78 resultados para GLUON PRODUCTION


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The production of a Z boson in association with a J/ψ meson in proton--proton collisions probes the production mechanisms of quarkonium and heavy flavour in association with vector bosons, and allows studies of multiple parton scattering. Using 20.3fb−1 of data collected with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, in pp collisions at s√=8 TeV, the first measurement of associated Z+J/ψ production is presented for both prompt and non-prompt J/ψ production, with both signatures having a significance in excess of 5σ. The inclusive production cross-sections for Z boson production (in μ+μ− or e+e− decay modes) in association with prompt and non-prompt J/ψ(→μ+μ−) are measured relative to the inclusive production rate of Z bosons in the same fiducial volume to be (88±16±6)×10−8 and (157±22±10)×10−8 respectively. Normalised differential production cross-sections are also determined as a function of the J/ψ transverse momentum. The fraction of signal events arising from single and double parton scattering is estimated, and a lower limit of 5.3 (3.7)mb at 68 (95) confidence level is placed on the effective cross-section regulating double parton interactions.


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A low-background inclusive search for new physics in events with same-sign dileptons is presented. The search uses proton--proton collisions corresponding to 20.3 fb−1 of integrated luminosity taken in 2012 at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Pairs of isolated leptons with the same electric charge and large transverse momenta of the type e±e±,e±μ±, and μ±μ± are selected and their invariant mass distribution is examined. No excess of events above the expected level of Standard Model background is found. The results are used to set upper limits on the cross sections for processes beyond the Standard Model. Limits are placed as a function of the dilepton invariant mass within a fiducial region corresponding to the signal event selection criteria. Exclusion limits are also derived for a specific model of doubly charged Higgs boson production.


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A search is presented for a narrow diboson resonances decaying to WW or WZ in the final state where one W boson decays leptonically (to an electron or a muon plus a neutrino) and the other W/Z boson decays hadronically. The analysis is performed using an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1 of pp collisions at s√ = 8 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. No evidence for resonant diboson production is observed, and resonance masses below 700 GeV and 1490 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level for the spin-2 Randall-Sundrum bulk graviton G∗ with coupling constant of 1.0 and the extended gauge model W′ boson respectively.


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This paper reports on a search for narrow resonances in diboson production in the ℓℓqq¯ final state using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20fb−1 collected at s√=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No significant excess of data events over the Standard Model expectation is observed. Upper limits at the 95% confidence level are set on the production cross section times branching ratio for Kaluza--Klein gravitons predicted by the Randall--Sundrum model and for Extended Gauge Model W' bosons. These results lead to the exclusion of mass values below 740 GeV and 1590 GeV for the graviton and W' boson respectively.


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A search for the bb¯ decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson is performed with the ATLAS experiment using the full dataset recorded at the LHC in Run 1. The integrated luminosities used from pp collisions at s√=7 and 8 TeV are 4.7 and 20.3 fb−1, respectively. The processes considered are associated (W/Z)H production, where W→eν/μν, Z→ee/μμ and Z→νν. The observed (expected) deviation from the background-only hypothesis corresponds to a significance of 1.4 (2.6) standard deviations and the ratio of the measured signal yield to the Standard Model expectation is found to be μ=0.52±0.32(stat.)±0.24(syst.) for a Higgs boson mass of 125.36 GeV. The analysis procedure is validated by a measurement of the yield of (W/Z)Z production with Z→bb¯ in the same final states as for the Higgs boson search, from which the ratio of the observed signal yield to the Standard Model expectation is found to be 0.74±0.09(stat.)±0.14(syst.).


