1 resultado para COLOR
em Universidade do Minho
It is well known that color coding facilitates search and iden- tification in real-life tasks. The aim of this work was to compare reac- tion times for normal color and dichromatic observers in a visual search experiment. A unique distracter color was used to avoid abnormal color vision vulnerability to background complexity. Reaction times for nor- mal color observers and dichromats were estimated for 2◦ central vision at 48 directions around a white point in CIE L∗a∗b∗ color space for systematic examination on the mechanisms of dichromatic color percep- tion. The results show that mean search times for dichromats were twice larger compared to the normal color observers and for all directions. The difference between the copunctual confusion lines and the confusion direction measure experimentally was 5.5◦ for protanopes and 7.5◦ for deuteranopes.