42 resultados para technology-based


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The increase in life expectancy with a decrease in birth rates is contributing to the ageing of the European population. This phenomenon, coupled with greater awareness of the quality of life, the need to have cost-efficient assistive care, the intention of people to live independently in their homes, and the technological developments in recent decades, have contributed to the emergence of the concept of ambient assisted living (AAL). AAL solutions aim to provide healthy and safe ageing to users through promoting independence in performing daily activities and interacting with technology, taking into consideration the deterioration of the users’ capabilities and the reduced costs of the solutions. In this chapter, AAL developments of monitoring activities of daily living (ADLs) and participation in a virtual community with the selected stakeholders are introduced, their roadmap with the expected technological developments are described, and the expected impact of these solutions on the end users of the developed solutions are discussed. This enables a real user guidance structure that represents the different needs and limitations of each user, presenting a highly structured project based on personas and possible solutions for them. The AAL4ALL Ambient Assisted Living for All (ALL4ALL) project is considered here as a case study to analyze and illustrate the ALL concepts discussed in this chapter.


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There are only a few treatments available for Tourette syndrome (TS). These treatments frequently do notwork in patients with moderate to severe TS [1]. Neuroimaging studies show a correlation between tics severity and increased activation over motor pathways, along with reduced activation over the control areas of the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits [2]. Moreover, the temporal pattern of tic generation suggests that cortical activation especially in the SMA precedes subcortical activation [3]. Following this assumption, here we explored the brain effects of 10-daily sessions of cathodal transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) delivered over the pre-SMA in a patient with refractory and severe TS and also assessed whether those changes were long lasting (up to 6 months).


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Biomateriais, Reabilitação e Biomecânica)


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High levels of marine salt deposition present in coastal areas have a relevant effect on road runoff characteristics. This study assesses this effect with the purpose of identifying the relationships between monitored water quality parameters and intrinsic site variables. To achieve this objective, an extensive monitoring program was conducted on a Portuguese coastal highway. The study included 30 rainfall events, in different weather, traffic, and salt deposition conditions. The evaluations of various water quality parameters were carried out in over 200 samples. In addition, the meteorological, hydrological, and traffic parameters were continuously measured. The salt deposition rates were determined by means of a wet candle device, which is an innovative feature of the monitoring program. The relation between road runoff pollutants and independent variables associated with weather, traffic, and salt deposition conditions was assessed. Significant correlations among pollutants were observed. A high salinity concentration and its influence on the road runoff were confirmed. Furthermore, the concentrations of the most relevant pollutants seemed to be very dependent on some meteorological variables, particularly the duration of the antecedent dry period prior to each rainfall event and the average wind speed.


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The chemical composition of propolis is affected by environmental factors and harvest season, making it difficult to standardize its extracts for medicinal usage. By detecting a typical chemical profile associated with propolis from a specific production region or season, certain types of propolis may be used to obtain a specific pharmacological activity. In this study, propolis from three agroecological regions (plain, plateau, and highlands) from southern Brazil, collected over the four seasons of 2010, were investigated through a novel NMR-based metabolomics data analysis workflow. Chemometrics and machine learning algorithms (PLS-DA and RF), including methods to estimate variable importance in classification, were used in this study. The machine learning and feature selection methods permitted construction of models for propolis sample classification with high accuracy (>75%, reaching 90% in the best case), better discriminating samples regarding their collection seasons comparatively to the harvest regions. PLS-DA and RF allowed the identification of biomarkers for sample discrimination, expanding the set of discriminating features and adding relevant information for the identification of the class-determining metabolites. The NMR-based metabolomics analytical platform, coupled to bioinformatic tools, allowed characterization and classification of Brazilian propolis samples regarding the metabolite signature of important compounds, i.e., chemical fingerprint, harvest seasons, and production regions.


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We assessed aquatic hyphomycete diversity in autumn and spring on oak leaves decomposing in five streams along a gradient of eutrophication in the Northwest of Portugal. Diversity was assessed through microscopy-based (identification by spore morphology) and DNA-based techniques (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis and 454 pyrosequencing). Pyrosequencing revealed five times greater diversity than DGGE. About 21% of all aquatic hyphomycete species were exclusively detected by pyrosequencing and 26% exclusively by spore identification. In some streams, more than half of the recorded species would have remained undetected if we had relied only on spore identification. Nevertheless, in spring aquatic hyphomycete diversity was higher based on spore identification, probably because many species occurring in this season are not yet connected to ITS barcodes in genetic databases. Pyrosequencing was a powerful tool for revealing aquatic hyphomycete diversity on decomposing plant litter in streams and we strongly encourage researchers to continue the effort in barcoding fungal species.


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A high-resolution mtDNA phylogenetic tree allowed us to look backward in time to investigate purifying selection. Purifying selection was very strong in the last 2,500 years, continuously eliminating pathogenic mutations back until the end of the Younger Dryas (∼11,000 years ago), when a large population expansion likely relaxed selection pressure. This was preceded by a phase of stable selection until another relaxation occurred in the out-of-Africa migration. Demography and selection are closely related: expansions led to relaxation of selection and higher pathogenicity mutations significantly decreased the growth of descendants. The only detectible positive selection was the recurrence of highly pathogenic nonsynonymous mutations (m.3394T>C-m.3397A>G-m.3398T>C) at interior branches of the tree, preventing the formation of a dinucleotide STR (TATATA) in the MT-ND1 gene. At the most recent time scale in 124 mother-children transmissions, purifying selection was detectable through the loss of mtDNA variants with high predicted pathogenicity. A few haplogroup-defining sites were also heteroplasmic, agreeing with a significant propensity in 349 positions in the phylogenetic tree to revert back to the ancestral variant. This nonrandom mutation property explains the observation of heteroplasmic mutations at some haplogroup-defining sites in sequencing datasets, which may not indicate poor quality as has been claimed.


