23 resultados para Building-block

em Universidade do Minho


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Cell encapsulation within hydrogel microspheres shows great promise in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM). However, the assembling of microspheres as building blocks to produce complex tissues is a hard task because of their inability to place along length scales in space. We propose a proof-of-concept strategy to produce 3D constructs using cell encapsulated as building blocks by perfusion based LbL technique. This technique exploits the â bindingâ potential of multilayers apart from coating


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The development of organic materials displaying high two-photon absorption (TPA) has attracted much attention in recent years due to a variety of potential applications in photonics and optoelectronics, such as three-dimensional optical data storage, fluorescence imaging, two-photon microscopy, optical limiting, microfabrication, photodynamic therapy, upconverted lasing, etc. The most frequently employed structural motifs for TPA materials are donor–pi bridge–acceptor (D–pi–A) dipoles, donor–pi bridge–donor (D–pi–D) and acceptor–pi bridge-acceptor (A–pi–A) quadrupoles, octupoles, etc. In this work we present the synthesis and photophysical characterization of quadrupolar heterocyclic systems with potential applications in materials and biological sciences as TPA chromophores. Indole is a versatile building block for the synthesis of heterocyclic systems for several optoelectronic applications (chemosensors, nonlinear optical, OLEDs) due to its photophysical properties and donor electron ability and 4H-pyran-4-ylidene fragment is frequently used for the synthesis of red light-emitting materials. On the other hand, 2-(2,6-dimethyl-4H-pyran-4-ylidene)malononitrile (1) and 1,3-diethyl-dihydro-5-(2,6-dimethyl-4H-pyran-4-ylidene)-2-thiobarbituric (2) units are usually used as strong acceptor moieties for the preparation of π-conjugated systems of the push-pull type. These building blocks were prepared by Knoevenagel condensation of the corresponding ketone precursor with malononitrile or 1,3-diethyl-dihydro-2-thiobarbituric acid. The new quadrupolar 4H-pyran-4-ylidene fluorophores (3) derived from indole were prepared through condensation of 5-methyl-1H-indole-3-carbaldehyde with the acceptor precursors 1 and 2, in the presence of a catalytical amount of piperidine. The new compounds were characterized by the usual spectroscopic techniques (UV-vis., FT-IR and multinuclear NMR - 1H, 13C).


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Documento submetido para revisão pelos pares. A publicar em Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. ISSN 0743-7315


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Since the last decade of the twentieth century, the healthcare industry is paying attention to the environmental impact of their buildings and therefore new regulations, policy goals and Buildings Sustainability Assessment (HBSA) methods are being developed and implemented. At the present, healthcare is one of the most regulated industries and it is also one of the largest consumers of energy per net floor area. To assess the sustainability of healthcare buildings it is necessary to establish a set of benchmarks related with their life-cycle performance. They are both essential to rate the sustainability of a project and to support designers and other stakeholders in the process of designing and operating a sustainable building, by allowing the comparison to be made between a project and the conventional and best market practices. This research is focused on the methodology to set the benchmarks for resources consumption, waste production, operation costs and potential environmental impacts related to the operational phase of healthcare buildings. It aims at contributing to the reduction of the subjectivity found in the definition of the benchmarks used in Building Sustainability Assessment (BSA) methods, and it is applied in the Portuguese context. These benchmarks will be used in the development of a Portuguese HBSA method.


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The innovative Horizon 2020 program sponsored by the European Union (EU) aims to promote and develop processes of waste integration in construction materials. However, several potential health hazards caused by building materials have been identified and, there-fore, there is an ongoing need to develop new recycling methods for hazardous wastes and effi-cient barriers in order to prevent toxic releases from the new construction solutions with wastes. This paper presents an overview that focus on two main aspects: the identification of the health risks related to radioactivity and heavy metals present in building materials and identification of these toxic substances in new construction solutions that contain recycled wastes. Different waste materials were selected and distinct methodologies of toxicity evaluation are presented to analyse the potential hazardous, the feasibility of using those wastes and the achievement of op-timal construction solutions involving wastes.


