12 resultados para Arytenoid cartilage
em Universidade do Minho
Specific tissues, such as cartilage undergo mechanical solicitation under their normal performance in human body. In this sense, it seems necessary that proper tissue engineering strategies of these tissues should incorporate mechanical solicitations during cell culture, in order to properly evaluate the influence of the mechanical stimulus. This work reports on a user-friendly bioreactor suitable for applying controlled mechanical stimulation - amplitude and frequency - to three dimensional scaffolds. Its design and main components are described, as well as its operation characteristics. The modular design allows easy cleaning and operating under laminar hood. Different protocols for the sterilization of the hermetic enclosure are tested and ensure lack of observable contaminations, complying with the requirements to be used for cell culture. The cell viability study was performed with KUM5 cells.
Polymeric scaffolds used in regenerative therapies are implanted in the damaged tissue and subjected to repeated loading cycles. In the case of articular cartilage engineering, an implanted scaffold is typically subjected to long term dynamic compression. The evolution of the mechanical properties of the scaffold during bioresorption has been deeply studied in the past, but the possibility of failure due to mechanical fatigue has not been properly addressed. Nevertheless, the macroporous scaffold is susceptible to failure after repeated loading-unloading cycles. In this work fatigue studies of polycaprolactone scaffolds were carried by subjecting the scaffold to repeated compression cycles in conditions simulating the scaffold implanted in the articular cartilage. The behaviour of the polycaprolactone sponge with the pores filled with a poly(vinyl alcohol) gel simulating the new formed tissue within the pores was compared with that of the material immersed in water. Results were analyzed with Morrow’s criteria for failure and accurate fittings are obtained just up to 200 loading cycles. It is also shown that the presence of poly(vinyl alcohol) increases the elastic modulus of the scaffolds, the effect being more pronounced with increasing the number of freeze/thawing cycles.
Cartilage tissue is a complex nonlinear, viscoelastic, anisotropic, and multiphasic material with a very low coefficient of friction, which allows to withstand millions of cycles of joint loading over decades of wear. Upon damage, cartilage tissue has a low self-reparative capacity due to the lack of neural connections, vascularization, and a latent pool of stem/chondroprogenitor cells. Therefore, the healing of articular cartilage defects remains a significant clinical challenge, affecting millions of people worldwide. A plethora of biomaterials have been proposed to fabricate devices for cartilage regeneration, assuming a wide range of forms and structures, such as sponges, hydrogels, capsules, fibers, and microparticles. In common, the fabricated devices were designed taking in consideration that to fully achieve the regeneration of functional cartilage it is mandatory a well-orchestrated interplay of biomechanical properties, unique hierarchical structures, extracellular matrix (ECM), and bioactive factors. In fact, the main challenge in cartilage tissue engineering is to design an engineered device able to mimic the highly organized zonal architecture of articular cartilage, specifically its spatiomechanical properties and ECM composition, while inducing chondrogenesis, either by the proliferation of chondrocytes or by stimulating the chondrogenic differentiation of stem/chondro-progenitor cells. In this chapter we present the recent advances in the development of innovative and complex biomaterials that fulfill the required structural key elements for cartilage regeneration. In particular, multiphasic, multiscale, multilayered, and hierarchical strategies composed by single or multiple biomaterials combined in a welldefined structure will be addressed. Those strategies include biomimetic scaffolds mimicking the structure of articular cartilage or engineered scaffolds as models of research to fully understand the biological mechanisms that influence the regeneration of cartilage tissue.
