9 resultados para Tinkling Spring Presbyterian Church (Augusta County, Va.)
em Universidade do Minho
This paper aims to present the main features of the roman theatre of Bracara Augusta identified in 1999. Although it is still under study, a significant set of evidence made it possible to present its characteristics, to value the socioeconomic issues related with its construction and to discuss the aspects related to the development of the NW Iberian Peninsula cities, where traditionally this type of equipment was believed to be absent, and to understand the diffusion of roman public architecture models in peripheral regions within the Western Empire.
This paper presents a methodology based on the Bayesian data fusion techniques applied to non-destructive and destructive tests for the structural assessment of historical constructions. The aim of the methodology is to reduce the uncertainties of the parameter estimation. The Young's modulus of granite stones was chosen as an example for the present paper. The methodology considers several levels of uncertainty since the parameters of interest are considered random variables with random moments. A new concept of Trust Factor was introduced to affect the uncertainty related to each test results, translated by their standard deviation, depending on the higher or lower reliability of each test to predict a certain parameter.
The Our Lady of Conception church is located in village of Monforte (Portugal) and is not in use nowadays. The church presents structural damage and, consequently, a study was carried out. The study involved the survey of the damage, dynamic identification tests under ambient vibration and the numerical analysis. The church is constituted by the central nave, the chancel, the sacristy and the corridor to access the pulpit. The masonry walls present different thickness, namely 0.65 m in the chancel, 0.70 m in the sacristy, 0.92 in the central nave and 0.65 m in the corridor. The masonry walls present 8 buttresses with different dimensions. The total longitudinal and transversal dimensions of the church are equal to 21.10 m and 14.26 m, respectively. The survey of the damage showed that, in general, the masonry walls are in good conditions, with exception of the transversal walls of the nave, which present severe cracks. The arches of the vault presents also severe cracks along the central nave. As consequence, the infiltrations have increased the degradation of the vault and paintings. Furthermore, the foundations present settlements in the Southwest direction. The dynamic identification test were carried out under the action of ambient excitation of the wind and using 12 piezoelectric accelerometers of high sensitivity. The dynamic identification tests allowed to estimate the dynamic properties of the church, namely frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios. A FEM numerical model was prepared and calibrated, based on the first four experimental modes estimated in the dynamic identification tests. The average error between the experimental and numerical frequencies of the first four modes is equal to 5%. After calibration of the numerical model, pushover analyses with a load pattern proportional to the mass, in the transversal and longitudinal direction of the church, were performed. The results of the analysis numerical allow to conclude that the most vulnerable direction of the church is in the transversal one and the maximum load factor is equal to 0.35.
The excavations carried out under the rescue “Project of Bracara Augusta” have generated significant amounts of data that enabled the reconstruction of Bracara Augusta urban evolution and the characterization of its buildings and blocks. This paper aims to enhance the existing data related with the domestic architecture of the roman town, which was mainly represented by the houses of domus type.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Políticas Comunitárias e Cooperação Territorial
A identificação do conjunto arqueológico das Carvalheiras ocorreu em 1983, na sequência de uma escavaão realizada num terreno livre, situado a oeste da R. dos Marchantes, onde se previa construir uma escola e infra-estruturas desportivas. A abertura de algumas sondagens na parte sudoeste do terreno viria a pôr de imediato a descoberto o cruzamento de duas ruas e muros bem conservados de duas habitações distintas. O interesse das ruínas levou ao prolongamento dos trabalhos durante o ano de 1984, tendo sido abandonado o projecto de construção da escola. Várias campanhas de escavaão, que se prolongaram até 1986, permitiram, entretanto, descobrir cerca de metade de uma habitação romana, ladeada de pórticos dispostos ao longo de duas ruas.
Between 2008 and 2009 a preventive excavation supervised by the Unit of Archaeology of the University of Minho was conducted in an area with approximately 5000 square meters allowing the identification of a wide sector of the Via XVII necropolis, which is one of the five roman necropolises known to have existed in Bracara Augusta. The findings enabled us to define a typological framework related with incinerations, to understand the internal organization of the necropolis and recover the ritual marks of the funerary practices between the first century BC and the second century AD.
Os construtores e artesãos de Bracara Augusta assumiram um papel importante na economia da cidade. Formam um grupo de indivíduos complexo e diversificado, frequentemente invisíveis nas fontes escritas, cuja atividade recuperamos através da Arqueologia. A cidade conheceu, desde muito cedo, e ao longo da sua história, um protagonismo crescente, caracterizado por importantes funções administrativas e religiosas. Este crescimento político gradual foi acompanhado de uma significativa e permanente actividade construtiva, cuja análise nos transporta ao universo da economia, do mundo social do trabalho, da inovaão e das modas. Neste artigo, procuraremos identificar os vários ofícios que estão por de trás desse dinamismo, frequentemente denunciados pelas estruturas e materiais que produziram, apreciaram e/ou adquiriram.
As escavaões realizadas em Braga ao longo das últimas três décadas forneceram dados que permitem analisar neste trabalho a temática da arquitetura doméstica de Bracara Augusta. Durante este período foi reunido um significativo acervo de dados arqueológicos que, apesar de desiguais quanto ao volume e qualidade de informação, possibilitam a caracterização de algumas habitações, ainda que exclusivamente incluídas na categoria de domus, já que o registo arqueológico ainda não forneceu, qualquer outro tipo de estrutura habitacional urbana. Pretende-se contextualizar este tipo de casa, analisando as diferentes partes orgânicas, evidenciando as suas especificidades formais, construtivas e funcionais.