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The future of the construction industry will require changes at many levels. One is the ability of companies to adapt to new challenges, converting needs to opportunities and simultaneously contributing to the solving of social and environmental problems. In the coming decades we will see a change in attitude in the industry, with a strong tendency to adopt natural and recycled materials, as well as bet on green technology and social innovation oriented to emerging countries. On the other hand, emerging countries have a high demand for housing construction on a large scale, but the current techniques in the developed countries for building requires a large amount of natural resources and skilled labor. This contextualization brings sustainability problems for the construction sector in emerging countries, often with scarce natural resources and with the construction sector underdeveloped. Through a cooperative action between the construction company Mota-Engil Engineering and the University of Minho in Portugal, a construction technology was developed based on the use of Compressed Earth Blocks as part of a social concept for innovative small houses, favoring the adoption of local and natural materials and with the main premise of being dedicated to self-construction. The HiLoTec project - Development of a Sustainable Self-Construction System for Developing Countries was based on this idea. One of the several results of this project is this construction manual. To Mota-Engil the project was a platform for incubation of knowledge about earth construction and to obtain a constructive solution validated technically and scientifically, suitable to be implemented in the markets where it operates. For the University of Minho the project was an opportunity to strengthen skills in research, laboratory and scientific development, through the development of engineering studies, architecture and sustainability, as well as supporting the doctoral scholarships and dissemination of scientific publications. May the knowledge of this project be of benefit, in the future, for the welfare of those who build a HiLoTec house.


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The structural analysis involves the definition of the model and selection of the analysis type. The model should represent the stiffness, the mass and the loads of the structure. The structures can be represented using simplified models, such as the lumped mass models, and advanced models resorting the Finite Element Method (FEM) and Discrete Element Method (DEM). Depending on the characteristics of the structure, different types of analysis can be used such as limit analysis, linear and non-linear static analysis and linear and non-linear dynamic analysis. Unreinforced masonry structures present low tensile strength and the linear analyses seem to not be adequate for assessing their structural behaviour. On the other hand, the static and dynamic non-linear analyses are complex, since they involve large time computational requirements and advanced knowledge of the practitioner. The non-linear analysis requires advanced knowledge on the material properties, analysis tools and interpretation of results. The limit analysis with macro-blocks can be assumed as a more practical method in the estimation of maximum load capacity of structure. Furthermore, the limit analysis require a reduced number of parameters, which is an advantage for the assessment of ancient and historical masonry structures, due to the difficult in obtaining reliable data.


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Solar passive strategies that have been developed in vernacular architecture from different regions are a response to specific climate effects. These strategies are usually simple, low-tech and have low potential environmental impact. For this reason, several studies highlight them as having potential to reduce the demands of non-renewable energy for buildings operation. In this paper, the climatic contrast between northern and southern parts of mainland Portugal is presented, namely the regions of Beira Alta and Alentejo. Additionally, it discusses the contribution of different climate-responsive strategies developed in vernacular architecture from both regions to assure thermal comfort conditions. In Beira Alta, the use of glazed balconies as a strategy to capture solar gains is usual, while in Alentejo the focus is on passive cooling strategies. To understand the effectiveness of these strategies, thermal performances and comfort conditions of two case studies were evaluated based on the adaptive comfort model. Field tests included measurement of hygrothermal parameters and surveys on occupants’ thermal sensation. From the results, it has been found that the case studies have shown a good thermal performance by passive means alone and that the occupants feel comfortable, except during winter where there is the need to use simple heating systems.


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A substantial part of the world building heritage has been performed by earthen building. The durability of this existing heritage and mainly of the new buildings built with earth is particularly conditioned by the erosion caused by water action, especially in countries with high levels of rainfall. This research aims to contribute to the increase of knowledge about the ancient building techniques that provide enhanced durability. It is possible to analyse the ancestral practices used to protect the earth material from the water action in order to understand how the old earthen buildings were preserved over the centuries, resisting to harsh weather conditions. Among these techniques are: the incorporation of biopolymers (such as oils or fats from animal or vegetable origin); the addition of some minerals; and the earth stabilization with lime. However, this knowledge seems to be forgotten, probably due to the prejudice related to earthen constructions, which several times are associated with a poor building. This research also focuses on the study of new methods of earth stabilization with lime and biopolymers, adapting the ancient knowledge to improve the durability related to the water action. Therefore, alternative solutions can be obtained to improve the performance of earthen buildings, mainly the resistance of the material in the presence of water, reducing its permeability to water. In addition, with the proposed solutions it is possible to obtain good levels of water vapour permeability, one of the major advantages of the construction with earth.