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Three PEGylated derivatives of 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1-((6-amino)hexanoic)-4,7,10-triacetic acid) (DOTA-AHA) with different molecular weights were prepared and characterized. Their Gd(III) chelates were studied in aqueous solution using variable-temperature 1H nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion (NMRD) and 17ONMR spectroscopy in view of the determination of their relaxivity and the parameters that govern it. The relaxivity varied from 5.1 to 6.5 mM-1.s-1 (37 ºC and 60 MHz) with the increasing molecular weight of the PEG chain, being slightly higher than that of the parent chelate Gd(DOTA-AHA), due to a small contribution of a slow global rotation of the complexes. A variable temperature 1H NMR study of several Ln(III) chelates of DOTA-A(PEG750)HA allowed the determination of the isomeric M/m ratio (M = square antiprismatic isomer and m = twisted square antiprismatic isomer, the latter presenting a much faster water exchange) which for the Gd(III) chelate was estimated in circa 1:0.2, very close to that of [Gd(DOTA)]-. This explains why the PEGylated Gd(III) chelate has a water rate exchange similar to that of [Gd(DOTA)]-. The predominance of the M isomer is a consequence of the bulky PEG moiety which does not favor the stabilization of the m isomer in sterically crowded systems at the substituent site, contrary to what happens with less packed asymmetrical DOTA-type chelates with substitution in one of the four acetate C(α) atoms.


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The properties of surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) in graphene are discussed and several possible ways of coupling electromagnetic radiation in the terahertz (THz) spectral range to this type of surface waves are described: (i) the attenuated total reflection (ATR) method employing a prism, (ii) graphene-based gratings or graphene monolayers with modulated conductivity, (iii) a metal stripe on top of the graphene layer, and (iv) a nanoparticle located above it. Potentially interesting for applications SPP effects, such as switching, modulation and polarization of THz radiation, as well as its enhanced absorption in graphene, are considered. The discussion also concerns the impact of the nonlinear properties of graphene, such as optical bistability.


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Supramolecular hydrogels rely on small molecules that self-assemble in water as a result of the cooperative effect of several relatively weak intermolecular interactions. Peptide-based low molecular weight hydrogelators have attracted enormous interest owing to the simplicity of small molecules combined with the versatility and biocompatibility of peptides. In this work, naproxen, a well known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, was N-conjugated with various dehydrodipeptides to give aromatic peptide amphiphiles that resist proteolysis. Molecular dynamics simulations were used to obtain insight into the underlying molecular mechanism of self-assembly and to rationalize the design of this type of hydrogelators. The results obtained were in excellent agreement with the experimental observations. Only dehydrodipeptides having at least one aromatic amino acid gave hydrogels. The characterization of the hydrogels was carried out using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence spectroscopy and also rheological assays.


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The design of self-standing multilayered structures based on biopolymers has been attracting increasing interest due to their potential in the biomedical field. However, their use has been limited due to their gel-like properties. Herein, we report the combination of covalent and ionic cross-linking, using natural and non-cytotoxic cross-linkers, such as genipin and calcium chloride (CaCl2). Combining both cross-linking types the mechanical properties of the multilayers increased and the water uptake ability decreased. The ionic cross-linking of multilayered chitosan (CHI)â alginate (ALG) films led to freestanding membranes with multiple interesting properties, such as: improved mechanical strength, calcium-induced adhesion and shape memory ability. The use of CaCl2 also offered the possibility of reversibly switching all of these properties by simple immersion in a chelate solution. We attribute the switch-ability of the mechanical properties, shape memory ability and the propensity for induced-adhesion to the ionic cross-linking of the multilayers. These findings suggested the potential of the developed polysaccharide freestanding membranes in a plethora of research fields, including in biomedical and biotechnological fields.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Especialidade de Tecnologia Educativa)


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Manganese ferrite nanoparticles with a size distribution of 26 ± 7 nm (from TEM measurements) were synthesized by the coprecipitation method. The obtained nanoparticles exhibit a superparamagnetic behaviour at room temperature with a magnetic squareness of 0.016 and a coercivity field of 6.3 Oe. These nanoparticles were either entrapped in liposomes (aqueous magnetoliposomes, AMLs) or covered with a lipid bilayer, forming solid magnetoliposomes (SMLs). Both types of magnetoliposomes, exhibiting sizes below or around 150 nm, were found to be suitable for biomedical applications. Membrane fusion between magnetoliposomes (both AMLS and SMLs) and GUVs (giant unilamellar vesicles), the latter used as models of cell membranes, was confirmed by F¨orster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) assays, using a NBD labeled lipid as the energy donor and Nile Red or rhodamine B-DOPE as the energy acceptor. A potential antitumor thienopyridine derivative was successfully incorporated into both aqueous and solid magnetoliposomes, pointing to a promising application of these systems in oncological therapy, simultaneously as hyperthermia agents and nanocarriers for antitumor drugs.