Among the various possible embodiements of Advanced Therapies and in particular of Tissue Engineering the use of temporary scaffolds to regenerate tissue defects is one of the key issues. The scaffolds should be specifically designed to create environments that promote tissue development and not merely to support the maintenance of communities of cells. To achieve that goal, highly functional scaffolds may combine specific morphologies and surface chemistry with the local release of bioactive agents. Many biomaterials have been proposed to produce scaffolds aiming the regeneration of a wealth of human tissues. We have a particular interest in developing systems based in nanofibrous biodegradable polymers1,2. Those demanding applications require a combination of mechanical properties, processability, cell-friendly surfaces and tunable biodegradability that need to be tailored for the specific application envisioned. Those biomaterials are usually processed by different routes into devices with wide range of morphologies such as biodegradable fibers and meshes, films or particles and adaptable to different biomedical applications. In our approach, we combine the temporary scaffolds populated with therapeutically relevant communities of cells to generate a hybrid implant. For that we have explored different sources of adult and also embryonic stem cells. We are exploring the use of adult MSCs3, namely obtained from the bone marrow for the development autologous-based therapies. We also develop strategies based in extra-embryonic tissues, such as amniotic fluid (AF) and the perivascular region of the umbilical cord4 (Whartonâ s Jelly, WJ). Those tissues offer many advantages over both embryonic and other adult stem cell sourcess. These tissues are frequently discarded at parturition and its extracorporeal nature facilitates tissue donation by the patients. The comparatively large volume of tissue and ease of physical manipulation facilitates the isolation of larger numbers of stem cells. The fetal stem cells appear to have more pronounced immunomodulatory properties than adult MSCs. This allogeneic escape mechanism may be of therapeutic value, because the transplantation of readily available allogeneic human MSCs would be preferable as opposed to the required expansion stage (involving both time and logistic effort) of autologous cells. Topics to be covered: This talk will review our latest developments of nanostructured-based biomaterials and scaffolds in combination with stem cells for bone and cartilage tissue engineering.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências (Especialidade de Física)
Due to the limited self-repair capacity of cartilage, regenerative medicine therapies for the treatment of cartilage defects must use a significant amount of cells, preferably applied using a hydrogel system that can promise their delivery and functionality at the specific site. This paper discusses the potential use of k-carrageenan hydrogels for the delivery of stem cells obt ained from adipose tissue in the treatment of cartilage tissue defects. The developed hydrogels were produced by an ionotropic gelation met hod and human adipose stem cells (hASCs) were encapsulated in 1.5% w/v k-carrageenan solution at a cell density of 5 10 6 cells/ml. The results from the analysis of the cell-encapsulating hydrogels, cultured for up to 21 days, indicated that k-carrageenan hydrogels support the viability, proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation of hASCs. Additionally, the mec hanical analysis demonstrated an increase in stiffness and viscoelastic properties of k-carrageenan gels with their encapsulated cells with increasing time in culture with chondrogenic medium. These results allowed the conclusion that k-carrageenan exhibits properties t hat enable the in vitro functionality of encapsulated hASCs and thus may provide the basis for new successful approaches for the treatment of cartilage defects.
In orthopaedics, the management and treatment of osteochondral (OC) defects remains an ongoing clinical challenge. Autologous osteochondral mosaicplasty has been used as a valid option for OC treatments although donor site morbidity remains a source of concern [1]. Engineering a whole structure capable of mimicking different tissues (cartilage and subchondral bone) in an integrated manner could be a possible approach to regenerate OC defects. In our group we have been proposing the use of bilayered structures to regenerate osteochondral defects [2,3]. The present study aims to investigate the pre-clinical performance of bilayered hydrogels and spongy-like hydrogels in in vivo models (mice and rabbit, respectively), in both subcutaneous and orthotopic models. The bilayered structures were produced from Low Acyl Gellan Gum (LAGG) from Sigma-Aldrich, USA. Cartilage-like layers were obtained from a 2wt% LAGG solution. The bone-like layers were made of 2wt% LAGG with incorporation of hydroxyapatite at 20% and 30% (w/v). Hydrogels and spongy-like were subcutaneouly implanted in mice to evaluate the inflammatory response. Then, OC defects were induced in rabbit knee to create a critical size defect (4 mm diameter and 5 mm depth), and then hydrogels and sponges implanted. Both structures followed different processing methods. The hydrogels were injected allowing in situ crosslinking. Unlike, the spongy-like were pre-formed by freeze-drying. The studies concerning subcutaneous implantation and critical size OC defect were performed for 2 and 4 weeks time, respectively. Cellular behavior and inflammatory responses were assessed by means of histology staining and biochemical function and matrix deposition by immunohistochemistry. Additionally, both OC structures stability and new cartilage and bone formation were evaluated by using vivo- computed tomography (Scanco 80). The results showed no acute inflammatory response for both approaches. New tissue formation and integration in the adjacent tissues were also observed, which present different characteristic behaviors when comparing hydrogels and sponges response. As future insights, a novel strategy for regeneration of OC defects can be designed encompassing both, hydrogels and spongy-like structures and cellular approaches. References: 1. Espregueira-Mendes J. et al. Osteochondral transplantation using autografts from the upper tibio-fibular joint for the treatment of knee cartilage lesions. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 20,1136, 2012. 2. Oliveira JM. et al, Novel hydroxyapatite/chitosan bilayered scaffold for osteochondral tissue-engineering applications: Scaffold design and its performance when seeded with goat bone marrow stromal cells. Biomaterials 27, 6123, 2006. 3. Pereira D R. et al. Gellan Gum-Based Hydrogel Bilayered Scaffolds for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering. Key Engineering Materials 587, 255, 2013.
