34 resultados para VP-SEM-EDS
Numa sociedade e cultura em que problemáticas biopsicoafetivas nas escolas emergem a cada dia, parece justificar-se ponderar formas eficazes de prevenir comportamentos sexuais de risco. Esta Investigação-Ação inicial e exploratória tem como fundamento a avaliação-intervenção e reflexão sobre ideias/pensamentos de jovens acolhidos em Lares de Infância e Juventude (LIJs), no sentido de se entender melhor o impacto de fatores de risco e de fatores de equilíbrio/moderadores, em LIJ´s, com condições de vida problemáticas associadas: orfandade, situação socioeconómica frágil, exposição a modelos educativos desajustados, entre outros critérios de relação e cultura distinta de “meios naturais de vida”. Parecem evidentes as consequências negativas do afastamento familiar, absentismo escolar, limitações de competências sociais-pessoais, para se melhorar/potenciar a existência de menores. Compreendem-se dificuldades na área da implementação da Educação Sexual, consistente e prolongada, assim como a emergência de condutas psicossexuais desajustadas, que possam comprometer uma sexualidade saudável. Assim, foram efetuadas entrevistas semiestruturadas a 8 jovens, de 18-26 anos, antigos residentes de LIJs, com permanência (prolongada), excedendo os quatro anos, o que possibilita apresentar, por método e técnicas de Analise de Discurso, conceções de sexualidade e consequentemente poder delinear um plano interventivo com outros mais jovens. Entre outros dados, apreende-se que nenhum dos participantes refere motivos plenos para a sua institucionalização, ignorando ou rejeitando a adversidade e maus tratos/abuso na sua infância.
[Excerpt] The idea of community is usually associated with radio today in the context of what Bart Cammaerts (2009,635) classifies as a "third type of broadcast, namely participatory radio, complementary to both commercial and public media". Following Ellie Rennie (2006, 3), community radio corresponds, as all other forms of community media, to non-profit media that provide "community members with an opportunity to participate in the production process". For the International Association for Media and Communication Research, which supports a research group on Community Communication, this area includes media that originate from, circulate and resonate with the sphere of civil society.
A herança das marcas de luxo é uma componente da marca (Aaker, 2004), construída numa dimensão intangível — do imaginário (Maffesoli, 2006), do mito, do desejo (Castarède, 2007) — e materializada em vários suportes de comunicação, entre estes, as imagens publicitárias em revistas de moda. Segundo vários autores (Kopnina, 2007; Morris & Nichols, 2013; Moulins & Roux, 2008), a herança das marcas de luxo é representada na publicidade através de uma linguagem simbólica que transmite os valores e emoções da marca, apela à dimensão sensitiva e afetiva dos consumidores e tenta seduzi-los e conquistá-los, articulando o passado, o presente e o futuro, a sua herança (Hill, 2006). No quadro de um projeto de investigação de doutoramento sobre o tema, pretende-se discutir o conceito de herança da marca e o papel da comunicação publicitária no processo de construção da mesma. O foco incide nas marcas de luxo de vestuário, dada a forte carga simbólica que define este segmento (Lipovetsky & Roux, 2005; Lipovetsky, 2007) e a importância vital da dimensão intangível neste setor (Hancock II et al. (Eds.), 2014; Husband & Chadha, 2007; Kapferer & Bastien, 2009a; Okonkwo, 2007; Tungate, 2009). Como suporte teórico para esta discussão, articulam-se saberes provenientes da gestão da marca, do marketing, da sociologia e da filosofia. Por ser uma marca que investe na construção da sua herança e na criação de produtos icónicos, nomeadamente o trench coat (Moore & Birtwistle, 2004), propomos ilustrar a nossa reflexão com o exemplo da marca britânica Burberry e das suas imagens publicitárias. Para o efeito, recorremos às últimas 4 imagens publicitárias da Burberry, publicadas na Vogue UK, por ser o país de origem da marca. Assim, iremos 1) analisar a herança da Burberry e o papel da trench coat nesta construção e no percurso da marca; 2) identificar, nas imagens, os elementos sígnicos que remetem para a herança da Burberry; 3) relacionar estes elementos com a história e o percurso da Burberry para compreender a forma como estas imagens fazem do trench coat um produto icónico da marca. Assim, este trabalho, no quadro do nosso projeto de investigação de doutoramento, permite-nos aprofundar conceitos e relações centrais na problemática tecida e testar caminhos para a sua exploração empírica.
