20 resultados para TiO2-CuO composite
Nanocomposite thin films consisting of a dielectric matrix, such as titanium oxide (TiO2), with embedded gold (Au) nanoparticles were prepared and will be analysed and discussed in detail in the present work. The evolution of morphological and structural features was studied for a wide range of Au concentrations and for annealing treatments in air, for temperatures ranging from 200 to 800 °C. Major findings revealed that for low Au atomic concentrations (at.%), there are only traces of clustering, and just for relatively high annealing temperatures, T ≥ 500 °C. Furthermore, the number of Au nanoparticles is extremely low, even for the highest annealing temperature, T = 800 °C. It is noteworthy that the TiO2 matrix also crystallizes in the anatase phase for annealing temperatures above 300 °C. For intermediate Au contents (5 at.% ≤ CAu ≤ 15 at.%), the formation of gold nanoclusters was much more evident, beginning at lower annealing temperatures (T ≥ 200 °C) with sizes ranging from 2 to 25 nm as the temperature increased. A change in the matrix crystallization from anatase to rutile was also observed in this intermediate range of compositions. For the highest Au concentrations (> 20 at.%), the films tended to form relatively larger clusters, with sizes above 20 nm (for T ≥ 400 °C). It is demonstrated that the structural and morphological characteristics of the films are strongly affected by the annealing temperature, as well as by the particular amounts, size and distribution of the Au nanoparticles dispersed in the TiO2 matrix.
High performance concrete (HPC) offers several advantages over normal-strength concrete, namely, high mechanical strength and high durability. Therefore, HPC allows for concrete structures with less steel reinforcement and a longer service life, both of which are crucial issues in the eco-efficiency of construction materials. Nevertheless international publications on the field of concrete containing nanoparticles are scarce when compared to Portland cement concrete (around 1%) of the total international publications. HPC nanoparticle-based publications are even scarcer. This article presents the results of an experimental investigation on the mechanical properties and durability of HPC based on nano-TiO2 and fly ash. The durability performance was assessed by means of water absorption by immersion, water absorption by capillarity, ultrasonic pulse velocity, electric resistivity, chloride diffusion and resistance to sulphuric acid attack. The results show that the concretes containing an increased content of nano-TiO2 show decreased durability performance. The results also show that concrete with 1% nano-TiO2 and 30% fly ash as Portland cement replacement show a high mechanical strength (C55/C67) and a high durability. However, it should be noted that the cost of nano-TiO2 is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of concrete mixtures.
Enzymatic polymerization of aniline was first performed in lignosulfonate (LGS) template system. High-redox-potential catalyst laccase, isolated from Aspergillus, was used as a biocatalyst in the synthesis of conducting polyaniline/lignosulfonate (PANI-ES-LGS) complex using atmospheric oxygen as the oxidizing agent. The linear templates (LGS), also serving as the dopants, could facilitate the directional alignment of the monomer and improve the solubility of the conducting polymer. The process of the polymerization was monitored using UV-Vis spectroscopy, by which the conditions for laccase-catalyzed synthesis of PANI-ES-LGS complex were also optimized. The structure characterizations and solubility of the complex were carried out using corresponding characterization techniques respectively. The PANI-ES-LGS suspensions obtained was used as coating for cotton with a conventional padder to explore the applications of the complex. The variable optoelectronic properties of the coated cotton were confirmed by cyclic voltammetry and color strength test. The molecular weight changes of LGS treated by laccase were also studied to discuss the mechanism of laccase catalyzed aniline polymerization in LGS template system.
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Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Têxtil