18 resultados para Seabra, J. J. (José Joaquim), 1855-1942.
The influence of the feed composition upon the actual degrees of separation attained at the top and bottom sections of a thermogravitational column is discussed using the classical phenomenological theory of Furry, Jones, and Onsager. It is shown that, except for a feed composition of C 0 = 0.5 (mass fraction), the separation profile is nonsymmetric, i.e., the separations in the top and bottom sections of the column are nonsymmetric with respect to the feed composition, the asymmetry increasing as the feed composition moves away from C 0 = 0.5. An equation for the determination of the optimum feed location as a function of the feed composition is derived.
The equivalent annulus width concept is used to characterize a small commercial thermogravitational hermal diffusion column and its validity checked experimentally by separating batchwise in the column mixtures of n-heptanebenzene with different initial concentrations. The equation of Ruppell and Coull was used to analyse the data in the short separation times range and determine the equivalent annulus width. Good agreement was obtained between the experimental and predicted time-separation curves when using the equivalent annulus width value and on averaged value of the thermal diffusion constant. A new method is presented for the simultaneous determination of the equivalent annulus width and the thermal diffusion constant of a binary mixture from a single set of experimental data.
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