9 resultados para Offline programing
em Universidade do Minho
As crianças evidenciam uma atitude de curiosidade e de questionamento, procurando encontrar respostas para as suas dúvidas. Nesta atitude reside já a sua predisposição para a pesquisa. Torna-se, por isso, importante que os professores estimulem e integrem a pesquisa no processo educativo. Este artigo relata o percurso investigativo no contexto da intervenção pedagógica concretizado numa turma do 4.º ano de escolaridade do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico. As crianças foram confrontadas com a complexidade do processo de pesquisa trabalhando com diferentes meios, nomeadamente internet, livros e entrevista. Metodologicamente tratou-se de um estudo de caso de caráter descrito-interpretativo.
Dissertação de mestrado em Comunicação, Arte e Cultura
Dissertação de mestrado em redes e serviços telemáticos
In the present work the benefits of using graphics processing units (GPU) to aid the design of complex geometry profile extrusion dies, are studied. For that purpose, a3Dfinite volume based code that employs unstructured meshes to solve and couple the continuity, momentum and energy conservation equations governing the fluid flow, together with aconstitutive equation, was used. To evaluate the possibility of reducing the calculation time spent on the numerical calculations, the numerical code was parallelized in the GPU, using asimple programing approach without complex memory manipulations. For verificationpurposes, simulations were performed for three benchmark problems: Poiseuille flow, lid-driven cavity flow and flow around acylinder. Subsequently, the code was used on the design of two real life extrusion dies for the production of a medical catheter and a wood plastic composite decking profile. To evaluate the benefits, the results obtained with the GPU parallelized code were compared, in terms of speedup, with a serial implementation of the same code, that traditionally runs on the central processing unit (CPU). The results obtained show that, even with the simple parallelization approach employed, it was possible to obtain a significant reduction of the computation times.
About 90% of breast cancers do not cause or are capable of producing death if detected at an early stage and treated properly. Indeed, it is still not known a specific cause for the illness. It may be not only a beginning, but also a set of associations that will determine the onset of the disease. Undeniably, there are some factors that seem to be associated with the boosted risk of the malady. Pondering the present study, different breast cancer risk assessment models where considered. It is our intention to develop a hybrid decision support system under a formal framework based on Logic Programming for knowledge representation and reasoning, complemented with an approach to computing centered on Artificial Neural Networks, to evaluate the risk of developing breast cancer and the respective Degree-of-Confidence that one has on such a happening.
This paper describes the trigger and offline reconstruction, identification and energy calibration algorithms for hadronic decays of tau leptons employed for the data collected from pp collisions in 2012 with the ATLAS detector at the LHC center-of-mass energy s√ = 8 TeV. The performance of these algorithms is measured in most cases with Z decays to tau leptons using the full 2012 dataset, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. An uncertainty on the offline reconstructed tau energy scale of 2% to 4%, depending on transverse energy and pseudorapidity, is achieved using two independent methods. The offline tau identification efficiency is measured with a precision of 2.5% for hadronically decaying tau leptons with one associated track, and of 4% for the case of three associated tracks, inclusive in pseudorapidity and for a visible transverse energy greater than 20 GeV. For hadronic tau lepton decays selected by offline algorithms, the tau trigger identification efficiency is measured with a precision of 2% to 8%, depending on the transverse energy. The performance of the tau algorithms, both offline and at the trigger level, is found to be stable with respect to the number of concurrent proton--proton interactions and has supported a variety of physics results using hadronically decaying tau leptons at ATLAS.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Temporal logics targeting real-time systems are traditionally undecidable. Based on a restricted fragment of MTL-R, we propose a new approach for the runtime verification of hard real-time systems. The novelty of our technique is that it is based on incremental evaluation, allowing us to e↵ectively treat duration properties (which play a crucial role in real-time systems). We describe the two levels of operation of our approach: offline simplification by quantifier removal techniques; and online evaluation of a three-valued interpretation for formulas of our fragment. Our experiments show the applicability of this mechanism as well as the validity of the provided complexity results.