6 resultados para Sun: magnetic fields
em Universidade do Minho
The manipulation of electric ordering with applied magnetic fields has been realized on magnetoelectric (ME) materials, however, their ME switching is often accompanied by significant hysteresis and coercivity that represents, for some applications, a severe weakness. To overcome this obstacle, this work focus on the development of a new type of ME polymer nanocomposites that exhibits tailored ME response at room temperature. The multiferroic nanocomposites are based on three different ferrite nanoparticles, Zn0.2Mn0.8Fe2O4 (ZMFO), CoFe2O4 (CFO) and Fe3O4 (FO), dispersed in a piezoelectric co-polymer poly(vinylindene fluoride-trifluoroethylene), P(VDF-TrFE), matrix. No substantial differences were detected on the time-stable piezoelectric response of the composites (��� -28 pC.N���1) with distinct ferrite fillers and for the same ferrite content of 10wt.%. Magnetic hysteresis loops from pure ferrite nanopowders showed different magnetic responses. ME results of the nanocomposite films with 10wt.% ferrite content revealed that the ME induced voltage increases with increasing DC magnetic field until a maximum of 6.5 mV���cm���1���Oe���1, at an optimum magnetic field of 0.26 T, and 0.8 mV���cm���1���Oe���1, at an optimum magnetic field of 0.15T, for the CFO/P(VDF-TrFE) and FO/P(VDF-TrFE) composites, respectively. On the contrary, the ME response of the ZMFO/P(VDF-TrFE) exposed no hysteresis and high dependence on the ZMFO filler content. Possible innovative applications such as memories and information storage, signal processing, ME sensors and oscillators have been addressed for such ferrite/PVDF nanocomposites.
Companies and researchers involved in developing miniaturized electronic devices face the basic problem of the needed batteries size, finite life of time and environmental pollution caused by their final deposition. The current trends to overcome this situation point towards Energy Harvesting technology. These harvesters (or scavengers) store the energy from sources present in the ambient (as wind, solar, electromagnetic, etc) and are costless for us. Piezoelectric devices are the ones that show a higher power density, and materials as ceramic PZT or polymeric PVDF have already demonstrated their ability to act as such energy harvester elements. Combinations between piezoelectric and electromagnetic mechanism have been also extensively investigated. Nevertheless, the power generated by these combinations is limited under the application of small magnetic fields, reducing the performance of the energy harvester [1]. In the last years the appearance of magnetoelectric (ME) devices, in which the piezoelectric deformation is driven by the magnetostrictive element, enables to extract the energy of very small electromagnetic signals through the generated magnetoelectric voltage at the piezoelectric element. However, very little work has been done testing PVDF polymer as piezoelectric constituent of the ME energy harvester device, and only to be proposed as a possibility of application [2]. Among the advantages of using piezopolymers for vibrational energy harvesting we can remember that they are ductile, resilient to shock, deformable and lightweight. In this work we demonstrate the feasibility of using magnetostrictive Fe-rich magnetic amorphous alloys/piezoelectric PVDF sandwich-type laminated ME devices as energy harvesters. A very simple experimental set-up will show how these laminates can extract energy, in amounts of ��W, from an external AC field.
We investigate the spontaneous emission rate of a two-level quantum emitter near a graphene-coated substrate under the influence of an external magnetic field or strain induced pseudo-magnetic field. We demonstrate that the application of the magnetic field can substantially increase or decrease the decay rate. We show that a suppression as large as 99$\%$ in the Purcell factor is achieved even for moderate magnetic fields. The emitter's lifetime is a discontinuous function of $|{\bf B}|$, which is a direct consequence of the occurrence of discrete Landau levels in graphene. We demonstrate that, in the near-field regime, the magnetic field enables an unprecedented control of the decay pathways into which the photon/polariton can be emitted. Our findings strongly suggest that a magnetic field could act as an efficient agent for on-demand, active control of light-matter interactions in graphene at the quantum level.
Disserta����o de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletr��nica Industrial e Computadores
Disserta����o de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletr��nica Industrial e Computadores
Disserta����o de mestrado em Biof��sica e Bionanossistemas