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Considering that vernacular architecture may bear important lessons on hazard mitigation, this chapter focuses on the European Mediterranean countries and studies traditional seismic-resistant architectural elements and techniques that local populations developed to prevent or repair earthquake damage. This area was selected as a case study because, as a highly seismic region, it has suffered the effect of many earthquakes along the history and, thus, regions within this area are prone to have developed a Local Seismic Culture. After reviewing seismic resistant construction concepts, a wide range of traditional construction solutions that, in many cases, have shown to improve the seismic performance of vernacular constructions of these regions is presented, as a contribution to the general overview of retrofitting building systems provided in this book. The main motivation is that most of these techniques can be successfully applied to preserve and to retrofit surviving examples without prejudice for their identity.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Construção e Reabilitação Sustentáveis


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Doctoral Thesis Civil Engineering


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Thermoplastic elastomers based on a triblock copolymer styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) with different butadiene/styrene ratios, block structure and carbon nanotube (CNT) content were submitted to accelerated weathering in a Xenontest set up, in order to evaluate their stability to UV ageing. It was concluded that ageing mainly depends on butadiene/styrene ratio and block structure, with radial block structures exhibiting a faster ageing than linear block structures. Moreover, the presence of carbon nanotubes in the SBS copolymer slows down the ageing of the copolymer. The evaluation of the influence of ageing on the mechanical and electrical properties demonstrates that the mechanical degradation is higher for the C401 sample, which is the SBS sample with the largest butadiene content and a radial block structure. On the other hand, a copolymer derivate from SBS, the styrene-ethylene/butadiene-styrene (SEBS) sample, retains a maximum deformation of ~1000% after 80 h of accelerated ageing. The hydrophobicity of the samples decreases with increasing ageing time, the effect being larger for the samples with higher butadiene content. It is also verified that cytotoxicity increases with increasing UV ageing with the exception of SEBS, which remains not cytotoxic up to 80 h of accelerated ageing time, demonstrating its potential for applications involving exposition to environmental conditions.


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Construction sector is one of the major responsible for energy consumption and carbon emissions and renovation of existing buildings plays an important role in the actions to mitigate climate changes. Present work is based on the methodology developed in IEA Annex 56, allowing identifying cost optimal and cost effective renovation scenarios improving the energy performance. The analysed case study is a residential neighbourhood of the municipality of Gaia in Portugal. The analysis compares a reference renovation scenario (without improving the energy performance of the building) with a series of alternative renovation scenarios, including the one that is being implemented.


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The relevance of the building sector in the global energy use as well as in the global carbon emissions, both in the developed and developing countries, makes the improvement of the overall energy performance of existing buildings an important part of the actions to mitigate climate changes. Regardless of this potential for energy and emissions saving, large scale building renovation has been found hard to trigger, mainly because present standards are mainly focused on new buildings, not responding effectively to the numerous technical, functional and economic constraints of the existing ones. One of the common problems in the assessment of building renovation scenarios is that only energy savings and costs are normally considered, despite the fact that it has been long recognized that investment on energy efficiency and low carbon technologies yield several benefits beyond the value of saved energy which can be as important as the energy cost savings process. Based on the analysis of significant literature and several case studies, the relevance of co-benefits achieved in the renovation process is highlighted. These benefits can be felt at the building level by the owner or user (like increased user comfort, fewer problems with building physics, improved aesthetics) and should therefore be considered in the definition of the renovation measures, but also at the level of the society as a whole (like health effects, job creation, energy security, impact on climate change), and from this perspective, policy makers must be aware of the possible crossed impacts among different areas of the society for the development of public policies.