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Curcuminoids are natural phenylpropanoids from plants that have been reported as potential cancer-fighting drugs. Nevertheless, these compounds present a poor bioavailability. Cellular uptake is low and curcuminoids are quickly metabolized once inside the cell, requiring repetitive oral doses to achieve an effective concentration for therapeutic activity [1]. Herein, we report an engineered artificial pathway for the production of curcuminoids in Escherichia coli. Arabidopsis thaliana 4-coumaroyl-CoA ligase and Curcuma longa diketide-CoA synthase (DCS) and curcumin synthase (CURS1) were used and 188 µM (70 mg/L) of curcumin was obtained from ferulic acid [2]. Bisdemethoxycurcumin and demethoxycurcumin were also produced, but in lower concentrations, by feeding p-coumaric acid or a mixture of p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid, respectively. Additionally, curcuminoids were produced from tyrosine through the caffeic acid pathway. To produce caffeic acid, tyrosine ammonia lyase from Rhodotorula glutinis and 4-coumarate 3-hydroxylase from Saccharothrix espanaensis were used [3]. Caffeoyl-CoA 3-O-methyl-transferase from Medicago sativa was used to convert caffeoyl-CoA to feruloyl-CoA. Using caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid or tyrosine as a substrate, 3.9, 0.3, and 0.2 µM of curcumin were produced, respectively. This is the first report on the use of DCS and CURS1 in vivo to produce curcuminoids. In addition, curcumin, the most studied curcuminoid for therapeutic purposes and considered in many studies as the most potent and active, was produced by feeding tyrosine using a pathway involving caffeic acid. We anticipate that by using a tyrosine overproducing strain, curcumin can be produced in E. coli without the need of adding expensive precursors to the medium, thus decreasing the production cost. Therefore, this alternative pathway represents a step forward in the heterologous production of curcumin using E. coli. Aiming at greater production titers and yields, the construction of this pathway in another model organism such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae is being considered.


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Rational manipulation of mRNA folding free energy allows rheostat control of pneumolysin production by Streptococcus pneumoniae


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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This Letter presents measurements of correlated production of nearby jets in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN−−−√=2.76 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The measurement was performed using 0.14 nb−1 of data recorded in 2011. The production of correlated jet pairs was quantified using the rate, RΔR, of ``neighbouring'' jets that accompany ``test'' jets within a given range of angular distance, ΔR, in the pseudorapidity--azimuthal angle plane. The jets were measured in the ATLAS calorimeter and were reconstructed using the anti-kt algorithm with radius parameters d=0.2, 0.3, and 0.4. RΔR was measured in different Pb+Pb collision centrality bins, characterized by the total transverse energy measured in the forward calorimeters. A centrality dependence of RΔR is observed for all three jet radii with RΔR found to be lower in central collisions than in peripheral collisions. The ratios formed by the RΔR values in different centrality bins and the values in the 40--80 % centrality bin are presented.


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The normalized differential cross section for top-quark pair production in association with at least one jet is studied as a function of the inverse of the invariant mass of the tt¯+1-jet system. This distribution can be used for a precise determination of the top-quark mass since gluon radiation depends on the mass of the quarks. The experimental analysis is based on proton--proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC with a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb−1. The selected events were identified using the lepton+jets top-quark-pair decay channel, where lepton refers to either an electron or a muon. The observed distribution is compared to a theoretical prediction at next-to-leading-order accuracy in quantum chromodynamics using the pole-mass scheme. With this method, the measured value of the top-quark pole mass, mpolet, is: mpolet =173.7 ± 1.5 (stat.) ± 1.4 (syst.) +1.0−0.5 (theory) GeV. This result represents the most precise measurement of the top-quark pole mass to date.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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This study focuses on the optimization of cheese whey formulated media for the production of hyaluronic acid HA by Streptococcus zooepidemicus. Culture media containing whey (W; 2.1 g/L) or whey hydrolysate (WH; 2.4 g/L) gave the highest HA productions. Both W and WH produced high yields on protein consumed, suggesting cheese whey is a good nitrogen source for S. zooepidemicus production of HA. Polysaccharide concentrations of 4.0 g/L and 3.2 g/L were produced in W and WH in a further scale-up to 5 L bioreactors, confirming the suitability of the low-cost nitrogen source. Cheese whey culture media provided high molecular weight (> 3000 kDa) HA products. This study revealed replacing the commercial peptone by the low-cost alternative could reduce HA production costs by up to a 70%compared to synthetic media.


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Vascular grafts are used to bypass damaged or diseased blood vessels. Bacterial cellulose (BC) has been studied for use as an off-the-shelf graft. Herein, we present a novel, cost-effective, method for the production of small caliber BC grafts with minimal processing or requirements. The morphology of the graft wall produced a tensile strength above that of native vessels, performing similarly to the current commercial alternatives. As a result of the production method, the luminal surface of the graft presents similar topography to that of native vessels. We have also studied the in vivo behavior of these BC graft in order to further demonstrate their viability. In these preliminary studies, 1 month patency was achieved, with the presence of neo-vessels and endothelial cells on the luminal surface of the graft.