27 resultados para deposition temperature
Whether at the zero spin density m = 0 and finite temperatures T > 0 the spin stiffness of the spin-1/2 XXX chain is finite or vanishes remains an unsolved and controversial issue, as different approaches yield contradictory results. Here we explicitly compute the stiffness at m = 0 and find strong evidence that it vanishes. In particular, we derive an upper bound on the stiffness within a canonical ensemble at any fixed value of spin density m that is proportional to m2L in the thermodynamic limit of chain length L → ∞, for any finite, nonzero temperature, which implies the absence of ballistic transport for T > 0 for m = 0. Although our method relies in part on the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA), it does not evaluate the stiffness through the second derivative of the TBA energy eigenvalues relative to a uniform vector potential. Moreover, we provide strong evidence that in the thermodynamic limit the upper bounds on the spin current and stiffness used in our derivation remain valid under string deviations. Our results also provide strong evidence that in the thermodynamic limit the TBA method used by X. Zotos [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1764 (1999)] leads to the exact stiffness values at finite temperature T > 0 for models whose stiffness is finite at T = 0, similar to the spin stiffness of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain but unlike the charge stiffness of the half-filled 1D Hubbard model.
One of the authors (S.M.) acknowledges Direction des Relations Extérieures of Ecole Polytechnique for financial support.
The ternary aluminium oxynitride (AlNxOy) system offers the possibility to obtain a wide range of properties by tailoring the ratio between pure Al, AlNx and AlOy and therefore opening a significant number of possible applications. In this work the thermal behaviour of AlNxOy thin films was analysed by modulated infrared radiometry (MIRR), taking as reference the binary AlOy and AlNx systems. MIRR is a non-contact and non-destructive thermal wave measurement technique based on the excitation, propagation and detection of temperature oscillations of very small amplitudes. The intended change of the partial pressure of the reactive gas (N2 and/or O2) influenced the target condition and hence the deposition characteristics which, altogether, affected the composition and microstructure of the films. Based on the MIRR measurements and their qualitative and quantitative interpretation, some correlations between the thermal transport properties of the films and their chemical/physical properties have been found. Furthermore, the potential of such technique applied in this oxynitride system, which present a wide range of different physical responses, is also discussed. The experimental results obtained are consistent with those reported in previous works and show a high potential to fulfil the demands needed for the possible applications of the systems studied. They are clearly indicative of an adequate thermal response if this particular thin film system is aimed to be applied in small sensor devices or in electrodes for biosignal acquisition, such as those for electroencephalography or electromyography as it is the case of the main research area that is being developed in the group.
Nanocomposite thin films consisting of a dielectric matrix, such as titanium oxide (TiO2), with embedded gold (Au) nanoparticles were prepared and will be analysed and discussed in detail in the present work. The evolution of morphological and structural features was studied for a wide range of Au concentrations and for annealing treatments in air, for temperatures ranging from 200 to 800 °C. Major findings revealed that for low Au atomic concentrations (at.%), there are only traces of clustering, and just for relatively high annealing temperatures, T ≥ 500 °C. Furthermore, the number of Au nanoparticles is extremely low, even for the highest annealing temperature, T = 800 °C. It is noteworthy that the TiO2 matrix also crystallizes in the anatase phase for annealing temperatures above 300 °C. For intermediate Au contents (5 at.% ≤ CAu ≤ 15 at.%), the formation of gold nanoclusters was much more evident, beginning at lower annealing temperatures (T ≥ 200 °C) with sizes ranging from 2 to 25 nm as the temperature increased. A change in the matrix crystallization from anatase to rutile was also observed in this intermediate range of compositions. For the highest Au concentrations (> 20 at.%), the films tended to form relatively larger clusters, with sizes above 20 nm (for T ≥ 400 °C). It is demonstrated that the structural and morphological characteristics of the films are strongly affected by the annealing temperature, as well as by the particular amounts, size and distribution of the Au nanoparticles dispersed in the TiO2 matrix.
We study the low frequency absorption cross section of spherically symmetric nonextremal d-dimensional black holes. In the presence of α′ corrections, this quantity must have an explicit dependence on the Hawking temperature of the form 1/TH. This property of the low frequency absorption cross section is shared by the D1-D5 system from type IIB superstring theory already at the classical level, without α′ corrections. We apply our formula to the simplest example, the classical d-dimensional Reissner-Nordstr¨om solution, checking that the obtained formula for the cross section has a smooth extremal limit. We also apply it for a d-dimensional Tangherlini-like solution with α′3 corrections.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Tese de Doutoramento Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Electrónica e Computadores.
Tese de Doutoramento (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia de Materiais)
Biofilm adhesion to metals (copper, aluminium and brass) was studied at two different velocities and pH values of 7 and 9. Both bacteria and metals showed negative surface charges at those values of pH, which tends to slow down adhesion. Film densities increased with the fluid velocity and were also affected by the pH and by the growth rate of the bacteria. Long duration tests based on heat transfer measurements were run at five different fluid velocities and at pH = 7, showing in general an asymptotic behaviour and a control of deposition by adhesion and growth phenomena.
Particulate fouling tests were carried out using kaolin-water suspensions flowing through an annular heat exchanger with a copper inner tube. The flow rate was changed from test to test, but the fluid temperature and pH, as well as the particle concentration, were maintained constant. In the lower range of fluid velocities (<0.5 m/s), the deposition process seemed to be controlled by mass transfer. The corresponding experimental transport fluxes were compared to the predictions obtained with several models, showing that diffusion governed particle transport. The absolute values of the mass transfer fluxes and their dependences on the Reynolds number were satisfactorily predicted by some of the models.