Organic-inorganic hybrid (OIH) sol-gel coatings based on ureasilicates (U(X)) have promising properties for use as eco-friendly coatings on hot dip galvanized steel (HDGS) and may be considered potential substitutes for pre-treatment systems containing Cr(VI). These OIH coatings reduce corrosion activity during the initial stages of contact of the HDGS samples with highly alkaline environments (cementitious media) and allow the mitigation of harmful effects of an initial excessive reaction between cement pastes and the zinc layer. However, the behavior of HDGS coated with U(X) in the presence of chloride ions has never been reported. In this paper, the performance of HDGS coated with five different U(X) coatings was assessed by electrochemical measurements in chloride-contaminated simulated concrete pore solution (SCPS). U(X) sol-gel coatings were produced and deposited on HDGS by a dip coating method. The coatings performance was evaluated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potentiodynamic polarization curves measurements, macrocell current density and polarization resistance in contact with chloride-contaminated SCPS. The SEM/EDS analyses of the coatings before and after the tests were also performed. The results showed that the HDGS samples coated with the OIH coatings exhibited enhanced corrosion resistance to chloride ions when compared to uncoated galvanized steel.
The aim of this work was to investigate the effect on a display gamut of varying the optical density and the position of the maximum sensitivity of the cones spectra of anomalous trichromatic observers. The anomalous cone spectral sensitivities were estimated for a set of varying optical density and maximum sensitivity spectra conditions and used to compute the display color gamut. The computed display gamut simulated for normal observers the chro- matic diversity perceived by anomalous observers. It was found that even small variations on the optical density and on the position of the maximum sensitivity spectra have an impact on the simulations of the display gamut for anomalous observers. It was also found that simulations for deuteroanomalous observers are the ones with greater impact if the estimation of the corresponding color display gamut is not carefully adjusted for the observer.
Observers can adjust the spectrum of illumination on paintings for optimal viewing experience. But can they adjust the colors of paintings for the best visual impression? In an experiment carried out on a calibrated color moni- tor images of four abstract paintings obtained from hyperspectral data were shown to observers that were unfamiliar with the paintings. The color volume of the images could be manipulated by rotating the volume around the axis through the average (a*, b*) point for each painting in CIELAB color space. The task of the observers was to adjust the angle of rotation to produce the best subjective impression from the paintings. It was found that the distribution of angles selected for data pooled across paintings and observers could be de- scribed by a Gaussian function centered at 10o, i.e. very close to the original colors of the paintings. This result suggest that painters are able to predict well what compositions of colors observers prefer.
It is well known that color coding facilitates search and iden- tification in real-life tasks. The aim of this work was to compare reac- tion times for normal color and dichromatic observers in a visual search experiment. A unique distracter color was used to avoid abnormal color vision vulnerability to background complexity. Reaction times for nor- mal color observers and dichromats were estimated for 2◦ central vision at 48 directions around a white point in CIE L∗a∗b∗ color space for systematic examination on the mechanisms of dichromatic color percep- tion. The results show that mean search times for dichromats were twice larger compared to the normal color observers and for all directions. The difference between the copunctual confusion lines and the confusion direction measure experimentally was 5.5◦ for protanopes and 7.5◦ for deuteranopes.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
In: A. Cunha, E. Kindler (eds.): Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (Bx 2015), L’Aquila, Italy, July 24, 2015, published at http://ceur-ws.org
[INTRODUCTION] An accurate preoperative rectal cancer staging is crucial to the correct management of the disease. Despite great controversy around this issue, pelvic magnetic resonance (RM) is said to be the imagiologic standard modality. This work aimed to evaluate magnetic resonance accuracy in preoperative rectal cancer staging comparing with the anatomopathological results. METHODS We calculated sensibility, specificity, positive (VP positive) and negative (VP negative) predictive values for each T and N. We evaluated the concordance between both methods of staging using the Cohen weighted K (Kw), and through ROC curves, we evaluated magnetic resonance accuracy in rectal cancer staging. RESULTS 41 patients met the inclusion criteria. We achieved an efficacy of 43.9% for T and 61% for N staging. The respective sensibility, specificity, positive and negative predictive values are 33.3%, 94.7%, 33.3% and 94.7% for T1; 62.5%, 32%, 37.0% and 57.1% for T2; 31.8%, 79%, 63.6% and 50% for T3 and 27.8%, 87%, 62.5% and 60.6% for N. We obtained a poor concordance for T and N staging and the anatomopathological results. The ROC curves indicated that magnetic resonance is ineffective in rectal cancer staging. CONCLUSION Magnetic resonance has a moderate efficacy in rectal cancer staging and the major difficulty is in differentiating T2 and T3.
Publicado em "Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". Vol. 8, suppl. s1 (2014)
Dissertação de mestrado em Applied Biochemistry (área de especialização em Biomedicine)
Dissertação de mestrado em Química Medicinal