21 resultados para Povo da rua
em Universidade do Minho
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura (área de especialização em Cidade e Território)
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as percepções sobre enfrentamento das mudanças climáticas dos jornalistas que participaram do processo de produção de notícias sobre este assunto no jornal Gazeta do Povo, o de maior circulação no estado do Paraná, sul do Brasil, no ano de 2013, e relacioná-las com a função social do jornalismo e suas potencialidades no que tange à governança dos riscos climáticos, especialmente no nível local. A análise apresentada faz parte da pesquisa de doutorado da primeira autora que pretende concatenar as diferentes etapas do circuito da notícia pensando na comunicação, percepção e governança atreladas a questão climática. Neste texto nos centramos na discussão do papel da imprensa e do próprio profissional diante do problema das alterações do clima, concluindo que os respondentes atribuem funções sociais significativas à imprensa, mas não se veem como elementos-chave na promoção da governança climática, atribuindo mais responsabilidades a outros setores e justificando suas limitações a partir de normas e critérios profissionais.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura (área de especialização em Cultura Arquitectónica)
Publicado em "Tempos sociais e o mundo contemporâneo: as crises, as fases e as ruturas". ISBN 978-989-8600-23-3
Barotrauma is identified as one of the leading diseases in Ventilated Patients. This type of problem is most common in the Intensive Care Units. In order to prevent this problem the use of Data Mining (DM) can be useful for predicting their occurrence. The main goal is to predict the occurence of Barotrauma in order to support the health professionals taking necessary precautions. In a first step intensivists identified the Plateau Pressure values as a possible cause of Barotrauma. Through this study DM models (classification) where induced for predicting the Plateau Pressure class (>=30 cm
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9273
An increasing number of m-Health applications are being developed benefiting health service delivery. In this paper, a new methodology based on the principle of calm computing applied to diagnostic and therapeutic procedure reporting is proposed. A mobile application was designed for the physicians of one of the Portuguese major hospitals, which takes advantage of a multi-agent interoperability platform, the Agency for the Integration, Diffusion and Archive (AIDA). This application allows the visualization of inpatients and outpatients medical reports in a quicker and safer manner, in addition to offer a remote access to information. This project shows the advantages in the use of mobile software in a medical environment but the first step is always to build or use an interoperability platform, flexible, adaptable and pervasive. The platform offers a comprehensive set of services that restricts the development of mobile software almost exclusively to the mobile user interface design. The technology was tested and assessed in a real context by intensivists.
In Intensive Medicine, the presentation of medical information is done in many ways, depending on the type of data collected and stored. The way in which the information is presented can make it difficult for intensivists to quickly understand the patient's condition. When there is the need to cross between several types of clinical data sources the situation is even worse. This research seeks to explore a new way of presenting information about patients, based on the timeframe in which events occur. By developing an interactive Patient Timeline, intensivists will have access to a new environment in real-time where they can consult the patient clinical history and the data collected until the moment. The medical history will be available from the moment in which patients is admitted in the ICU until discharge, allowing intensivist to examine data regarding vital signs, medication, exams, among others. This timeline also intends to, through the use of information and models produced by the INTCare system, combine several clinical data in order to help diagnose the future patients’ conditions. This platform will help intensivists to make more accurate decision. This paper presents the first approach of the solution designed
The occurrence of Barotrauma is identified as a major concern for health professionals, since it can be fatal for patients. In order to support the decision process and to predict the risk of occurring barotrauma Data Mining models were induced. Based on this principle, the present study addresses the Data Mining process aiming to provide hourly probability of a patient has Barotrauma. The process of discovering implicit knowledge in data collected from Intensive Care Units patientswas achieved through the standard process Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining. With the goal of making predictions according to the classification approach they several DM techniques were selected: Decision Trees, Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine. The study was focused on identifying the validity and viability to predict a composite variable. To predict the Barotrauma two classes were created: “risk” and “no risk”. Such target come from combining two variables: Plateau Pressure and PCO2. The best models presented a sensitivity between 96.19% and 100%. In terms of accuracy the values varied between 87.5% and 100%. This study and the achieved results demonstrated the feasibility of predicting the risk of a patient having Barotrauma by presenting the probability associated.
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Administrativo
Este trabalho traz uma reflexão sobre a Educação Indígena no Brasil, com base em dados históricos e estatísticos, de forma a melhor compreender e adequar o currículo escolar às diferentes realidades contextuais. Compreender a educação dos índios nos dias atuais requer uma breve recomposição da historicidade desse povo. Exige o reconhecimento dos 500 anos de história do Brasil, onde os povos indígenas foram expostos a um violento processo civilizatório que implicou em transformações na cultura e identidade desses povos. Mesmo com o desenvolvimento de política de proteção ao índio e com leis voltadas para lhes assegurar a cidadania, observa-se um quadro de exclusão social e cultural.. Entretanto, a cidadania indígena vem sendo negada ao mesmo tempo em que se legitimam discursos de respeito à diversidade e a diferença. A Escola indígena específica e diferenciada surge como um projeto pensado pelos movimentos indígenas com a finalidade de reparar a lacuna existente na história da educação nacional.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura
"Lecture notes in computer science series", ISSN 0302-9743, vol. 9121
Dissertação de mestrado em Direitos Humanos
Dissertação de mestrado em Sociologia (área de especialização em Organizações e Trabalho)