flexibility in resources, as can be expressed in "Flexible Resource Constraint Project Scheduling Problem" (FRCPSP) formulations, should be a promising line of research to generate more adequate project management tools. In reality, this approach has been frequently used, by project managers in an ad-hoc way.
Large scale distributed data stores rely on optimistic replication to scale and remain highly available in the face of net work partitions. Managing data without coordination results in eventually consistent data stores that allow for concurrent data updates. These systems often use anti-entropy mechanisms (like Merkle Trees) to detect and repair divergent data versions across nodes. However, in practice hash-based data structures are too expensive for large amounts of data and create too many false conflicts. Another aspect of eventual consistency is detecting write conflicts. Logical clocks are often used to track data causality, necessary to detect causally concurrent writes on the same key. However, there is a nonnegligible metadata overhead per key, which also keeps growing with time, proportional with the node churn rate. Another challenge is deleting keys while respecting causality: while the values can be deleted, perkey metadata cannot be permanently removed without coordination. Weintroduceanewcausalitymanagementframeworkforeventuallyconsistentdatastores,thatleveragesnodelogicalclocks(BitmappedVersion Vectors) and a new key logical clock (Dotted Causal Container) to provides advantages on multiple fronts: 1) a new efficient and lightweight anti-entropy mechanism; 2) greatly reduced per-key causality metadata size; 3) accurate key deletes without permanent metadata.