9 resultados para Tesi Biografia Aristides de Sousa Mendes
em Universidade do Minho
Objective:Innovative moments (IMs) are moments in the therapeutic dialog that constitute exceptions toward the client's problems. These narrative markers of meaning transformation are associated with change in different models of therapy and diverse diagnoses. Our goal is to test if IMs precede symptoms change, or, on the contrary, are a mere consequence of symptomatic 15 change. Method: For this purpose, IMs and symptomatology (Outcome Questionnaire-10.2) were assessed at every session in a sample of 10 cases of narrative therapy for depression. Hierarchical linear modeling was conducted to explore whether (i) IMs in a given session predict patients' symptoms in the following session and/or (ii) symptoms in a given session predict IMs in the next session. Results: Results suggested that IMs are better predictors of symptoms than the reverse. Conclusions: These results are discussed considering the contribution of meanings and narrative processes' changes to symptomatic improvement.
Texto para catálogo de exposição com desenhos de Joaquim Pinto Vieira, Daniel Silvestre Silva, Manuel Mendes, Nuno Sousa, Miguel Bandeira Duarte, José Miguel Cardoso, Paulo Freire de Almeida. A exposição decorreu na Escola de Arquitectura da Universidade do Minho em junho de 2015 e no Palacete da Praça de S. Tiago / Extensão do Museu Alberto Sampaio em outubro de 2015.
Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia Ambiental e Molecular
Body and brain undergo several changes with aging. One of the domains in which these changes are more remarkable relates with cognitive performance. In the present work, electroencephalogram (EEG) markers (power spectral density and spectral coherence) of age-related cognitive decline were sought whilst the subjects performed the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). Considering the expected age-related cognitive deficits, WCST was applied to young, mid-age and elderly participants, and the theta and alpha frequency bands were analyzed. From the results herein presented, higher theta and alpha power were found to be associated with a good performance in the WCST of younger subjects. Additionally, higher theta and alpha coherence were also associated with good performance and were shown to decline with age and a decrease in alpha peak frequency seems to be associated with aging. Additionally, inter-hemispheric long-range coherences and parietal theta power were identified as age-independent EEG correlates of cognitive performance. In summary, these data reveals age-dependent as well as age-independent EEG correlates of cognitive performance that contribute to the understanding of brain aging and related cognitive deficits.
It has been the main concern of CEHUM, as a Research Centre within the Humanities which operates in an inter and transdisciplinary structure to listen attentively to the “noise of the world” and attempt a global interpretation of the signs of the times issuing from the world around us, as vibrant echoes of many social and cultural pressing issues. Every year each new Colóquio de Outono attempts to give evidence of that concern through the topic chosen for debate, ample enough and challenging enough to trigger a lively multidisciplinary dialogue amongst the diff erent research groups that compose this centre, the participants and our invited guest speakers. Throughout the three days of this 16th Colóquio de Outono we had the privilege to debate the propositions of a vast number of national and international specialists in the manifold fi elds of inquiry here represented, engaging keynote speakers, project advisors, members of research teams and external researchers attached to the various research projects currently running in CEHUM, in the fi elds of literature, linguistics, philosophy, ethics, visual arts, cultural studies, music and performance. Each specifi c fi eld of studies was however never seen isolated, but always embodied in a geo-cultural context and within the scope of a wide variety of critical debates and current theories of knowledge, as a signal of our understanding of the Humanities as a rich and plural territory which engages us all, scholars, researchers, students.
Número temático: A semântica cognitiva em foco
Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Intervenção Precoce)
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura (área de especialização em Cultura Arquitectónica)
Coleção Hespérides. Literatura n.º 28