4 resultados para Roca, Paco
em Universidade do Minho
A presente comunicação descreve o estudo paramétrico desenvolvido com base no método dos elementos finitos (MEF) para analisar a influência de factores geométricos e mecânicos no comportamento à flexo-compressão de pilares de betão armado (BA) reforçados com cantoneiras e presilhas de aço (steel caging). Com base num modelo de elementos finitos 3D, levou-se a cabo um estudo numérico sobre a influência de vários fatores no comportamento à flexo-compressão de pilares BA. Esses factores são: a dimensão dos pilares, a dimensão dos elementos que formam o reforço (cantoneiras e presilhas) e as propriedades mecânicas dos materiais constituintes do pilar de betão armado e do reforço (cantoneiras e presilhas de aço).
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
The aim of this paper is to predict time series of SO2 concentrations emitted by coal-fired power stations in order to estimate in advance emission episodes and analyze the influence of some meteorological variables in the prediction. An emission episode is said to occur when the series of bi-hourly means of SO2 is greater than a specific level. For coal-fired power stations it is essential to predict emission epi- sodes sufficiently in advance so appropriate preventive measures can be taken. We proposed a meth- odology to predict SO2 emission episodes based on using an additive model and an algorithm for variable selection. The methodology was applied to the estimation of SO2 emissions registered in sampling lo- cations near a coal-fired power station located in Northern Spain. The results obtained indicate a good performance of the model considering only two terms of the time series and that the inclusion of the meteorological variables in the model is not significant.
The suitability of a total-length-based, minimum capture-size and different protection regimes was investigated for the gooseneck barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes shellfishery in N Spain. For this analysis, individuals that were collected from 10 sites under different fishery protection regimes (permanently open, seasonally closed, and permanently closed) were used. First, we applied a non-parametric regression model to explore the relationship between the capitulum Rostro-Tergum (RT) size and the Total Length (TL). Important heteroskedastic disturbances were detected for this relationship, demon- strating a high variability of TL with respect to RT. This result substantiates the unsuitability of a TL-based minimum size by means of a mathematical model. Due to these disturbances, an alternative growth- based minimum capture size of 26.3 mm RT (23 mm RC) was estimated using the first derivative of a Kernel-based non-parametric regression model for the relationship between RT and dry weight. For this purpose, data from the permanently protected area were used to avoid bias due to the fishery. Second, the size-frequency distribution similarity was computed using a MDS analysis for the studied sites to evaluate the effectiveness of the protection regimes. The results of this analysis indicated a positive effect of the permanent protection, while the effect of the seasonal closure was not detected. This result needs to be interpreted with caution because the current harvesting based on a potentially unsuitable mini- mum capture size may dampen the efficacy of the seasonal protection regime.