2 resultados para International Society for Folk Narrative Research, ISFNR
em Universidade do Minho
[Excerto] Hoje, como antes, a nossa vida é marcada por mudanças de luminosidade onde a luz tem o poder de marcar o ambiente físico e psicológico por onde passamos. Como refere Rudolf Arnheim (1997), em Arte e percepção visual, a luz é muito mais do que a causa física do que vemos, ou o pré--requisito prático para a maioria das nossas atividades. Psicologicamente, é uma das experiências humanas mais fundamentais e poderosas que existem; é a contraparte visual do calor e interpreta para os olhos o ciclo vital das horas e das estações, isto é, a passagem do tempo. Por este motivo, a luz foi venerada e celebrada em tantas civilizações antigas, e, embora desprovida do seu caráter sobrenatural, a luz não tem nos tempos modernos menor importância do que no passado. No paradigma da ciência moderna, reafirma-se a antiga convicção de que a luz é a fonte principal da vida terrestre e tudo o que existe no universo é condicionado pela sua presença(...).
Noting that maternal depression is common during a baby's first year, this study examined the interaction of depressed and non-depressed mother-child dyads. A sample of 26 first-time mothers with postpartum depression at the third month after birth and their 3-month-old infants was compared to a sample of 25 first-time mothers with no postpartum depression at the third month after birth and their 3-month-old infants. The observations were repeated at 6 months and again at 12 months postpartum. The samples were compared for differences in mother interaction behavior, mother's infant care, mother's concern with the baby, infant behavioral difficulties, infant mental and motor development, and infant behavior with the observer. Among the findings are the following: (1) depressed mothers' interaction behavior and care of their infants are less adequate than the non-depressed mothers' interaction behavior and care of their infants at 3, 6, and 12 months postpartum; (2) infants' interaction behaviors during feeding and face-to-face interaction with depressed mothers are less adequate than infants' interactions with non-depressed mothers at 3, 6, and 12 months postpartum; (3) mother-infant interactions are less adequate in the depressed mother dyads than the non-depressed dyads at 3, 6, and 12 months postpartum; (4) depressed mothers are less concerned about their infants than non-depressed mothers at 3, 6, and 12 months postpartum; (5) infants of depressed mothers have more behavioral difficulties at 3, 6, and 12 months postpartum than infants of non-depressed mothers; (6) infants of depressed mothers had lower mental and motor development rates at 6 and 12 months postpartum than infants of non-depressed mothers; and (7) infants of non-depressed mothers behaved in a more positive way with the observer than the infants of depressed mothers. (AS)