21 resultados para usefulness
No decorrer das últimas décadas, com o avanço das tecnologias de comunicação audiovisual, temos assistido a uma discussão sobre a utilidade de outros meios de expressão que não os audiovisuais, e nos últimos anos com a pressão económica da cultura dos videojogos, assiste-se mesmo à ideia de que tudo pode e deve ser comunicado audiovisualmente e interactivamente. Nesse sentido, este texto pretende lançar algumas ideias sobre o uso de diferentes media na comunicação narrativa, nomeadamente levando em conta o tipo de conteúdo que se pretende transmitir.
Dissertação de mestrado em Arqueologia
This paper presents an automated optimization framework able to provide network administrators with resilient routing configurations for link-state protocols, such as OSPF or IS-IS. In order to deal with the formulated NP-hard optimization problems, the devised framework is underpinned by the use of computational intelligence optimization engines, such as Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs). With the objective of demonstrating the framework capabilities, two illustrative Traffic Engineering methods are described, allowing to attain routing configurations robust to changes in the traffic demands and maintaining the network stable even in the presence of link failure events. The presented illustrative results clearly corroborate the usefulness of the proposed automated framework along with the devised optimization methods.
The Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory permits to evaluate attachment in close relationships during adulthood based on two dimensions able to be present in this kind of relationships: the avoidance of proximity and the anxiety related with to abandonment. It is a self-report 7- points likert scale composed by 36 items. The Portuguese version was administered to a sample of 551 university students (60% female), the majority with ages between 19 and 24 years old (88%) in a dating relationship (86%). The principal components analysis with oblimin rotation was performed. The total scale has good internal consistency (α=.86), as also has the 2 sub-scales: anxiety (α=.86) and avoidance (α=.88). The two dimensions evaluated are significantly correlated with socio-demographics, relational characteristics (jealousy, relationship distress, and compromise), wishes (enmeshment versus differentiation) and fears (abandonment versus control) related to attitudes in significant relationships, which testify the construct validity of the instrument. The results obtained are coherent with the original version and other ECR‘s adaptations. Practitioners and researchers in the context of clinical psychology and related areas have now at their disposal the Portuguese version of the ECR inventory, which has shown its very high usefulness in the study of close relationships, and specifically attachment in adulthood.
As escalas de Táticas de Conflito Revisadas (CTS2) destinam-se a avaliar o modo como os casais resolvem os seus conflitos, através de estratégias de negociação ou de abuso: (a) abuso físico sem sequelas; (b) agressão psicológica; (c) abuso físico com sequelas; (d) coerção sexual. A versão portuguesa foi administrada a uma amostra de 551 estudantes universitários (332 do sexo feminino), 45 dos quais têm uma relação íntima entre si. Considera os cinco factores propostos pelos autores das escalas originais e apresenta valores de consistência interna compreendidos entre .78 e .50. As correlações entre os diferentes tipos de abuso e a desejabilidade social, história de socialização violenta, crime violento, domínio na relação, e ainda a concordância nos heterorrelatos de ambos elementos da díade, testemunham a validade das escalas. Investigadores e técnicos da psicologia e áreas afins têm agora à sua disposição a versão portuguesa das CTS2, que tem demonstrado elevada aplicabilidade na determinação da presença de relações abusivas no seio da família, na avaliação da eficácia de programas de intervenção no contexto forense e em estudos de cariz epidemiológico.
Current data mining engines are difficult to use, requiring optimizations by data mining experts in order to provide optimal results. To solve this problem a new concept was devised, by maintaining the functionality of current data mining tools and adding pervasive characteristics such as invisibility and ubiquity which focus on their users, providing better ease of use and usefulness, by providing autonomous and intelligent data mining processes. This article introduces an architecture to implement a data mining engine, composed by four major components: database; Middleware (control); Middleware (processing); and interface. These components are interlinked but provide independent scaling, allowing for a system that adapts to the user’s needs. A prototype has been developed in order to test the architecture. The results are very promising and showed their functionality and the need for further improvements.