39 resultados para Bending plates
em Universidade do Minho
The effectiveness of prefabricated hybrid composite plates (HCPs) as a seismic retrofitting solution for damaged interior RC beam-column joints is experimentally studied. HCP is composed of a thin plate made of strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) reinforced with CFRP sheets/laminates. Two full-scale severely damaged interior beam-column joints are retrofitted using two different configurations of HCPs. The effectiveness of these retrofitting solutions mainly in terms of hysteretic response, dissipated energy, degradation of secant stiffness, displacement ductility and failure modes are compared to their virgin states. According to these criteria, both solutions resulted in superior responses regarding the ones registered in their virgin states.
Recent research is showing that the addition of Recycled Steel Fibres (RSF) from wasted tyres can decrease significantly the brittle behaviour of cement based materials, by improving its toughness and post-cracking resistance. In this sense, Recycled Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (RSFRC) seems to have the potential to constitute a sustainable material for structural and non-structural applications. To assess this potential, experimental and numerical research was performed on the use of RSFRC in elements failing in bending and in beams failing in shear. The values of the fracture mode I parameters of the developed RSFRC were determined by performing inverse analysis with test results obtained in three point notched beam bending tests. To assess the possibility of using RSF as shear reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams, three point bending tests were executed with three series of RSFRC beams flexurally reinforced with a relatively high reinforcement ratio of longitudinal steel bars in order to assure shear failure for all the tested beams. By performing material nonlinear simulations with a computer program based on the finite element method (FEM), the applicability of the fracture mode I crack constitutive law derived from the inverse analysis is assessed for the prediction of the behaviour of these beams. The performance of the formulation proposed by RILEM TC 162 TDF and CEB-FIP 2010 for the prediction of the shear resistance of fibre reinforced concrete elements was also evaluated.
This paper aims to evaluate experimentally the potentialities of Hybrid Composite Plates (HCPs) technique for the shear strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) beams that were previously subjected to intense damage in shear. HCP is a thin plate of Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) reinforced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) laminates. For this purpose, an experimental program composed of two series of beams (rectangular and T cross section) was executed to assess the strengthening efficiency of this technique. In the first step of this experimental program, the control beams, without steel stirrups, were loaded up to their shear failure, and fully unloaded. Then, these pre-damaged beams were shear strengthened by applying HCPs to their lateral faces by using a combination of epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors. The bolts were applied with a certain torque in order to increase the concrete confinement. The obtained results showed that the increase of load carrying capacity of the damaged strengthened beams when HCPs were applied with epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors was 2 and 2.5 times of the load carrying capacity of the corresponding reference beams (without HCPs) for the rectangular and T cross section beam series, respectively. To further explore the potentialities of the HCPs technique for the shear strengthening, the experimental tests were simulated using an advanced numerical model by a FEM-based computer program. After demonstration the good predictive performance of the numerical model, a parametric study was executed to highlight the influence of SHCC as an alternative for mortar, as well as the influence of torque level applied to the mechanical anchors, on the load carrying capacity of beams strengthened with the proposed technique.
Recent advances in computation allow for the integration of design and simulation of highly interrelated systems, such as hybrids of structural membranes and bending active elements. The engaged complexities of forces and logistics can be mediated through the development of materials with project specific properties and detailing. CNC knitting with high tenacity yarn enables this practice and offers an alternative to current woven membranes. The design and fabrication of an 8m high fabric tower through an interdisciplinary team of architects, structural and textile engineers, allowed to investigate means to design, specify, make and test CNC knit as material for hybrid structures in architectural scale. This paper shares the developed process, identifies challenges, potentials and future work.
This article is intended to evaluate the density and the mechanical, acoustic and thermal properties of compression moulded plates composed of granulate from electrical cables wastes. Those cable wastes are the insulation part from the electric cables, and are composed of PVC, PE, EMP and PEX rubber. After these materiais lose their initial properties and cease to be useful as insulation material, due to safety requirements, it is possible to reuse them into new applications like industrial or playground floorings, as sound insulation material to be applied in walls or floors, or to dampen vibrations from equipments. Recovering electric cable waste has been a major concern to the European Commission due to its leveis of toxicity when incineration and land fill ing is the solution to dispose this material. Such as the European Commission's study for DG Xl[1] suggested that recycling may be the most favourable future waste management option.
Sandwich geometries, mainly in the form of panels and beams, are commonly applied in various transportation industries, such as aerospace, aeronautic and automotive. Sandwich geometries represent important advantages in structural applications, namely high specific stiffness, low weight, and possibility of design optimization prior to manufacturing. The aim of this paper is to uncover the influence of the number of reinforcements (ribs), and of the thickness on the mechanical behavior of all-metal sandwich panels subjected to uncoupled bending and torsion loadings. In this study, four geometries are compared. The orientation of the reinforcements and the effect of transversal ribs are also considered in this study. It is shown that the all the relations are non-linear, despite the elastic nature of the analysis in the Finite Element software ANSYS MECHANICAL APDL.
