18 resultados para Design, arte e tecnologia
em Universidade do Minho
O volume I desta obra encontra-se disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/1822/35539
Tese de Doutoramento Plano Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrónica e de Computadores.
The MAP-i doctoral program of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto
PhD thesis in Bioengineering
In this work, the optimization of an extrusion die designed for the production of a wood–plastic composite (WPC) decking profile is investigated. The optimization was performed with the help of numerical tools, more precisely, by solving the continuity and momentum conservation equations that govern such flow, and aiming to balance properly the flow distribution at the extrusion die flow channel outlet. To capture the rheological behavior of the material, we used a Bird-Carreau model with parameters obtained from a fit to the (shear viscosity versus shearrate) experimental data, collected from rheological tests. To yield a balanced output flow, several numerical runs were performed by adjusting the flow restriction at different regions of the flow-channel parallel zone crosssection. The simulations were compared with the experimental results and an excellent qualitative agreement was obtained, allowing, in this way, to attain a good balancing of the output flow and emphasizing the advantages of using numerical tools to aid the design of profile extrusion dies.
Specific tissues, such as cartilage undergo mechanical solicitation under their normal performance in human body. In this sense, it seems necessary that proper tissue engineering strategies of these tissues should incorporate mechanical solicitations during cell culture, in order to properly evaluate the influence of the mechanical stimulus. This work reports on a user-friendly bioreactor suitable for applying controlled mechanical stimulation - amplitude and frequency - to three dimensional scaffolds. Its design and main components are described, as well as its operation characteristics. The modular design allows easy cleaning and operating under laminar hood. Different protocols for the sterilization of the hermetic enclosure are tested and ensure lack of observable contaminations, complying with the requirements to be used for cell culture. The cell viability study was performed with KUM5 cells.
Tese de Doutoramento Engenharia Têxtil.
O conceito de qualidade de vida surge pela primeira vez em 1920, através do economista inglês Arthur Cecil Pigou, que utiliza este termo para descrever o impacto governamental sobre a vida das pessoas mais desfavorecidas. Com a instalação de uma era industrializada e com o fim da 2º Guerra Mundial, a sociedade mudou de paradigma e iniciou uma procura incessante de formas para melhorar a sua qualidade de vida. Este conceito desenvolve-se juntamente com o desenvolvimento do conceito de educação, saúde, habitação, transporte, trabalho e lazer, bem como indicadores do aumento da esperança de vida, a diminuição da mortalidade infantil e dos níveis de poluição. O avanço da tecnologia teve um papel fundamental para a evolução desses conceitos, bem como o Design na procura de soluções para aplicação dessas mesmas tecnologias. No caso concreto da indústria tèxtil, a tendência é o desenvolvimento de têxteis inteligentes envolvendo a engenharia electrónica no seu processo de conceptualização e de fabrico. A chamada tecnologia wearable abre novos horizontes para a criação de soluções inovadoras, abrindo novos nichos de mercado com elevado valor acrescentado. Existem atualmente vários produtos no mercado cuja funcionalidade e utilidade lhes conferiu um estatuto imutável ao longo dos anos, onde a evolução não avançou na tendência atual. Esse é o caso dos tecidos estreitos, cuja funcionalidade poderá adquirir novas capacidades e ser utilizada em diferentes componentes têxteis nas mais variadas áreas. Essas capacidades poderão ser acrescentadas pela incorporação de materiais com luminosidade (Led’s e L-Wire) nas suas estruturas. Neste estudo realizado o design de produtos com novas funcionalidades, adaptando as tecnologias até agora desenvolvidas em novas soluções e/ou novas recriações de produto.
This paper addresses the challenging task of computing multiple roots of a system of nonlinear equations. A repulsion algorithm that invokes the Nelder-Mead (N-M) local search method and uses a penalty-type merit function based on the error function, known as 'erf', is presented. In the N-M algorithm context, different strategies are proposed to enhance the quality of the solutions and improve the overall efficiency. The main goal of this paper is to use a two-level factorial design of experiments to analyze the statistical significance of the observed differences in selected performance criteria produced when testing different strategies in the N-M based repulsion algorithm. The main goal of this paper is to use a two-level factorial design of experiments to analyze the statistical significance of the observed differences in selected performance criteria produced when testing different strategies in the N-M based repulsion algorithm.
Firefly Algorithm is a recent swarm intelligence method, inspired by the social behavior of fireflies, based on their flashing and attraction characteristics [1, 2]. In this paper, we analyze the implementation of a dynamic penalty approach combined with the Firefly algorithm for solving constrained global optimization problems. In order to assess the applicability and performance of the proposed method, some benchmark problems from engineering design optimization are considered.
Dissertação de mestrado em Design e Marketing
Linguagem da Ciência e a problematização na área da Cibercultura: O objecto de estudos científico; conceitos e teoria; Conceitos principais; A validade dos conceitos; Metodologia e técnicas sociológicas; Fontes da pesquisa; Agenda da pesquisa; Metodologias Sociológicas clássicas e emergentes; Métodos e técnicas de pesquisa sobre a Cibercultura; Exemplo de um projeto de investigação: a Comunicação Pública da Arte em museus físicos e virtuais.
Tese de Doutoramento (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica)
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Eletrónica e Computadores.
A spreadsheet usually starts as a simple and singleuser software artifact, but, as frequent as in other software systems, quickly evolves into a complex system developed by many actors. Often, different users work on different aspects of the same spreadsheet: while a secretary may be only involved in adding plain data to the spreadsheet, an accountant may define new business rules, while an engineer may need to adapt the spreadsheet content so it can be used by other software systems.Unfortunately,spreadsheetsystemsdonotoffermodular mechanisms, and as a consequence, some of the previous tasks may be defined by adding intrusive “code” to the spreadsheet. In this paper we go through the design and implementation of an aspect-oriented language for spreadsheets so that users can work on different aspects of a spreadsheet in a modular way. For example, aspects can be defined in order to introduce new business rules to an existing spreadsheet, or to manipulate the spreadsheet data to be ported to another system. Aspects are defined as aspect-oriented program specifications that are dynamically woven into the underlying spreadsheet by an aspect weaver. In this aspect-oriented style of spreadsheet development, differentusers develop,orreuse,aspects withoutaddingintrusive code to the original spreadsheet. Such code is added/executed by the spreadsheet weaving mechanism proposed in this paper.