The use of stem cells is a promising therapeutic approach for the substantial challenge to regenerate cartilage. Considering the two prerequisites, namely the use of a 3D system to enable the chondrogenic differentiation and growth factors to avoid dedifferentiation, the diffusion efficiency of essential biomolecules is an intrinsic issue. We already proposed a liquified bioencapsulation system containing solid microparticles as cell adhesion sites1. Here, we intend to use the optimized system towards chondrogenic differentiation by encapsulating stem cells and collagenII-TGF-β3 PLLA microparticles. As a proof-of-concept, magnetite-nanoparticles were incorporated into the multilayered membrane. This can be a great advantage after implantation procedures to fixate the capsules in situ with the held of an external magnetic patch and for the follow-up through imaging. Results showed that the production of glycosaminoglycans and the expression of cartilage-relevant markers (collagen II, Sox9, aggrecan, and COMP) increased up to 28 days, while hypertrophic (collagen X) and fibrotic (collagen I) markers were downregulated. The presence of nanofibers in the newly deposited ECM was visualized by SEM, which resembles the collagen fibrils of native cartilage. The presence of the major constituent of cartilage, collagen II, was detected by immunocytochemistry and afranin-O and alcian blue stainings revealed a basophilic ECM deposition, which is characteristic of neocartilage. These findings suggest that the proposed system may provide a suitable environment for chondrogenic differentiation.
Wharton's jelly stem cells (WJSCs) are a potential source of transplantable stem cells in cartilage-regenerative strategies, due to their highly proliferative and multilineage differentiation capacity. We hypothesized that a non-direct co-culture system with human articular chondrocytes (hACs) could enhance the potential chondrogenic phenotype of hWJSCs during the expansion phase compared to those expanded in monoculture conditions. Primary hWJSCs were cultured in the bottom of a multiwell plate separated by a porous transwell membrane insert seeded with hACs. No statistically significant differences in hWJSCs duplication number were observed under either of the culture conditions during the expansion phase. hWJSCs under co-culture conditions show upregulations of collagen type I and II, COMP, TGFβ1 and aggrecan, as well as of the main cartilage transcription factor, SOX9, when compared to those cultured in the absence of chondrocytes. Chondrogenic differentiation of hWJSCs, previously expanded in co-culture and monoculture conditions, was evaluated for each cellular passage using the micromass culture model. Cells expanded in co-culture showed higher accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) compared to cells in monoculture, and immunohistochemistry for localization of collagen type I revealed a strong detection signal when hWJSCs were expanded under monoculture conditions. In contrast, type II collagen was detected when cells were expanded under co-culture conditions, where numerous round-shaped cell clusters were observed. Using a micromass differentiation model, hWJSCs, previously exposed to soluble factors secreted by hACs, were able to express higher levels of chondrogenic genes with deposition of cartilage extracellular matrix components, suggesting their use as an alternative cell source for treating degenerated cartilage.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
In tissue engineering of cartilage, polymeric scaffolds are implanted in the damaged tissue and subjected to repeated compression loading cycles. The possibility of failure due to mechanical fatigue has not been properly addressed in these scaffolds. Nevertheless, the macroporous scaffold is susceptible to failure after repeated loading-unloading cycles. This is related to inherent discontinuities in the material due to the micropore structure of the macro-pore walls that act as stress concentration points. In this work, chondrogenic precursor cells have been seeded in Poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) scaffolds with fibrin and some were submitted to free swelling culture and others to cyclic loading in a bioreactor. After cell culture, all the samples were analyzed for fatigue behavior under repeated loading-unloading cycles. Moreover, some components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) were identified. No differences were observed between samples undergoing free swelling or bioreactor loading conditions, neither respect to matrix components nor to mechanical performance to fatigue. The ECM did not achieve the desired preponderance of collagen type II over collagen type I which is considered the main characteristic of hyaline cartilage ECM. However, prediction in PCL with ECM constructs was possible up to 600 cycles, an enhanced performance when compared to previous works. PCL after cell culture presents an improved fatigue resistance, despite the fact that the measured elastic modulus at the first cycle was similar to PCL with poly(vinyl alcohol) samples. This finding suggests that fatigue analysis in tissue engineering constructs can provide additional information missed with traditional mechanical measurements.
Load-bearing soft tissues such as cartilage, blood vessels and muscles are able to withstand a remarkable compressive stress of several MPa without fracturing. Interestingly, most of these structural tissues are mainly composed of water and in this regard, hydrogels, as highly hydrated 3D-crosslinked polymeric networks, constitute a promising class of materials to repair lesions on these tissues. Although several approaches can be employed to shape the mechanical properties of artificial hydrogels to mimic the ones found on biotissues, critical issues regarding, for instance, their biocompatibility and recoverability after loading are often neglected. Therefore, an innovative hydrogel device made only of chitosan (CHI) was developed for the repair of robust biological tissues. These systems were fabricated through a dual-crosslinking process, comprising a photo- and an ionic-crosslinking step. The obtained CHIbased hydrogels exhibited an outstanding compressive strength of ca. 20 MPa at 95% of strain, which is several orders of magnitude higher than those of the individual components and close to the ones found in native soft tissues. Additionally, both crosslinking processes occur rapidly and under physiological conditions, enabling cellsâ encapsulation as confirmed by high cell survival rates (ca. 80%). Furthermore, in contrast with conventional hydrogels, these networks quickly recover upon unloading and are able to keep their mechanical properties under physiological conditions as result of their non-swell nature.