Tendon regeneration through a scaffold-free approach: development of tenogenic magnetic hASCs sheets
Tendon's regeneration is limited, demanding for cell-based strategies to fully restore their functionality upon injury. The concept of magnetic force-based TE(1), generally using magnetic nanoparticles may enable, for example, stem cell stimulation and/or remote control over TE constructs. Thus, we originally propose the development of magnetic cell sheets (magCSs) with tenogenic capability, aimed at promoting tendon's regeneration. A Tenomodulin (TNMD+) subpopulation was sorted from human adipose stem cells (hASCs), using TNMD-coated immunomagnetic beads(2) and used as cell source for the development of magCSs. Briefly, cells were labeled with iron oxide composite particles (Micromod) and cultured for 7 days in α-MEM medium with or without magnetic stimulation provided by a magnetic device (nanoTherics). CSs were retrieved from the plates using magnet attraction as contiguous sheets of cells within its own deposited ECM.
This paper presents the main features of finite element FE numerical model developed using the computer code FEMIX to predict the near-surface mounted NSM carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer CFRP rods shear repair contribution to corroded reinforced concrete RC beams. In the RC beams shear repaired with NSM technique, the Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) rods are placed inside pre-cut grooves onto the concrete cover of the RC beam’s lateral faces and are bonded to the concrete with high epoxy adhesive. Experimental and 3D numerical modelling results are presented in this paper in terms of load-deflection curves, and failure modes for 4 short corroded beams: two corroded beams (A1CL3-B and A1CL3-SB) and two control beams (A1T-B and A1T-SB), the beams noted with B were let repaired in bending only with NSM CFRP rods while the ones noted with SB were repaired in both bending and shear with NSM technique. The corrosion of the tensile steel bars and its effect on the shear capacity of the RC beams was discussed. Results showed that the FE model was able to capture the main aspects of the experimental load-deflection curves of the RC beams, moreover it has presented the experimental failure modes and FE numerical modelling crack patterns and both gave similar results for non-shear repaired beams which failed in diagonal tension mode of failure and for shear-repaired beams which failed due to large flexural crack at the middle of the beams along with the concrete crushing, three dimensional crack patterns were produced for shear-repaired beams in order to investigate the splitting cracks occurred at the middle of the beams and near the support.
A new technique was developed for producing thin panels of a cement based material reinforced with relatively high content of steel fibres originated from the industry of tyre recycling. Flexural tests with notched and un-notched specimens were carried out to characterize the mechanical properties of this Fibre Reinforced Cement Composite (FRCC) and the results are presented and discussed. The values of the fracture mode I parameters of the developed FRCC were determined by performing inverse analysis with test results obtained in three point notched beam bending tests. To appraise the potentialities of these FRCC panels for the increase of the shear capacity of reinforced (RC) beams, numerical research was performed on the use of developed FRCC panel for shear reinforcement by applying the panels in the lateral faces of RC beams deficiently reinforced in shear.
The main objective of this work is to evaluate, by non-destructive techniques, seven old Chestnut beams. For that, after the geometric assessment and the detailed visual inspection that allowed to strength grade the beams, a series of non-destructive tests was setup. In a first step, non-destructive bending tests, under the elastic limit, were performed to quantify the modulus of elasticity in bending (MoE) of the seven beams. Then, Resistograph® and Pilodyn® tests were done to assess the superficial decay and to have aclearer idea of the voids dimensions. Then, two beams were tested in bending until failure to evaluate the bending strength. In a second step, end parts were cut from the beams, one per end of the beams, to perform Resistograph®, Pilodyn® and ultrasound tests, to quantify the density of the beams and to extract meso-specimens to be used in tension parallel to the grain tests
This paper presents the numerical simulations of the punching behaviour of centrally loaded steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) flat slabs. Eight half scaled slabs reinforced with different content of hooked-end steel fibres (0, 60, 75 and 90 kg/m3) and concrete strengths of 50 and 70 MPa were tested and numerically modelled. Moreover, a total of 54 three-point bending tests were carried out to assess the post-cracking flexural tensile strength. All the slabs had a relatively high conventional flexural reinforcement in order to promote the occurrence of punching failure mode. Neither of the slabs had any type of specific shear reinforcement rather than the contribution of the steel fibres. The numerical simulations were performed according to the Reissner-Mindlin theory under the finite element method framework. Regarding the classic formulation of the Reissner-Mindlin theory, in order to simulate the progressive damage induced by cracking, the shell element is discretized into layers, being assumed a plane stress state in each layer. The numerical results are, then, compared with the experimental ones and it is possible to notice that they accurately predict the experimental force-deflection relationship. The type of failure observed experimentally was also predicted in the numerical simulations.
This paper presents the main features of finite element FE numerical model developed using the computer code FEMIX to predict the near-surface mounted NSM carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer CFRP rods shear repair contribution to corroded reinforced concrete RC beams. In the RC beams shear repaired with NSM technique, the Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) rods are placed inside pre-cut grooves onto the concrete cover of the RC beam’s lateral faces and are bonded to the concrete with high epoxy adhesive. Experimental and 3D numerical modelling results are presented in this paper in terms of load-deflection curves, failure modes and slip information of the tensile steel bars for 4 short corroded beams: two corroded beams (A1CL3-B and A1CL3-SB) and two control beams (A1T-B and A1T-SB), the beams noted with B were let repaired in bending only with NSM CFRP rods while the ones noted with SB were repaired in both bending and shear with NSM technique. The corrosion of the tensile steel bars and its effect on the shear capacity of the RC beams was discussed. Results showed that the FE model was able to capture the main aspects of the experimental load-deflection curves of the RC beams, moreover it has presented the experimental failure modes and FE numerical modelling crack patterns and both gave similar results for non-shear repaired beams which failed in diagonal tension mode of failure and for shear-repaired beams which failed due to large flexural crack at the middle of the beams along with the concrete crushing, three dimensional crack patterns were produced for shear-repaired beams in order to investigate the splitting cracks occurred at the middle of the beams and near the support.
The present work describes a model for the determination of the moment–rotation relationship of a cross section of fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) elements that also include longitudinal bars for the flexural reinforcement (R/FRC). Since a stress–crack width relationship (σ–w)(σ–w) is used to model the post-cracking behavior of a FRC, the σ–w directly obtained from tensile tests, or derived from inverse analysis applied to the results obtained in three-point notched beam bending tests, can be adopted in this approach. For a more realistic assessment of the crack opening, a bond stress versus slip relationship is assumed to simulate the bond between longitudinal bars and surrounding FRC. To simulate the compression behavior of the FRC, a shear friction model is adopted based on the physical interpretation of the post-peak compression softening behavior registered in experimental tests. By allowing the formation of a compressive FRC wedge delimited by shear band zones, the concept of concrete crushing failure mode in beams failing in bending is reinterpreted. By using the moment–rotation relationship, an algorithm was developed to determine the force–deflection response of statically determinate R/FRC elements. The model is described in detail and its good predictive performance is demonstrated by using available experimental data. Parametric studies were executed to evidence the influence of relevant parameters of the model on the serviceability and ultimate design conditions of R/FRC elements failing in bending.
Timber connections represent the crucial part of a timber structure and a great variability exists in terms of types of connections and mechanisms. Taking as case study the widespread traditional timber frame structures, in particular the Portuguese Pombalino buildings, one of the most common timber connection is the half-lap joint. Connections play a major role in the overall behaviour of a structure, particularly when assessing their seismic response, since damage is concentrated at the connections. For this reason, an experimental campaign was designed and distinct types of tests were carried out on traditional half-lap joints to assess their in-plane response. In particular, pull-out and in-plane cyclic tests were carried out on real scale unreinforced connections. Subsequently, the connections were retrofitted, using strengthening techniques such as self-tapping screws, steel plates and GFRP sheets. The tests chosen were meant to capture the hysteretic behaviour and dissipative capacity of the connections and characterise their response and, therefore, their influence on the seismic response of timber frame walls, particularly concerning their uplifting and rotation capacity, that could lead to rocking in the walls. In this paper, the results of the experimental campaign are presented in terms of hysteretic curves, dissipated energy and equivalent viscous damping ratio. Moreover, recommendations are provided on the most appropriate retrofitting solutions.
In order to investigate the out-of-plane behaviour of masonry infill walls, quasi-static testing was performed on a masonry infill walls built inside a reinforced concrete frame by means of an airbag system to apply the uniform out-of-plane load to each component of the infill. The main advantage of this testing setup is that the out-of-plane loading can be applied more uniformly in the walls, contrarily to point load configuration. The test was performed under displacement control by selecting the mid-point of the infill as control point. Input and output air in the airbag was controlled by using a software to apply a specific displacement in the control point of the infill wall. The effect of the distance between the reaction frame of the airbag and the masonry infill on the effective contact area was previously analysed. Four load cells were attached to the reaction frame to measure the out-of-plane force. The effective contact area of the airbag was calculated by dividing the load measured in load cells by the pressure inside the airbag. When the distance between the reaction walls and the masonry infill wall is smaller, the effective area is closer to the nominal area of the airbag. Deformation and crack patterns of the infill confirm the formation of arching mechanism and two-way bending of the masonry infill. Until collapse of the horizontal interface between infill and upper beam in RC frame, the infill bends in two directions but the failure of that interface which is known as weakest interface due to difficulties in filling the mortar between bricks of last row and upper beam results in the crack opening trough a well-defined path and the consequent collapse of the infill.